Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Trump constellation _ Trump constellation blood group

Trump constellation _ Trump constellation blood group

Which constellation is the king of air signs?

Aquarius is the king of air signs. A king does not have to have professional skills. We must have a long-term vision, a big picture, and the qualities that politicians must have, such as grand strategic planning and cohesion. The king is the core of a team and the helmsman who grasps the direction. Therefore, for the king, technical ability is only an additional sub-item of personal charm, and it is only a multiple-choice question, not necessary.

Typical examples are Liu Bang and Xiang Yu in the official history. Of course, Liu Bang is the king, but his technical ability is really poor. Personally, he is an ignorant, ungrateful, suspicious, opportunistic and short-faced hooligan. But he has all the qualities of a great politician, so he can attract and appoint talents, and no matter how difficult it is, his core team members have never left him. Xiang Yu is just the other way around, with the leading role aura. He is the only person who is unparalleled in ancient times. He is a natural military commander from a noble family, caring for his family, being single-minded and caring for his soldiers. He has to be handsome, tall and talented. It can be said that we all have the personal qualities and material foundation that Diaosi wants. But he is a traitor. Because he regarded improving his own strength as a prescription to save his political naivety. The better his personal skills, the farther away from his mortals. Because he has more technical ability than subordinates, what's the use of subordinates? Naturally, I rolled up my bedding and jumped into the boat to go to Liu Bang. Liu bang's technical ability is a mess. When encountering problems, he always asks Sean, Xiao He and Han Xin. That's why these people have found their place. Liu bang, the king, can solve the problem by asking.

Then back to the topic of the king of the wind: Aquarius' goal is the most clear among the three constellations, Libra is difficult to choose, and Gemini is too capricious. When Lincoln and Trump are compared, even if you don't know their birthdays, it is easy to know which constellation they belong to. Lincoln's goal is clear-to eliminate serfdom and unify the north and south States. Just these two goals. What about Trump? At one moment, we will build a wall, retreat from the group, and let the allies bear 50% of our military expenditure. Then, when we saw that South Korea paid 50% of its military expenditure, we immediately changed our tune, shouting 150% of its military expenditure, saying that we would limit military expenditure, and planning to increase military expenditure by 4.9% over the previous year. Are kings so headstrong that they make fun of the country's reputation? Lincoln is the son of a shoemaker, and his education level, family background and technical ability have been completely exploded by Trump. But Lincoln was the greatest president in American history.