Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Who is the prototype of Frank Underwood, the hero of House of Cards?

Who is the prototype of Frank Underwood, the hero of House of Cards?

Speaking of American drama House of Cards, we all know that it was adapted from michael dobbs's novel and the British drama of the same name by BBC in 1990s.

However, Frank Underwood is an American character except for the main plot of the original male pig's feet. Underwood's name comes from Oscar Underwood, the first whip in the history of the Democratic Party. According to the screenwriter Willimon, his role consists of "two spoonfuls of lyndon baines johnson (LBJ), a little Charles III (Shakespeare's role is also played by kevinspacey fowler) and a little murderous hannibal lecter". Even Fu's middle name, J, made a bold guess that it might be Johnson.

There are many scenes in the play where the writer pays tribute to LBJ:

There is a good biography on Fu's desk.

There are two new photos hanging in Fu's office.

One is LBJ and Senator Richard Russell.

The other is LBJ and Supreme Court Justice abe fortas. Both of them played a decisive role in LBJ's political career, which will be involved in the subsequent serialization of this article.

As one of the most controversial presidents in American history, he is often labeled as "machiavellianism", "Manipulator" and "ruthless pragmatism".

However, sandwiched between Kennedy and Nixon, he is not well known. Bian Xiao used the popularity of House of Cards to sort out LBJ's life and restore the true political outlook of the United States. Remember, reality is always better than script!

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1908 On August 27th, lyndon baines johnson was born in Stonewall, a little-known town in Texas, USA. Some members of the Johnson family were the earliest pioneers and settlers in Texas (the American version of the development of the west), and the nearby town of Johnson was named after LBJ's uncle james polk Johnson. LBJ also inherited the typical appearance of the family, especially a pair of big ears.

LBJ in childhood showed an expressive personality. The primary school in the village has only one room, 30 students and one teacher. Other children are afraid of their tall teachers, while LBJ likes to make teachers happy. The LBJ family are rich farmers in the village. His mother often dresses him in a small suit and hat, which is quite different from the proletarian dress of other children in the village, but LBJ not only doesn't mind at all, but also insists on dressing differently.

Even when writing names on the blackboard, other children wrote their names very small, while LBJ wrote their names very large in all capital letters, which also occupied two blackboards. Seventy years later, the students in the class still clearly remember a blackboard with "Lyndon B." and another blackboard with "Johnson".

At the age of five, the LBJ family moved to Johnson City. There are more and more children in the town, and LBJ's behavior is becoming more and more different. He always likes to make friends with older children, and even wants to be the king of children, otherwise he will not play with other children.

LBJ can live a better life in remote and poor rural areas, thanks to his father sam johnson. Sam was successfully elected to the Texas House of Representatives at the age of 27 and was re-elected for five terms.

Anyone who has seen House of Cards knows that the legislature in the United States includes the House of Representatives (lower house) and the Senate (upper house). In addition to Nebraska, the legislatures of other States in the United States are also divided into upper and lower houses. The difference between a congressman and a senator will be explained in detail later in this article. Simply put:

Senator is Gold Saints, whose power and status are higher than those of bronze saints.

But occasionally there is weakness. ...

Congressman is a bronze saint, and the seventh sense can only erupt with Gold Saints PK occasionally.

But there are some great ones:

In such a family, politics is a standing topic at home. Sam often calls the children to debate in the evening. When LBJ talks about work with guests at home, he often puts his face against the wall to eavesdrop on their conversation. From the age of 10, LBJ was often taken to the state legislature by his father, and even followed his father to run for votes. Father and son drove the Ford Model T from farm to farm, talking and lobbying from house to house. Sam is very popular with the public. At that time, everyone welcomed him. They eat ice cream in hot weather and drink hot tea in cold weather. After becoming president, LBJ recalled the scene of that year and said with emotion, "I really want to live like this all the time."

At that time, LBJ's eyes were full of his father's stalwart figure, and his clothes, even the way of talking and walking were imitating his father. Under such circumstances, LBJ, who is 12 years old, said to his friends, "One day, I will become the president of the United States."

However, the weather is unpredictable. Deeply influenced by populism and socialism, Sam believes that the government should serve the people, help the disadvantaged groups and limit monopoly enterprises. But this idea was not widely accepted in the United States at that time. Sam has always refused to accept lobbying and bribery from big companies. Sam has been investing in real estate because his meager salary as a member of parliament (at that time, it was $2 a day) could not support a rich life. Sam has always dreamed of repairing his ancestors' big farm. At that time, the price of cotton soared, and he borrowed money to buy a large area to grow cotton. However, the poor local land led to poor cotton harvest, and the subsequent global economic crisis caused cotton prices to plummet by 80%. Sam owed a lot of money, so he had to sell the farm cheaply and go back to Si Tong Wall with his family. He tried to find a job in Austin, the capital of Texas, but because he has always opposed big companies and offended many people, no one is willing to accept him. Finally, he had to do odd jobs in the hunting ground.

Due to overwork, Sam fell ill and his family went from bad to worse. A well-dressed family can only wear dirty and wrinkled clothes every day because they have no money to send laundry. In a poor and closed town, when a person has money, he is the object of envy and flattery; When he was down and out, even unable to pay back the money, people treated him differently. In this way, the family became the laughing stock of Diaosi and the villagers.

The relationship between LBJ and his father gradually changed. LBJ, who once regarded his father as an idol, began to quarrel with his father frequently. (Fu hates his father more.

