Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - What do you mean, scared?

What do you mean, scared?

How to compose music in the rustling sound?

Harp and voice, rustling in the autumn wind, shivering, shrinking, playing the piano, playing the piano, dragging musical instruments, knowing the forest, playing the piano, playing the piano, playing the piano, playing the piano, playing the piano, playing the piano, playing the piano in Shui Mu.

Afraid of words! :;

Fear group words:

Fear, fearlessness, cringe, fear, awe, jealousy, fear of sin, timidity, fear,

Fear of coercion, fear, fear, fear of words, fear,

Wilder is majestic,

Not afraid of death,

Flee in the fear of sin,

Only giving is fear,

Is a man majestic or fierce?

What does Medusa mean?

Medusa is a gorgon in Greek mythology. She used to be a stunning beauty. Because of her arrogance and self-confidence, she stood in front of Athena and shouted that she was more beautiful than God, so she was turned into a gorgon. She has a thick snake hair and a pair of wild boar's fangs. Even her neck is covered with snake scales, and even her lower body has become a snake. Most of them are the lower body of a rattlesnake, and even her lower body has become the lower body of such a proud rattlesnake because of humiliating her. So the goddess of wisdom gave her a pair of eyes, and anyone who saw it would immediately turn to stone.

In Greek mythology, Medusa was originally a mortal. It is said that Medusa used to be a beautiful girl. Although arrogance was loved by Poseidon, it was said to be more beautiful than the goddess in the temple of the goddess of wisdom. Athena was enraged. She used magic to turn Medusa's hair into countless poisonous snakes. The beauty turned into a monster. What is more frightening is that her eyes are shining with terrible light. Anyone who looks at her will immediately become a lifeless big stone.

Poerxiusi, the son of Zeus, knew the secret, so he turned around and looked for Medusa with a bright shield as a mirror. With the help of Athena and Hermes, he cut off her head. Pegasus and giant Chrysaor are descendants of Medusa. Poerxiusi flew out of the blood sea of Medusa on a flying horse, and was attacked by strong wind in the air, and was blown from side to side. The blood dripping from Medusa's head fell into the Libyan desert and became a poisonous snake. Although Medusa's blood is highly toxic, it has special power and once gave Ericthonius the ability to bring back the dead. Poerxiusi killed Cetus, a sea monster, with Medusa's head cut off. When he came back, he gave it to Athena, who fixed it between his shield and breastplate. Medusa's head is often used by artists on symbolic badges, architectural decorations and even Athens coins, as well as on soldiers' shields. Legend 1: I remember a legend about Medusa.

A beautiful girl with long green hair and sapphire blue eyes.

She was born in Greece and sailed at sea with her lover. She feels very happy.

Unfortunately, night soon fell and a group of pirates boarded their ship. The man who tried to protect himself betrayed her to pirates.

Pain, sadness, anger, despair. She cursed herself in abuse, cursed the pirates who betrayed her, cursed the sea that brought her misfortune, and cursed the God who looked at everything mercilessly.

Her hair began to grow longer, with sharp teeth, forming a snake head. Her eyes are gone, and everyone who has seen her eyes has turned to stone. She hopes those hateful men will never be reincarnated.

Hatred filled her whole heart, and she had forgotten the warmth of the world. She indulges herself and never lets anyone near her go. People began to fear her. Keep her away from this world.

God looked at everything quietly and looked at the injured woman. God is saying: be calm and don't let hatred fill your heart again. Don't let yourself fall again.

Legend 2 (the most complete version of Greek legend, which contains the most constellation fairy tales): Cepheus, Cassiopeia, Andromeda, Perseus, Pegasus and Cetus.

There is a city in the west of the Greek Peninsula, called Argos. King Acres had a very beautiful and lovely princess named Shen Jianing. Achilles loved this daughter very much, but the Oracle of the sun god Delphi told him that he would die at the hands of his grandson. In order to prevent his daughter from getting acquainted with men, he built a bronze tower and locked Dinah in it, and no one was allowed to get close. Zeus, who is naturally romantic, will certainly not let such a beautiful woman go. He turned into a golden rain, spilled into the copper tower through the only window, and met Dana.

