Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - How do Cancer Boys Chase Libra Girls

How do Cancer Boys Chase Libra Girls

Libra girls are good at socializing. They are always surrounded by many friends and enjoy it. But they are eager to get married after all. So do you know how Cancer boys chase Libra girls? I'll tell you how Cancer boys chase Libra girls. Welcome to reading.

Cancer boy's personality characteristics and advantages: kindness, enthusiasm and frugality.

Cancer is the kindest of the twelve constellations. They can put themselves in others' shoes and feel sad, happy and happy because of others' misfortune. Moreover, their love for family life is very unusual, and the home that can give them the greatest stability must be stable, so it is an obligation to manage the family diligently and promote long-term development. In order to save money and Dont Ask For Help, Cancer Man will become the omnipotent king of life and master everything at home.

1, perceptual

Ups and downs, ups and downs, his silence is mostly fake. Because the ruler of Cancer is Luna, it is as difficult to change as the moon is cloudy or sunny. Before becoming an adult, it is inevitable to face several transition periods. If you become better or worse, you should choose the good side or the bad side optimistically. Born in the rainy season all year round, sometimes it is drizzling and sometimes thunder rumbles, which makes people hate and expect.

2. Sensitive inferiority complex

Cancer man is a very typical inferiority complex. In order not to be hurt, they will cheer up. On the surface, they always have a hard shell to arm their inferiority complex. In fact, under that shell is a soft, sensitive and extremely inferior heart. If you are injured, hide and heal, and if you are cured, rearm.

3. Little hypocrisy

Cancer man actually cares about what others think of him. When he was praised, he looked modest (actually very happy). When pointing out the shortcomings, you will also be very modest (in fact, the first feeling in your heart is unhappy), and then you want to reflect on whether this is really the case. Cancer man's casualness and lack of toughness lead to his laziness. Just do what your emotions want to do, not what you really should do.

Libra girls' personality is 1, and Libra girls have extraordinary temperament. When the eyes are indifferent, there is firmness in silence; When you are enthusiastic, you smile with a touch of amorous feelings, and you can never get tired of watching it.

2. Libra girls have both rational lofty and perceptual reality, both nostalgic feelings and fashionable aesthetics. In short, Libra's wife is like four dishes and one soup, which makes you eat well.

3. Libra girls are hesitant and vacillating. This can give men who like to make decisions for others a great sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, which is the feeling of being a man.

4. Libra women are lazy, and what they say online is even more ruthless. It is said that Libra people are actually the laziest of the twelve constellations? But in fact, people in other seats are also lazy? Speaking of which, I can't help feeling smug? Although they are lazy, they have great face. At the same time, Libra people think that the comfort at home is the most important thing, coupled with moderate cleanliness, so that as a man, you have neither the pressure of housework nor the shadow of a neat woman.

5, Libra girls are very concerned about appearance, they are born with a unique aesthetic. Very suitable for boys who love to praise others and care about their appearance, right? You don't have to worry about your girlfriend's strange dress or inappropriate appearance in front of your parents and friends. Don't you have to worry that her clothes always immerse you in the atmosphere of the late 1980 s and early 1990 s, making you feel depressed and want to rock? Even better, instead of worrying about you, she worries about you. It's her pleasure to dress up for you.

6. Libra girls are happy because you are happy. Love me, love my dog, love my humanity and selfless feelings are precious wealth that you can't miss, and you can't just pass by. Like precious stones, they create the greatest happiness for you with their beauty and selflessness? In life, she will be considerate Maybe you won't say a lot of sweet words to make your heart flutter, but you will do a lot of things to make you enjoy real happiness and happiness. If you fall in love with a Libra girl, you must be grateful and believe that she is an angel from God.

The way cancer boys chase Libra girls 1, the challenge of pursuing Libra girls. The core task of cancer boys is to seize the hearts of Libra girls. But it's not easy, because a group of people want to pursue her. She is not a suitor, so if you want her, fight like a man!

