Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Why are constellations so popular? "Happy dessert" or "psychologist"?

Why are constellations so popular? "Happy dessert" or "psychologist"?

Why are constellations so popular? Are they "Happy Desserts" or "Psychologists"?

Scientific analysis constellation

Personally, a person's character is gradually formed through environment and experience, which is a complex embodiment of human nature.

I don't believe that astrology is scientific, at least I don't admit that astrology is a science. There is a simple reason. Science needs precision and technicality. Science allows mistakes, but not uncertainties. Astrology is largely uncertain. So it is difficult to become a science.

First of all, let's talk about how unscientific the conclusion that the sun constellation determines personality is. The Sun Constellation is the twelve constellations on the ecliptic plane, also known as the zodiac. What we generally call [constellation] refers to [sun constellation]; That is to say, people (people on the earth, of course) are the center, and at the same time they run to the relative constellation position in the orbit of the sun (Greek is ZODIAC: meaning-the circle made by animals, also known as "ecliptic"). Although this division seems reasonable and well-founded, it is wrong to regard it as real astrology.

Astrology has a very long history, and its origin is generally believed to be the prosperous Sumerian civilization era about 5000 years ago (Mesopotamian plain in the second century BC). Since ancient times, astrology has been regarded as a very difficult science, which requires knowledge of philosophy, astronomy and attributes at the same time. Usually, it is difficult for most people to understand. In the era without calculators and computers, it is also very complicated to calculate the positions of various celestial bodies in the solar system and make star maps. However, more than 0/00 years ago, an astrologer named Allen Leo greatly simplified the complicated astrology. He just calculated a person's solar constellation by using the sun without calculating the position, and compiled a rough and simple solar constellation. However, this kind of solar astrology is far from the real astrology and astrology. To some extent, it can only be regarded as a game, and it cannot be equated with the vast astrology. Many people think that astrology is so superficial and simple that people are divided into only 12 personalities. That was not the case. It is impossible to reflect "one's irreplaceability" through this sun sign. You know, astrologers will make a unique astrolabe (also called astrology or astrolabe) when analyzing everyone. Just like fingerprints, no one can have the same star map as you. Because everyone was born at a different time and place, looking up at the sky at this time, the planets in the sky have different positions for you, and the influence from big to small is also different, resulting in different fate and personality of everyone. This is the source of astrology. However, ancient astrologers expanded their discovery-there is one at every 30-degree bisector at the 360-degree interface of the earth outside the solar system, making a total of 12 constellations. Babies born when the earth moves to every fraction (constellation) will always have some similar characteristics when they grow up, including behavioral characteristics. However, this general and vague classification is irresponsible from both the scientific and astrological perspectives. Its success depends more on the successful grasp of people's psychology and a representative mathematical model formed by a large-capacity sampling statistics.

Interestingly, both people who think that constellations are scientific and those who think that constellations are pseudoscience agree with the argument that climate has an impact on people. However, it is considered that the constellation is scientific and the climate has an influence on the fetus, while the constellation is pseudoscientific and the climate has an influence on the day after tomorrow. However, since ancient Greece, wise men or philosophers have inferred that climate has an influence on people. In Montesquieu's On the Spirit of Law, there is also a discussion about the influence of region on culture and people's physiology or psychology. Based on this tendency of empirical research, a kind of discipline, such as geopolitics, has emerged, which comprehensively examines human beings in combination with regional characteristics.

In my opinion, the influence of region on human beings is inevitable in science, just as different regional environments affect the evolution of birds in the theory of evolution. Regional differences will certainly lead to differences between people. Moreover, does this difference belong to congenital or non-congenital?

The day after tomorrow should be a whole, including both congenital and acquired. That is, after the distant ancestors settled down, the genetic changes produced by their acquired changes will be passed on to future generations with the birth of future generations. As for the impact on the fetus, it is impossible to judge because there is not much empirical scientific support. So the fundamental argument that constellations are scientific is untenable.

Some British scientists have suggested that the gravitational tide of celestial bodies affects the fetus. This theory can only support traditional astrology, and cannot provide scientific basis for today's popular astrology. Because traditional astrology specializes in calculating the date and place of birth (determining the starry sky at the zenith of birth). The simplified constellation calculation method is impossible to be supported by the celestial gravitational tide theory, and only the general law of celestial gravitational tide is still not very accurate. From a scientific point of view, there is a great bias. Nature is inevitably influenced by physical forces such as gravity. However, after these rough calculations, it is necessary to carefully consider whether the impact is really that great. However, to say the least, even if there is a connection between the two, it is at best a vague and general connection. This connection cannot be used as an argument for scientific constellations.

