Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Who is RAB in the ending of harry potter and the half-blood prince Zhong?

Who is RAB in the ending of harry potter and the half-blood prince Zhong?

The "RAB" at the end of harry potter and the half-blood prince refers to Gul arcturus Black, the younger brother of Sirius Black.

Ray Guller in the book is just. As a defender of pure blood, he was one of the first people to join the Death Eaters, but his evil deeds were not recorded in the book (Sirius in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix said that the original Death Eaters did not torture Muggles and Mapo wizards like later, but followed Voldemort for blood and strength).

/kloc-Join the Death Eaters at the age of 0/6. From the beginning of "serving the Dark Lord is the glory" to fighting with life three years later, it was not abrupt (probably Voldemort gradually revealed his true colors, when he found that Voldemort was not pursuing pure bloodline, but trying to rule others by cruel means. This made him realize that what he called right was completely wrong, and made him determined to fight Voldemort.

Data expansion:

Brief introduction of black family members in Harry Potter series;

Generation members:

Sirius Black Sirius Black (1845- 1853)

Phineas Nigel, brother of elladora and Isla. He died when he was eight years old.

Possible naming source: from the Greek word seirios "burning", Sirius is the brightest star we can see (also called "dog star"). This star is the symbol of the Egyptian goddess Essis, and it is very important for Egypt's religions and beliefs to take it as the center.

phineas nigellus black( 1847- 1926)

My parents didn't give it to me.

Three brothers and sisters: Cyrus, elladora and Isla.

Hogwarts experience: Slytherin (1858 or 1859 admission); The former headmaster of Hogwarts

Marry Ursula Flint.

Five children: Cyrus (1877- 1952) married Haitz Pa Gan; Phineas (removed from office, date of birth unknown); Signous (1889- 1943) married violetta Bulstrode; Bellevue (1886-1962); Aktug glus (1884- 1959).

Sirius Black's great-great grandfather is considered the most unpopular headmaster in Hogwarts history.

Possible naming source: phineas-Hebrew, meaning "Shekou" or "liar". In the Old Testament, phineas killed an Israeli because he fell in love with a woman of another race.

Nigel lus-probably developed from the Latin "Niger", meaning "black, dark and ominous". ? "Nigellus" is pre-classical and medieval Latin, meaning "something black".

Erhardo Lahei elladora Hei (1850- 193 1)

My parents didn't give it to me.

Three brothers and sisters: Cyrus, phineas Nigel and Ella.

No marriage, no children.

Sirius had an aunt, elladora, who created a family custom. When house elves were too old to carry plates, they cut off their heads as decorations (Chapter 6 of the Order of the Phoenix). I wonder if she and phineas Nigel's sister are the same person. Maybe Sirius's aunt was named after her.

Possible naming source: not found, neither a star nor a constellation.

Isla (black) Hitchens Isla Black/Hitchens (date of birth unknown)

My parents didn't give it to me.

Three brothers and sisters: Cyrus, phineas Nigel and elladora.

Bob Hitchens married a muggle, and he was deleted from the list, which showed a burnt hole in Blake's family tree. (clue 1)

Possible naming source: one of the main stars of Canis Canis-English name Muliphein;; The Chinese name of Isis is Sirius Zengsi.

Second generation members

Sirius Black Sirius Black (1877- 1952)

Phineas, son of Nigel Black and Ursula Flint.

Four brothers and sisters: three younger brothers, phineas (removed, date of birth and death unknown), Signous (1889- 1943), Aktug Ruth (1884- 1959), and one sister Bellevue (655).

Marry Haitz Palmer Gump.

Three children: Aktug Luce (1901-1991) married Melanie McMillan; Lekris (1904-1965); Regule (1906- 1959).

Possible naming source: from the Greek word seirios "burning", Sirius is the brightest star we can see (also called "dog star"). This star is the symbol of the Egyptian goddess Essis, and it is very important for Egypt's religions and beliefs to take it as the center.

Phineas black, phineas black (date of birth and death unknown)

Phineas, son of Nigel Black and Ursula Flint.

Four brothers and sisters: one brother Cyrus (1877- 1952), two younger brothers Signus (1889- 1943) and Aktug Glus (1884-/kloc-).

