Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - How far is it from Longhu Du Zi to No.256, Beibin No.1 Road, Jiangbei District?

How far is it from Longhu Du Zi to No.256, Beibin No.1 Road, Jiangbei District?

This data comes from Baidu map, and the final result is subject to the latest data of Baidu map.

Bus route: Rail Transit Line 6

Rail Transit Line 3

64 1 road, the whole journey is about 9.3 kilometers.

1. Walk about 460 meters from Longhu Zidu to Dalongshan Station.

2. Take Rail Transit Line 6 and pass 2 stops.

Arrive at Hongqi Hegou Station

3. Take Rail Transit Line 3 and pass 2 stops.

Arrive at Huaxin street station

4. Walk about150m to Huaxin Street Station.

5. Take bus 64 1 and pass 2 stops.

Arrive at Beibin Road 1 Station

6. Walk about 450 meters and arrive at No.256, Beibin No.1 Road, Jiangbei District.