Ten months later, Dana gave birth to a healthy and lively boy named Poerxiusi, which means "sparkling". After hearing this, Acres wanted to kill them, but killing relatives would be sent by heaven, and Erines, the nemesis, would hunt them down. He couldn't bear to do this, so Acres decided to put Dinah and her son in a wooden box and throw them into the sea to die.

This wooden box drifted with the sea to an island called Cyprus ... >>

What does ancient Chinese mean?


me too

1. exchange.

"Is it easy? Under the "copula": "Japan and China are the market, with the people of the world, gathering the wealth of the world. After the transaction, we will retreat and advance, and each has its own place. "

Historical records? Biographies of Lian Po and Lin Xiangru: "Zhao Huiwen is the king, and he gains Chu,.

Qin Wenzhi, who made people leave a letter, is willing to invite Yibi with fifteen cities. "

Tang Hanyu wrote in the poem "On the way to send three bachelors to Jiangling": "It is easy to beat millet when holding people, but the broken arm refuses to pay."

Qing Ye Yan Ting "blew a clean record? Inscription on the edge of history: "the remaining platinum is easy to get and should be decorated again." "

Continue Fan Ting's Poem of Despair: "I am afraid of the extinction of the people, and I am willing to make my body easy to get rid of."

2. replace.

"Is it easy?" In ancient times, people lived in caves and in the wild, and later saints took them to the palace easily. "

Hanshu? Zhao Yaochuan: "Great-great grandfather made it with the seal of an ancient imperial doctor ... Who took Yao seriously:' Yao can't get anything.' So he worshipped Yao as an ancient man. "

Yan Shigu's Note: "Yi, Dai Ye."

Zhang Zhi Duan Shu: "The coup in Beidu, the number of violent people!"

3. change, change.

"book? Pan Gengzhong: "I can't tell you today. "

Kong Shu: "Zheng sued you for this."

Han's answer to Hakka opera: "It's not a gentleman's law to go with it."

Chen Menglei's Miscellaneous Fu in the Western Suburb in the Qing Dynasty Part V: "Honest and cold-resistant, naturally not easy."

Wen Jie's Haiyan: "The Navy Senior Colonel pondered for a moment, raised his brush, dipped it in ink, made some necessary changes, changed the place names and ticked all the names."

4. communication; Spread.

"book? Pan Gengzhong: "I am completely annihilated, and I have no education, so I have nothing to plant in this new city. "

Sun Xingyan's book: "Medical books are easy to yin and yang, and the words are delayed."

Zeng Yungan is reading: "Yi, also."

Dongguan Hanji? Biography of Du Lin: "If you want to get rid of its roots, don't make it fat, but fear it."

Kang Youwei's Preface to Great Harmony: "So Luther's Protestantism came out and changed the world instantly."

5. Not normal.

"book? Hong Fan: "Time is not easy, a hundred grains are used. "

Sun Xingyan said thinly, "Yi Zhe," Jiazi? Taoism "cloud: the law follows the track of reason, but it is easy to go against the track."

Zeng Yungan is reading: "It's easy to press, it's abnormal."

6. refers to mental disorder.

Did everything wrong? Neizang said: "His wife said,' It's easy to confuse the public.' Because bathing is for dogs. "

7. difference, not the same.

"Mandarin? Wu: "Today, Yoko's appearance is economical, and his words are not true. If the middle is not good, but the outside is strong, its pawn will be complex and easy to be outside. "

Zhao Wei's Note: "Yi is still different."

Wei of the Three Kingdoms wrote that "it is naturally difficult to learn": "My husband has a bitter mouth, a painful body, and is moved by things. If you want to do something, you can't learn it first, and you can't borrow it later. This is not easy for me. "

8. In ancient times, it refers to the change and decline of Yin and Yang.

"Is it easy? About the copula: "Life is simple. "

Han Note: "Yin and Yang change, so that it can be turned into life."

