Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Field survival skills

Field survival skills

1. Prevention and treatment of dangerous situations on site

(1) How to avoid lightning strike?

Outdoor activities are in danger of being struck by lightning. However, by taking scientific and effective measures, this risk can be significantly reduced: ① predicting lightning. See cumulus clouds get bigger first, and soon they will become Lei Yun, so hurry to a safe place to hide. Harsh noise and heavy rain on the radio are also omens of thunder. ② Run to the lowlands. ③ Stay away from tall trees or dense forests. ④ Stay away from the iron tower, take out the metal objects on your body and put them in plastic bags. ⑤ If you are active in the waters, you should hurry ashore. 6. Don't get together, but spread out. ⑦ In the cabin, in the car, in the shade or recess of rocks, it is also a good shade, but be careful not to lean against the wall.

(2) dealing with falling rocks and avalanches

A small stone falling from a height can sometimes seriously hurt people and even lead to death. Therefore, when walking in mountainous areas, we must pay attention to whether there are signs of falling rocks, observe carefully and distinguish pumice. Generally speaking, in rocky places, the color of pumice is newer than the surrounding stones; When passing through the rockfall-prone area, you should wear a helmet or cover your head with thick clothes to pass quickly; Find falling rocks as soon as possible, avoid them in time, and avoid accidental injury; If you accidentally step on a stone while walking, you should shout it out immediately and inform your companions below.

The threat of avalanches is very great. Therefore, in the field survival and life training, we should first ask local residents where there are potential dangers in order to avoid areas where avalanches often occur. According to the geomorphological features, we can also judge the areas where avalanches often occur, such as a large area of avalanches on the hillside, suspended glaciers above the hillside, and snow eaves on the ridge. Before the avalanche, snow and borneol fell. At this time, it is necessary to confirm the direction of the ice falling, and then decide the escape direction. Once you are involved in an avalanche and haven't had time to escape, you should move your hands and feet as fast as swimming, try to keep your head floating in the snow, and throw something with you as a mark so that others can know where you are buried in the snow and rescue you in time.

(3) When you get lost

When you are walking in Shan Ye, especially in the deep mountains and forests, you will get lost if you are not careful. At this time, you should keep calm and take appropriate measures. (1) back to know the place. Pay more attention to the surrounding scenery and signs when traveling and resting. Once you get lost, you'd better go back to your familiar place, determine your position and destination with a compass and a map, and start walking again. Don't go downhill directly, because the downhill vision is small, the direction is not easy to confirm, and it is very dangerous. ② Mark the mountain road. When traveling in Shan Ye, you should pay attention to the marks made by people passing by with plastic belts, branches or stones. People who walk in front should make signs to inform the people behind them when they encounter special circumstances. (3) If it is late when you get lost or you fall off a cliff and get injured, you can't move and you can't reach your destination according to the scheduled time. At this time, you should take a deep breath, stay calm, don't leave hastily, sleep in place, reduce physical exertion and want to do it at the same time.

France sent a distress signal, waiting for rescue.

(4) When drowning

Don't panic and worry when you encounter complicated water conditions in rivers, lakes and seas and you can't control them. Try to float yourself on the water, keep floating, let the water rush, and pay attention to the direction of the water waves, and then move from the horizontal direction to the shore bit by bit. When rescuing drowning people, we should first consider dragging them with bamboo poles, branches and ropes, or using objects that can float well on the water surface such as big wood and plastic buckets as floating tools to implement indirect rescue. If you really can't solve the problem, go into the water and rescue directly. If the drowning person rescued ashore is unconscious, first aid measures should be taken and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) should be performed.

2. First aid for on-site injuries

In the field life practice, we often encounter some accidental injuries and sudden diseases, so it is essential to master some common first aid methods for injuries.

(1) Not feeling well

When you feel unwell and dizzy, you should relax, lie down and untie the clothes or luggage that bind your body. Tell your peers whether your symptoms are chills or fever, and where does it hurt? Then we will consider how to deal with it. If you are flushed, short of breath and don't sweat, it's probably heatstroke. You should take the person who is unwell to the shade to rest, raise his head, lie flat, keep quiet and pay attention to cooling down. At the same time, you can take Ren Dan, ten drops of water, light salt boiled water, etc. When vomiting occurs, you should take a prone position, put your right hand under your chin as a pillow, relax your body, rinse your mouth after vomiting and rest quietly. If the symptoms get worse, they should be sent to the hospital as soon as possible. Sneezing, chills and headaches are early symptoms of a cold, which can be cured by taking common cold medicine and taking more rest. If you catch a cold while camping in the wild, you should pay attention to eating warm food, keeping warm and going to bed early, so that your body will sweat and your symptoms will get better. If you don't have a fever for a long time, you can take antipyretics. There are many reasons for abdominal pain. Depending on the location, the left lower abdomen hurts, which may be food poisoning or cold. Take Lu Zheng Pills and other drugs, keep your abdomen warm and relax. Pain in the right lower abdomen, there is a risk of appendicitis, you can take painkillers first and send them to the hospital for treatment; Stomach pain, fever and nausea can be treated with gastrointestinal drugs.

