Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Which planets discovered so far are most likely to have aliens?

Which planets discovered so far are most likely to have aliens?

So far, the earth is still the only known planet with life species. But no one dares to deny that there is no other life in the vast universe. Many scientists think that life is probably a universal existence in the universe.

According to the formation and development mode of life on earth, only liquid water, suitable temperature, sunlight and atmosphere can life be born, developed and multiplied. So in the universe, not only our earth has such conditions, but also many rocky planets located in livable zones should have such conditions.

For example, Kepler 452b, gliese 58 1d, proxima b, etc. It is possible to meet such conditions, there may be life on it, and there may be higher intelligent species. However, due to the long distance, we can't know the real situation on the surface of these planets, so why humans have not found extraterrestrial life so far is also because our observation and detection technology is not advanced enough.

In addition, in the vast space, there are a large number of interstellar organic molecules, and many rocky planets have absorbed a large number of such interstellar organic molecules, so there is no shortage of healthy nutrients.

Some simple primitive life forms are extremely tenacious. For example, some microorganisms can even cross star space. They can fly to other suitable planets like dandelions blown away, just like colonists who opened up a new world.

In fact, if you want to look for extraterrestrial life, you don't even have to look outside the solar system. There are probably some anaerobic microorganisms under the surface of Mars, and there are probably marine life similar to our deep sea in the surface ice sheets of Europa, Callisto and Titan.

In the universe, life is likely to be everywhere, but there are not many species that can create civilization like us, because the evolution and development of life is a very complicated process, during which many uncertainties will be experienced. It is extremely rare for a planet in the universe to provide billions of years of sustainable development for living species like our earth. Although the life species on the earth have experienced several mass extinctions, they are still developing in various ways, so it is not easy for life to reach the stage of advanced intelligent species.

However, there is also a situation that life on a planet began to evolve very early, and has evolved to the stage of higher intelligent species, with the ability of cross star space. Then this more intelligent species may colonize and develop other planets for life and spread like dandelions. In this case, there may be advanced intelligent creatures on many planets, and they belong to advanced colonists.

However, at present, our scientific and technological level is too low to know the real situation on other living planets in the distant universe, but those advanced and developed extraterrestrial intelligent species may be watching us.

Which planets discovered so far are most likely to have aliens?

Of course, no matter what means we use, we can't confirm whether there is alien life on planets other than the earth. Even if our probe can reach the planets in the solar system, there are indeed many celestial bodies that are likely to have extraterrestrial life, so let's count which celestial bodies are more likely to have life according to the possibility!

Of course, let's talk about the solar system first. We still have some information. If you leave the solar system, it is really a wild guess based on calculation! So which celestial bodies in the solar system are arranged in order?

First of all, Mars

Maybe everyone will sneer at the existence of life on Mars, because so many Mars probes, even the rovers that have been running on Mars for many years, have not found any signs of life, but why do you still rank Mars in the first place?

Let's see, is this satellite photo very similar to the alluvial plain on the earth? Of course, it is impossible for Mars to form an alluvial plain now, and it will only appear when ancient Mars is suitable for life! So to put it simply, Mars in ancient times should be suitable for life, and it became like this after the conditions were destroyed!

However, in previous years' exploration, it has been found that there is a liquid water lake under the South Pole of Mars. Although the echo shows that this is a salty lake with extremely high salinity, it is still possible to find underground freshwater lakes in other parts of Mars! In other words, it is very likely that life will enter these underground lakes with groundwater! In the future, more secrets may be found in the large-scale survey of life on Mars, and even one day we will find life left over from ancient times on Mars!

Second, Europa.

Jupiter's moon is far beyond the waterline, and liquid water exists in the form of freezing. So is it possible for Europa to have life? However, because Europa is close to Jupiter, tidal gravity will cause the friction of thick ice and form a huge lake under the thick ice. Scientists estimate that the lake is even tens of kilometers deep! Maybe there is life developing under this dark water!

Europa's structure, there is a liquid water layer between the ice layer 50 kilometers deep and the core, and it is dozens or even hundreds of kilometers thick!

