Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Find the most energetic star in your astrolabe (3)

Find the most energetic star in your astrolabe (3)

The four States of planetary power from strong to weak are called temple, flourishing, falling and sinking. Entering the temple: when a planet is in the constellation it is guarding, it is called entering the temple. The energy is strongest at this time. "Yaosheng": referred to as "Wang" for short, it means that a planet has a constellation related to it besides its own constellation. When it is located in this constellation, it can exert the power of harmony, increase complementary factors and expand advantages. "Mutual harm": referred to as "weakness" When a planet is located in the opposite constellation of its guardian constellation, it is called "loss of power". It means that the power of the planet will not be fully exerted, and the influence of the constellation is greater than that of the planet. "Fall": When a planet is located in the constellation opposite to its prosperous constellation, it is called "fall". Because this kind of planet is difficult to show its own characteristics and its energy is very weak.

First, the Gemini Temple is weak: Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune If your Mercury falls into Gemini (Temple): Gemini Mercury will emphasize the agility of thinking, the flexibility of reaction, and the ability to speak, so it will have innate advantages in thinking, language, and logic. If Mercury is not punished, it usually has a strong learning ability, and children can teach themselves and have a strong language expression ability. Adults can learn many foreign languages and do well in social interaction and debate. Usually, Mercury Gemini will have a better travel fortune. If you are worried about getting lost, you can ask your friends in Mercury Gemini for help. Usually, you also have a very good talent in design and expression, so you must clearly realize that your advantage comes from the words "speaking, writing, arguing and doing". Or through these four words, find your own abilities and talents.

If your Jupiter falls into Gemini (weak), it must be said that although it is weak, it does not mean that it has no advantage. Jupiter and Gemini may not be suitable for study, but they are easy to become monks. To be a good communicator, maybe not a researcher, you should pay attention to life at ordinary times. It is certainly not easy to concentrate on a certain field or thing. You can easily become an information shelter. You know a lot, but you are not necessarily proficient. But you are really an omnipotent person. In the past, you might have been a natural search engine. You have seen many things, many people and things. But it is also easy to have a problem that you are fidgeting, and your mind is always updating and adjusting. Maybe you have many ways to get the truth, but you don't necessarily believe a truth.

If your Neptune falls into Gemini (trapped): The last time Neptune fell into Gemini was from 1887 to 190 1 year, so there is no such person on earth, but with the popularity of astrology, we can understand that this landing may not put some information and communication on a real level, such as more art, literature, poetry and painting. In this era, people tend to communicate spiritually and express their inner feelings, and art and religion will be a fashion and trend.

Second, Virgo's house is strong and weak: Mercury, Pluto, Jupiter and Venus. If your mercury falls in Virgo (temple): Mercury is also the ruler of Virgo, so it can also play its greatest advantage like Mercury Gemini. It can be seen from this landing point that individuals tend to analyze more carefully, more clearly and more accurately. If Mercury Gemini will emphasize the flexibility of Mercury's essence, then Mercury Virgo will emphasize the accuracy of Mercury. Therefore, the accuracy of Mercury Virgo can make him (her) a critic and a person who can ask questions at any time, which is really helpful for the development of society, especially for the improvement of service, and for giving the most accurate judgment and asking the sharpest and most difficult questions, so it is very helpful for learning. Especially for jobs that need speculation and cannot be neglected, such as financial work and medical work, it will be of great help and guarantee.

If your Pluto falls in Virgo (King): When the deep Pluto meets Virgo, it will make Virgo's sharpness and picky to the extreme. You are very good at finding problems, you can quickly see through the essence of things, and you can also find problems in time so that things will not go to dangerous situations. This is a configuration with its own alarm radar, which is particularly intelligent. During this period, business, medicine and social services will be greatly promoted and improved, and the importance of healthy and more effective business plans will be recognized.

If your Jupiter falls into Virgo (weak): When the power of Jupiter's amplification and expansion kit meets Virgo's details and picky characteristics, such conflicts and contradictions will follow. This configuration will make a person fall into a tendency of being workaholic or obsessed with details. The expansion and busyness of life brought by Jupiter cannot alleviate the relaxation of details, so people will try too hard to relax. The biggest problem in this position is not to waste Jupiter's energy on details and trivial things. Jupiter will give us a chance to grow and improve spiritually, because too many details will bind us and prevent us from letting go of the limitations of life and enjoying the growth and spiritual and trivial life brought by Jupiter.

