Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - 9.29 CCTV's first set of poetry recital at the 60th National Day party.

9.29 CCTV's first set of poetry recital at the 60th National Day party.

Selected Poems of People's Republic of China (PRC)'s 60th Anniversary

(male collar) through the eyes of history

We stood on the shoulders of the years and looked down.

In the stormy waves of Hukou of the Yellow River

We heard the eternal passion.

On Mount Everest, Xue Hai.

What we stare at is a kind of true purity that has not changed for thousands of years.

Qin soldiers and horse servants in tunnels

We feel a kind of boldness and depth.

(Together) Ah, the motherland

You are the land under your feet.

(Female) It used to be a mountain and river full of chariots and horses.

It was once a giant that stood tall in the Qin and Han Dynasties.

This used to be the ruins of the watchtower looted by Eight-Nation Alliance.

It used to be a place to eat chaff and swallow vegetables thousands of miles away.

You are a land of perseverance and self-improvement.

(Female collar) You are the mother who gave birth to me and raised me.

Through the eyes of history

We stood on the shoulders of the years and looked down.

In the blue waves of Nanhu Lake

We witnessed the birth of a giant.

(Male) A sickle roared and cut off all the shackles of the old world.

The hammer calls for a new dawn in China.

Look, Jinggangshan is full of red azaleas.

It's a chapter in Chu Ci that amazed Li Sao.

(Male collar) Listen, the gunfire rang over Nanchang.

It is a kind of charm that makes bronze Qin servants stunned.

Yangtze River, give me strength and let me grow.

Yellow River, give me wisdom and make me mature.

Mount Tai, the Great Wall, gave me a stalwart body.

Give me unlimited power.

Let me sweep away the dark world.

(Female collar) In the warm embrace of the motherland.

I learned how to face difficulties and hardships.

It is a solid arm of the motherland.

Lift me up.

Like a flying dragon

Standing in the east of the world

(Together) Ah, the motherland

You're amazing.

You raised the children of Qian Qian heroes with milk.

You watered this fertile land with sweat.

You have cultivated our firm belief with hard work.

You declared the end of the old times with a cry.

You are the endless motivation in our life.

You are a safe haven for children to return from a long voyage.

(male collar, female collar) Through the eyes of history,

We stand on the other side of the future and look back on the past.

(Female collar) In the incense of Mazu Tempel.

We heard the songs sung by Qizi.

In the blue waters of Danshui Bay

We smelled the scent of bauhinia.

(male collar) with the majestic shape of the Millennium Monument

We feel that the pace of the new century is forceful.

(Female) In spring, people who are walking are coming to us with vigorous steps.

It dresses the countryside green.

The mountains are green and the water is green.

There is a breath of spring in the air.

(Male) It makes the city put on a green coat.

Trees are lush and flowers are everywhere.

Even in our songs.

There are also many youthful melodies echoing.

Spring in the motherland

Is opening the door to national rejuvenation.

Spring in the motherland

Is to blow the horn to wake up the sleeping people.

Spring in the motherland

Make the countryside green and the city noisy.

Spring in the motherland

You are opening your mind.

Accept children's impulsive youth and firm belief.

(Male collar) This is an era of connecting the past with the future.

New opportunities, new challenges

(Female collar) This is a rapidly changing era.

Knowledge innovation, keep pace with the times

(Male collar) This is an era of connecting the past with the future.

The burden on our shoulders is heavy]

We look forward to a bright future.

(Male) The motherland is marching in the sea of flowers.

We blow horns, beat gongs and drums.

The motherland is advancing in the spring breeze.

We write our blessings on our faces.

Keep your expectations in mind.

The motherland is marching on the road of the new century.

We strung the stars with songs.

A tunnel through time and space

Hang it in the sky.

May you always hear your child's voice,

(Male collar, female collar) Motherland, our great mother.

You are coming to the new century.

March towards your tomorrow again.

(Female collar) Bless you, motherland.

Your people bless you.

1, me and my motherland-dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the National Day as the first light in the East.


The melody of Dongfanghong

Warmed my tender heart.

Bathed in the morning sunshine.

In the sound of reading.

I said loudly

-Me and my country

When the postman gently knocks on the knocker.

The farmhouse is permeated with cheerful spring scenery.

That thin admission notice

Through a pair of rough hands

Through my father's tearful eyes

Concentrate on the smoke from the kitchen, and the green hills are towering.

