Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Flowers made of Zodiac paper _ How to make flowers made of Zodiac paper?

Flowers made of Zodiac paper _ How to make flowers made of Zodiac paper?

How to make white flowers made of paper?

White flowers made of paper are as follows:

1. Fold the paper in half and tear it into four pieces of paper of the same size, fold them neatly, and fold them several times. Tie the middle with white thread or metal wire, and cut the two ends into petals with scissors. If the fold is narrow, it can be cut into half petals.

2. Then, gently stretch both ends. Next, pry from the top layer by layer with a toothpick or sweater needle. Pay attention to insert the toothpick as deep as possible.

After you pry it up, you should do it by hand, then pry the second floor, tidy it up and do it layer by layer. After you pry the third floor, even tidy up the bottom floor, and the white flowers will be ready!

Some people say that white symbolizes purity, so white paper flowers also symbolize purity and beautiful yearning for love. It is also said that white is generally used to mourn the dead and show respect for the dead, so white paper flowers are given to the dead, which means that white paper flowers symbolize the thoughts and respect for the dead!

White flowers represent different meanings. White chrysanthemums represent grief; Bai Lianhua symbolizes elegance and purity and represents Buddhism; White roses represent purity and innocence. In Europe, white roses symbolize friendship, in Japan, white roses symbolize fatherly love, and in China, white roses symbolize pure complex. Bai Baihe stands for comely and refined.

White rose, perfume lily, Margaret and sunflower together represent freshness; White roses and imperial leaves together represent Jane Eyre; Two white perfume lilies, white roses and white chrysanthemums represent freshness and refinement; Magnolia represents an indomitable loneliness and resolute loneliness, which has implicit and practical significance.