Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - What are Bernard Kumi's representative works?

What are Bernard Kumi's representative works?

Bernard Kumi is a world-famous architectural critic and designer, and one of the representatives of structuralism. His main design works include La Villette Park in Paris, Tokyo Opera House, Karlsruhe-Media Communication Center in Germany and Columbia Student Activity Center. If you want to know more about the designer's design ideas and architectural concepts, I suggest starting with the following books and works.

For the first time, two introductory books, Architectural Concept: Red is not a Color, and Bernard Chumi Architecture: Concepts and Signs, were published (edited by Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Art). These two books introduce Bernard Kumi and his architectural works from a third-party perspective, and interpret the design concept of structuralist architecture from a basic perspective. After reading these two books, we can understand the uniqueness of Bernard Kumi's design works.

Next is Bernard Kumi's most famous masterpiece, The Manhattan Codex.

The Manhattan manuscript is not a complete paper. It can be regarded as Qumi's early study of architectural narrative in a montage way. He constructed a murder case by himself, and expressed the whole story with three lines: picture (event), charcoal painting (space) and arrow (movement). By using the following "moment", he is actually deconstructing the story, and when you read a moment composed of event space and movement, and a story composed of only a series of events (or only space or movement), you lose the particularity of the whole story (my personal understanding is that it constitutes another new story in disguise and can be interpreted many times. ) architecture is generally born for a series of preset activities. As an event that is not considered in the scope of killing, architecture still has its accommodation.

If there are many things you don't understand when studying Manhattan Manuscript, you can refer to Qu Mi's previous research on movie scripts. In this work, Qu Mi decomposes several important films and discusses how to replace architectural space with story content.

There are also the series of works Event City, Event City and Event City 2 published by Qu Mi in 1994 and 2000. In these two works, Qu Mi hopes to integrate "event-space" and puts forward some very interesting views on events. Among them, his concept of events is particularly striking, which breaks the corresponding relationship between architectural functional forms and space types and endows space with events. Reading these two works can help us understand the role of events in architectural creation.

Finally, I would like to recommend Qumi 1975- 1990' s theoretical monograph "Architecture and Separation". In the process of architectural design and construction in China, firstly, the concept of architectural design is developed and deepened to the construction drawing stage, then the structural drawing is delivered to the structural engineer, then the mechanical drawing is handed over to the mechanical engineer, and finally the contractor draws the detailed drawing before the construction can begin. In this assembly shop, the separation of design and structure is almost procedural. This series of works mainly expounds how to ensure that the final building is consistent with the design drawing when the structural drawing is separated from the construction.

Of course, every master's work is a classic. This article only recommends some classic works to you from a personal point of view. If you have different opinions, welcome to discuss.