Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - 1what is the constellation on September 29th, 974, and it returned to ancient China?

1what is the constellation on September 29th, 974, and it returned to ancient China?

1what is the constellation on September 29th, 974?

Original author | Feng Xingyuan

Excerpt | Luo Dong

A Course in General Economics: A Course in Economics Closely Related to Our Future, by Feng Xingyuan, Zhu Haijiu, Huang Chun Xing, etc. , Hainan Publishing House, August 2020.

Mencius' "easy access to work" is also a kind of exchange order.

Mencius, named Ke, was born in Zouguo (now southeast of Zoucheng, Shandong Province). Philosophers and thinkers in the Warring States period were the representatives of Confucianism after Confucius and before Xunzi, and they were also called "Confucius and Mencius" with Confucius.

Influenced by the traditional concepts passed down to this day, we often equate order with hierarchical concepts, that is, hierarchical order, but non-hierarchical order also exists, such as exchange order. Mencius, an ancient philosopher in China, said that "easy access to work" refers to exchange, and the order involved in "easy access to work" is the exchange order. The exchange is beneficial to both sides. Mises pointed out that only when both buyers and sellers feel that the subjective evaluation of what they give up is lower than what they get, the sale will be reached.

Mencius mentioned the word "Yi Tong Gong" in Mencius Teng Wengong, from which he pointed out the benefits of division of labor and free exchange:

"Zi Yi doesn't work, but if he doesn't make up for it, the farmers will have more than millet and the women will have more than cloth; If the child is connected, then the craftsman will have to eat the child. "

-"Mencius and Teng Wengong"

Translated into modern Chinese, it means: "If the exchange is not implemented, so that people can exchange and supplement the insufficient goods with the surplus goods, then farmers will have leftover corn and women will have leftover cloth. If the exchange is implemented, carpenters and turners can make a living from you. "

"You" here means "You are a vassal". The so-called "easy to make" means zhǐ "exchange" and "exchange". Mencius emphasized here that surplus grain and surplus cloth should be exchanged to realize division of labor and cooperation and exchange needed commodities. If the surplus goods (that is, "envy") are exchanged for and supplemented with insufficient goods, then the situation of exchange participants can be improved. If we don't exchange, the situation of all parties will not be improved, thus losing the opportunity to improve the situation of all parties. This is the opportunity cost of exchanging needed goods. Promoting the improvement of all parties' conditions by exchanging needed commodities is what economists call "Pareto improvement" today. However, economists don't have a good name for this kind of behavior or situation. It is obvious that "Pareto improvement" can be achieved through exchange, but B does it or not. Let's take an ugly name here for the time being, that is "fool trap"

The "peddler" who is active in the spontaneous trading market is a common element in various paintings since the Song Dynasty. The picture shows the winter chapter of "Selling Map" painted by Lv, a Zhejiang painter in Ming Dynasty.

The nomadic people in northern China in ancient times were often called "barbarians". In winter, people of this ethnic group either exchanged goods with the Han people at that time, or went to war and rob. Nomads have excellent horses and fine fur, while Han people at that time had salt rice, clothes, silk and Quetta materials. If the court at that time did not allow trading, the choice of nomadic people was clear, that is, to fight and plunder.

There is also a word "katallatein" in ancient Greek, which means "it is easy to get through work". I referred to the previous translation, transliterated as "katara Tai". Economist Hayek believes that the ancient Greek term "katara and Thailand" has three meanings: one is mutual communication; Second, it is accepted by society; The third is to turn enemies into friends. Exchange is related to mutual trading, communication and acceptance, and it is related to turning enemies into friends, not imposing them on others. This influence has been vividly reflected in the history of the relationship between the ancient regime in China and the nomadic people in the north. In modern history, its benchmark case is postwar European integration: achieving peace through economic integration. At present, the EU has 27 member States (excluding Britain), and this practice of turning enemies into friends by promoting economic integration is called "new functionalism method".

