Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Constellation Wars _ Help me find the Constellation Warrior

Constellation Wars _ Help me find the Constellation Warrior

Detailed explanation of constellation

Sun-Cancer: Family Care, Nostalgia and Care

Advantages: sensibility, enthusiasm and consideration.

Disadvantages: sentimental, obsessed with the past, escaping from reality.

Sun represents: self, external image, externalism and life energy.

Basic features:

People with the sun in Cancer are kind and polite, with rich and delicate feelings, strong sensibility and maternal love, belonging to the family school. But his mood fluctuates and he tends to escape.

Specific features:

Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac, and the leading star is the moon. Careful, sensitive, strong sense of protecting others, strong sense of family, strong sense of responsibility and spirit of sacrifice. When the sun sets in Cancer, people are good at housekeeping, like a stable and peaceful family atmosphere, are filial to their elders, are very friendly to their brothers, sisters and friends, and strive to create the harmony and happiness you want. Of course, you have a strong sense of self-protection. A little trouble may make your heart surge. When others invade your pure land, you will also hold out pliers to demonstrate.

Behavior style:

You are good at cooperating with others, like to share everything with others, act cautiously, have your own ideas and pursuits, but don't show them easily. I hope others can feel your inner thoughts. Fear of competitive environment and working in a harmonious atmosphere can make you feel comfortable and stimulate your potential.

Personality blind spot:

Self-confidence, lack of motivation, easy to retreat when encountering setbacks; The mind is fragile, can't stand the blow, is depressed, and often indulges in self-imagined sadness; Have escape psychology, dare not face the reality, easy to dance with others and overprotect themselves. We should strengthen our confidence, encourage ourselves more and unload our burdens.


Moon-Moon in Libra: elegant and good at communication.

Advantages: Educated, sociable, indifferent to fame and fortune.

Disadvantages: sensitive, fickle and indecisive.

The moon represents: woman, mother, inner subconscious, emotion.

Basic features:

People with the moon in Libra have rich feelings, elegant temperament, and are kind and decent. Only in a quiet and peaceful environment can their hearts be balanced. But if you think too much, your mind will easily swing from side to side.

Specific features:

The moon in Libra means that it is highly sensitive to the attitudes and reactions of close people. People with the Moon in Libra are sentimental and like to find strength in intimate and harmonious relationships. You will feel uneasy in a turbulent environment, hoping for attention and affirmation, but afraid of too much attention from others. Treat people gently and politely, and care from the heart is easy to impress people; You will also change your mind and cater to other people's ideas and suggestions. Strong communication skills, good at dealing with interpersonal relationships, especially disputes between friends and colleagues, is an excellent coordinator.

Behavior style:

Pay attention to fairness and rationality, have selfless feelings, and be an excellent coordinator; Have a strong interest in things that are very aesthetic, and like to treat people in an emotional way. I hope my performance can be supported by people around me. If you can't get it, you will feel lost and unbalanced and gradually become lazy.

Personality blind spot:

Hesitant, especially when major decisions need to be made, often vacillate, the more opinions, the more at a loss; Pay too much attention to other people's ideas and opinions, and appear to be indecisive and too dependent on emotions; It is easy to give the impression of laziness and lack of motivation. We should strengthen our autonomy and strengthen our own ideas.


Mercury-Mercury is located in Cancer: sensitive and affectionate.

Advantages: rich feelings, strong memory, and heavy family values.

Disadvantages: sensitive, suspicious, emotional, hypocritical, affectionate.

Mercury stands for: Thought, mind and language are the roots of consciousness.

Basic features:

Cancer people with mercury have a strong subconscious, and your mind, thoughts and feelings will affect your behavior. Emotions are very rich, with strong memories, deep attachment to the past, and persistence to family and friends.

Specific features:

Mercury is located in Cancer, which means that the mind is influenced by deep emotions, with strong subconscious, prejudice and strong subjective consciousness. Cancer Mercury people are very emotional and often rely on emotions, which also makes you feel sensitive and have a strong sixth sense, and you don't like rational judgment. You attach great importance to the thoughts and feelings of family and friends. After meeting the emotional needs of others, you consider personal needs, attach great importance to your family, and have the spirit of sacrifice and dedication. Because you have a strong sense of insecurity about new things and are obsessed with the past, your thoughts tend to stay in the past and it is difficult to accept reality.

Behavior style:

You like to make decisions by emotions, but you are afraid of rational thinking. You don't like logical analysis. As long as you can meet your emotional needs, you will devote yourself to everything, no matter what the outcome is.

Personality blind spot:

Too sensitive to people and things, easy to produce ambivalence and insecurity, so the mood fluctuates greatly; Obsessed with the past, it is difficult to open up and accept the facts; Not good at expressing, too passive, rarely have ideas against others' opinions, and easy to live in others' ideas.


Venus-Venus in Leo: confident and enthusiastic.

Advantages: optimistic, cheerful, emotional and good at expressing.

Disadvantages: conceit, extravagance and waste, strong possessiveness.

Venus stands for harmony, beauty and love.

