Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - What stars can I see in Foshan, Guangdong on Valentine's Day in 2009?

What stars can I see in Foshan, Guangdong on Valentine's Day in 2009?

The coordinates of Foshan are 1 13 06' E, 23 02' N, which means that you can see not only the constellation of Polaris, but also most of the constellations in the southern sky. Let me take February 14 night 1 1 ~ 12 as an example, and choose a few. Sirius in Canis major and Nanhe III in Canis minor; Gemini's North River II and North River III; Capricorn is in Taurus, Capella is in Auriga, and of course, there is the second bright star near the South Pole all day, Carina. At low altitude in the north, you can see the Big Dipper in Ursa Major (

) The tail tip of Ursa minor at low altitude below Ursa Major is Polaris. At a low altitude (near the horizon) in the southern sky and a height of about 50 (

) is the brightest old thoughts and Sirius in the whole day. (This is a simulation diagram with constellations.

Near Sirius is the most gorgeous Orion in the whole day, and it is easy to find seven bright stars of Betelgeuse to form a big box (

) Orion's shoulder is the biggest red Betelgeuse in winter, and its sole is the biggest blue Betelgeuse in Supergiant star all day (see this picture for a better understanding).

) low in the southwest of Orion is the famous Taurus Pleiades cluster (in the corner box)

) connecting Betelgeuse and the Pleiades cluster is the first bright star Betelgeuse. Obliquely above is the first-class bright star Capella (you can see this picture

) There is Gemini directly above Taurus, and the head of Gemini is Beihe II and Beihe III which echo each other.

There are many legends and stories among them, which are difficult to tell one by one. Let me say a few words briefly. The landlord can search online by himself, and it is best to buy a copy of Constellation World, which should be sold in Xinhua Bookstore. Blue and black covers. Love Legend by Liaoning Education Publishing House is a bit far-fetched, because most Greek myths and legends involve Zeus' affair. And the love tragedy of Orion. Poseidon's son fell in love with themis, the moon god (also the goddess of hunting), but Apollo, the brother of the moon god, thought that the god of the inferior world was degrading and designed to kill Olian. Later, Orion and his loyal hound Cyrus (with a puppy) ascended into the sky, becoming the brightest and most gorgeous sky area (the winter triangle) and the legend of the Pleiades (the Seven Sisters Cluster). There is more than one version, and the specific landlord can check it himself.