Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Psychology-Chapter 4-Motivation and Personality

Psychology-Chapter 4-Motivation and Personality

First of all, psychoanalysis-personality you may not know.

Personality mask

The wholeness of personality-the components and characteristics of personality are closely related and become a whole. Otherwise, you will have a split personality.

The stability of personality-the inherent characteristics of stability in different times and situations. "A leopard cannot change his spots, but a leopard cannot change his spots." But personality is also changeable and developing.

The uniqueness of personality-individual differences

Sociality of personality-personality is based on society and constantly learns the code of conduct and social norms in communication with people. Wolf children have no personality.

Personality motivation-double 1 1 shopping is because it is cheap, not a shopaholic.

Personality-a person's inner way of thinking is more related to social evaluation. ? Courage/cowardice

Second, psychoanalysis-subconscious knowledge

Consciousness-being able to realize, realize, reflect and think.

Subconscious-hidden in the conscious mind, imperceptible but always affecting your behavior.

Iceberg theory-Consciousness is only the tip of the iceberg, and the subconscious is enough to influence your behavior.

Personality structure-id, ego, superego, superego

ID-the most primitive impulse and desire, without rules and thinking, acting according to the principle of happiness.

The relatively rational side of self-personality coordinates the relationship between the self and the outside world. Act according to realistic principles. ? I don't eat when I'm hungry at the meeting.

Superego-the source of values, acquired social norms and morality. Act according to moral principles.

The ego partially suppresses the impulse of the id to avoid the contradiction with the superego, otherwise the personality will split. This is a self-defense mechanism.

Third, psychoanalysis-self-defense mechanism

Definition-In order to avoid negative mental emotions, people make self-psychological adjustment to protect themselves.

Self-defense is subconscious and usually imperceptible to individuals. More like self-paralysis.

? -depression is a kind of self-defense. The boss cursed, but he didn't dare to scold back; Denial is also to avoid embarrassment, such as someone crying and denying it; Rationalization is also, if you can't eat grapes, it will be sour; The same is true of the reunification. Men and women quarrel and girls don't listen to people's explanations. Offset is also, in the face of unacceptable behavior, use symbolic means to balance psychological anxiety and "break the calm"; Anti-formation, the boy who bullied you as a child likes you; Sublimate and write a book with sadness in my heart; Transfer school, boss swearing, go home and scold children, just find some alternative and acceptable people to vent their emotions.

Don't expose other people's self-defense mechanism.

Fourthly, why advertisements are useful-humanism.

Maslow's humanism-an important source of motivation for personality development-is the needs of different levels that we have gradually formed.

Hierarchy of needs theory-human needs are structured and distributed in a pyramid shape from low to high.

Only when the low-level needs are partially met will the higher-level needs be pursued.

When the physiological and safety needs are not met (you can't live without them), a strong internal drive will arise.

? -Jin Jiannan's advertisement "Time is precious, love what I love" meets the needs of belonging and love.

The need for respect-self-esteem, respect from others.

? -Mercedes-Benz advertising, "lead the times, control the future", to meet the needs of respect.

The need for self-realization-what a person wants to be, he must be.

Anyone who realizes himself will have a peak experience (deep trembling, information, detached emotional experience)

? -Sports brands declare that "anything is possible" to meet the needs of self-realization.

Development needs include the needs of belonging, love, respect and self-realization. If it appears late, it will not be satisfied and there will be no strong internal driving force. Will make people live a happier life.

5. Are you sane?

Sufficient conditions for mental abnormality-make yourself miserable and uncomfortable; Statistical extremum.

There is no clear boundary between normal psychology and abnormal psychology.

Everyone has at least one personality tendency.

Depression is an extreme pathological behavior, and its tendency is universal.

Behaviorism of intransitive verbs-emphasizing external control and behavior

3 point of view-behavior and personality are basically shaped by external environment;

Personality is the sum of all explicit and implicit behaviors, and these reactions are strengthened;

Individual differences of people are the result of different external strengthening paths.

Both psychoanalysis and humanism believe that people are driven by instinct; Traditional behaviorism denies the internal driving force and thinks that people are shaped by the environment.

Social learning theory-people are not only driven by instinct, but also not completely controlled by environment, but have an independent cognitive process, participating in behavior and personality shaping.

Alternative learning/observational learning-you don't have to kill or set fire to know that this is wrong.

Your cognitive process can affect your behavior and environment, and the environment can also change your behavior and cognition.

Self-efficacy-believing that you can act properly in a specific environment. ? Chicken soup for the soul "You can do it".

Seven, personality measurement

Personality traits-the personality and characteristics that can affect behavior.

Personality Trait Theory-Divide personality into different characteristics (dimensions), and the test results reflect your strength in these dimensions.

? -? 16PF (Cattell 16 personality test) is based on the theory of personality traits.

Different personality traits-neuroticism (emotional stability), extroversion (introversion/extroversion), openness (imaginative/pragmatic), sense of responsibility, agreeableness (whether helpful or not).

Eight, blood type and constellation

Subjective verification effect-receiving information, looking for examples and confirming information.

? It's not your faith that makes the test results accurate.

Genes have only 50% influence on personality, and the rest comes from the combination of other factors.