If your Venus falls in Virgo (trapped): When Venus falls in Virgo, even if your aspect is particularly good, such as Jin Mu, the golden fire will help you have more peaches, which does not mean that there will be a relationship. Even regardless of the house, Venus Virgo has a perfectionist and critical aesthetic wherever she is. For example, a very good man can't accept him because his nails are covered with onychomycosis, so Venus Virgo has many eyebrows and many restrictions in her heart. This is bound to increase the difficulty of love. Inspiring Virgo belongs to the changing constellation. Even if you are sure that the man you like may lose his original feeling because of the change of environment, Venus Virgo is fickle to some extent.

Third, the Sagittarius house is weak: Jupiter, Neptune, Mercury If your Jupiter falls into Sagittarius (house): Because Jupiter is the guardian constellation of Sagittarius, Jupiter's expansion, luck, and yearning for vision, religion, and foreign culture will become more emphasized and positive. Even a person with the sun and the moon in the earth sign will make people more energetic, sunny and full of positive energy, and the probability that life is a trip will be particularly high. So such people will show an emphasis on distance. One is geographical distance, such as love of travel and love of foreign culture. People who go to more places in their lives than those who are not Jupiter Sagittarius have a great desire to improve their minds. Knowledge has hundreds of reasons, so such a person will appear to know everything. Then there is the distance between the soul, for example, learning and belief will put a lot of energy into it, so it is easy to have a high degree of education and great attainments in religion.

If your Neptune falls into Sagittarius (King): Just like Pisces, another ruler of Jupiter, when Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, falls into Sagittarius, this energy is also adaptive and comfortable. This is an era of dreaming. People who own this place will have many life dreams and spiritual beliefs, such as movies, painting and literature promotion. Science fiction and crossing race and gender are the most accustomed and best things in this configuration. You can study abroad more and improve your self-cultivation and aesthetics. People in this era are also eager for freedom, so they will have a wandering aesthetic and yearn for a bohemian lifestyle. Romantic and beautiful characteristics of the times.

If your mercury falls into Sagittarius (weak): First of all, this landing point is not necessarily a bad thing. We can see many advanced degrees, and researchers with good academic performance will have such a landing point. But for more ordinary people, some words and ideas said by such people may not be understood by everyone. I can't understand what he really thinks and what he means. Maybe it's too abstruse, so it seems ungrounded. Sometimes mercury Sagittarius is not good at expressing his inner thoughts, but expresses the meaning of mercury Sagittarius' requirements through books and research projects. I have to say that Mercury Sagittarius really has no opinion, because nothing is really right or wrong, so if you ask Mercury Sagittarius, he may give you a reason, so you can see right or wrong, but he will never tell you whether your question is right or wrong, so you will not be grounded in communication. It is not easy to understand his ideas.

Fourth, Pisces House is weak: Jupiter (Neptune), Venus, Mercury If your Jupiter and Neptune fall into Pisces House, your world can be said to be colorful and rich in spiritual life. A pattern can hypnotize you, or an intense scene can make you cry. You are such an artist with your own literary temperament. It can be said that Jupiter and Neptune, both in Pisces, have artistic potential. If it is not a special punishment, it will generally have a very outstanding performance in the cultivation of sex. For you, spirit and matter are at least as important. You are compassionate by nature, susceptible to infection and sensitive. Art and spiritual beliefs will once again be placed in an important position. If a person is doing it for material things, it is a walking corpse for Muhai Pisces. Of course, matter serves the spirit, and the spirit will bring you the greatest pleasure and show your greatest achievements.

If your Venus falls into Pisces (King): Venus's friends in Pisces will increase the romantic experience of love, and love is beautiful. Venus and Pisces will amplify the feeling of love, which can be said to be getting better and better. Your love experience can be said to be beyond all constellations. Love is the most beautiful movie and the best poem. Love will make you an artist, which in turn may blind you to love. In this way, you will be very devoted to love and even desperate for love. This relationship is also very touching. Pisces is an emotional water sign. The expression of emotions here is more beautiful and smooth. It is not only the ability to love, but also the powerful "magic" to attract each other. For Venus and Pisces, it can be said that it is a peach blossom constitution. Love is, of course, a beauty that cannot be missed in life.