Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - 12 constellation is guarded by what constellation?

12 constellation is guarded by what constellation?

Aries →→→→ Ideal Love

Fire sign, ruled by hot and dry Mars. Positive, high-spirited, quite pioneering spirit, because of a strong sense of justice, so when you see the bumpy road, you tend to draw out your sword to help, and good and evil are clearly hateful.

The Fairy Tale of Aries tells the story of how a sheep covered in golden hair helps a poor brother and sister Felix and Heilei get rid of their stepmother's murder. Aries women, with distinct personality, full of energy, strong self-confidence, pursue ideal love.

The ruler is red Mars.

The patron saint is Marus.

Guardian Goddess-Amazon Woman Warrior

Taurus →→→→→ Single-minded Love

The earth constellation, the guardian star is Venus, which symbolizes beauty and love. Pacifist, introverted and shy, has the spirit of sacrificing the ego to complete the ego, and is cautious. Once a decision is made, it will never change easily.

IO, the daughter of the river god, turned into a bull to keep the love of Zeus, the Almighty God. In order to avoid the anger and jealousy of Zeus' wife Hera, Io bravely turned herself into a cow. Women who belong to Taurus with Venus, the goddess of love, will devote themselves to love.

The ruler is Venus.

The patron saint is Venus, the goddess of love.

Guardian Goddess-Goddess of the Land

Gemini →→→→→ Bright Love

The wind sign, the patron saint is Mercury, who is in charge of wisdom and eloquence. Quick thinking, good understanding, ability to draw inferences from others, good ability to collect information, suitable for changing the nature of work.

Gemini is a constellation composed of two men shouldering each other. This is a story about how castel, who is good at equestrian, and Polax, who is good at fencing, fought side by side and defeated the enemy. Gemini women are symbols of emotional harmony.

The ruler is mercury.

The patron saint is a messenger for a long time.

Guardian goddess-pigeon goddess

Cancer →→→→→ Pure love

Water-based constellation, with the moon as the patron saint, has delicate feelings, great emotional ups and downs, attaches importance to feelings, attaches importance to family harmony, hates conflicts with people, and ranks first in the list of twelve constellations in creativity and imagination.

Cancer, this is a story about Hera, the wife of Zeus, who sent Cancer to protect her territory and treasure. Cancer women can love themselves very much and exude femininity.

The ruler is the moon.

The patron saint is Diana, the sister of the sun god.

Guardian goddess-Sheila goddess

Leo →→→→→ Strong love

Fire sign with the sun as its patron saint. Cheerful, open-minded, independent, like to be a leader, big sister, boss to take care of others. Therefore, it will always be the most dazzling in the group and can best show its own glory.

Hera, Zeus' wife, was jealous of Hercules and sent him to conquer a man-eating lion. This lion is a monster with magic. It has invulnerable skin. Hercules fought it with his bare hands and finally defeated it. Leo women are positive and enthusiastic.

The ruler is the sun.

The patron saint is Apollo.

The Guardian Goddess-Eleanor

Virgo →→→→ Romantic Love

Earth constellation, guardian star with intelligent mercury. He is observant and analytical, and everything can be cut in from various angles. He is best suited to be a brain trust in a group.

This is a story about Perus Winnie, the daughter of Zeus, the Almighty God, and Dimitri, the agricultural god, who was kidnapped and forced to get married by Batis, the king of the underworld, and her mother was heartbroken. So Zeus compromised with Baptiste and let Peru Chevigny return to her mother in spring and summer and to the underworld of Baptiste in autumn and winter. Virgo women are full of romantic love.

The ruler is mercury.

The patron saint is a messenger for a long time.

Guardian Goddess-God of Wisdom

Libra →→→→→ Patience and Calm Love

Air signs Venus represents beauty and harmony, and it is a guardian star. Coping properly, behaving gracefully, being fair and just, so groups often act as peacemakers alone.

Astor Leah, the goddess of justice, saw human beings arguing about the unfair distribution of crops harvested in autumn. So, give her scales to human beings and let them distribute their income fairly. Libra women, like Libra, attach importance to equality and have a sense of justice. She is also a calm and patient girl.

The ruler is Venus.

The patron saint is Venus, the goddess of love.

Guardian goddess-Helen

Scorpio →→→→→ Mysterious Love

Water sign, the ruler, is Pluto with explosive force and insight. I am gloomy and unpredictable, and I have strong doubts and struggles in my heart, so I tend to go to extremes when talking about feelings.

Oliver of Orion is a fierce and powerful hunter. He forced his courtship to themis, the goddess of hunting, and angered Hera, the queen of heaven, so Hera sent a scorpion to kill Oliver when he was not looking. Scorpio is reserved and has a unique charm. For the object of admiration, I have a strong enthusiasm in my heart, but I am very cautious.

The ruler is Pluto.

The patron saint is Pude, the king of hell.

Guardian goddess-Capricorn goddess

Sagittarius →→→→→ passionate love

Fire sign, Jupiter, the ruler of freedom, is the ruler. Optimism loves adventure, likes making friends and traveling, hates being bound, and pursues a free and unrestrained life.

The Myth of Sagittarius tells the story of Khyron, a young man with good mind, quick action and literary talent. In the first half, he is a man, and in the second half, he is a horse. Sagittarius women love freedom, don't like bondage, value career over family, and have a changeable life.

The main star is Jupiter.

The patron saint is Cupid, the king of the gods.

Guardian Goddess-Budika

Capricorn →→→→→ Lonely Love

Earth constellation, patient Saturn as its ruler. Work hard and be practical, be practical step by step, be fair and reasonable, and be strict with yourself and others.

Paine is an excellent musician with two horns on his head and a pinch of goatee on his chin. At a banquet, when Paine was playing the flute, a big monster Di Feng suddenly appeared, and all the gods fled. At this time, Paine also turned into a fish and jumped into the river, but because he was too flustered, only the lower body turned into a fish, while the upper body was still a sheep. Capricorn women have a strong sense of responsibility, but they are withdrawn and unsociable, so they often go it alone.

The ruler is Saturn.

The patron saint is Satan, the god of agriculture.

Guardian Goddess-Matt

Aquarius →→→→ Love with Personality

Air signs, Uranus in charge of reform, is its ruler. Creative, philanthropic and full of idealism, there will be a tendency to be divorced from reality and blindly pursue ideals.

This fairy tale is about a handsome boy, Carney Mieris, who is holding a water bottle. He is the prince of Tuoloa kingdom. Because his whole body was shining with dazzling golden light, he was very beautiful, so Zeus, the almighty god, sent him to pour wine for the gods. Aquarius women have a good mind and service spirit. Because you are precocious, you should be extra careful when making friends.

The ruler is Uranus.

The patron saint is Uranus.

Guardian goddess-Athena

Pisces →→→→→ Love with all your heart.

Water sign, the main star is Neptune, which dominates the sixth sense and compassion. Because of this, you are born with a good sixth sense, quite artistic. Compassionate, it is easy to sacrifice yourself to fulfill others.

Aphrodite, the beautiful goddess, jumped into the river with her son, Elos, to escape the monster Di Feng and become two fish. Two fish tied their tails together so as not to be washed away. Now it's Pisces Pisces woman is a combination of love (physical love) and beauty (spiritual love). They not only have pure love, but also long for passionate love. Love comes to everyone, and it is easy to accept others.

The main star is Neptune.

The patron saint is Neptune.

Guardian goddess-Poseidon

I hope it helps you! ! !