Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Solve the following matlab program!

Solve the following matlab program!

Change it like this:

Chromaticity control center


SNR _ DB = 0: 1: 12;

sum = 1000000;

data= randsrc(sum,2,[0 1]);

[a 1,b 1]=find(data(:, 1)= = 0 & amp; Data (:,2) = = 0);

Message (a1) =-1-1i;

[a2,b2]=find(data(:, 1)= 0 & amp; Data (:,2) = =1);

Message (A2) =-1+1i;

find(data(:, 1)= = 1 & amp; Data (:,2) = = 0);

Message (a3) =1-1i;

[a4,b4]=find(data(:, 1)= = 1 & amp; Data (:,2) = =1);

Message (A4) =1+1i;

Scatter chart (message)

Title ("Point B Signal Constellation")

a = 1;

TB = 1;

Eb = A * A * Tb

p _ signal = Eb/Tb;

No =Eb. /( 10.^(snr_db/ 10));

P _ noise = P _ signal * NO

sigma = sqrt(P _ noise);

For Eb_NO_id= 1: length (sigma)

noise 1 = sigma(Eb _ NO _ id)* randn( 1,sum);

noise 2 = sigma(Eb _ NO _ id)* randn( 1,sum);

Receive = message+noise1+noise 2 *1i;

% resum = 0;

% total = 0;

m 1 = find(angle(receive)& lt; =π/2 & amp; Angle (receiving) > 0);

remessage( 1,m 1)= 1+ 1i;

redata(m 1, 1)= 1;

redata(m 1,2)= 1;

m2= find( angle(receive)>π/2 & amp; Angle (reception) < = pi);

remessage( 1,m2)=- 1+ 1i;

redata(m2, 1)= 0;

redata(m2,2)= 1;

M3=find( angle(receive)>pi & amp angle (receive)< =-π/2);

remessage( 1,m3)=- 1- 1i;

redata(m3, 1)= 0;

redata(m3,2)= 0;

m4=find( angle(receive)>-π/2 & amp; Angle (reception) < = 0);

remessage( 1,M4)= 1- 1i;

redata(m4, 1)= 1;

redata(m4,2)= 0;

[resum,ratio 1]=symerr(data,redata);

pbit(Eb _ NO _ id)= resum/(sum * 2);

[total,ratio2]=symerr(message,re message);

PE(Eb _ NO _ id)= total/sum;


Scatter chart (receiving)

Title ("C Point Signal Constellation")

PE = 1-( 1- 1/2 * erfc(sqrt( 10。 ^(SNR_DB/ 10)/2))).^2;

pbit = 1/2 * erfc(sqrt( 10。 ^(snr_db/ 10)/2));

Figure (3)

Semilogarithm (SNR_DB, pe,': s', SNR_DB, Pe,'-*', SNR_DB, Pbit,' -o', SNR_DB, pbit,':+').

Legend ("QPSK simulation error rate", "QPSK theoretical error rate", "QPSK simulation error rate", "QPSK theoretical error rate")

Xlabel ("signal-to-noise ratio /dB")

Ylabel ("probability p")

Grid open