Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - What is the best occupation, race and constellation of the ancient scrolls 4?

What is the best occupation, race and constellation of the ancient scrolls 4?

Apprentices: Apprentices in the Apprenticeship Block will get an additional upper limit of 100 points ~ ~ but at the cost of 100% magic weakness ~

Art Ronarch: People in this constellation can't recover their mana automatically ~ but you can absorb 50% of the enemy's magic attacks to supplement your mana, and the maximum mana will be given an extra limit of 150 points ~

Lady: The lucky ones in this constellation will be blessed by women and increase their perseverance and endurance 10 points ~ ~

Lord: People in this constellation will be endowed with the blood of the north, and they can recover 90 health points by reducing their strength. But there will also be a permanent Trollkin curse, and 25% of fire attributes are weak ~

Lover: Lover's kiss consumes 120 physical strength every day and can paralyze the enemy 10 second ~

Mage: People in this constellation permanently increase 50 mana ~

Ceremony: People in this constellation can recover by using Mara's gift once a day ~

Serpent: People in this constellation will learn the spell of Serpent, and consume 100 physical strength to remove the curse on themselves and make their attacks poisonous, at the cost of being slow ~

Shadow: People in this constellation can be invisible for 60 seconds every day ~

Horse: The speed attribute of people in this constellation will gain 20 extra points ~

Thief: People in this constellation have an extra 10 agility, speed and luck attribute ~

Tower: People in this constellation can open a medium-sized door or box every day. And every time, 120 seconds can rebound by 5 points ~

Warrior: People in this constellation are given extra 10 strength and endurance attributes ~

Yalong people

Yalongjiang people are a reptilian race, and skill rewards have a strange color, which makes them a strange "know-it-all". Their agility and speed are extraordinary, which makes them good at thieves/stealth, but other than that, they are very ordinary. Maybe you just want to see the performance of this race in the plot.

Skill reward

Alchemy +5

Track and field+10

Sword (Blade) +5

Unarmed +5

Hallucination +5

Metaphysics +5


Special ability

Resist disease (up to 75, permanent)

Poison immunization (upper limit 100, permanent)

Breathe in water (permanently)

Brighton people

Oh, it's beautiful ... Oh, it's crazy.

Brighton has trained many famous wizards. In fact, their main skills are also concentrated on magic. Brighton wizards are not good at casting powerful killing magic. They prefer to use more subtle magical energy to achieve their ultimate goal. Therefore, the "destruction" that everyone is keen on will not appear in their skill rewards, but you can use any other spells at will, especially several greatly enhanced fields. Because you can't use "destruction", you are slightly less aggressive than the dark elves or Gao Ling. But in defense, because of the "anti-magic" attribute, wizards of many races are a piece of cake compared with Brighton wizards.

Skill reward

Alchemy +5

Change +5


Hallucination +5



Special ability

Mana enhancement (up to 50 points, permanent)

Resist magic (maximum 50, permanent)

Shield (temporary physical damage shield, once a day)

Dark elf

If you want your character to focus on magic and fighting at the same time, then the dark elves are the best choice. Their skill rewards are mostly combat skills, including various weapon skills and "destroy" spell rewards for destroying enemies within a certain distance. Although their physique is not as strong as Nord or the Red Guards, the balance of strength and magic makes him a perfect fighting image. The ability to resist fire has also greatly improved the odds of the dark elves against fire-attacking creatures in the game.

Skill reward

Track and field +5


Blunt object +5


Light armor +5

Sharpshooter +5

Metaphysics +5

Special ability

Ancestor Guardian (summon ghosts, 1 time every day for 60 seconds)

Fire resistance (maximum 75, permanent)


Gao Ling is probably the purest magical race, especially if you prefer to attack. Except alchemy, most skill rewards are concentrated on spells, so your magic ability will be greatly increased, and you also have pure attack spells of "destruction". It is also worth mentioning the special ability of high spirit. Through mana enhancement, they have a longer casting time than the enemy. If you stand on your own talent, you may become a very professional mage. If you are not interested in stealth or fighting, it will make the game full of fun.

