Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Constellation Lecture Hall: Lecture 3 "Symbols and Symbolic Meaning of Constellation 12"

Constellation Lecture Hall: Lecture 3 "Symbols and Symbolic Meaning of Constellation 12"

In this lesson, I will carefully sort out the symbols and symbolic meanings of the twelve constellations for you. Each constellation has its symbol totem, which can quickly convey the meaning and related connotation of each constellation. This is the basic skill to deeply understand the constellations, so we can also clearly identify the symbols occupying the twelve constellations like people identify road signs.

Aries constellation

Constellation symbol: the strong horn on the goat's head

This is pictographic method. Take out the most obvious horns and noses of the sheep. This corresponds to the human head, and symbols have strong control energy, so Aries people are generally more motivated, and sometimes it is inevitable to be impulsive and ignore the feelings of others.

Symbolism: everything starts over.

It is also a combination of two spirals, one representing the past and the other representing the future, and the dividing line in the middle is between the old and the new, so Aries also represents a "new" word, which means spring or a new beginning in astrology.

Taurus constellation

Constellation symbols: strong bull's head and horn.

The bull's face represents a person's comfortable life, but the prominent horn also indicates that he is full of desire and occasionally loses his temper. At the same time, bulls are usually used to show the strength and endurance of the team because of their huge size and amazing strength.

Symbolism: income and return

The circular "currency" in the symbol belongs to its jurisdiction and can produce various facilities and activities to meet people's material needs. In ancient times, farmers used Niu Gengdi before sowing, so it was also the code of income and reward.