Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - What are the interesting cold knowledge?

What are the interesting cold knowledge?

What are the interesting cold knowledge?

What are the interesting cold knowledge? You know that everything in the world contains a lot of wisdom, but we know little about a lot of knowledge. We also selected some strange and interesting cold knowledge. Although it may be useless, isn't it great to be interesting? Let's see.

What are the interesting cold knowledge? 1 1, rainbows also occur at night.

We have all seen rainbows during the day, but what about rainbows at night? On February 8, 2003, Thomas Dees of Gearhart, Oregon, USA took an amazing photo after sunset. He said, "The rainbow lasted about 20 minutes on the ocean, and the moon rose behind us."

In this imagination, the moon is the key, just as sunlight produces rainbows during the day, moonlight can also produce rainbows at night. This phenomenon is called the moon rainbow, which is very rare. Because moonlight is not as bright as sunlight. Therefore, a necessary condition for this phenomenon is that the moon is bright enough. Except after rain and dark sky, the height of the moon must be less than 42 meters.

2. The number of points on the back of ladybug doesn't depend on age at all, but on species.

Ladybug is one of the most popular insects in Canada. Many people think that there is only one kind of ladybug in North America, and you can know the age of ladybug by counting the spots on your back, but this is not true. In fact, there are more than 450 species of native ladybugs in North America, and the number of spots on the back of ladybugs depends on the species, not the age of the insects. Some ladybugs score 2 points, some 7 points, 14 points or even 22 points.

Hedgehogs are born without thorns. After a few hours, the thorns will start to grow back.

Hedgehogs are different animals, and their round bodies are covered with many spikes, which makes people unforgettable. Some adult hedgehogs have more than 8000 spines.

Perhaps many people will be curious, when the hedgehog was born, did it have thorns? In fact, when the hedgehog was born, strictly speaking, there were no thorns, and some were just horny like scales. After a few hours, it will gradually harden and start to grow spikes.

4. The breasts of Luzon chickens and pigeons look like they are bleeding.

Luzon chicken pigeon is a very unique animal, and people who see this animal for the first time may feel very scared. Because it looks like it was attacked in the chest and bled. Moreover, the males and females of Luzon chickens and pigeons look very similar. These birds are omnivores. In the wild, they mainly eat seeds, fallen berries and various insects and worms. When imprisoned, their food may include oilseeds, cheese and vegetables.

5. A fire that has burned for more than 50 years

There is a pothole burning in Turkmenistan for more than 50 years, nearly 50 years. This fire pit, called "the Gate of Hell", was first discovered by Soviet scientists in 197 1 year. After the rig collapsed, a big hole was formed. It is believed that the crater has released a large amount of methane gas, posing a potential danger to villages near Turkmenistan.

Scientists believe that the most effective way to solve this problem is to burn toxic gases. By doing so, it is expected that all the gas in the cave will be burned out in a few days. Therefore, scientists lit the pothole. Have you ever thought that this fire has been burning for more than forty years and it is still burning today?

6. Male brown bag shrew died of exhaustion after mating.

These animals usually look less impressive and are sometimes called "marsupials". However, they don't behave like mice at all. The most incomprehensible thing is that their physiological state during mating is incomprehensible. A couple mate once 14 hours, and the crazy mating season only lasts for a few weeks. Males usually die before their cubs are born.

7. fitzroy turtles can breathe with their buttocks.

Fitzroy river turtle is a kind of freshwater turtle, which lives in the southeast of Queensland, Australia and is only found in the tributaries of Fitzroy River. These turtles live in rivers with deep pools and rocks and sand beds, which are connected by shallow rivers. They feed on larvae, sponges and grasses from aquatic insects. The most interesting thing is that they can breathe 15-60 times per minute through the gills (their buttocks) located in the cloaca. This process is called cloacal breathing.

What are the interesting cold knowledge? There are some interesting cold knowledge in life.

1, Skillfully remove greasy screen window: put the cigarette butts left after washing clothes and smoking in water, and then use them to clean glass windows and screens. The effect is really good.

People use the bathroom six times a day on average.

3. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? According to Genesis 1:20-22, chickens came first.