"Easy job" can be understood as an exchange ranking, but what is behind it? There are many answers: first, the division of labor emphasized by Smith; The second is the division of knowledge emphasized by Hayek; The third is the enjoyment of thought. We have introduced the division of labor and knowledge. What needs to be added here is that the knowledge in knowledge division is not only some practical knowledge, but also "ideas". At first, some people held some ideas, and later this idea spread continuously. In this way, these ideas are no longer part of the division of knowledge, but become the knowledge enjoyed by * * *. This is because the premise of division of labor is that you have me in this respect and I have you in that respect; The result of the expansion of ideas may be that everyone internalizes some ideas into his own consciousness. Hayek called the market level X2 the "expanded order" of human cooperation, which is an expanding cooperation order. With the expansion of the market, people's interests are also expanding, and their recognition of market rules and order is also expanding, eventually becoming the belief of * * *.

Therefore, "easy to get a job" not only refers to the narrow sense of product exchange, but also refers to the exchange of knowledge, ideas and assets generated in the interaction with others, as well as the enjoyment of market concepts. Hayek said that the operation of the market system can be understood as "easy access" competition, which is a competition to create wealth, rather than a "zero-sum game" in game theory. If it is a "zero-sum game", then in the interaction between you and me, what you get is what I lose. In fact, this "zero-sum game" should be called "negative-sum game", because the "zero-sum game" in game theory does not take into account that you and I both need to spend běn, at least it takes time.

It is not difficult for us to gain insight into the non-hierarchy, non-privilege and mutual benefit of the market order. With the deepening of China's transition from planned economy to market economy, our view of order should also change from hierarchical order to non-hierarchical order. In this process, we need to promote the rule of law to protect it.

From Laozi's "Governing by Doing Nothing" to Hayek's "Spontaneous Order"

Laozi, surnamed Li chēng 'er, was born in the late Spring and Autumn Period. He is a thinker, philosopher, founder and main representative of Taoist school, and together with Zhuangzi, he is called "Laozi and Zhuangzi".

Laozi advocated "governing by doing nothing", which Hayek once highly praised. 1966 In September, Hayek delivered a speech entitled "The Principles of ZHI Order in a Free Society" in Tokyo. When talking about the theory of spontaneous order, he asked excitedly: "Isn't this exactly what Laozi said:' I do nothing, the people make it; I'm so quiet, and the people are self-righteous? "

Here, the "self-transformation" and "self-correction" of the people are a spontaneous order, while the "inaction" and "quietness" of the saints are the guarantee for the operation of the spontaneous order. According to Hayek's explanation, "spontaneous order" is "the product of human action rather than artificial design". It is related to the rational behavior of many people, but it cannot be grasped, controlled, dominated and designed by a single person's rationality, which is also what Hayek said. The guarantee of "spontaneous order" is that everyone in society abides by Hayek's principle of "freedom under the law", and the so-called adherents also include the government.

But the "inaction" and "quietness" advocated by Laozi are definitely not "inaction", but a kind of "positive non-intervention". There are at least three similarities between Laozi's thought of "governing by doing nothing" and Hayek's view of "spontaneous order", so it is necessary to make a simple analysis here.

The first chapter of the Tao Te Ching states: "It is based on the sage's inaction, teaching without words, and everything starts, aiming at ambition and making contributions." This sentence probably means: "Therefore, saints treat the world with the concept of inaction and educate the world in a silent way; Let everything rise naturally, not for it; Do something, but don't add your own tendencies; Success is not self-sufficient. "

Laozi advocates that "a sage teaches no words by doing nothing", in which "doing nothing" means never doing what should not be done, and doing what should be done according to the rules. What he called "inaction" refers to the role of education by emphasizing "inaction". Laozi's "inaction" and "silence" are similar to Hayek's criticism of the dogmatic "laissez-faire" concept of letting things develop on their own. This criticism can be found in his famous book The Road to Slavery.

Friedrich Chaugustvonhayek (1May 8, 899-1March 23, 992), born in Austria, is a British economist and political philosopher, and 1974 Nobel Prize winner in economics.

In the above article, Laozi advocates that "everything is created from the beginning", while Hayek advocates the "spontaneous order" that depends on the development of things, that is, what Laozi called "everything is created"; Hayek advocated folk "artificial design" or "construction", that is, what Lao Tzu called "beginning". This is only the first level of the proposition of Lao Tzu and Hayek.

However, if we take a laissez-faire attitude towards the development of everything, some problems will inevitably arise. At this time, Lao Tzu emphasized that "it is also for ambition." Ambition here refers to passion, inclination and arbitrariness. This statement of Laozi is equivalent to "planning for freedom" advocated by Hayek in the book The Road to Slavery. Behind it is to take action to form and maintain a universal and abstract rule framework, so that the organization can operate properly, rather than interfering with its specific results. This is the proposition of Laozi and Hayek at the second level.