9. The image of divination. In ancient times, it was used to indicate good luck and bad luck.

The tenth time in The Scholars: "Chen said:' Bu Yi, talk about the stars, read fortune-telling ... the late students all know a little. " "

10. Ancient divination books. There are three books, Lianshan, Guizang and Zhouyi, which are collectively called Sanbian. Today, only Zhouyi is left.

"Zhou Li? Guan Chun? Dabu: "Master the three methods of the Book of Changes, namely, Lianshan, Guizang and Zhouyi. "

Liu Hanxin turned the book to Dr. Tai Chang: "Revise the Book of Changes, preface this book, and make Spring and Autumn Annals in memory of Emperor Wang Zhidao."

1 1. refers to the fortune teller.

Book of rites? Sacrifice righteousness ":"Easy to hold the turtle south, the son of heaven rolls the crown north. "

Zheng Xuan's Note: "Yi, official name."

12. A fingering method of playing stringed instruments is to come out from the center and pluck the strings.

Yuan Xiong Penglai's "Sechi" Volume 2: "One, the strip, the middle is divided outward."

State name. Governance is located in Yixian County, Hebei Province today.

New Tang book? "Biography of Dou Jiande": "The King's general Gao Shixing resisted Luoyi in Yinan."

14. See Xiao Shui.

15. The meaning is the same. Equivalent to "also".

"Su Wen? Bone void theory: "Flat bone has permeability, no pulp hole, no void and easy pulp." "

Bing Wang's Note: "Yi, ... >>

The latest information about what nudity means.

Naked strip (naked loan) means that when borrowing money, the borrower holds a naked photo of his ID card instead of an iou. In the event of default, the lender forces the borrower to repay the loan by exposing nude photos and contacting the borrower's parents. "Naked loan" deserves attention-female college students use * * * to get loans. When they are in arrears, the lender uses public nude photos and contact with the borrower's parents as threats to force the borrower to repay.

What does the cold of the body mean?

As we all know, many people have cold hands and feet in winter, so what causes this? We know that it is caused by cold in the body, so how can we get rid of cold in our body? What should I do if my body is cold? What are the ways to get rid of colds in life? Let's go with me to find out where the body chill comes from through winter health knowledge.

As many people know, cold and hot is a concept of temperature in nature, and its essence is the intensity of irregular movement of molecules. In fact, our body's cold and heat are also very similar to this, except that Chinese medicine says. The body is made up of qi, which "will be hot when exercising, but will be quiet and cold". The cold above the body is actually caused by our body's inactivity and lack of vitality.

People with cold bodies are often more afraid of cold, and their hands and feet are cold. If the spleen and stomach are cold, they dare not eat cold food and often have abdominal pain and diarrhea; Kidney cold, in addition to diarrhea, urine will be very long and clear; If the liver qi is cold, it may cause vomiting or headache due to unfavorable qi movement.

There are many sources of cold, which can be generally divided into internal cold and external cold. The essence of cold is that qi is immobile, and internal cold means that qi can't move because of weakness, which is generally accompanied by deficiency syndrome, such as shortness of breath, fatigue and pale face. External cold is due to the invasion of external cold into the body, which hinders the qi movement in the body and makes it run slowly. This situation generally has two development trends: people with weak constitution will develop in the direction of cold, people with strong constitution will fight against external cold, and the qi will accelerate in the struggle, showing heat. This is what Chinese medicine often says.