I am grateful to say

-Me and my country

When the flag of sickle and axe

Expand the color of blood and fire

The faces of countless martyrs

Through my heart.

-fight for * * * for life.

Hit the eardrum hard

I solemnly say

-Me and my country

During the Wenchuan earthquake

Shake the mountains and rivers of China

Huaxia sky

Send painful radio waves

Staring at the half-falling five-star red flag.

Watching the soldiers running nervously on the ruins.

I said firmly

-Me and my country

When 60 years of wind and rain

Sneak out of the window

From two bombs and one satellite to Zhai Zhigang's spacewalk

From Olympic Dream Circle to Gulf of Aden

The unforgettable first five-star red flag rose in Tiananmen Square.

Unforgettable voice trust of the chief designer during his southern tour.

I'm proud to say

-Me and my country


I am proud, I come from China!

Author: Wang Huairang

Among countless blue eyes and brown eyes,

I have a pair of black eyes like jewels.

I am proud, I come from China!

Among countless white skin and black skin,

My skin is as yellow as the earth,

I am proud, I come from China!

I'm from China-

The Loess Plateau is my chest,

The flowing water of the Yellow River is my boiling blood;

The Great Wall is my raised arm,

Mount Tai is my heel.

I'm from China.

My ancestors walked out of the forest for the first time.

My ancestors started farming first.

I am a descendant of the compass and printing.

I am a descendant of pi and seismograph.

In my country,

There are not only immortals in history.

Keywords Confucius, Sima Qian, Li Zicheng, Sun Yat-sen,

And immortality in the history of literature

Hua Mulan, Lin Daiyu, the Monkey King, Lu.

I am proud that I am from China!

I'm from China.

My voice is as rough as the Yellow River,

Not only in the United Nations building,

Speak out China's comments,

Also at the Olympic Games,

Shouting "China scores".

When applause sent the flag of China to the blue sky,

I wish I were from China!

I'm from China.

My huge arms are like the Great Wall,

Not only the drill pipe of the diamond oil production machine

Predict that the center of the earth can't hit oil,

Send communication satellites to our ancestors.

White clouds that I have never seen in my dream.

When the five oceans listen to the voice of the East,

I am proud, I come from China.

I'm from China.

I am a descendant of the murals in Mogao Grottoes.

Let the flying murals be with us.

I'm Tian Fei,

Flying is us.

I am proud, I come from China!


A song dedicated to the motherland

autumn wind

Give off a faint fragrance.

Chrysanthemum in frost

Give a piece of wheat straw a season

Kiss the afterglow of the sunset

Love overflows gentle eyes.

Look at the fields calmly.

Passion flies to poetry

Listen to the gurgling of the Yellow River.

A history bearing countless sufferings

Watch the river with high sediment concentration.

How many memories have you accumulated?

In a state of ruin

This is your old face

The hardships of childhood

Left an indelible mark.

Experienced hardships and hardships

Half a century of fighting

A far-reaching and long flow

Footprints of 5,000-year civilization

A long historical process

The heroic waves rolling in the past

The strings of time

Play today's brilliant melody



You have gone through an extraordinary 58 years.

Like a baby growing into the prime of life,

Today, you are full of vigor and vitality.

You have suffered and laughed.

After rough times, tomorrow will be better.

For 58 years,

You've changed a lot,

Your people are getting richer and richer.

Your national strength is getting stronger and stronger.

You have United the hearts of Chinese people all over the world!

You have won the respect of the world.

Since you are in high spirits,

Entering the new century,

Today, in this festive festival,

I tell you from the bottom of my heart,

Hello, motherland!


The beginning of happiness

Author: Kang Langying [Dai]


In the past,

Our life is worse than cattle and horses.

Harvest grain,

Fall to the landlord's house;

A chicken coop made of iron,

Can't raise live chickens;

Ducks in the pond,

Beaten into a bird by an old yellow dog.

Menghai place,

Everywhere is desolate,

The broad dam is covered with weeds,

Tigers and leopards flock on the road,

No one tills the fields,

The stockade is as cold as a graveyard.

The life of the poor

Like yellow thatch,

God lit the fire of sin,

I can't wait to burn it.


Chairman Mao's brilliance shines on the frontier,

People of all ethnic groups have been liberated,

Our Menghai is no longer bleak,

As bright as a star.

The poor got land, tea gardens,

In cold winter, my heart is as warm as a quilt.

People use labor to build the motherland,

The woman also walked out of the bamboo house.

The Party is our eyes and direction,

Every village has embarked on the road of cooperation.

