Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - What do you need to be a psychological counselor?

What do you need to be a psychological counselor?

What are the requirements for the psychological counselor's "one" exam?

The application conditions are as follows:

(1) Bachelor degree or above in psychology, education and medicine.

(two) with a college degree in psychology, education, medicine, and after the three-level formal training of psychological counselors, they have reached the required standard hours and obtained a certificate of completion.

(3) Having a bachelor's degree or above in other majors, having received three-level formal training from psychological counselors, and having obtained a certificate of completion.

The work of professional psychological counselors mainly includes the following contents: obtaining information about psychological problems and psychological obstacles of visitors from information sources such as visitors and their families; The psychological growth, personality development, intelligence, social, family and marriage events of the visitors were comprehensively evaluated, and the psychological and physiological tests were summarized.

(1) As a psychological counselor, what are the requirements for expanding reading?


1. Psychological counselors shall not discriminate against visitors because of their gender, age, occupation, nationality, nationality, beliefs and values.

2. Before establishing the consultation relationship, the psychological counselor must let the visitors know the nature and characteristics of psychological work, the possible limitations of this work, and the rights and obligations of the visitors themselves.

3. When dealing with clients, counselors should discuss the key points of their work with clients and reach a consensus proposal, and even reach a written agreement when necessary.

4. Psychological counselors shall not establish any relationship with clients other than counseling, try to avoid double relationship, and shall not use clients' trust in counselors for personal gain, especially shall not have indecent words and deeds to the opposite sex.

I want to be a psychological counselor. What are the requirements?

The restrictions on the application of psychological counselors are slightly different according to the annual policy. The specific information can be seen here: What are the policies and conditions for applying for psychological counselors in 2020?

Because of the cancellation of the national rights counselor application, if you want to apply for a counselor or engage in related work, you need to take an examination of a certified counselor, pay attention to practical skills training, and sign an agreement. Those with poor foundation can also learn. Psychological counselors need to participate in the training of relevant authorized institutions, and only after completing the course hours can they meet the application conditions (see the specific application conditions).

What are the requirements for applying for a psychological counselor? Psychological counselors are not limited to psychology-related majors, and those who meet the requirements of non-psychological majors can still apply. (I happened to meet one of them)

1, major is not limited, bachelor degree or above, psychological counselor training;

2. College degree in medicine, psychology and other related majors, trained by psychological counselors;

3. Bachelor degree in medicine, psychology and other related majors.

What are the requirements of being a psychological counselor?

Counseling belongs to helping others. To become a psychological counselor, you need to meet the following conditions:

First, a qualified psychological counselor should be a happy person who loves life and has good adaptability. He can properly handle his own psychological conflicts and eliminate daily interference, thus ensuring the smooth progress of helping others. He should be a helpful person. Third, he should be a serious and responsible person. Let consultants feel concerned about their difficulties, talk to them sincerely and frankly, and let them be willing to expose their inner secrets, which is worthy of their trust;

Second, psychological counselors should have the necessary theoretical knowledge;

Third, psychological counselors should pay special attention to moral cultivation. They must have noble professional ethics and should not use their work to do things that are not conducive to patients. Don't spread it casually when you need to keep secrets from the consultant;

Fourth, psychological counselors should constantly know themselves and know themselves. Only by analyzing ourselves and understanding ourselves can we understand others;

Fifth, counselors should also follow a principle: don't draw conclusions for counselors. What counselors do is to analyze problems and analyze the causes of problems for counselors.

To be a qualified consultant, you need personal growth and supervision, just like asking how to drive on the road. In addition to having a driver's license, you must have skilled driving skills and a stable mentality, as well as consultants. A consultant must first obtain the corresponding qualification certificate, study professional knowledge seriously, gradually accumulate experience in daily life and work, and constantly learn advanced knowledge at ordinary times. These are the basic requirements.

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What kind of person is suitable to be a psychological counselor?

Personality characteristics. It's like choosing athletes and movie actors. What matters is not whether he has received professional training, but what kind of internal resources and potential he has and whether he is creative.

Psychological counseling and psychotherapy is a helpful cause, and its value depends on how much humanity it gives people. The specific content of human nature is the theme of psychotherapy and counseling, and its vitality depends on its attitude and understanding of human nature.

Therefore, a psychotherapist should first be a kind, strong and caring person. Love is the fundamental driving force to produce personality charm, and personality charm is precisely the internal source that can most influence patients.

Psychotherapists should be creative and have creative thinking. Creative thinking refers to the ingenious combination of image and logic. And this creativity comes from the characteristics of the therapist's soul. The creative element is different from imitation, it is the reality created naturally by the interaction between the therapist and the patient in the treatment process.

