Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Is Pisces and Sagittarius suitable or Gemini and Sagittarius suitable?

Is Pisces and Sagittarius suitable or Gemini and Sagittarius suitable?

Sagittarius (male)-Pisces (female)

Pisces women talk a lot, some are quiet, and rarely take the initiative to strike up a conversation (although once someone strikes up a conversation, they are generally speechless, but they are always shy at first). However, it is important that, apart from being interesting talkers, both types of Pisces women are good listeners. Because Sagittarius men like those who listen to him attentively, just like Aries and Leo men-you know how eager these two people are for an attentive audience. This will give you a basic idea of how attractive such a girl is to Sagittarius men. Of course, while she was listening to him, he did feel compelled to make some honest comments from time to time. If honesty is too straightforward, she will stop listening. Pisces women are particularly sensitive and fragile-they don't spend too much energy pursuing frankness and sincerity. Such a lady likes honesty with a thin veil. Such as "maybe" and "probably" or "maybe". No Pisces woman likes to confront the truth, but Sagittarius does. But it will lose her. How he wished he hadn't been so clumsy just now. A little warning will help him. Now he thinks he has been warned. Few people think that listening is a real art, because it requires extraordinary compassion and selfless nature, because a good listener is really interested in people and things he hears outside of himself, rather than simply keeping silent until he has a chance to interrupt the speaker. Pisces girls can devote themselves wholeheartedly to the situation described in words, and will become as attracted to the situation described in words as she is to her own personal experience. She turned what she heard into her own empathy experience and absorbed herself as a real part. Sagittarius man knows that she is really listening through her eyes, her expression and her every move, instead of pretending to be polite. No, everything he said has something to do with her. Nothing in the world can get spiritual satisfaction more than being really listened to. Everyone needs this kind of therapeutic emotional encouragement from time to time-Sagittarius men need it more. Because this is of great value to a Sagittarius man, he should try to avoid destroying this precious gift given to him by a Pisces woman, which is the best part of Pisces woman's nature.

Although this kind of men and women must face the tension in the 4- 10 oscillation that affects their relationship and consider it with tolerance and patience, if he happens to be one of the rare Sagittarius men who often keeps silent, then she will have a significant beneficial influence on him. We must remember that this Sagittarius is not always taciturn (a Sagittarius man is born perfect without it), and he will do quite well when he makes up his mind to speak freely. At the same time, no one can draw his ideas as successfully as Pisces. She is so good at persuading and guiding him to express himself that you always wonder why she doesn't become a psychiatrist. Some Pisces do choose psychiatry as their career, but most of them don't. This is because the typical Pisces hates to pry into other people's secrets (excluding the tortured birthday palace, which will make Pisces full of gossip). In most cases, Pisces also hates the idea of others prying into their privacy, because Pisces was born to put himself in his shoes, so he is quite a gentleman.

However, without special efforts, even at the beginning, the Pisces woman will know Sagittarius well, but he seldom realizes that she is getting to know him. Such a lady has an extraordinary ability to see people. Without even trying, she can find something about him that he thinks others don't know (or don't realize). She can do it involuntarily, not on purpose. It is her nature to "perceive" and "understand" what others are hiding, especially the relationship between men and women. She didn't have to work hard to find out. For her, it's just reading and explaining-as if he were a crystal ball for her to stare at. This probably won't make him feel uncomfortable, and, because her ability to penetrate secret feelings and intentions is such an elusive and elegant art, she has never been too enthusiastic or too active. As a rule, no one ever guessed that it was happening (sometimes even the Pisces girl herself). In fact, if you tell her the truth, she will immediately stop maintaining this tendency. For her, this is an annoying ability. It bothers her to perceive so many things about others. She has a lot of troubles of her own, but she is destined to continue to unconsciously get involved in other people's complicated lives. This is the fate of her twelfth house of Uranus. People must admit that she accepted it politely and seldom complained. The elegant art of obeying these inevitable things is one of her enviable personality qualities.

It's not Sagittarius men who care. She knows a lot of his ideas. This man won't mind the secret very much. Most Sagittarius men have no secret cells (unless they are Scorpio, Pisces or Cancer). A typical Sagittarius man will be happy to tell you anything you want to know about him-usually more than a Pisces woman wants to hear. He has nothing to hide. Just ask him and he will tell you everything directly. If he goes bankrupt, he will tell you the truth. If he is worried about his hairstyle or his boss, he will also tell you. He believes in honesty and does not shy away. He believes that everyone who doesn't like him should follow his example, especially the woman he loves. Because it is part of her nature to avoid and be vague about certain procedures and forms, they often have some arguments because of their different understanding of honesty. She must put up with his explanation of hypocrisy, and he must listen to her explanation. Unnecessary frank, impatient and reckless remarks and compulsive actions will cause malice and hurt people. Their attitudes towards all these problems are different.

Sexually, Sagittarius men with double positive effects will find Pisces girls with double negative effects extremely sexy and charming. The exultation of nature matches the physical integration of men and women. I hope they can cooperate. After the initial attraction, the Sagittarius man will accuse his Pisces spouse of being too cold, and her reaction is not warm and impulsive enough to match his strong desire. His analysis may be somewhat honest. Unless a Pisces woman's moon and astrology contain one of the three water-based ingredients when she was born, she may be really "cold" emotionally, and she will pay more attention to sexual desire than he does-even if he tries (he doesn't intend to do so). This means that she has the responsibility to make such an attempt. She must consciously try to satisfy his sudden strong desire. He will like her unique female way to achieve their sexual harmony and unity, but he will still suffer from her staged indifference. The question seems clear. Once analyzed and pointed out this, Uranus will be her solution.