Like thousands of peacocks,

Spread your golden wings,

Fly to socialism.

Ghosts and gods were driven away,

The tea garden that has been deserted for thousands of years has sprouted.

Built a tall factory,

The new building of bazi is like a blooming lotus.

Roads are like newly woven fishing nets.


The beginning of our happiness,

Our sacred festival,

The great National Day is coming.

We're going to lay a layer of gold on the site,

Get a bumper harvest, and the grain is as big as eggs.

We are going to sew a brocade for the mountains,

Meet with thousands of tons of cotton and thousands of tons of tea.

Poetry recital for the 60th anniversary of National Day

At 20: 25 on Friday, September 20091/kloc-0.

the Chinese Dream

Dugu Wang Xiaochun

M: This is my dream.

Woman: This is my dream, too.

Yamato: This is our Chinese dream.

( 1)

Woman: Tonight.

You came to my dream.

Mend the sky with the colored stones of the goddess.

Man: Tonight.

You came to my dream.

With the story of Fuxi bodhi old zu

Woman: You call me in the gentlest words.

Man: The sound makes my blood boil all over.

Yamato: So,

I'm listening to the chimes of the Warring States Period coming towards you.

I wipe the Silk Road with yellow sand all over the sky to you.

I feel the grandeur of Mount Tai, and all the other mountains are dwarfed under the sky. ..

The Great Wall to Wan Li is magnificent.

I appreciate the tenderness of Jiangnan water town.

The vastness of the northern snowfield

Woman: I see it. I saw everything that fascinated me.

Did you get a look at him?

Man: Yes, I see it. I saw the ranger's sword shining with cold light.

Yes, I saw it. I saw the dazzling red tassel on the helmet of Dahan Yu.

Woman: Listen, what's that noise?

Man: This is the neigh of Temujin's steeds galloping on the grassland.

This is the voice of Zheng He's voyage to the West.

This is the cry of Qi Jiguang's horizontal knife immediately, swearing to cut the enemy.

Yamato: That's the stormy waves in Chibi.

That is the Songtao Lin Hai in Changbai Mountain, and that is the compassion of people with lofty ideals.

It's the end of the world, the most beautiful cry of the horn of the sea.

That is the glory of five thousand years, poured into our souls.


Man: Tonight.

You came to my dream.

I can clearly hear you sobbing.

Woman: It is the iron hoof carved up by the great powers that tramples on the sacred land.

How much harm will it do to Wan Li's rivers and mountains to seek peace in different places?

It's a broken lugou abortion, which has been weathered for eight years and eclipsed by mountains and rivers.

Yamato: China, China, humiliated China!

My heart is the same as yours.

Pain to the extreme!

M: Bury the pain deeply in your heart.

The unyielding faith is bred in tempering.

What a troublesome mother!

I prayed for your moment in Su Sheng with my weeping heart.


Dahe: People in China are drinking the water from the Yangtze River.

There is blood boiling like the Yellow River in the body.

Put on a strong backbone like the Great Wall of Wan Li.

The image of indomitable spirit stands tall in the east of the world.

Man: The snowstorm caught us off guard.

A huge green steel wall

Let the devastated land rejuvenate.

Female: In May 2008, 12, the sky fell apart.

Countless creatures leave in an instant.

The beautiful home has become a purgatory on earth.

Woman: Will we give in?

Yamato: No, never.

The party and the government are our strong backing.

1300 million people's love is enough to overcome any difficulties.

China, China, the heroic China!

Manhe: The past is over. Count the romantic figures and look at the present.

We no longer rely on the four great inventions of the past.

There are modern national defense technologies that attract worldwide attention.

Centennial Olympics, once a dream came true.

Sixty years of hard work have made the Millennium country glow with youthful looks.

Pigeons of peace fly all over every inch of 9.6 million square kilometers.

People's steps towards a well-off life are more vigorous and powerful.

Yamato: Ah, China, China, immortal China!

W: I am very proud. I am a descendant of the Chinese people.

Man: I'm proud. I am a descendant of the dragon.

Yamato: When the cock is singing in the Far East.

The good news of the Chinese nation's soaring is bound to spread frequently.

China people will use their wisdom and sweat.

Create tomorrow's glory!

M: This is my dream.

Woman: This is my dream, too.

Yamato: This is our Chinese dream.

National day poem 3:

my motherland

My motherland,

My beloved motherland.

You are a rooster with your head held high, awakening the silence of the dawn.

