Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Tianya Yue Ming Knife Tour updated information sharing in March.

Tianya Yue Ming Knife Tour updated information sharing in March.

When will Tianya Yue Ming Knife Tour Trading System come out? Tianya Yue Ming Knife Tour recently revealed some contents updated in March. In face-to-face planning, it includes the launch of trading system and the opening of sword strokes. The following will bring you the information sharing of March Tianya Yue Ming Knife Tour.

Tianya Yue Ming Knife Tour updated information sharing in March.

1. When can I switch roles? My friend wants to play and doesn't want to practice any more.

The role trading platform is under development and testing, and it is expected to go online at the end of March, when everyone can buy and sell game characters on the official platform.

There are few people in our server. When can we join them?

Due to various reasons, the number of servers has been very small, which has seriously affected the ecological environment such as server output, trading, team formation and gangs. We will join the service in batches from March to April. Before joining the service, we will match according to the data of the server and confirm our willingness to join the service by voting, so please pay attention.

3. Isn't the Cross-Service Alliance coming out at the end of February?

I'm very sorry, in order to let more servers compete in the same field, we made many changes on the basis of the internal test of the cross-service alliance, which delayed the opening time. It is expected to take the lead in opening the experience service in early March and officially open it in the middle and late March. Cross-service league will be divided into independent cross-service competition areas. Thank you for your patience, young Xia.

4. When will the sword go to waste?

In the sword S2 season, the sword swing competition will start in the middle and late March. Participating in the competition will have the opportunity to get rich rewards such as the back decoration of the Supreme Dragon Sword and a large number of draw points. Don't forget to take part in the national quiz, enjoy the confrontation of theater masters, and get a lot of rare treasures and swords! After the sword swing is abandoned, the brand-new information piece will start a brand-new season with a new school, a new plot and a lot of new ways of playing.

The fans of umbrellas of Tangmen and Tianxiang are sometimes displayed in the wrong position and have never been repaired?

I'm very sorry, this problem has been fixed, but due to the version mechanism problem, it can only be fixed when the installation package is updated, so we will fix this problem in the March expansion (when the installation package needs to be downloaded). Thank you for your patience, young Xia.

6. The adjustment of the sect balance of the experience suit is not satisfactory.

The balance adjustment of sects is a long process. We will give priority to correcting a few sects with unreasonable winning percentage, and on this basis, optimize the combat experience and characteristics of each sect. At the same time, it will ensure the stability after modification through channels such as competition clothes. In addition, we have made some optimization and adjustment on the basic combat algorithm. At that time, Shaoxia can give feedback based on various modification experiences, and we will continue to pay attention to combat data and feedback for adjustment and evaluation. Thank you for your concern and understanding.