(2) being bitten by an insect

In general, it is bitten by mosquitoes, fleas, bedbugs, wild bees, caterpillars, centipedes, leeches, etc. Applying sesame oil, tiger balm, saliva and soap can play an anti-inflammatory and antipruritic role; After being stung by wild bees, there will be severe pain, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms. If you find that the poisonous glands and stingers at the tail of bees are still left on the wound, take them out with tweezers or pliers, not by hand. Then wipe the wound with acetic acid to reduce swelling and relieve pain, or mash and apply the wound with wild chrysanthemum leaves and Prunella vulgaris; When bitten by a leech, do not pull it out forcibly, so as not to break it and leave the leech sucker in the wound, causing the wound to become inflamed and fester. The correct way to deal with it is to pat leeches with the palm of your hand, and they will adjust themselves automatically when they are frightened. You can also sprinkle essential balm and salt on leeches or burn them with cigarette butts. When people's skin is damaged by the poisonous hair of caterpillars, they will feel spicy, itchy and painful, accompanied by redness and swelling. At this time, you should carefully take the caterpillar out of your body, then stick it on your skin with tape and remove the poisonous hair. You can also take some herbs, such as purslane, dandelion and wild chrysanthemum. Clear away heat and toxic materials, and then rub or apply externally. If there is a rash all over the body, you can take anti-allergic drugs such as chlorpheniramine; Because of poisonous scorpions, poisonous centipedes and so on. They are relatively poisonous and should be treated for snake wounds after being attacked.

(3) being bitten by a snake

(1) How to judge whether you are bitten by a poisonous snake. From the appearance, the head of non-poisonous snakes is oval, the tail is slender, and the pattern on the body surface is not obvious, such as red snake and black snake. The head of a poisonous snake is triangular, with a big neck and a thin tail. The tail is short and suddenly tapered, and the skin pattern is bright, such as Agkistrodon halys, Agkistrodon halys with white eyebrows, bamboo leaves, cobra, golden ring snake, and silver ring snake (except the head of cobra and silver ring snake). From the wound, because all poisonous snakes have fangs, there will be two big tooth marks on the wound, but the wounds left by non-poisonous snakes are in a neat row. From the time point of view, if there is redness and pain within 15 minutes after the bite, it may be bitten by a poisonous snake. ② First aid after being bitten by poisonous snakes. Don't run violently after a bite to slow down the absorption and diffusion of snake venom in the human body and reduce the systemic reaction; Remember the shape of the wound and inform the emergency medical staff in detail. If the snake is bitten to death, take the dead snake away so that the medical staff can deal with it correctly in time. After being bitten by a poisonous snake, you should immediately tie a soft rope or belt above the wound to block venous blood and lymphatic reflux, reduce the absorption of venom and prevent the spread of toxin; Emergency detoxification. Immediately wash the wound with Leng Cha, cold boiled water or spring water. If possible, use physiological saline, soapy water, hydrogen peroxide, 1/1000 potassium permanganate solution and 1/1000 nitrofurazone solution. Detoxification by stabbing. Use a clean small Miao Dao, scabbing knife, triangular needle or other clean and sharp tools to puncture the wound, not too deep. Based on the principle of cutting the skin between two fangs, or use a small Miao Dao to stab several holes in the skin around the wound, the blade is as big as a grain of rice, so as not to block the wound and make the venom flow out. After the knife is stabbed, the wound should be cleaned immediately and squeezed from top to bottom. If the venom in the wound can't flow out smoothly, you can use the method of sucking toxin, cupping and putting a rubber tube on the front end of the syringe to suck out the venom. You can suck directly through your mouth when you don't have tools, but you must pay attention to safety, spit while sucking, and rinse your mouth with clear water every time. What kind of snake medicine is used for oral administration and external application should be used flexibly on the principle that it can be collected immediately in the local area at that time. ③ Avoid being bitten by snakes. When walking in Shan Ye, don't just stick your hand in a tree hole or a crack in a rock, where snakes rest during the day. Holding a small stick or branch in your hand is also an effective way to avoid being bitten by a snake.

(4) First-aid methods for injuries and bleeding

In the wild, sometimes a certain part of the body will bleed because of accidental injury. Small bleeding can heal itself without special treatment, while large bleeding is often life-threatening, so emergency hemostasis measures must be taken. If it is a small wound, you can use your fingers or a cleaning cloth to directly press on the wound to stop bleeding. It is necessary to change the bleeding cloth repeatedly until the bleeding is weakened, then cover it with sterile gauze and fix it with bandage. If it's a cut or a cut, it's bleeding. This is arterial bleeding, which is very dangerous. You must stop the bleeding with a tourniquet. However, it should be noted that the tourniquet should be loosened and then tightened every once in a while to avoid the complete interruption of blood circulation below the puncture and lead to limb necrosis. In addition, you can also fill the wound with clean gauze or hemostatic cotton and fix it with a pressure bandage.