You are a soaring dragon-the wind and cloud of the all-round era.

You are a lion, dancing the glory of China.

You are the origin of human wisdom-igniting the spark of civilization.

You have a sacred name,

That's China!

That's China, my motherland.

My beloved motherland.

I love my motherland deeply,

The beating heart has been beating for 5 thousand years,

I love my motherland deeply,

Surging blood rushed to the waves of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River,

I love my motherland deeply,

Yellow skin is printed with the color left by ancestors,

I love my motherland deeply,


Wan Li has clear skies, magnificent mountains and rivers, and red flags flying.

Look at Kyushu Fiona Fang and celebrate the world; Rivers are singing. They are everywhere.

Social stability, people's happiness, a new chapter in the spectrum of reform and opening up

Like the dragon of the world, New China stands tall in the East.

Today's glory depends on the direction of the party, government and national policies.

Looking back on the eventful years, life is ruined; There are many difficulties for the people, but the night is endless.

Bullets of bullets, risking their lives for a new red sun.

Cherish it and let the rivers and mountains go red forever.

Look at the changes in the world,

Celebrate the 49th anniversary of the founding of China.

Chinese virtues have a long history.

Heroes come forth in large numbers and shine brilliantly.

Part I: National Day Celebration

Bottom couplet: making couplets.

Part I: Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day are celebrated together.

Bottom line: lotus cake, lotus leaf cake, reunion cake, cake fragrance

I love the flowers of my motherland in October. I love the flowers of my motherland in October.

I love the flowers of my motherland in October,

She's smart,

Because she is in my heart.

There are 56 incense-

Ah, this fragrance is unforgettable in my heart for four seasons.

From the peach blossoms in the north in spring,

In the severe winter, the smell of rice and flowers in Hainan is fragrant.

From the mountain village of Fujian where litchi trees are full in summer,

In autumn, the grapes are ripe and the fruits in Turpan are full of fragrance. ...

Colorful flowers bloom every day,

Harvest is in sight,

Among these perfumes,

I saw the most beautiful sight-

Her snow white and green,

As beautiful as the clear sky at dawn,

Hope for the future ...

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Verification code: next page11previous page Lai Bubu replied 10-02 22:00 o My motherland.

My motherland,

My beloved motherland.

You are a rooster with your head held high, awakening the silence of the dawn.

You are a soaring dragon-the wind and cloud of the all-round era.

You are a lion, dancing the glory of China.

You are the origin of human wisdom-igniting the spark of civilization.

You have a sacred name,

That's China!

That's China, my motherland.

My beloved motherland.

I love my motherland deeply,

The beating heart has been beating for 5 thousand years,

I love my motherland deeply,

Surging blood rushed to the waves of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River,

I love my motherland deeply,

Yellow skin is printed with the color left by ancestors,

I love my motherland deeply,


Wan Li has clear skies, magnificent mountains and rivers, and red flags flying.

Look at Kyushu Fiona Fang and celebrate the world; Rivers are singing. They are everywhere.

Social stability, people's happiness, a new chapter in the spectrum of reform and opening up

Like the dragon of the world, New China stands tall in the East.

Today's glory depends on the direction of the party, government and national policies.

Looking back on the eventful years, life is ruined; There are many difficulties for the people, but the night is endless.

Bullets of bullets, risking their lives for a new red sun.

Cherish it and let the rivers and mountains go red forever.

Look at the changes in the world,

Celebrate the 49th anniversary of the founding of China.

Chinese virtues have a long history.

Heroes come forth in large numbers and shine brilliantly.

Part I: National Day Celebration

Bottom couplet: making couplets.

Part I: Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day are celebrated together.

Bottom line: lotus cake, lotus leaf cake, reunion cake, cake fragrance

I love the flowers of my motherland in October. I love the flowers of my motherland in October.

I love the flowers of my motherland in October,

She's smart,

Because she is in my heart.

There are 56 incense-

Ah, this fragrance is unforgettable in my heart for four seasons.

From the peach blossoms in the north in spring,

In the severe winter, the smell of rice and flowers in Hainan is fragrant.

From the mountain village of Fujian where litchi trees are full in summer,

In autumn, the grapes are ripe and the fruits in Turpan are full of fragrance. ...

Colorful flowers bloom every day,

Harvest is in sight,

Among these perfumes,

I saw the most beautiful sight-

Her snow white and green,

As beautiful as the clear sky at dawn,

Hope for the future ...