When it comes to the scientific nature of astrology, we can regard it as a development based on statistics. That is, the reason why constellations can judge personality and so on, or how accurate constellation personality analysis is, is based on a large sampling statistics. In other words, constellation analysis is based on the similarity statistics of a large number of different people, and then a mathematical model is made. The personality analysis of each constellation is calculated from this. And this summary of a large number of statistical data has a certain * * *. Therefore, the conclusions reflected by many data have certain credibility. However, not all the information is accurate. Everyone has had this experience, sometimes accurate and sometimes inaccurate. This just shows that astrology is unscientific and scientific, allowing only errors and not uncertainties. The reason why we agree with the character analysis of constellations is precisely because this analysis is based on a large number of statistical data, and it is the most * * *, so our psychology has hinted and we feel that the analysis of constellations is more and more accurate.

Of course, there is a paradox here. "If the statistics are true, why can't astrology be said to be scientific?" The reasons are as follows.

Why astrology is correct in constellation statistics does not mean that the constellation is scientific. There is a simple reason. Constellations believe that constellations, that is, stars, have an influence on people. Of course, if the influence of the sun is still partially credible, other stars will probably talk nonsense. Many stars are hundreds of thousands of light-years away from the earth. The light they reached the earth was emitted hundreds of thousands of years ago, not to mention gravity and so on. Even the sun, I don't think its gravity will have any concrete influence on psychology or neuroscience.

Simply put, astrology is not so much a science as a psychological game. The reason why constellation analysis makes us feel so accurate lies more in psychological choice and psychological suggestion. In this case, you will unconsciously associate your situation with the so-called prediction, which will give people the illusion of accurate prediction. Moreover, the language in the prophecy is very vague, and almost everyone will encounter some predictions in the prophecy. For example, it says that you will have bad luck today, and everyone will have unhappy things one day. Coupled with the influence of psychological guidance, people naturally feel that the prophecy has come true. Weird psychology can well explain this psychological game with the so-called "inertia" and "physiological reaction mode of deficiency and excess". Ever heard of psychosomatic diseases? It is that although the body is not sick, it always suspects that it has some kind of disease. Over time, the body really began to show symptoms of disease, and then some people really got sick. This is the power of psychological suggestion. You are Aries. You read the introduction of Aries, as long as 20% is in line with your personality, you will feel really accurate! This is not an explanation I forced on you! For a stranger, as long as the other person tells you 20% of the things, most people will think that he is very accurate. However, it is easy to say 20%, which also contains a psychological "Barnum effect", that is, when others say ambiguous words afterwards, people often believe that it is in line with their own reality. Then you believe it when you think it's accurate, and then the power of psychological suggestion appears. The more you believe, the more you like, the more you like, the more you believe, and so on, so finally? You think it's wonderful! In addition, we also have the problems of psychological choice and psychological suggestion reinforcement. If the constellation analysis doesn't conform to our own situation, we will naturally ignore it psychologically (why not, because at that time, the subconscious thought that the constellation was just superstitious and could not be fully believed), but once we found that the analysis conformed to our actual situation, we would give ourselves psychological hints that the constellation was accurate, and this hint would increase with the accurate conclusion of "accident".

Some scientists have done experiments and recorded in detail the analysis of a constellation that killed more than ten people. Then I collected information in the society, saying that the horoscope master would calculate the astrolabe for everyone for free, so that everyone could send their horoscopes to the research room enthusiastically, and then print N copies of the killer's horoscopes and send them back to these people. As a result, many people responded "too accurate!" "This is me at all!" Is it possible that a group of normal people and a murderer who killed more than a dozen people are the same character? This is a reflection of the lack of human ability. In ancient times, people's feudal superstition was the result of people's low scientific level. Now people's scientific and cultural level has been greatly improved, but it has not reached the point where they don't believe in superstition at all, so the above phenomenon has appeared. Like this, the so-called constellation analysis is very general. There is always something that fits you, and then there will be the so-called halo effect. You will believe all this and feel "ah! So accurate! " In fact, it just borrowed some conventional psychology to make it more accurate. However, the more specific the information, the more inaccurate the astrological results. This is because of the diversity of individual information, which leads to the fact that the mathematical model given by astrology with simple statistics can not keep accurate under a large fuzzy rate. I have calculated with the online stars several times, and the conclusions of several websites are different. And it is quite different from the analysis of ordinary sun constellations. Of course, some conclusions will be consistent with the situation.

My conclusion is that in a wide and imprecise range, constellation analysis is based on grand statistics, and a considerable part of its conclusions are * * * (which may also be caused by * * * psychological hints). Once the calculated information is accurate and the data is individualized, the accuracy will drop sharply. Because it is difficult to unify personal statistics. Therefore, astrology is meaningful in general statistics, and there is no basis for inference such as traffic. So this popular astrology is just a psychological game, which is unscientific.