Basic features:

Leo people with Venus know how to show their strengths and charm, and it is easy to become the focus of attention. You know how to express your feelings and have a strong ability to get love.

Specific features:

Venus in Leo represents enthusiasm and frankness. People with Venus in Leo are enthusiastic, full of love energy and pursue vigorous love. You like to be respected and held in the palm of your hand, especially when you are appreciated or favored by the opposite sex, which will make you very satisfied. Under the eyes of others' attention and praise, your emotions will become extremely excited, and fiery emotions will continue to gush out. Love is often produced in this situation. Your fiery love makes the opposite sex very infected and dances with you.

Behavior style:

Dare to love and hate, as long as it is what you want, you will show strong competitiveness and conquer others with your noble temperament and domineering; You are full-hearted and broad-minded to the person you love.

Personality blind spot:

Sometimes it seems selfish, possessive and easy to give people pressure, especially the other half will feel suffocated; Too conceited, tend to look down on others. Looking down on others will weaken your interpersonal relationship and miss some opportunities!


Mars-Mars is in Leo: energetic and ambitious.

Advantages: Strong leadership, full of confidence, dignified and noble, extremely responsible.

Disadvantages: impulsive, ostentatious and self-centered.

Mars represents: energy, will, explosiveness and vitality.

Basic features:

People with Mars in Leo are very confident, very positive and optimistic, with positive initiative, but also extremely persistent and patient. Energetic and competitive.

Specific features:

Mars in Leo represents energy, willpower and creativity. People whose Mars falls in Leo are bold, charismatic, easy to become the focus of the group, and like to live in worship and applause, so as to show your extraordinary and unique. Your energy and self-confidence have also won the favor of the opposite sex, and it is easy to stimulate your creativity. You have a strong motivation, a strong enthusiasm for your work, and a high enthusiasm. You often fight for honor and responsibility, and constantly open up new horizons. You have many ideas and firm beliefs. Usually, you are a member of the front line and have opened up a life path.

Behavior style:

You have great courage and courage, a strong spirit of adventure in your career, foresight and perseverance; Be able to support your choice, be devoted to your career, and not be anticlimactic; Interested in group undertakings, it is easy to have outstanding performance.

Personality blind spot:

Strong subjective consciousness, it is difficult to listen to other people's opinions; Appears aloof and gives orders, but doesn't like being pointed at, so it's hard to get help; Overexpression can also make you vain.


Jupiter-Jupiter is located in Gemini: studious and expressive.

Advantages: Strong communication skills, flexible mind and many ideas.

Disadvantages: more learning and less refinement, changeable mood, anticlimactic.

Jupiter represents morality, philosophy and ideals.

Basic features:

Jupiter's Gemini people are full of energy, love learning, have a strong desire for new knowledge, love communication, get happiness from communication, and receive all kinds of information to enrich their minds.

Specific features:

Jupiter in Gemini represents strong thinking and a strong thirst for knowledge. People whose Jupiter falls in Gemini have strong curiosity, learning ability, interest in mental development and strong understanding. They will constantly dabble in different fields of knowledge, keep their brains spinning and accept new things quickly. But what you don't like will be superficial and have a little knowledge. I like to be active in the group, get all kinds of information from making friends, be well informed, talk humorously, say everything and not express myself. Have insight into the world, like criticism, and keep your mouth moving.

Behavior style:

You don't like monotonous routines. It is your style to pursue change and express creativity. Good communication skills, I like to get all kinds of information by communicating with others, which will further promote my career.

Personality blind spot:

It is difficult to have persistence and perseverance, and it is anticlimactic. Knowledge is often superficial and has more than one can chew. If you study in depth selectively, you will gain more.


Saturn-Jupiter is located in Gemini: studious and expressive.

Advantages: Strong communication skills, flexible mind and many ideas.

Disadvantages: more learning and less refinement, changeable mood, anticlimactic.

Jupiter represents morality, philosophy and ideals.

Basic features:

Jupiter's Gemini people are full of energy, love learning, have a strong desire for new knowledge, love communication, get happiness from communication, and receive all kinds of information to enrich their minds.

Specific features:

Jupiter in Gemini represents strong thinking and a strong thirst for knowledge. People whose Jupiter falls in Gemini have strong curiosity, learning ability, interest in mental development and strong understanding. They will constantly dabble in different fields of knowledge, keep their brains spinning and accept new things quickly. But what you don't like will be superficial and have a little knowledge. I like to be active in the group, get all kinds of information from making friends, be well informed, talk humorously, say everything and not express myself. Have insight into the world, like criticism, and keep your mouth moving.

Behavior style:

You don't like monotonous routines. It is your style to pursue change and express creativity. Good communication skills, I like to get all kinds of information by communicating with others, which will further promote my career.

Personality blind spot:

It is difficult to have persistence and perseverance, and it is anticlimactic. Knowledge is often superficial and has more than one can chew. If you study in depth selectively, you will gain more.


Uranus-Uranus in Capricorn: Tradition, Conflict and Power.

Advantages: Ideal, determination and good organizational skills.

Disadvantages: Ambitious and old-fashioned.