2. How to get along with Libra girls Libra girls are very convincing. A gorgeous turn found her direction, but the cancer man may be wondering why. Be careful not to be trapped in her Wuzhishan. She may be careful to protect herself, but secretly she likes a man who can always be with her. If the cancer man is not awake, the cancer man will lose the chance to capture her heart.

3, things to do, gifts for Libra girls Imagine the little angel painted by the master: flying in the sky with a few roses or a lovely harp. This is the Libra lover of Cancer Man. She likes many things, from roses, soft silk underwear to perfume with fashion and soft fragrance. Precious jewels are one of her favorites, but don't buy imitations! If Cancer boys do this, the relationship between Cancer boys will lose its luster in an instant. She may also like a big mirror with a gold foil frame. But don't think too much. She likes mirrors, but she is narcissistic. What the Cancer boy needs to do is to put the mirror in her bedroom, let her get used to it and keep telling her how backward she is.

4. Libra girls' attitude towards sex Libra girls prefer gentle caress and foreplay. They are also world-class kissers. If Cancer Man misses this part, Cancer Man is equivalent to missing one of the most authentic experiences in life. Circle her in the cinema or other places and give her a kiss. Remember the place that the Cancer boy chose, and other audiences will not give the Cancer boy any trouble after they notice her. If the Cancer boy is lucky enough, the Cancer boy is likely to attract the waiter's flash and scold! Finally, the cancer man can sleep with her, and she also needs a gradual warming process. Because Libra girls don't like cold-blooded or hot-blooded boys who say thank you. She longs for romance, sensitivity, and so does the boy in Cancer. There are the most beautiful sheets and many soft pillows on her bed. She will play music in her bedroom, but she won't have a TV, because she doesn't want to hear the budget report of Congress or the robbery gunshots in Queens when she is in high spirits (laughs). One last tip: When a Libra girl's waist is massaged by her man with a slightly fragrant massage cream, she will make a cat-like cry: Meow!

5. Be a kind person. The worse men are, the more women love them? Such stupid words are totally inapplicable to Libra girls. Be kind not only to her, but also to people and strangers around you. Cancer man is a kind person and a good man, which is the premise for Libra girls to associate with Cancer man.

6, to satisfy her heroic plot, Libra women don't like sissy boys, they prefer to be lesbians directly. Cancer boys should be more manly, make decisions more readily, and do what they promise, preferably an ambitious and strong-willed man. If the Cancer boys don't know what to do, I recommend them to see mel gibson's Braveheart.

7, Plato's spirit, she likes ambiguous relationships, don't always think about going to bed. Listening to the music that cancer boys like is much more useful than calling her baby. In fact, don't worry, some things come too soon, but not for long. Libra believes in letting nature take its course. Never force her to do anything. In fact, it is impossible for a cancer boy to force her to do anything. For example, if a boy in Cancer asks us to play a small game, she will probably refuse any game, and as long as she has never heard of it, she will flatly refuse. At this time, the cancer man should not force her. In the future, when she saw others playing, she found a Cancer boy to play with.

8. Listen to her as much as possible.

Don't say too much, even if the Cancer boy thinks it is very important, don't repeatedly emphasize that Libra girls seem to be careless, but in fact, she remembers everything the Cancer boy said. She doesn't like boys talking too much Cancer boys should listen to her more. If she is willing to talk a lot with cancer boys, it shows that she cares about cancer boys. Although most of the words don't go through her brain, Cancer boys don't have to take them seriously, but they should be secretly pleased.

9. Give her enough space and don't try to meet or call every day. Just because she doesn't contact cancer boys doesn't mean she doesn't want cancer boys, but she's too lazy to call. They are lazy to the bone. Cancer boys should allow her to make friends freely, not only do not restrict her, but also like them, and like her parents, sister's brother-in-law, her classmates in primary and secondary schools and universities.