Skill reward

Alchemy +5


Magic +5


Hallucination +5


Special ability

Mana enhancement (maximum 100, permanent)

Resist disease (up to 75, permanent)

Weaknesses of fire fighting system, freezing system and electric shock system (maximum 25, permanent)

Imperial man

The so-called imperialists are ordinary people with no special skills or abilities. But they are attractive and articulate, and other races have a good impression on human beings. Although it will be difficult to get through by eloquence, imperialists are the best choice if you want to help you by persuading others in most cases. You can avoid many difficult situations, or make your journey easier, because you can rely on eloquence to talk to others. Because you can use the voice of the emperor once a day to confuse the enemy, and this skill can be strengthened through charm skills, then few people in the game will not be confused by you. This is much more complicated than splitting someone's head with an axe, but it is still very valuable.

Skill reward

Sword (Blade) +5

Blunt object +5

Unarmed +5

Heavy armor +5


Speech skills)+10

Special ability

Western Star (absorbing physical strength, upper limit 100, once a day)

Voice of the Emperor (charm/charm, up to 30, once a day)

Tiger man

At least in Hammerfield, the vast majority of tiger people became slaves. Free tigers are basically thieves, and skill rewards make them suitable for assassins. Tiger people run faster and jump higher than other races, and are good at stealth and traps. They can infiltrate into forbidden areas. Wood elves are better at stealth fighting than tiger people, but if you just want to be invisible, then tiger people are a better choice. Tiger man's "eye of fear" can make annoying or too powerful enemies escape, while "eye of night vision" can let you observe around in the dark without lighting a torch, which will undoubtedly attract the attention of the enemy.

Skill reward


Track and field +5

Sword (Blade) +5

Hand opponent+10

Light armor +5

Security +5

Stealth +5

Special ability

Eye of fear (once a day, lower morale, upper limit 100)

Eye of night vision (night observation, 30 seconds, repeatable)


If you want to fight, then this race from the north is your ideal choice. Nord people are stronger than other races (at least, Nord women have 50% strength as men of other races). You can carry as many trophies as possible and launch the most powerful attack on Timriel's enemies. Nord skill reward is characterized by heavy armor warrior skills. The main reward greatly improves your core skills, and to some extent improves your "recovery skills" and "armor skills", which will come in handy when the battle is not so fierce.

Skill reward

Armor +5


Block +5

Blunt+ 10

Heavy armor)+10

Restore +5

Special ability

Nord Frost (up to 50 freezing damage per day, once)

Frost resistance (max. 50 years old, permanent)

Orc language

Although orcs are unpopular in Tamriel (this is the only race where women are uglier than men, as can be seen from their extremely low personality scores), they still have one thing worth mentioning: fighting. Orcs can use the Berserker skill once a day. They can gain extra life, strength and fatigue resistance, but at the cost of losing agility. Although this state can only last for one minute, it can still help you to destroy difficult enemies because you can stand in one place and ride them into the city. However, it should be noted that because the orcs have the least skill rewards and there is no "fencing", if you want to use a sword, then you have to rely entirely on your own efforts.

If you choose to become an orc, you will pay the price, that is, businessmen will charge you more than others.

Skill reward

Ordnance division)+10



Unarmed +5

Heavy armor)+10

Special ability

Berserker (health increased by 20, strength increased by 50, fatigue increased by 200, agility decreased by 100, lasting 60 seconds, once a day).

Resist magic (up to 25 points, permanent)

Guards in red

The Red Guards are another fighting race. They were born to fight, nothing else. Although armored rewards are more valued by players than physical rewards, other skills are still very popular among soldiers. The ability of "quick impact" will help you turn the tide when the situation is difficult. It has no weakness. Although "anti-poison" and "disease resistance" are not very attractive, they can help you avoid being adversely affected when you try to improve your condition by taking magic drugs.

Skill reward




Light armor +5

Heavy armor +5

Business +5

Special ability

Quick Influence (Increase: Agility by 50, Speed by 50, Strength by 50, Endurance by 50, Life by 25, lasting for 60 seconds, once a day)

Anti-poison (maximum 75, permanent)

Resist disease (up to 75, permanent)

wood elf

Wood elves are the best shadow warriors in Timriel, and their skill rewards also reflect this. The sharp improvement of stealth and archery allows you to sneak up on the enemy like an assassin and kill your opponent with a long-range weapon from the dark. The improvement of alchemy helps you strengthen your ranged attack weapon with deadly poison. If you add some magic spells to help you become invisible, you will be one of the deadliest fighters in this land, but when you face a direct battle, you will still encounter many problems.

Skill reward

Acrobatics +5


Change +5

Light armor +5



Special ability

Animal language (give orders to animals, up to 20 times, lasting 60 seconds, once a day)

Resist disease (up to 75, permanent)