Because he supported Muggle rights, he was removed from the list, which showed that Blake's genealogy had been burned a hole.

Arcturus Black Aktug Luce Black (1884- 1959)

Phineas, son of Nigel Black and Ursula Flint.

Four brothers and sisters: two brothers, Cyrus (1877- 1952), phineas (deleted from the list, the date of birth and death is unknown), one brother, Signus (1889- 1943), and one sister.

Marry Lysandra yaxley.

Three daughters: Kalidora (19 15-), Sedrell (deleted from the list, date of birth and death unknown), Karis (191973).

Possible naming source: arcturus-arcturus is the brightest star in Capricorn and the fourth brightest star in the sky: only Sirius, Laonian and Nanmener are brighter than it. In Greek, it is roughly translated as "the guardian of the bear".

Bellevue (black) Berk Bellevue Black/Bok (1886- 1962)

Daughter of phineas, Nigel Black and Ursula Flint.

Four brothers: three brothers, Ju Lushi (1877- 1952), phineas (removed from office, date of birth and death unknown), Aktug Luce (1884- 1959), and one brother, Signos (/kloc-0).

Marry Herbert Burke.

Three children: two sons and a daughter.

Possible naming sources: neither stars nor constellations. In Latin, it may mean "wonderful wine". It may have evolved from Baal (sun god) or Beltane (ancient Celtic celebration). ?

signus Black( 1889- 1943)

Phineas, son of Nigel Black and Ursula Flint.

Four brothers and sisters: three brothers, Cyrus (1877- 1952), phineas (removed from office, date of birth and death unknown), Aktug Luce (1884- 1959), and one sister Bellevue.

Marry Violeta Bulstrode.

Three children: Bolox (1912-1990), Casiopaya (1915-1992), Marius (date of birth and death unknown, already.

Possible naming source: Cygnus means "male swan" in Latin. In Greek mythology, Cygnus is the king of music in Ligurian, and finally becomes a swan. This is another name for the Southern Cross system.

Three generations of members

Arcturus Black Aktug Luce Black (1901-1991)

Son of Sirius Black and Haitz Palmer Gump.

There are two brothers and sisters: one elder sister's name is Lekris (1904- 1965) and one younger brother's name is Ray Gulle (1906- 1959).

Marry Melanie McMillan.

Two children: Lydia (1925- 1992) and Orian (1929- 1979).

Sirius and Ray Guller's grandfather.

Note: I'm not sure if this grandfather won the Merlin first-class medal for "working for the Ministry of Magic". Of course, it could be their grandfather, Bolox.

Possible naming source: arcturus-arcturus is the brightest star in Capricorn and the fourth brightest star in the sky: only Sirius, Laonian and Nanmener are brighter than it. In Greek, it is roughly translated as "the guardian of the bear".

Lycoris radiata black (1904- 1965)

Daughter of Sirius Black and Haitz Palmer Gump.

Two brothers: one elder brother Aktug Luce (1901-1991) and one younger brother Ray Gulle (1906- 1959).

No marriage, no children.

Possible naming source: Lycoris radiata is the horticultural name of Liliaceae.

? Xuanyuan Heiguang Gull Black (1906- 1959)

Son of Sirius Black and Haitz Palmer Gump.

Two brothers and sisters: one brother, Aktug Luce (1901-1991), and one sister, Lex (1904- 1965). No marriage, no children.

This Ray Guller died two years before Sirius's younger brother, his heir, was born.

Pollux Black Bolox Black( 19 12- 1990)

Son of Signus Black and violetta Bulstrode.

Three brothers and sisters: two older sisters, Casio Paya (19 15- 1992) and doria (1920- 1977), and one younger brother, Marius (whose date of birth and death is unknown).

Marry Irma Crabbe.

Three children: Walbulga (1925- 1985), Alfard (removed from the list, date of birth and death unknown) and Signous (1938- 1992). He married Druella Rosier.

Grandfathers of Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa.

Sirius and Ray Guller's grandfather.

Note: I'm not sure if this grandfather won the Merlin first-class medal for "working for the Ministry of Magic". Of course, it could also be their grandfather Acta Luce.