Therapists should also have profound knowledge, a deep understanding of human nature, and be brave and good at dissecting themselves strictly, which is one of the most valuable qualities of therapists. As the saying goes, "Correct yourself first". How can a person who is not good at self-analysis conduct psychological analysis on his patients?

Therapists should undoubtedly be scholars, but they should also be language masters. The important means of treatment is language. A person who is not good at using language symbols is definitely not a qualified therapist. For example, in hypnotherapy, the therapist should cast language that conforms to the prescribed situation in rich imagination, and use language to describe and convey this imagination. This includes the power of improvisation.

Therapists can't use one instruction invariably in treatment, but should use it randomly and flexibly according to different symptoms of different patients.

Of course, an ideal psychotherapist, strictly speaking, should have professional training in clinical psychology and medical clinic, as well as extensive humanistic knowledge. The most important thing is the ability of artistic creation% the ability to integrate all relevant knowledge and experience and use it freely. Because in essence, psychotherapy and counseling is a great comprehensive art.

Every moment that the therapist contacts the patient is a brand-new creation, and the therapist should be a veritable artist who creates this moment.

Personally, I think it is a prerequisite to be a good psychological counselor, even a psychotherapist, depending on whether this person has a mixed personality temperament of innate quality and acquired education.

In fact, we can find some people around us. They have no psychological knowledge or professional training, but they are very attractive, willing to listen, and can put themselves in the shoes and put forward pertinent and appropriate suggestions and opinions.

So they have a large number of confidants who are willing to talk about their love life, interpersonal conflicts and disputes, and so on.

These people can be called "natural psychological counselors" and are good candidates to become professional practitioners.

After careful carving and repeated forging, it may become a leader in this industry.

Another basic requirement for becoming a consultant and therapist is a certain degree or bachelor's degree.

In addition, there is a person who has a general knowledge of culture. sx2.yd 1

According to my own psychoanalytic clinical practice, the content of the problems told by the people who came to analyze and treat can basically be summarized into two themes: the relationship between childhood and parents, brothers and sisters and sex, love and marriage.

These two problems are also the two basic causes of various psychological problems and neurosis. More generally speaking, these two problems are actually the manifestations of dislocation and mismatch caused by the interaction between personal physiological and psychological growth and cultural internalization.

In order to fully understand their narratives, problems and symptoms, especially their repressed desires and motives, therapists need proper philosophical training to have good analytical reasoning ability and be able to quickly and accurately grasp the real crux of the problem from complicated phenomena.

At the same time, psychological counselors and therapists also need to have common knowledge of anthropology, folklore, sociology and history, as well as knowledge of linguistics and rhetoric.

Lack of this knowledge will affect the counselor or therapist's correct judgment of the visitor's problem, and will also affect the process and result of counseling or treatment.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the conditions for becoming a qualified consultant and therapist are, of course, training in basic theories and methods of this major, as well as systematic training in consultation, treatment or analysis.

The so-called professional basic theory and method, on the one hand, includes the theory and technology of psychological counseling and psychotherapy itself; On the other hand, it should also include the theory and diagnostic techniques of psychiatry.

What does Wu need to be a psychological counselor?

What are the requirements for applying for a psychological counselor? The application of psychological counselors is not limited to psychology-related majors, and those who meet the requirements of non-psychological majors can still apply. (I happened to meet one of them)

1, major is not limited, bachelor degree or above, psychological counselor training;

2. College degree in medicine, psychology and other related majors, trained by psychological counselors;

3. Bachelor degree in medicine, psychology and other related majors.

The examination time is March, June, September, 65438+February every year.

Examination content of psychological counselor

Theoretical part:

1, general psychology

2. Social psychology

3. Developmental psychology

4. abnormal psychology

5. Health psychology

6. Psychometrics

7. Counseling psychology

Skill operation part:

1, psychological diagnosis skills

2. Psychological counseling skills

3. Psychological test skills

What are the necessary conditions for Lu to become a psychological counselor?

A psychological counselor is a person who helps clients solve various psychological problems and has a qualification certificate issued by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, China. It is one of the occupations of health housekeeper, which mainly solves people's mental health problems.

First of all, a qualified psychological counselor should have a good personality.

Personality condition is the first condition to become a qualified psychological counselor. The so-called personality refers to a person's whole mental outlook, which is the sum total of certain inclined and stable psychological characteristics, including temperament, personality, interests, beliefs and abilities. The personality quality of psychological counselors is the pillar of psychological counseling and the most critical factor in the counseling relationship.