In fact, Lao Tzu's proposition of "success and glory" emphasizes the recognition of the self-organizing ability and function of society and market, while the sage's "inaction" is a proper move, and it is not necessary to count the credit on himself. Accordingly, Hayek emphasized that human civilizations such as market order and common law all evolved from spontaneous order at first. Everyone, including government officials, should abide by the principle of "virtue and freedom under the law", and the role of the government is to make this spontaneous order work better. Therefore, Laozi's thought of "success and prosperity" is also the proper meaning of Hayek's thought and theory. This is the * * * opinion of Lao Zi and Hayek on the third floor of miàn.

In the stills of the TV series "Daming Dynasty1566" (2007), the court's "changing rice into mulberry" conflicted with farmers' livelihood.

Of course, there are many differences between Laozi and Hayek's thoughts. Laozi mainly emphasized how saints should be "inaction" and "speechless" when facing the people's "self-transformation" and "self-correction". Here we have to ask who the saint is. We don't need to answer here. In Hayek's vocabulary, the word "saint" naturally does not exist. Laozi advocated "no Shang Xian, let the people do not dispute", that is, advocated a "no competition" order, while Hayek emphasized that the government should "plan for competition". Laozi advocates "a small country with few people", "neighboring countries look at each other, the voices of chickens and dogs hear each other, and people don't communicate with each other until they die", that is, the natural economy with relatively narrow territory and few residents, while Hayek advocates the spontaneous order of the market economy. Laozi advocated "making people ignorant and have no desire" and "abandoning wisdom", while Hayek emphasized that a large amount of "scattered knowledge" or "local knowledge" existing among countless individuals should be utilized through the market process, and regarded the market order as the "division of knowledge" order and the "expanded order" of human cooperation. He also saw that the market order had another function of turning peace into friendship. Laozi advocated "making profits skillfully" and "selfish without desire", while Hayek accepted the principle of "invisible hand" in Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations", thinking that in the market, countless individuals have invisibly improved social welfare while pursuing their own interests.

Laozi's classical world is a simple primitive society, which needs people to follow some simple rules of dā n. Hayek's modern world is a much more complicated industrial society, even a post-industrial society, which needs to establish and express more detailed rules. Laozi advocated "Taoism is natural", and Hayek should not object. But industrial society or post-industrial society can't just stay on the saying that Tao is nature. We should understand it by discovering and establishing a set of rules, and finally practice it. According to Hayek, market order or free enterprise system needs a set of rules to maintain. The market order itself and this set of rules itself belong to the core content of human civilization, and it is an evolutionary spontaneous order in general. According to general, abstract and non-selective rules, such as property law and contract law, the government can improve some negative conditions of market competition and some positive conditions, such as making better institutional arrangements for patent law and protecting innovation, without making it an obstacle to further innovation. Moreover, all these rules about market competition need to be tested and screened through a competition procedure between rules.

In any case, Hayek argued that if fā wants to put forward and establish some rules, it should also follow a kind of "Tao", which embodies what Laozi said: "Tao always does nothing." It means: Tao will always let nature take its course and govern by doing nothing, but it will do everything.

Competitive order of economic growth

The long-term and stable development of a country needs to pursue a competitive order that can promote performance competition to help it. Germany implemented social market economy after the war, and its experience in establishing and maintaining competition order is worth learning. Germany's "economic miracle" in 1960s is related to its earlier establishment and maintenance of such a competitive order that can promote performance competition. Germans still have a strong concept of competition order, which, together with the competition order pursued by Germans, has become a soft power to support German economic development.

Germany's pursuit of competitive order is related to a famous economic school in the country, that is Freiburg School, also known as Order Liberalism School. The thought of Fribourg School is the most important source of economic thought in German social market economy system. Professor Eugen, the representative of this school, advocates that the government should establish and maintain the order of competition, and in order to prevent the government from abusing public power, the government also needs to operate within the framework of the rule of law. He called the competition order "an order that conforms to the essence of things" and "an order that has operational ability and safeguards human dignity". Through research, he summed up and refined a set of core principles that constitute a competitive order, including: operable price system, monetary stability, private property rights, open market, freedom of contract, responsibility and consistency of economic policies.