Some parts of the human body are susceptible to cold and need more protection. The abdomen is the part where the three yin meridians of the foot follow, and its resistance to cold pathogens is weak, so you should pay attention to cover the quilt when you sleep to avoid abdominal pain and diarrhea when you catch cold. Followed by the lower limbs, the foot three yin meridians enter the abdomen from the inside of the lower limbs, and cold pathogens can reach the abdomen from the lower limbs along the meridians. Some young people like to walk barefoot all year round, which facilitates the invasion of cold evil and should be avoided. The back of the head is the part where the yang meridian runs, and it has certain resistance. However, due to the conflict between good and evil here, they are prone to headaches and fever, so they should not be taken lightly. Usually pay attention to blow-drying your hair before going out, and pay attention to avoid catching cold when sleeping at night.

Internal cold and external cold are different. Internal cold needs temperature, so you can choose dried ginger, Atractylodes macrocephala, ginseng and other drugs. For decoction, the external cold needs to be dispersed, and a little sweat can drive away the cold in the body. You can take Jing Fang Bai Du San Han, or you can take ephedra, cassia twig, ginger and other drugs to decoct.

Four bad habits in life make your heart cold.

Chinese medicine says that cold is the source of all diseases, and cold pathogens hurt the kidney the most, and severe cold can lead to various diseases. It is coldest in winter. If a cold cannot be eliminated in time, it will affect your health. So how do we get rid of the cold in our bodies? To get rid of colds, we should get rid of the following four bad habits.

First, it is hot and cold.

Frequent access to air-conditioned rooms and failure to change clothes in time when the weather changes suddenly belong to this situation. Cold air slowly accumulates in the body, which will cause kidney deficiency, long spots, arthritis and acne. So when you go back to the house from the outside, don't turn on the air conditioner immediately, 15 minutes later, and ensure that the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is less than 6℃, otherwise it will cause air conditioning disease.

When autumn and winter change seasons, the weather is often hot and cold, with a large temperature difference between morning and evening and a heavy chill. Many people still wear thin clothes, causing cold invasion. It is recommended to watch the weather forecast often in autumn and winter, and take more clothes when going out to facilitate the increase or decrease. The coat must pass through the waist and abdomen, which is conducive to keeping the abdomen warm.

Second, the clothes are not dry.

Semi-dry and non-wet clothes will bring their moisture into the body and bury the hidden danger of rheumatism. Clothes that are not dry enough are also places where bacteria gather. Therefore, after washing clothes, try to dry them with laundry detergent and hang them in a ventilated place; In humid climate, we can choose to use iron or electric fan and heater to evaporate water.

Third, shoes with thin soles directly touch the ground. If the sole is too thin, the cold will naturally enter the human body. Therefore, it is necessary to choose shoes with a certain thickness, Oxford cloth and rubber soles, and put insoles on them, which will have a good cooling effect. People with sweaty feet had better prepare a pair of socks with them and put them on in time after sweating. It is best to soak your feet with hot water every night to keep warm and promote blood circulation.

Besides, quite a few ... >>

What do you mean it's hard to quit? Li Shangyin is described, but I don't know what π _ π means.

This sentence comes from Biography of Li Shangyin, which means that Shang Yin works as a poet, likes to use allusions and always looks up allusions in books, so his writing style is very obscure and gloomy. Simplicity means that words are difficult and words are obscure.

Attach the original text and translation:

Original text:

Biography of Li Shangyin

Shang Yin, the word Yishan, is from Huaizhou. Linghu Chuqi's talent made him swim to the door and give him grammar, which was very thick. After two years of development, he made great contributions, and Chu was good at this and gained great fame, so he was promoted to Jinshi. It is also outstanding, and Chu has also been played into a collection of sages. At the beginning, Wang Maoyuan was a secretary of the watch, married and had children. Except advice. Maoyuan is a cattle party, and scholars scoff at Shang Yin, thinking that it is thin and useless, and * * * rejects it. I stayed in Kyoto for a long time. Zheng Yafu, general manager of Guilin, was the judge, and he was in Suizhou in the last three years. When I came back, I was poor in the Prime Minister, and I hated him for forgetting his family's kindness, stealing profits, starting from a small person and refusing to show my points. On the Double Ninth Festival, due to business in class, I left a question: "There is no interest in the spring of ten years, and I thought about it before the ninth day." There is another cloud: "Officer Lang attaches great importance to enforcing the law, and the East Pavilion has no reason to peep again." I am saddened by this, and I will postpone the recruitment of Dr. Tai Xue. Liu Zhongying stayed in Zhongzhou for a few days and became a judge. Shang Yin's honesty and integrity are awesome. When I was the governor of Guangzhou, someone gave me some money. Shang Yin said: "I am not easy to be myself, and I am not afraid of others knowing." A few days later, he joined the official department of the inspection school. Stop, guest Xingyang, pawn. The poems of Shang Dynasty are rich in literature and ancient times, so it is difficult to conceal them. And from the Chu school, the couple have long and short, but they are complicated. All belong to the book, and the number is "Rex Sacrifice Fish". And the purpose can be touching, people call it before and after the cross. Wen He Duan and Nong praised each other and collectively called them "Thirty-six Styles". The post-critic said that his poems were like precious tassels, with thousands of wires in the iron net, dense and beautiful, and should not be applied. Believe what you say. I traveled to Chang 'an when I first became famous, but I was still eager to meet people. Because of staying in a hotel and traveling against the trend, many guests drank heavily. When I wrote the poem Magnolia, I called and sat down, but I didn't know it was a business retreat. Later, it became a cloud: "The waves in Dongting are cold and dawn, and they sail away every day. I saw Mulan from the boat several times, but I didn't know that Yuan was the flower. " When the guest asked his name, he was frightened and accused. When Bai Letian retired, he was very satisfied with this article. He said, "After I die, it will be enough for you." He died in vain for several years and gave birth to a child, hence the name "Bai Lao". Being extremely plain, Wen Feiqing said in a play, "Isn't it a pity to take Lang as your back?" Later, I gave birth to a son, Cong Jun, a famous teacher. Shang Yin said in his poem, "I am a charming girl, but Yingxiu is unparalleled." This one or the back? Shang became a school of its own, which was valued by later scholars, also known as "Kunxi Style". Twenty volumes of Fan Nanjia Collection, 20 volumes of Yi Collection and three volumes of Shi Sheng in western Henan. Since the number "Yuxi Zi". Another volume, another volume, and spread to all parts of the world.


Li Shangyin (born in 8 13) was born in Yishan, now Qinyang, Henan. Linghu Chu admired his talent. (Press: Li Shangyin was in love with Song Huayang on Yuyang Mountain. Later, because the emperor knew about it, he killed all the ladies who came up to practice, which led to the tragedy he was doomed from the beginning and he was driven down the mountain. ) When I saw his article published in the newspaper, I put him under my door and taught him to cope with the imperial examination. He received very generous treatment. In the second year of Kaicheng (837), I was 24 years old. At that time, the examiner of the imperial examination department was a man named Gao Kai. He asked Hu Chu to make friends with him and said a lot of nice things in front of Gao Kai, so he was promoted to a scholar (according to Li Shangyin). Then he was outstanding, let Hu Chu play books to the court, and Li Shangyin became the official position of a captain in Jixian County (sorting books according to the official position of Jixian Academy). Later, Linghu Chu died later. Wang Maoyuan was our envoy in Jingyuan at that time. He has always admired Li Shangyin's literary talent. Call him the secretary of our Jingyuan office and marry his daughter to him. Later, he fell to Chang 'an and became an admonitory Beijing official. However, Wang Maoyuan was a member of the Li Deyu Party (according to the infighting among courtiers in the late Tang Dynasty, because Ling Huchu was a member of the Niu Party), so celebrities made irresponsible remarks about him and excluded him because of his misconduct. In Beijing, it has not been promoted yet. So he went to Zheng Yafu, general manager of Guilin, and became a festival judge. Later, Zheng Ya was banished to Zhou Xun, and he followed. Three years later, he returned to his hometown in Henan. Because life was really unbearable and I was too poor, I went to take refuge in Linghu Mao, the son of Linghu Chu. Hu Ling hated him and forgot the kindness of his family. He put aside his own interests, went to a party with Li party member and refused to associate with him. On the Double Ninth Festival, Li Shangyin ran to Linghu Hall and wrote a poem on the wall. The content of the poem is to ask for an official. Hu Ling Suo saw the content of the poem and was moved by compassion, so he became a doctor of business. At that time, Liu Zhongying was from Jiannan Dongchuan ... >>

What does Lori mean?