As for him, he must carefully convince her that his needs for her are only focused on the physiological needs of love, and he should be able to express his needs to her in a way other than sex-this will have a very good inducing effect and will cause her to respond strongly to his demands. So he also has a lot of responsibilities, not entirely unilateral.

Pisces women need more tenderness and consideration from the people she loves. She has an interest in fantasy or creation since she was a child, which has a strong temptation for her. When he suggests traveling or changing places, she will obviously become younger (so will he). But when she has to endure rough treatment, she will become complacent and depressed. Her feelings are very fragile because she usually doesn't want to tell people about her first few injuries. She will try to hide or restrain-accept or forget. But it will appear again after a while. This is a warning signal to him to soften his attitude (especially his language) and realize that his powerful "fire" will slowly dehydrate her calm "water".

Of course, this is not the other hand. If she is one of the whales and Pisces, her strong water will drown out his natural optimism. This is also the tragic fate of a pair of lovers or spouses, who are not prepared to make enough efforts to overcome the problems caused by their opposite views, attitudes and motives. After a period of time, they may give up confrontation, simply go further and further, and eventually become strangers living under the same roof. There are only two possible ways to solve this problem. . Everyone among them can tell that this "stranger" is not the kind of person he (she) wants to know better-they can break up amicably like acquaintances, instead of becoming a deadly couple. Or they can choose another gesture. Each of them should judge that the other person is an interesting person, and he or she wants to get to know him or her better-and start to get to know each other again. This time, they should be smart enough to know that for their own happiness, they don't need to be completely similar and always consistent, and everyone should respect each other's different views. The difference between two people can add a new spark to their relationship, or it can be eclipsed. Which one will they choose? This is indeed their own choice. So leave them alone and think silently about their chess pieces, especially horses and soldiers. The strategy of love is a very mysterious thing.

Sometimes, the lack of secrets between men and women to protect their relationship from external destructive forces is also a major problem. Therefore, they should fly to a distant place together to discover the great power of such a simple thing as privacy in healing the broken hearts of two "strangers" who are so madly in love. This is often surprising. They can throw the chessboard aside and clean up the mess they left when they came back. Or they promised each other that they would never play chess again. This will be better or luckier for their love or marriage prospects. Some games never win, even the master of dice can't win.

Gemini (female)-Sagittarius (male)

Sagittarius is frank about everything, with no calculation and no talent. They are kind and clever, but they are always reckless. They are optimistic idealists who will not be depressed despite repeated setbacks.

The relationship between Gemini and Sagittarius is often two extremes: either appreciate each other, encourage and help each other and become good partners; Either envy each other and repel each other, or tear each other down and become each other's nemesis.

If such two people fall in love, they will often communicate, not only in language, but also listening to music, looking at pictures or touching each other gently.

However, Gemini women tend not to fall in love with Sagittarius men at first. Women often hate men. Although the man is really handsome, he obviously shows his love for the woman. However, the woman's attitude often changes suddenly, and she has a good impression on the man and is fascinated.

To men, women are like witches with a thousand faces. The more you want to know about this woman, the tighter she hides it. The man was so disappointed that he just wanted to turn around and leave, but the woman lifted her veil and sent an affectionate smile ... Women are talented but not nerds, sometimes as calm as an old monk, sometimes as naughty and lively as an urchin, sometimes as gentle as a lady, and sometimes as enthusiastic as the most radical activist. What moves a man most is that a woman is willing to listen to him without interrupting him, throwing cold water on him and encouraging him. "Beauty knows it belongs to her," the man thought with emotion.

Men never dreamed that this woman was often confused and entangled with another self. He didn't expect this woman to love him with her gentle self, but rule him with her autocratic self. However, being ruled by others is not always painful for the man. The relationship between husband and wife and the ruled lover is completely different from the definition of such words by politicians. The man is easy to accept hints and always willing to listen to suggestions to modify the plan, so the man doesn't think there is anything wrong with the woman being the master. To his headache, the woman changed her mind so quickly that he thought she was playing a trick on him.

Their sexual life is harmonious, both sides can always understand and meet each other's physical and mental needs, and always feel that they need each other more because their sexual relationship is so poetic.

Because the man's speech will not whitewash the peace, it will often sting the woman. The man wants to know the truth, but the woman often speaks insincerely or tries to whitewash the truth, which makes the man very angry. In a rage, the man can say anything. He hopes to quarrel with each other, and when arguing, he can expose the truth of each other's thoughts. However, this woman is very good at protecting herself. At this time, she will calmly walk away and let men go on the rampage. Once he can't communicate with the woman, the man is very depressed, but he will try to solve his worries. So, men go out to the theatre or do some activities alone, or go to bed early, or read the newspaper without saying a word. Men's silence makes women feel worse. So they may break up or have a big fight and make up.

If the couple work in public relations, news or publishing, they will feel more intimate and happy, because their work excites them and they want to share it with each other when they get home. However, they should be colleagues. Once the kites of these two people fly too close, the threads will be twisted together and both kites will be torn.