(5) Fracture and sprain

In the practice of outdoor life, it is easy to fracture, dislocate or sprain when the foot slips or the body loses balance and falls. When a fracture or sprain occurs, you should first keep quiet and rest, and don't walk around reluctantly to aggravate the wound. Then use river water, ice, snow, etc. Cool the affected area, don't massage. Then clamp the affected area with wooden boards or substitutes and fix it with bandages. Raise the affected part above the heart. Finally, they were taken to the hospital. Care should be taken when handling. Generally, two people can be used as chairs, one person can carry them, two people can help them, and they can be carried on a stretcher. Patients with spinal injury must be fixed on a flat and firm stretcher and sent to the hospital. The body can't bend, otherwise it may cause spinal cord injury and paralysis.

3. Distribution and identification of distress signals

The first prerequisite for being rescued in distress is to get in touch with the outside world and let others know about your situation. SOS is an international distress signal, which can be written on the ground or sent by radio, typed by semaphore communication or sent by other means. Besides, almost any action repeated three times symbolizes asking for help. For example, light three fires, create three thick smoke, give out three loud whistles, gunshots or three flashes of fire. If acoustic or optical signals are used, each group will send three signals, with an interval of 1 minute, and then repeat.

(1) Smoke and fire signals

Putting three piles of smoke and fire is an international distress signal. It is ideal to put the fire in a triangle with equal intervals, so it is easy to ignite. During the day, smoke is a good locator, so smoke-emitting substances such as films and green leaves should be added to the fire. After the smoke is lifted off, it is in sharp contrast with the surrounding environment and is easy to be noticed. Bright smoke stands out at night or in the dark green jungle. Adding green grass, leaves, moss and ferns will produce smoke. Black smoke is most striking in snow or desert, and both rubber and gasoline produce black smoke.

The signal fire can't burn all day, but it should be ready at any time to keep the fuel dry and easy to burn. Once a plane passes by, it should be lit as soon as possible. Birch bark is an ideal fuel. In order to ignite as soon as possible, you can use gasoline, but you can't pour it directly on the fuel. Make a wick with some cloth, soak it in gasoline, then put it on the fuel pile, and move the gasoline tank to a safe place before it can be lit. Remember to prepare some green skin, oil or rubber around to release the smoke.

(2) Ground-to-air signals

Find a large open area and set up signals that are easy to be observed and found by air rescuers. The specifications of signals shall be 10 meter long and 3 meters wide, and the interval between signals shall be 3 meters. "I"-seriously injured people need to be transferred to hospital immediately or need a doctor; "f"-need food and drinking water; "two"-need drugs; "ll"-everything is fine; "x"-unable to act; "→"-move along this route.

(3) Other signals

(1) optical signal. The signal light can be reflected by sunlight and a reflector or any bright material such as glass and metal platinum sheet. Continuous reflection will produce long lines and points, which is a kind of Morse code. ② semaphore signal. Waving left and right indicates that rescue is needed, and it is required to row long to the left and short to the right.

4. Organize the implementation of safety measures.

In the process of organizing comprehensive training for field survival and life, as an organizer, careful safety measures should be taken.

(1) Make a thorough and complete training plan, and make adequate material preparation, including purpose, route, date, division of labor, discipline, equipment, articles, students' files, how to summarize, etc. , and let every student thoroughly understand.

(2) Health management. For long-distance and difficult teaching and training, students should be given a health check before departure, especially those who usually exercise less. If there is any inappropriate situation, they should stop the field survival and life training.

(3) Organize necessary physical, technical and psychological training.

(4) Organizers and business departments of insurance companies directly agree to participate in general accident insurance or special accident insurance, so that organizers and participants can obtain greater risk protection.

(5) Organize teams. Divide the team into groups of 5 ~ 12 people, and arrange experienced and responsible teachers or students as team leaders. The whole team should not be stretched for too long, but should always be in a state of echo, and some contact signals should be agreed. Responsible, have a good understanding of the activity plan, and experienced people should also arrange to stay. Equipped with medical personnel.

It is very important to keep calm when encountering safety problems in field survival training. If you do all the safety measures you can calmly, you may turn the corner. Otherwise, spending time on unnecessary fears and fears may bring unnecessary disasters. In addition, this article describes some basic common sense of dealing with security issues. Whether it can be used flexibly in times of crisis and take the most appropriate measures depends on the experience and will on the spot. It is worth noting that some of these measures are only temporary emergency measures, and eventually medical personnel will be invited or sent to the hospital for treatment.