Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Exclusive nutrition of the twelve constellations _ Who is the most nutritious in the twelve constellations?

Exclusive nutrition of the twelve constellations _ Who is the most nutritious in the twelve constellations?

12 constellation custom autumn health

Autumn is coming, and the weather is getting colder and colder. Chinese medicine is about harvesting in autumn and storing in winter. Every season has different health care methods, depending on the four seasons. Do you know the secret health care methods of the twelve constellations in autumn? If you want to protect your body better, then this issue of Constellation Health will reveal the secret for you. Pisces Pisces is full of romanticism, has a very complicated mind and often falls into depression. Cool autumn will lead to the decline of human immune function, especially the damage of lung qi, so Pisces should also pay attention to emotional convergence in autumn. Otherwise, it is easy to have problems of respiratory system and lymphatic system. Tips for conditioning: 1, go to bed early and get up early, and work and rest regularly. 2. Outdoor aerobic exercise with slight sweating, such as cycling. 3. Try a cold water bath properly. Dietary remedies: papaya lotus seed yogurt ingredients: papaya 200 grams, a little lotus seed, large fruit yogurt right amount. Efficacy: moistening lung and beautifying skin, calming nerves and quenching thirst. Method: Peel the papaya and cut it into cubes, remove the heart of lotus seeds (not the heart), put the diced papaya into a cup, and pour in yogurt and stir slightly. Aquarius Aquarius advocates being unconventional, which is of course good for work. But in autumn, the weather is relatively dry, and the nature of freedom and instability can easily make them feel out of touch, fall into weakness, and even cause dizziness and confusion. Therefore, we should pay attention to the damage to the blood circulation system and sports system. Tips for conditioning: 1, eat less fish instead of meat. 2. Eat fruits rich in water, such as Sydney and oranges. 3. Knead Laogong point (palm) and pat Shenshu point (waist eyes on both sides) 100 times a day. Dietotherapy prescription: Ginger jujube porridge ingredients: 6 grams of ginger or dried ginger, 0/00 gram of japonica rice or glutinous rice, 2-4 jujubes. Efficacy: invigorating spleen and qi, nourishing blood and calming the nerves. Method: Wash and chop ginger, and cook it with rice and jujube to get porridge. Capricorn Capricorn is more patient, likes truth, and does not covet impetuousness. However, too rigid and rigid living habits make their food nutrition unbalanced. Autumn is very penetrating, especially for Capricorn. Be careful that joints and bones are prone to problems. Tips for conditioning: 1, lie on your back and lift your legs for 20 minutes every day. 2. Don't eat more laxative foods (such as seafood and honey). ) Dietary remedies: Pueraria lobata raw fish soup Ingredients: 250 grams of Pueraria lobata, washed and cut into pieces, raw fish (mullet) 1 Efficacy: relaxing muscles and tendons, relieving myalgia. Methods: Pueraria lobata and mullet were put into the pot together, and appropriate amount of water was added and cooked together. When the fish is cooked, add shredded ginger, oil and salt to taste, eat fish and drink soup. Sagittarius Sagittarius advocates freedom. If you stay in the same environment for a long time in your work and life, you will become uneasy and depressed. In autumn, people are more tired, which makes the restless Sagittarius easy to show some physical characteristics of qi stagnation, damp heat and blood stasis. Hip, thigh, sciatic nerve and liver will be the most prone to problems. Tips for conditioning: 1. Take a proper walk and go shopping during the break, so that you can keep fit and have fun. 2. Turn the hula hoop. 3. Supplement fruits and vegetables rich in iron (almonds and apples). Dietotherapy formula: Lotus seed glutinous rice porridge consists of 50g glutinous rice, 20g lotus seed powder and brown sugar 10g. Efficacy: soothe the nerves, tonify the heart and strengthen the spleen. Methods: Wash the glutinous rice; Put lotus seed powder and glutinous rice together in a pot and add about 600 ml of water; Boil it with high fire, then cook it with low fire until the rice grains are cooked and the soup is thick, and then add brown sugar to taste. Scorpio Scorpio people like challenges, and once they are addicted to a certain sport, it is difficult to stop. Moreover, they often show a strong desire for control, which brings pressure to others and also gives them a strong mental pressure. Cooling in autumn is easy to cause endocrine disorders, damp-heat and qi deficiency, and restless symptoms. Tips for conditioning: 1, go to bed early and get up early, and adjust the correct work and rest. 2, eat less stimulating drinks (wine, coffee and food and supplements that are easy to get angry) 3, outdoor outings to relieve physical and mental stress. Therapeutic prescription: Lily longan decoction consists of lily, lily seeds, dried longan and rock sugar. Efficacy: moisten the lungs and soothe the nerves, remove troubles and replenish qi. Method: Wash lily and longan, soak them for 10 minute, add lily, longan, crystal sugar and pear juice to the soup, boil it, turn off the heat for 30 minutes, and let it cool before drinking. Libra Libra people are warm and gentle, sociable, and often have amazing planning power in their work, but they also consume considerable energy. When it turns cold in autumn, we should pay attention to the physical characteristics of qi stagnation and blood stasis, and beware of problems in glands, blood vessels and skin of the waist and kidney. Tips for conditioning: 1, drink more green tea every day. 2, regular back massage, yoga or gymnastics is more beneficial. 