Uranus represents: innovation and change, innovative consciousness, scientific and technological breakthrough.

Basic features:

People with Uranus in Capricorn are wise and often have some inspiring views. Ambitious, hidebound, but want to innovate. Have good organizational skills and firm determination.

Specific features:

Uranus in Capricorn shows that you are an ideal and ambitious person, hoping to make yourself feel safe through power or money. For money and power, you will become ambitious, and with good organizational skills, you will achieve good results in management or business. You have a good sixth sense and insight. You cling to old things and ideas, but you will have new ideas and hope for new things. So you often get yourself into such contradictions. If this contradiction is not solved, it will make you nervous.

Behavior style:

Very ideal and ambitious, so once you have a goal, you will continue to struggle towards it, and sometimes you can even say that you will do whatever it takes. You are calm and diligent in thinking, so you will have a higher grasp of things, but sometimes you will fall into contradiction because you think too much.

Personality blind spot:

Ambition is too heavy, so many things you do are full of purpose, which often makes you feel physically and mentally exhausted. There are many things worth fighting for besides money and power in life, and it is not a bad thing to learn to give up occasionally.


Neptune-Neptune is located in Capricorn: self-awakening, self-awareness, and the law of life.

Advantages: sense of responsibility and binding.

Disadvantages: conservative and stubborn.

Neptune stands for dreams, introspection and subconsciousness.

Basic features:

Capricorn people with Neptune have a strong sense of responsibility and are trustworthy. Conservative, like to stick to the rules and follow the rules.

Specific features:

Neptune's falling into Capricorn means paying attention to reality and hoping that your dreams can come true. Capricorn people with Neptune have a deep sense of responsibility and self-restraint, and can effectively control their bad emotions and habits, so life will be very regular. You pay attention to combining spiritual life with material life, so as to make your life more stable and colorful. In trouble, you know how to do self-reflection. In this kind of self-reflection, you can quickly realize your mistakes, correct them and guide yourself to success.

Behavior style:

Do things with a sense of responsibility. Once you take over, you will work hard until you and others are satisfied. Because you are conservative in thinking, lack creativity in doing things, and like to step by step, although it gives people a sense of sureness, it is difficult to make new breakthroughs in your career.

Personality blind spot:

Conservative thinking, slow acceptance of new things and new knowledge; It is difficult for you to make a breakthrough in your career if you stick to the rules and follow the steps. You might as well try to broaden your horizons, and you will make greater progress.


Pluto-Pluto is located in Scorpio: rebirth, transformation, power.

Advantages: prepared, patient, gentle and elegant.

Disadvantages: restless, extreme, jealous.

Pluto represents: destruction, reform, passion and strength.

Basic features:

People whose Pluto falls in Scorpio are calm and taciturn on the surface, but in fact they are full of enthusiasm and rough waves, saving a lot of energy and waiting patiently for the opportunity to erupt. You have an unstable heart, so you often have to make many choices.

Specific features:

Pluto in Scorpio represents all kinds of changes in your life, the most typical of which is the change of emotional attitude. When you are betrayed emotionally, you will have the opposite view of love. For you, the replacement of old and new things is the most difficult choice. You can't tolerate others being better than you, you are prone to jealousy, and you can't tolerate being frustrated in the competition, so you will have more extreme ideas and even make abnormal reactions. In character, you have infinite patience. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, you are willing to wait for a long time I believe that the opportunity will come to you one day.

Behavior style:

You are a prepared person, and you can handle any sudden change well. You are a combination of old and new contradictions, so you often choose between two problems.

Personality blind spot:

Success and failure are very common phenomena. As long as you work hard enough, you will be worthy of yourself and those who care about yourself. You don't have to take gains and losses too seriously. Change yourself and become a brand-new you.


Ascension-Ascension in Cancer: Mother, Family and Love.

Advantages: Careful, kind and diligent.

Disadvantages: emotional, haggle over every ounce, no self-confidence.

Rising represents: soul, external behavior, attitude towards life.

Basic features:

A rising star in Cancer has a maternal instinct of caring for others, but your heart is sensitive and fragile. You are a little shy about life, but you are easy to get close to, and you are a very kind and diligent person.

Specific features:

When a rising star falls into cancer, you know how to protect yourself. Although you will show concern for people you don't know, you will never tell your inner feelings. Only when you get to know each other and accumulate a lot of feelings will you lift your security precautions and begin to trust each other and share your worries. Because you have a lot of things hidden in your heart, and you are a little sensitive, your mood will be more changeable, and your words and deeds will also be affected by your emotions. Emotionally, it will be very fragile. Once the feelings are hurt, it will probably take a long time to heal the pain.

Behavior style:

Because you have a strong sense of self-protection, it is difficult to accept other people's opinions, and it is easy to get upset about some small things. If you get a little hit, you will lose confidence in yourself. I like to build my feelings on my family, friends and career.

Personality blind spot:

Sensitive to other people's criticism, easy to retreat into the hard shell of self-protection, brave to accept harsh suggestions and face difficulties. You are nostalgic, but you should choose to forget some things. Nostalgia for the past is likely to hinder your progress.