What should I do to have a good character? To be a qualified psychological counselor, we must first make clear what the personal purpose is in the psychological counseling industry. If a counselor does not have the personality conditions to help others, his knowledge and skills will not play an effective role. Secondly, a qualified psychological counselor should not only have extensive theoretical knowledge and consulting skills, but also be unable to become a qualified psychological counselor if he lacks the character of sympathy and care, can't be honest with others, can't win trust, and lacks sensitivity to interpersonal relationships.

Secondly, qualified psychological counselors should have rich professional knowledge and skilled professional skills.

It is necessary to master professional knowledge, but it is not enough to have professional knowledge. How to turn these professional knowledge into your own business is very important! Psychological counseling is a major with its own theories, methods and techniques, but the biggest feature is that we are an application part. Personnel engaged in psychological counseling can only take up their posts after obtaining qualification certificates. However, a qualified psychological counselor must undergo special training and training, and at the same time, he must constantly learn the theory of psychological counseling, master the methods and skills of psychological counseling, actively participate in the practical activities of psychological counseling, constantly improve his professional level, and effectively apply the professional skills and theoretical knowledge he has mastered to practical work in order to become a qualified counselor.

Third, there are good mental health indicators.

Psychological counselors themselves are human beings, and they have many desires, such as wanting to be loved, accepted, recognized, affirmed and felt safe. But he has the ability to satisfy these desires outside the consulting relationship, so as to ensure that he can effectively complete the task of the social role of psychological counselor without causing role tension. Psychological counselors also live in the same social environment as most of his visitors, and they will also have various life problems and psychological conflicts, but he can maintain a relative psychological balance and solve his psychological conflicts outside the consulting relationship, so as not to interfere with the consulting work because of personal problems. A qualified psychological counselor should be a happy person who loves life and has good adaptability. Those who are emotionally unstable, often in a state of psychological conflict and unable to balance themselves are not qualified for psychological counseling. In the process of theoretical study and practical operation, we should pay attention to constantly adjusting our psychological state to keep our psychology at a healthy or basically healthy level. This is the primary psychological quality that mental health workers should have, and it is also the spiritual basis for psychological counseling. It should be said that it is difficult for anyone living in today's social environment to be psychologically "absolutely healthy", and so are mental health workers. Psychological counselors sometimes have "psychological cold" or often feel "psychological hunger and thirst", and need "tutor supervision", "partner consultation" or talk to relatives and friends and vent. But as a qualified psychological counselor, his mental health indicators should be above average.

Fourth, comprehensive quality.

1, the ability of self-cognition, self-cognition, self-analysis and self-adjustment is a compulsory course for a qualified psychological counselor. Each of us has a blind spot in life, and so do counselors. Of course, we don't want visitors to help us find our own blind spots, although many times, I think we should do these things well before meeting visitors. A qualified consultant should be able to analyze himself. Before we say that we are consultants, we first know that we are human beings, and we will have some negative emotions such as depression. At this time, self-adjustment is very important. I think everyone should have the same view!

2, rich social knowledge to do psychological counseling work is not to go to the vegetable market to buy food, you can decide what you want to eat. In consultation, we will meet people with different cultural and environmental experiences, and they will ask us for help. Many people's problems are unique, all related to his various background factors. We know that it is much easier to form a diagnosis than to find a targeted solution to the problem. Why? Because there are many influencing factors, psychological counselors should analyze and face together with visitors. Let's think about it. If you don't understand society, people and cultural laws, how can you do this consultation, just those very professional theories and skills? You can't. So I think an excellent consultant should have rich sociological experience or knowledge, because we are dealing with a complex person. You should pay attention to what happens in society, especially this changing society!

3. A positive outlook on life People with mental health are mentally positive. Competent consultants are active, optimistic and energetic in their work and life outside the consulting relationship. Such people can bring their optimistic attitude of loving life into consulting work. When they consult, on the one hand, they can let the disheartened people regain their courage in life; On the other hand, you won't run out of energy. They don't regard consulting work as a burden, so they can bring enthusiasm and vitality to consulting work. Psychological counselors should not only use superb technology to heal people's wounds, but also use their noble and sound personality to give visitors a positive infection and influence. When I first studied psychology, I learned that psychological counselors should remain neutral in the consultation process, but after some consultations, I found that it is impossible for psychological counselors to be completely neutral in the consultation process, and their values will be inadvertently revealed, which will affect visitors. If this effect is positive, I regard it as self-opening technology; If it is negative, I regard it as negative empathy. We certainly don't want the latter, so what should we do? Since we can't be completely neutral, we should show more positive aspects while trying to be neutral, which will be conducive to negotiation. However, it is not so easy to do this. To really do this, we need something inside. I understand it as a positive outlook on life. Only on this premise can you perform better. It is hard for us to imagine that a person who is not confident in himself can help others!