Possible naming source: Beihe III (Gemini beta star), the first bright star in the whole day 17.

Cassiopeia Black Cassiopeia Black (19 15- 1992)

Daughter of Signus Black and violetta Bulstrode.

Three brothers and sisters: two brothers, Bolox (19 12- 1990) and Marius (deleted from the list, the date of birth and death is unknown), and one sister, doria (1920-1970).

No marriage, no children. ?

Cassiopeia means Cassiopeia, one of the northern constellations. It is located in the south of Andromeda and the north of Andromeda, far away from Ursa major. Because it is close to the north celestial pole, it can be seen all year round, especially in autumn. Cassiopeia is m (or w) shaped, which is easy to distinguish. It means beauty and tranquility.

Marius Blake Marius Blake (deleted, date of birth and death unknown)

Son of Signus Black and violetta Bulstrode.

Three brothers and sisters: one elder brother Bolox (19 12- 1990), one elder sister Casio Paya (19 15- 1992) and one elder sister doria (. ?

Because it was a squib, it fell off the list and appeared as a burning hole in Blake's genealogy. (clue 3)

Doria Black Porter Doria Black/Porter (1920- 1977)

Daughter of Signus Black and violetta Bulstrode. ?

Three brothers and sisters: two brothers Bolox (19 12- 1990) and Marius (deleted from the list, the date of birth and death is unknown), and one sister Casiopaya (1915-/kloc).

Married to Charles Potter, and they have an unknown son. ?

Doria is probably Harry's grandmother, because Rowling told us that "Zhan Mu's parents are old. I think, as often happens, it shows that the only son in the family is very fond of him. He is precious because he got the child late. From the wizard's point of view, they are old and they are dead. " But doria died at the age of 57.

But there is also evidence that doesn't support this statement, because according to Sirius, Harry's godfather, he left home and went to Zhan Mu's house, and the Potters regarded him as one of their own, so it can be inferred that the Potters must not be doria and Charlie Potters, otherwise their names would be deleted from the Black family tree. You know, Alfred was deleted from the family tree only because he sponsored Sirius, his nephew who escaped. So doria and Charles are more likely to be relatives like james potter's uncle. ?

Possible naming sources: related to Dora and dolores; Dorea is a bacterium found in human feces. Not stars or constellations.

Kalidora (Black) Long Base Kalidora Black/Longbottom (19 15-)

Daughter of Aktug Ruth Black and Lysandra yaxley. ?

Two sisters: Cedrell (removed from the list, date of birth and death unknown) and Karis (1919-1973). ?

Marry hafang longbottom. ?

Two children: a son and a daughter.

Possible naming source: Callidora is a parasite that lives on butterflies and moths. Greek means "natural beauty".

Cedrella (Black) Weasley Cedrella Black/Weasley (removed, date of birth and death unknown)

Daughter of Aktug Ruth Black and Lysandra yaxley.

Two sisters: one sister Kalidora (19 15-) and one sister Karis (191973).

Married to septimus Weasley.

Mrs Weasley, who married septimus, was deleted from the list, which showed a hole in Blake's genealogy. (clue 4)

? Charies (black) Crouch Alice Black/Crouch (19 19- 1973)

Daughter of Aktug Ruth Black and Lysandra yaxley.

Two sisters: Kalidora (19 15-) and Cedrell (removed, date of birth and death unknown).

Marry Caspar Crouch. ?

Three children: a son and two daughters.

His son may be old barty crouch.

Possible naming sources: Greek means "elegance or kindness"; A Greek goddess who married hephaestus (the god of fire and artisans).

Four generations of members

Claudia (black) Preludia Blake/Prut (1925- 1992)

Daughter of Ruth Black and Melanie McMillan in Aktug.

First brother: Orian (1929- 1979).

Marry ignatius Prut.

No record of children.

Sirius and menstruation of Ray Guller.

Orion Black and Orion Black (1929- 1979)

Father of Sirius and Ray Guller. Strong protection has been given to the ancestral home located in Grimau Square 12 in London. The house was inherited by his wife, the Black family?