3, steaming room fumigation body, promote metabolism. Dietotherapy prescription: fresh milk sesame paste ingredients: 50 ml milk, black sesame 120 g, 3 tablespoons sugar, 2 tablespoons glutinous rice flour. Efficacy: nourishing the heart, warming the kidney and nourishing the face. Method: Grind sesame seeds, add cold water to glutinous rice flour, add 500ml water to candy, add sesame powder to boil, thicken with glutinous rice flour and 2 tablespoons water, and add milk to make fresh milk sesame paste. Virgo Virgo generally pays more attention to his own details, and life is too fine, so it is inevitable to be picky. But when autumn comes, the cold is spreading, and the physical and mental state is worse than others. It is easy for blood gas to be blocked, qi stagnation, stomach and other parts to get sick. The secret of conditioning: 1, walking more than 5000 steps every day, you can gradually accumulate. 2. Eat more organic and natural foods. Don't catch cold. Dietary remedies: Apple Tremella Soup consists of tremella 10g, apple 1, and a little red date rock sugar. Efficacy: invigorating spleen and stomach, smoothing qi and removing annoyance. Method: Soak the tremella completely. Add rock sugar, put it in a pressure cooker, add water and boil for 20-30 minutes. Peel the apple, cut into pieces, wash the red dates, cook for 10 minutes, and serve after a little cooling. Leo Leo has a strong desire to express himself in life, can't stand being ignored, and is particularly afraid of being old and ugly. This kind of depression will make him show the physical characteristics of yin deficiency, phlegm dampness and yang deficiency, which will be more obvious in autumn. Health problems are usually related to organ parts, such as hypertension, palpitation and back pain. Tips for conditioning: 1, drink less coffee and wine. 2. Don't be too impatient to do things, and do less strenuous exercise. 3. Eat some hawthorn and persimmon. Diet prescription: Chestnut paste ingredients: 300 grams of raw chestnuts, 250 grams of sugar. Efficacy: invigorating kidney and stomach, strengthening tendons and activating collaterals. Method: Boil raw chestnut in water for half an hour, let it cool, shell it, steam it in a bowl for half an hour, put it in an aluminum basin while it is hot, add 250 grams of white sugar, and stir it evenly with a spoon until it is muddy. Make snacks and eat at will. Cancer Cancer's life is sentimental and emotional, and there are some manifestations of self-pity and melancholy. Therefore, it often has the physical characteristics of yin deficiency, phlegm dampness and yang deficiency. Problems in autumn include the chest, stomach and mucous membrane in the human body. Tips for conditioning: 1, don't overeat and avoid spicy food. 2, take a walk after dinner, contact with people, and ease your mood. 3. Appropriate supplementation of vitamin B6 and vitamin C treatment formula: Stewed old duck with Radix Adenophorae and Rhizoma Polygonati Odorati consists of 30g of Radix Adenophorae and Rhizoma Polygonati Odorati each and half of old duck. Efficacy: tonify qi and blood, moisten stomach and produce fluid. Methods: The old duck was depilated, its internal organs were washed, put into a casserole with Adenophora adenophora and Polygonatum odoratum, and simmered with water for over an hour. Gemini Gemini is a very youthful and energetic constellation, but sometimes it is inevitable to lack patience. Autumn is easy to show the physical characteristics of yin deficiency and phlegm dampness, which often affects the nervous system and lungs, and often goes to the digestive department for treatment because of digestive system problems. Tips for conditioning: 1, supplement vitamin B group and eat more vegetables in roots, flowers and fruits. 2. Stay away from coffee and colored drinks, as well as junk snacks. Drink more green tea and close your eyes. Therapeutic formula: Hawthorn porridge consists of 30-40g of Hawthorn (or 60g of fresh Hawthorn), japonica rice 100g, and sand sugar 10g. Efficacy: spleen and stomach, promote digestion. Method: remove impurities from hawthorn (hawthorn fruit should be broken), add water to casserole, fry into thick juice, remove residue, add japonica rice and sugar, and cook with slow fire to make porridge. Taurus Taurus people are quite patient and will spare no effort to make good plans. However, it is precisely because of this that my body is overloaded. In addition, the dry weather in autumn makes Taurus prone to phlegm and dampness, which shows that the throat and neck are prone to illness. Tips for conditioning: 1, not suitable for strenuous exercise. 2. Eat less spicy and salty food. 3. Eat more fresh fruits. Dietary remedies: candied Sydney ingredients: 500 grams of Sydney or Yali pear, honey 100 grams Efficacy: moistening dryness and promoting fluid production, clearing away heat and quenching thirst. Method: Wash Sydney (or Yali pear), remove the pedicle and core, slice, add appropriate amount of water to the pot and cook until it is 70% ripe and rotten. When the water is dry, add honey, then simmer on low heat until cooked, and collect the juice. Store it in a cold bottle for later use. Aries Aries, whether male or female, is in good health. Because of its impulsive personality, it is easy to get angry in autumn, and even make the body endocrine disorders, so we should pay special attention to the body's metabolism and organ system health care. Tips for conditioning: 1, slow down your meal and don't worry too much. 2. Eat more natural foods, especially green vegetables. Don't drink cold green tea. Dietary remedies: Lycium barbarum chicken is composed of Lycium barbarum 15g, hen 1 hen, cooking wine, pepper, ginger, onion, monosodium glutamate and salt. Efficacy: nourishing liver and regulating qi, improving eyesight and calming nerves. Method: Wash the chicken, then put the Lycium barbarum into the belly of the chicken, put it into the pot (belly up), put the onion and ginger into the pot, add clear soup, salt, cooking wine and pepper, seal the spout, put it into the pot filled with boiling water, steam for about 2 hours, take it out, pick out the ginger and onion, and add monosodium glutamate.