4. Open mind I found such a problem when I first attended the training class for psychological counselors. "The study time here is limited, and many students don't know it, even at the end of the study. How to improve in the future? " ? So I chose the initiative. Under the guidance of this ideological activity, I met hundreds of psychologists and enthusiastic people, and established personal friendship with some people, including people with different backgrounds. Now that I think about it, I'm still secretly happy. It is because of this open mind that I grew up on the road of psychology and have never given up until today. Because of this open mind, my personal professional quality has improved a lot, so I am very grateful to my friends, and I am more determined to take this road of psychological counseling with such an attitude. Understanding the world depends on how open your heart is!

5. Keen observation and keen mind can enable the consultant to gain insight into the consultant's inner world through the consultant's words and expressions during the consultation process, and find things that are difficult for ordinary people to find or easy to ignore from the subtle performance. Some visitors don't know much about the essence and principle of psychological counseling, so it's easy to beat around the bush at the beginning, talk about some side issues and hide their real problems. A keen consultant can find problems in time and guide the dialogue in depth.

How to achieve these goals. How about becoming a qualified psychological counselor?

1. As the main part of the clinical application of psychology, systematic learning psychological counseling has higher requirements for people engaged in this profession. Without systematic study and mastery of the theories of psychology and related disciplines, it will be difficult in practical work. I think as a qualified consultant, it is necessary to study systematically. For example, attend professional training classes, read basic books for one month, and write more about your own experiences in the process. Continue to strengthen what you have learned. It will be much faster to attend class reunions or exchange salons with the same industry on a regular basis, communicate more and promote mutual progress!

2. As system training is an applied science, the requirements for practical operation ability can be imagined. If you can't use technology skillfully and flexibly, you can't achieve results. Therefore, targeted systematic training is needed, such as setting up professional study groups and conducting simulation training one day a week. This can improve the proficiency of some skills of psychological counseling. Or attend a training class with technical training to improve your technical application quickly!

3. Effectively and correctly locate a qualified consultant or an excellent consultant, who is a consultant with his own direction. A consultant who doesn't know where to go should not be a qualified consultant. This direction can be said to be the learning and application direction of consulting theory and skills, the direction of choosing different groups as consulting objects, and the direction of choosing marketers who want to be an excellent consultant or a consultant. And so on, at a certain stage, we must solve the problem, or we will be confused.

4. The conventional psychological supervision mechanism depends on whether the consultant is qualified. One of the criteria is whether the consultant or advisory body has a supervision mechanism. Psychological consultation is not clinical medicine, and the cases we encounter are basically discussed with other consultants. Even in clinical medicine, we should consult difficult cases. We can imagine that if a person consults alone for a long time and receives cases, there is no communication and supervision mechanism. Where will he go? We will find it dangerous! Therefore, it is necessary to establish a supervised study group of several people and communicate regularly.

5. Case supervision mechanism We are first and foremost talents and consultants. You will influence yourself in the consultation process because of your own experience. You will also encounter situations where you are not sure how to deal with it. What should we do when these come? I think I'll go to my supervisor and ask him to help me with my case or my personal problems.

In short, as a qualified psychological counselor, the first task is to complete self-improvement and growth before counseling, and at the same time, in the process of continuous learning and growth, effectively understand professional theoretical knowledge and technology, and realize effective counseling and treatment process.


1. If you want to study psychology (textbook) systematically, you can study general psychology (the most basic and introductory book of psychology), developmental psychology (child psychology), social psychology, educational psychology, psychological counseling and counseling, personality psychology, abnormal psychology, experimental psychology, psychological statistics, psychometrics, etc.

2. I just want to know about psychological knowledge recommendation: interpersonal psychology (people teach politics, etc.), mental health (Guangxi teaches Li Dan), social psychology (Peking University), personality psychology (Gao Yuxiang of Beijing Normal University), cognitive psychology (Gao Yuxiang of Liaoning University), psychological consultation and psychotherapy (Peking University Money).

3. If you want to read some books on psychology instead of textbooks, and you are more interested, you can choose: Body Language Code (Aaron Pease), Moral Warning (Sade), Totem and Taboo (Freud), Unlocking the Secret of Your Personality (Zhang, Zhang), A Heart Recovered from Me (Clifford Beers), etc.

4. Books that want to know and treat some mental diseases: Psychological Counseling and Counseling (edited by Tao Laiheng), Psychometrics, Clinical Manual of Mental Disorders, Abnormal Psychology, etc.

What are the necessary conditions for a good psychological counselor?

I think I should have comprehensive qualities, especially on the basis of solid psychological knowledge, rich sociological knowledge and life experience. Because today's psychological counselors have to solve not only psychological problems, but also social and interpersonal problems, and even help people who come to consult understand life philosophy, religious beliefs, political and legal issues.