Lolita's definition is translated into Lolita and Lolita in Chinese. Simply put, it is a girl who can cause people (usually boys) to have a special preference (not necessarily the usual "like") for girls who are young or look young. Simply put, it is a cute girl, but it is not necessarily a * * * or a girl, which basically exists in between. However, because everyone worships different objects, the current age definition is basically below high school, and some people have high-impact areas. However, because some special characters in ACG products (such as living for 1W years or the gods of children's bodies) can also be called Lori, age has gradually become a single definition, and a class of people who are good as long as they are cute, as well as data on age and body. However, although the current standards are not necessarily, the basics must be cute and the body is in an ambiguous state. Lolita, the original source of Lolita, defines Lolita as "female" and "8 to 14 years old", but it is generally recognized as "cute" rather than "sexy". In addition, because different people have different aesthetic values, the age limit varies from person to person, but it is generally considered that 14 years old or older (some people think it is 16 years old) is another important indicator of "evolution (depravity)"-that is, it has begun to develop (8 years old) and basically developed (/kloc-0 Note: Loli's unit of measurement can only be "unique", such as "a Loli". Everyone's definition is different: some are divided by age (strict physiological age), some by temperament (psychological age, appearance age), and more strictly, both standards must be met. Finally, if you think it is, consider it (below). But in general, there is a key point in Kawaii's little loli, which is "undeveloped" or "hypoplasia". Generally speaking, there are two kinds of Lori according to their physical characteristics. One is sweet love loli, and most of them are like this. The other is the elegant Gothic Lori (Goth). In terms of age, it is different. 12- 15 is the standard loli, 7- 12 is Alice loli, and below 7 is Gao loli. Those who are strict about age are also classified. The first category is lolikon, the second category is alikon, and the third category is haikon. In Lolita's book, the definition of Lolita's age is 9- 13 years old, a growing and maturing girl (not a child). At this point, the division is based on. Because the British 1930( 1933? 1936? In 1980s, a standard was issued to define the age of a girl: under 8 years old: girl 8- 13 years old: * *13 years old: girl 18 years old or above: I still agree with this classification of adult female cartoon Loli, which is between mature and childish, and even more. Many people like the younger type, that is, Loli before the age of 8, the ultra-young type, and others like Loli who has entered puberty and is about to mature, that is, 14- 16 years old, that is, mature Loli. There is no exact definition, but LOLI, whether young, mature or orthodox, is a symbol of being young and lovely, and also the weakest and most vulnerable group, so love them, protect and care for them. [Edit this paragraph] Loli's psychology Loli is not only a fashion, but also a way for young people to express their emotional needs, or a self-protection arm to make up for their self-distrust. As developmental psychologist Ellison pointed out, young people are in the stage of "self-knowledge and confusion". They often have childlike innocence and dreams, a desire to get rid of the shackles of reality and need to find themselves. Therefore, they challenge the tradition by being unruly and wild, hoping to get others' attention, understanding and recognition, and truly accept lorina's cartoon. Loli originated from Lolita written by Russian-American novelist Vladimir Nabokov (1899- 1977) in 1955, which describes a middle-aged professor who has a crush on 12-year-old girl lol ... > >

What words can a bleak voice form?


Se se,






Color clouds,

Dot color,


Keywords maser, chip breaker,




Dot color,



Touch musical instruments,


Zhang Se,



Phase color,

Tune the instrument,



Brilliant color,


Chess player,

Treasure color,

Qin se,



Drum instruments,

Spiritual color,