Son of Acta, Ruth Black and Melanie McMillan.

First sister: Lydia (19 15- 1992).

Marry his cousin Wahlberg.

Wahlberg (black) black Wahlberg black/black (1925- 1985)

Mother of Sirius and Ray Guller.

The daughter of Bolox Black and Irma Crabbe.

Two younger brothers: Alfade (deleted from the list, date of birth and death unknown) and Signus (1938- 1992).

Married to her cousin, O 'Ryan Black. She and her husband are descended from phineas Nigel. This explains why when she mentioned the black house, she called it "my father's house".

Alpha de Black Alpha (probably died in 1976 to 1977)

Sirius and Ray Guller's uncle (actually). Alfred is their mother's brother. ?

However, he was deleted from the tapestry because he "sponsored his nephew who ran away from home", which showed up as a burnt hole in Blake's genealogy.

Possible naming source: Alphard-Star One, a star in the center of Ophiuchus.

signus Black( 1938- 1992)

Sirius and Ray Guller's uncle.

Marry Druella Rosier.

Three daughters: Bellatrix (195 1- 1998), Amdo Mida (whose date of birth is unknown) and Narcissa (1955-).

Great-grandson of phineas Negus Black.

Possible naming source: Cygnus means "male swan" in Latin. In Greek mythology, Cygnus is the king of music in Ligurian, and finally becomes a swan. This is another name for the Southern Cross system.

Five generations of members

Bellatrix (black) Bellatrix lestrange Black/lestrange (195 1- 1998)

Rudolph lestrange is married and has no children.

Daughter of Signus Black and Druella Rozier. Voldemort's most loyal death eater.

Two sisters: Amdo Mida (removed from the list, date of birth unknown) Narcissa (1955-)

Andromeda (Black) Tonks Andromeda Black/Tonks (Birthday is before 1955-)

Daughter of Signus Black and Druella Rozier.

One sister Bellatrix (195 1- 1998) and one sister Narcissa (1955-).

Nymphadora tonks's mother married Ted Tonks, a muggle-born man.

Because she "married Muggle Ted Tonks", this is a burnt hole in Blake's family tree. (clue 5)

Andromeda is Sirius's favorite cousin.

Narcissa Malfoy Narcissa Black/Malfoy (1955-)

Daughter of Signus Black and Druella Rozier.

Two sisters: Bellatrix (195 1- 1998) and Amdo Mida (removed, date of birth unknown).

Marry lucius malfoy.

A son: Draco (born in 1980).

Sirius Black Sirius Black (1959 or 1960- 1996.6)

The sons of O 'Ryan Black and Wahlberg Black ran away from home and were deleted from the family tree.

Sirius-named after the star, also known as Sirius or Alpha Canis. This is the brightest star in the sky, and it is often called "intense and burning", which is quite in line with his character. Sirius is Harry's godfather, because everyone thinks that he betrayed Harry's parents, killed thirteen people with a spell (in fact, peter pettigrew did it), and he was put in Azkaban. When Harry was in the third grade, he escaped from Azkaban to protect Harry and told Harry the truth with remus lupin. Only two years later, he died because of the end of the First World War of the Department of Mysteries. In Harry Potter 7, Harry summons him with the Resurrection Stone.

According to David Kerr Burt's The Wizarding World of Harry Potter: A Treasure of Myths, Legends and Charming Facts, Sirius is considered as a place where people travel after death in Egyptian mythology. In ancient Egypt, this star was very important. All temples were arranged according to its trajectory in the sky. Archaeologists have found that the tunnels or vents of the Great Pyramid make this star visible during the day, and its vision always faces the sky where Sirius appears. These channels are thought to mean guiding someone's soul to Sirius. This has an interesting connection with Sirius's death.

Xuanyuan Heiguang Gull Black (196 1- 1979)

Son of O 'Ryan and Wahlberg Black, brother of Sirius Black.

There are many newspaper clippings about Voldemort in his room in Grimau Square. It seems that he joined the Death Eaters a few years after becoming an admirer of Voldemort. Ray Gullers betrayed Voldemort, stole the horcrux-Slytherin's locket, and was dragged into the lake by a corpse and died.