There is also a volcano-like geothermal outlet at the bottom of the earth's ocean. These heat, gas and volcanic ejecta will form the cycle necessary for life. Maybe one day we can really find the life of Europa!

Of course, Ganymede has a similar situation, as do Saturn's moons! There are only these possibilities in the solar system, so what about exoplanets outside the solar system? Which one is the most likely?

Third, proxima b

Many friends will think that proxima centauri is a red dwarf. Although he can't flash helium, he has a bad temper. However, proxima centauri Centauri is very close to the star, so it is likely to be in the state of tidal locking, so it can't reach the back with a bad temper, so there may be life on the neighboring star B!

Some scientists even imagined the sunset on the neighboring star B. In fact, there will be no sunset under tidal locking, that is, the sun will always be at this height, or the sun will change because of your position change!

Fourth, Vulcan

You must think you are crazy. Isn't this Spock's home star in Star Trek? Of course not, this is a real star system, only 16 light-years away from the earth!

Five, a big wave of Kepler series super earth

Kepler mission has contributed a lot of super-earths to us in more than ten years, such as:

In the above picture, we have high hopes for Kepler 452b, which was discovered in July 2065438+2005.

It is designated as the most livable planet like the earth by far. Of course, it is bigger than the earth. If humans go to that planet, it will be more difficult to walk empty-handed!

In fact, the concept of livable area is very broad. For example, Venus, Earth and Mars are all in the livable zone, but only the Earth has life, and Mars is simply purgatory. Compared with Mars, it is simply a level difference in hell! Then 1000 light-years away will think that all three are livable when observing the solar system, and they are not sure whether there is life! So at this stage, it can only be a wild guess!

Which one do you like? You can order it. From now on, the Super Land Certificate will be 20% discount! With legal effect, the next time you immigrate, that large piece of land is yours! !

Now we guess that alien life is just a good wish, and scientists are always optimistic about the other side of the distant universe, or you can say it is unrealistic. This is no problem at all, because it is for you to draw cakes, and it is free. Just watch the fun! ! !

Planets with humans are parallel universes.

One problem I have never understood is that human beings always use their own living standards to measure the living standards of "human beings" on other planets. Just like ants, they never know that there are other creatures such as fish living in the water. In their minds, water will drown them, so how can they survive? Similarly, the conditions for human survival are water and oxygen. The question is whether the living standard in outer space is different from our present living standard, not necessarily that steel can't produce thinking.

There is absolutely no infinite number of alien creatures.

In the vast universe, after years of exploration, scientists have finally discovered more than 300 planets that may have life. They are called super earth. These terrestrial planets may have liquid water, and their environment is very similar to that of the earth. This is 10, the most famous and possible super earth, and it is most likely that there are aliens.

10, Kepler 452b (cousin of the earth)

Kepler 452b(Kepler 452b) is 1.6 times the diameter of the earth, and the earth similarity index (ESI) is 0.83, which is located in Cygnus, and is 1400 light years away from the earth. This is the first "livable" planet discovered around 20 15. It revolves around the same type of star as the sun and is close to the size of the earth. It may have an atmosphere and flowing water. It is called Earth 2.0, "the cousin of the Earth".

9. Kepler 62f

Kepler 62f is 1200 light years away. Discovered by Eric Agol, a professor of astronomy at the University of Washington. Planets are only 1.4 times larger than the earth, and they revolve around stars smaller and darker than the sun. Kepler 62f may be a rock surface. It receives about half as much heat and radiation from the stars as the earth receives from the sun. It may be completely covered by the ocean. If its density is the same as that of the earth, its mass may be 1.4 1 or 2.80 times that of the earth.

Kepler 452b and Kepler 62f are very similar to the Earth, but they are too far away. At the present level of science and technology, this can't be done in 40 million years.