The above-mentioned core principles that constitute a competitive order should constitute a performance-oriented competitive order, which should dominate our economic process. The purpose of the government to establish and maintain this competitive order is to protect competition, not to protect a particular competitor.

Compared with the other principles mentioned above, the principle of "operable price system" is in the position of "stars holding the moon". After all, there is no real market economy without such a price system. A real market economy cannot be separated from a set of price indicators that truly reflect the scarcity of production factors, products and services.

Documentary pictures of Made in China and China (20 18) with German industry as the background.

The above principles are interdependent and complementary. The more effective other principles are, the more effective the principle of "feasible price system" is. The more the principles of "private property rights" and "open market" are implemented, the more thoroughly the principle of "taking responsibility" for individual actions and inputs is embodied. The better the principle of "currency stability" is implemented, the more inflation can be reduced or even eliminated, and the principle of "private property rights" will be better implemented. The implementation of the principle of "economic policy consistency" means that other principles need and will be better implemented; If we want to better implement other principles, it means that we must implement the principle of consistency of competition policy. The result of this operation actually means that there is no room for short-term macroeconomic policy operation, and Eugen really opposes Keynes's macroeconomic policy.

The above principles may also contradict each other and need to be run-in. For example, the performance-oriented competition order requires private property rights to be dominant, but individuals are not allowed to abuse private property rights, such as abusing private rights in the market, especially market dominance. Similarly, freedom of contract is fundamental, but this kind of contract that will form a price cartel is not allowed to restrict competition. Opening the market is very important, but it cannot form a price cartel.

It is worth noting that Eugen's original competition order envisaged opposing any dominant position in the private market, and even more opposing the abuse of its dominant position. Eugen's "phobia" about the dominant position of the private market stems from his observation of the cartelization of major European countries around the 1920s. The relevant laws of some major countries in Europe and America are more tolerant of the emergence of market dominance-against the abuse of market dominance, but in many cases it will allow the formation of market dominance. For example, the United States allows Microsoft and Apple to have a dominant market position; In China, this is reflected in allowing Taobao and JD.COM to have a dominant market position. But in the end, countries will also introduce policies to oppose the unfair competition behavior of these companies, which can easily be regarded as abuse of market dominance.

Mises (1881September 29th-1973 10 10) was an economist in the 20th century. The representative of Austrian school.

Different economic schools and economists have different views on competition and monopoly. For example, Austrian economists Mises and Rothbard opposed Eugen's view of competition order and advocated laissez-faire policy. They believe that the government should not take any intervention measures in the market; Hayek, on the other hand, agrees with Eugen's view of competitive order, but prefers to think that competition should be used as a discovery procedure to discover the rules that form competitive order. Austrian economists' views on competition and monopoly are very important and need to be introduced separately.

Erhard, the first economic minister of the Federal Republic of Germany, is an economist of the order liberalism school. He believes that competition is the only way to prosperity, and he also published the book "Competition brings prosperity". If you directly translate the title of the original German book, the file name is "* * * with prosperity", which coincides with Deng Xiaoping's concept of "* * with prosperity" after the reform and opening up. In the early German social market economic system, the above principles were universally respected and achieved an "economic miracle". China's economic development, to some extent, is also related to zūn's adherence to the above-mentioned competition order: to some extent, we have followed these core principles selectively, intentionally or unintentionally, and achieved good results. Following the above-mentioned competitive order can provide space for liberating productive forces and giving play to entrepreneurial spirit.

Authorized by Hainan Publishing House, this article is taken from the book General Economics Course: Economics Course Closely Related to Our Future. The excerpts are abridged. The caption on the cover shows the picture of Croods (20 13).

Original author | Feng Xingyuan

Excerpt | Luo Dong

Source: Beijing News

Lunar calendar1what life was born on August 20, 974?

1974 is the year when Jia Yin of the lunar calendar opens vertically, and the zodiac is the year of the tiger. Born in (1974), the five elements belong to the order of the great stream, and they are standing tigers. They are clean, and their officials are almost expensive all their lives. Their family is prosperous, well-fed, rich, their parents are punished, men are afraid of their wives, and women are in charge of their husbands, so they live a hard life. Don't be too rigid.