Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Looking for the myth and legend of Centauri urgently

Looking for the myth and legend of Centauri urgently

Kay Long Xing is the smartest and wisest person in urs, Kenda. He is the first person in Greek legend to know the constellations and teach people how to observe them.

The story tells that Khyron was endowed with immortal life when he was created, but once, when Hercules was fighting Sidura, a long snake, Khyron came to help, but was accidentally shot by Hercules with a long snake venom arrow. Although he won't die, he has suffered extremely.

Later, Khyron asked the gods to free him from this endless pain, and was willing to exchange his life for the release of Prometheus, the Titan God. Prometheus stole the flame from the gods and gave it to mankind, tied it to a stone, and the eagle greedily devoured his constantly reborn liver. Zeus finally agreed to let Khyron die. Zeus wanted to put Khyron in heaven to commemorate him. Later, because the northern sky was full of constellations, he had to be placed in the southern sky.