The reason why the constellation runs rampant:

1. A Japanese social psychologist Yin Shanzhuang said: Fashion is created by young people. It shows that young people are also making fashion themselves.

And its position and role in popularity. Because of their inherent physiological and psychological characteristics, young people have instinctive sensitivity, innate hobbies and eager pursuit of fashion.

2. Because China doesn't have the dominant religion like western countries, young people like college students. They

Their psychology is in a period of need of guidance. Their temporary social status determines that they are in a stage of "role confusion" and are full of confusion about themselves and all aspects of society. So they want certainty, and Constellation Prediction just meets their special psychological needs in this period. Kant once said, "I must leave a place for my faith." Everyone has this psychological need, but it is different at different stages of my life.

3. Rationalize your behavior. After encountering failure or frustration, we should legalize and rationalize our behavior in order to gain self-esteem.

Comfortable. By combining the prediction of "constellation" with our own ideals, we can use these statements to find a rational basis for our ideal behavior. Young college students are still unknown about their future life, study, love, work and other aspects, so they pursue something certain and hope to understand and master their future. Young people's unique curiosity and pursuit of new things will also find a reasonable explanation in Constellation Prediction.

4. In the previous statistical analysis, the ratio of "constellation prediction" to "accuracy" may be

Because girls are more sensitive to cognitive problems than boys, they are more likely to accept self-psychological hints. Social psychology believes that when people often repeat a behavior and get constant affirmation, they are more inclined to continue doing it. The repetition of this behavior will lead people to believe more and more, and will eventually achieve the "role-playing" effect of attitude change in social psychology. note:

1. Barnum effect is a psychological phenomenon proved by psychologist bertram Fowler in 1948. It mainly shows that it is easy for everyone to believe a general description of personality.

Not suitable for him. Even though this description is empty, he still thinks it reflects his personality. In order to avoid Barnum effect, we should know ourselves objectively and truly.

2. Halo effect, also known as "halo effect", belongs to the category of psychology. Halo effect refers to the phenomenon that people's cognitive judgments about others are based on personal likes and dislikes, and then other qualities of cognitive objects are inferred from this judgment.

3. Role-playing refers to the process and activities in which an individual can play a certain role conditionally and undertake and reproduce the role. The main contents include:

Role determination: on the social stage, people can't play roles at will. Role commitment must first go through a certain process, or "recognition" to prove that a person's actual status, identity and so on are consistent with his role commitment. The determination of the role is completed in the long-term social interaction. There are often mistakes in the determination of roles, such as being incompetent, not playing the right role, choosing the inappropriate role and so on. Whether the role is effective or not is ultimately determined by society, but it is also inseparable from individual activities and efforts.

Role distance: this refers to the gap between the individual and the role he assumes. The so-called "role distance" includes those whose behavior and quality can't meet the role norms, such as soldiers with lax military discipline, professors who are not worthy of the name, and people whose quality is far above the role norms, such as overqualified people or adults who play with children. When a person does not assume a role, his behavior does not constitute a role distance. The role distance shows the separation between self and ideal role model, which prevents a person from entering the role.

Role performance: the performance of social roles requires a series of means. Just as the performance on the stage needs decoration, the social performance also needs scenery and props, but the difference is that the social stage needs physical objects. On the one hand, they play a symbolic role, not only as a symbol of role performance, but also as a place for role activities; On the other hand, they are also very practical. What is more closely related to social performers is appearance and manners. The former is the external representation of the role, and the latter is the reflection of the internal quality of the role. Role performance can be divided into foreground and background. Stage performance refers to people playing a role, while stage performance refers to the preparatory activities before the formal performance. It is of practical significance to distinguish these two manifestations. Such as hotels, restaurants and other service personnel must avoid confusing these two performances. In order to make the roles perform well, it is necessary to realize the cooperation between the roles, otherwise the mistake of one role may lead to the failure of the whole performance.

Acting process: role performance needs to go through two links first: one is the expectation of the role. When people assume a certain role, the first thing they encounter is the expectations of society or others. The second is the understanding of the role, that is, the role bearer's practice of the role is the further development of expectation and understanding, and it is the role shown in the individual's actual actions.

Role set: refers to a group of interdependent and complementary roles. The role set includes two situations: 1, where multiple roles are concentrated on one person, such as one person taking on multiple roles such as mother, doctor, director, trade union member and part-time professor. It mainly emphasizes a person's inner relationship. The undertakers of different roles are linked by specific role relationships. For example, in hospitals, doctors, nurses, patients, patients' families, etc. Gather together to form a character set.

Constellation is the most popular personality analysis at present, with high accuracy. It is a fashion pursuit of modern young people, especially those who are in love. Constellation is a psychological doctor in the form of entertainment, and it is not superstitious that it is scientific. I believe that there will be movies or TV series with twelve constellations in the future.