At the age of 13, LBJ left home to study in Johnson City. At a young age, he showed insight into human nature. One day, his father called him to Austin and said he would buy him a suit. Anticipating that his father would buy him a bargain, he arrived in Austin one day early, found a shop and tried on a high-end suit worth $25. He also taught the salesman how to perform the next day. The next day, he and his father came to the shop. The salesman pretended not to know him and recommended him a suit he tried on yesterday. It fits perfectly. Father is proud in his bones, and he doesn't want to be seen as poor and stingy, so he gritted his teeth and bought it for him.

LBJ is also very good at pleasing adults, especially mothers and grandmothers. LBJ knows what they like to listen to. When other children want something but are afraid to ask, they ask LBJ to help them ask, and LBJ always succeeds.

Nevertheless, LBJ still can't get rid of this surname that has long been a laughing stock. He soon realized the cruel truth from the heavy blow.

1924 In the spring, LBJ fell in love with her classmate Katie Ross. In the countryside at that time, it was nothing new for children aged 16 to fall in love or even get married. However, Katie's father, the richest man in town, has always been at odds with Sam.

So when Klaus, a middle school principal in her late forties, asked Katie's father that she wanted to pursue Katie, Katie's father agreed without hesitation and banned her daughter from dating LBJ, although the old couple was criticized at that time. A few years later, Kitty broke up with Krause and married another young man whose father thought it was promising. But later, the young man has been working in Kitty's shop, and there is no development. When LBJ became president, he invited Katie and his wife to Washington, D.C., and took them on the president's luxurious special plane-Air Force One. (Very inspirational! )

In the 1920s, the United States entered a prosperous era under the influence of President Coolidge's policy of promoting consumption. By the end of the 1920s, the average working hours in American cities had been reduced to 48 hours per week, and people had more leisure time. Nearly half of the population owns consumer goods such as cars, radios, vacuum cleaners and washing machines. The promotion of consumption is based on excessive credit, which is exactly the same as the subprime mortgage crisis, and also laid the groundwork for the subsequent Great Depression.

In rural areas like LBJ's hometown, people still work from morning till night, living in poverty and seeing no hope. Even local doctors and lawyers have left their homes because they have nothing to do. Like other children of the same age, LBJ is eager to leave his hometown and see the outside world. But his aversion to his parents made him unwilling to go to college in other places according to his parents' wishes. He chose to go to the construction site to build roads. But he was spoiled since childhood and could not adapt to the heavy physical labor under the scorching sun. Soon he went to California with some friends and worked in a relative's law firm. LBJ once had a strong interest in law and wanted to get a lawyer's license, but without a university degree, he was not qualified to take the exam. Two years later, he returned home disappointed. In desperation, he began to associate with the gangsters in the town, causing trouble everywhere and being arrested by the police.

One Saturday night, LBJ and his friends went to the dance. Most of the rural boys present were dressed simply, while LBJ wore a French crepe shirt and secretly put on his father's shiny cufflinks. At the dance, he took a fancy to a girl who was already seeing someone. In the process of fighting for the girl, he was quickly knocked down by the girl's burly male companion. LBJ stood up again and again and was knocked down again and again. People quickly called the police, but the local police were always dissatisfied with the LBJ gangsters, just watching and even stopping LBJ's friends from fighting. LBJ has never won a game because of his thin body. But when he lost before, he always quickly forgot his scars and continued to talk and laugh. This time, he said nothing on the way back. Perhaps it is because he recognized the reality: in this rural town, physical strength is the only criterion to measure a man, and he will never get ahead.

The next morning, LBJ told his parents that he wanted to go to college. A week later, he went to Southwest Texas Normal University, the only local third-rate college. Most children come to this school not because the school is good, but because the tuition is cheap.

Even if the tuition is cheap, LBJ still needs a part-time job to make a living. By knowing the headmaster when his father was a member of parliament, he got a job of cleaning up garbage. Principal Evans is a unsmiling person, but LBJ found that he likes to talk about politics, and LBJ learned a lot of political gossip from his experience of going to parliament with his father. In the process of frequent conversations with the headmaster, LBJ gradually began to help the headmaster do some errands such as picking up newspapers, and later got a job with higher salary: cleaning classrooms and corridors. In this primary school, this kind of "high-paying" job is usually reserved for students with special physical education class.

Later, LBJ became the editor of the school newspaper, and the ability to please the elders, which was practiced when he was young, had room to play. In addition to flattery in person, he soon turned the articles in the school newspaper into a carrier to flatter the principal and teacher. The content of the school newspaper usually needs to be reviewed by the teacher, but soon, the teacher in charge of the review found that LBJ's article did not need to be reviewed at all. However, his reputation among his classmates is not good. On the one hand, everyone hates his flattery to the teacher. On the other hand, he likes to brag about his family and background, even making up lies. Even after being exposed, he was embarrassed and continued to brag the next day.

Although LBJ has many part-time jobs, he still can't satisfy his consumption desire. He even took out a loan to buy a car, so that he had to take a break from school and accepted a job as a teacher in a primary school in Mexico. LBJ's going to college is by no means out of recognition of his parents' educational ideas. His parents want him to learn knowledge and art, but I have witnessed that those officials who take bribes drink every day, while their parents who want to benefit one side are poor. The huge psychological gap makes LBJ full of the desire for power. Returning to school a year later, he set off a "coup" and his political talents began to show. ...

to be continued ...