8. Kepler 22b

Kepler 22b is the first planet suitable for human habitation. Its diameter is about 2.4 times that of the earth, and it is about 600 light years away. Although its diameter is much larger than that of the earth, its period of revolution is about 290 days, almost the same as the diameter of the earth. The central star revolving around it is very similar to the sun. It is also a yellow dwarf with spectral type G, but its mass is slightly smaller. The surface temperature of this planet is about 70 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 2 1 celsius), which is very suitable for living, or it may be a warm ocean planet.

7. Kepler 186f (earth cousin)

Kepler 186f is about 492 light years away from the earth, which is 1. 1 times the size of the earth. Its size is not only similar to that of the earth, but also close to the surrounding stars, which makes it possible for liquid water to exist on the surface. The various characteristics of the planet make it possible to have characteristics similar to those of the earth. Kepler 186f is the outermost planet in the Milky Way, which is located at the edge of the livable area, which means that its surface temperature may be too low and water may freeze.

6. Grice 163c

Gliese 163C is about 7 times the mass of the earth. It may be a very big rock star or a small gas giant. Gliese 163c revolves around its dim star for 26 days, 50 light years away from the earth. Its star lies in the constellation Capricorn. Thierry Fouille, a Frenchman, reported this discovery at the General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union. Judging from the composition of the planet and the thickness of the atmosphere, it may support life.

5.、HD855 12b

HD855 12b is located in the constellation vela, orbiting the orange dwarf. According to the data obtained by HARPS, the mass of HD855 12b is 3.6 times that of the Earth, and the distance from the parent star allows liquid water to exist on the surface. Scientists say that the existence of liquid water is crucial to the formation of life. The cloud coverage of HD855 12b is at least 50%, which indicates that it can reflect enough energy into space to prevent the surface from overheating. Usually, the cloud coverage of the earth is 60%.

4. Gliese 667Cc

The semimajor axis of Gliese 667 Cc is only 0. 125 1 astronomical unit. It is 4.5 times the size of the earth. There are only 28. 155 earth days in a year on Gliese 667Cc. Gliese 667Cc is 85% similar to the earth. According to the thermal luminosity of the home star Gliese 667 C, Gliese 667 Cc receives 90% of the light from the earth. But most electromagnetic radiation is invisible infrared. According to the calculation method of blackbody temperature, Gliese 667 Cc absorbs more electromagnetic radiation, making its surface temperature (277.4K) slightly higher than that of the earth (254.3K) and closer to the "hot" edge of livable area.

3. gliese 58 1g

The diameter of gliese 58 1g is about 1.2- 1.4 times that of the earth, and its mass is about 3. 1-4.3 times that of the earth. The average surface temperature is between -30℃ and-12℃. Period of revolution is the 37th Earth Day. The rotation period is equal, and the gravity is close to or slightly higher than that of the earth. The surface is composed of rocks, and there may be liquid water and atmosphere.

2. gliese 58 1d

Gliese 58 1d is 20.3 light years away from the earth. Its mass is eight times that of the earth, and it is considered as a super earth. The team of scientists who discovered gliese 58 1d in 2009 determined that the planet was in a livable area through new observation results in late April 2009, which means that there may be liquid water or living things on the planet.

1、Glizer 832c

Gliese 832c is a planet orbiting stellar flasher 832, and its rotation period is 36 days. Its mass is about five times that of the earth. This may be the most exoplanet discovered so far, and it has the closest conditions to the earth. Astronomers believe that its temperature may be similar to that of the earth, with similar seasonality, its outer layer is surrounded by the atmosphere, and liquid water is allowed in the orbital environment.

On the other hand, no matter how many "super-earths" exist in the vast universe and how many planets humans can "carry their bags" directly, we should start from now on, from everyone's own, from small things, and protect our planet with the strength of all mankind, love nature and protect this beautiful, rich, quiet and peaceful blue planet!

I don't know. There is a hockey satellite with fish on it.

It has not been found that there may be aliens on that planet.

Maybe the earth is unique.

Aliens must exist. The universe is so big, there can be human civilization and other planetary civilizations on the earth. It's just possible that technology hasn't found them yet.

When the official announces the discovery of real aliens, then all the people on our planet are a whole. Whether it's a blessing or a curse, no one is allowed.