4. How big our eyes were when we were born and how big they are now. But the nose and ears keep growing.

5. When the skin and flesh are bruised due to trauma, apply toothpaste to the wound to diminish inflammation and stop bleeding, and then bandage it. As a temporary first-aid medicine, medicinal toothpaste has the most remarkable effect.

6.80% of Americans like blue best.

7. Self-adhesive marks on the surface of tables and bottles can be wiped with wind oil essence.

8. Scientists at the Australian Pakkas Observatory believe that they have received radio waves from alien civilizations. After investigation, they found that these radio waves actually came from a microwave oven in the Observatory.

9, uncooked rice re-cooking method: you can use chopsticks to tie some holes in the rice that go straight to the bottom of the pot, sprinkle a little yellow wine and simmer again.

10, refreshing and relieving itching When washing your hair or taking a bath, adding five or six drops of toilet water can play a very good role in cooling, sterilizing, eliminating malnutrition and relieving itching.

1 1. Every square inch of human skin contains 20 feet of blood vessels.

12, when mixing vegetables, if you have to blanch, you'd better make full use of the water for blanching good dishes. If jiaozi is cooked, appropriate amount of boiled water can be put into the meat stuffing, which not only ensures the nutrition, but also makes the dumpling stuffing delicious and the soup delicious.

13, drink vinegar when burping, and get immediate results.

14. If you eat spicy food and think it will kill you, just put a little salt in your mouth, hold it, spit it out and rinse your mouth, so it won't be spicy.

Alexander bell, who invented the telephone, never called his mother or wife because they were deaf.

What are the interesting cold knowledge? What are the interesting knowledge about the cold universe?

1, starlight hundreds of years ago. A lot of starlight we see now is the light emitted by that star hundreds of years later. Because of the long distance, it takes hundreds of years for a star to reach the earth.

2. The sunshine eight minutes ago. The sunshine we bathe in is actually the light from the sun eight minutes ago. What a surprise! Actually, it's the same as above. The distance between the earth and the sun is about 65.438+0.49 billion kilometers, according to the speed of light propagation. It takes more than 8 minutes for sunlight to travel from the sun to the earth.

The moon is leaving us. When Apollo successfully landed on the moon, astronauts at that time installed some mirror-like rangefinders on the moon. After that, scientists fired lasers at these mirrors from the earth in order to observe the moon, and measured the distance between the earth and the moon through the round-trip time of the laser. The results show that the moon is about 3.8 cm away from the earth every year. The reason for staying away may be due to the continuous expansion of the universe.

4. A planet full of diamonds. That sounds tempting. It seems that diamonds are scattered on the surface of the diamond planet, but it is actually a rocky planet. There is no water source on the surface of diamond planet, and its main components are carbon (graphite and diamond), iron, silicon carbide and undetermined silicate.

We know little about the universe. Despite the advanced science, we still know very little about the universe. The stars that we can see with the naked eye only account for 5% of the universe.

6. Footprints that will not disappear. In the last century, when man took a small step on the moon, that footprint was likely to stay there all the time. Because the moon has no atmosphere, and there are no traces of wind and water washing away the surface of the moon.

7. Interesting Venus. Venus takes 224 days to orbit the sun, but it takes 243 days to orbit itself. In other words, a year on Venus is equivalent to 224 days on Earth, and a day on Venus is equivalent to 243 days on Earth. This also means that the days on Venus are getting longer and longer. Moreover, Venus is the only planet in the solar system that revolves around the sun.

The scientific cold knowledge of the universe

1. Many atoms that make up your body, from calcium in bones to iron in blood, were all part of the supernova explosion billions of years ago.

In fact, the time and space in your body is still the beginning of the universe. Almost all the hydrogen atoms in your body were formed in BIGBANG 65.438+0.37 billion years ago.

3. Almost all substances (99.99999%) are empty. If all the space in the human body is taken away, then the remaining volume of all mankind (all, 7 billion people) is the size of a cube of sugar.

4. When the TV is not tuned to the right channel, snowflakes will appear with noise, and 65,438+0% of this situation is caused by the radiation left by BIGBANG, which is also called the cosmic microwave background (CMB). This interference before overlapping signals actually led penzias and robert wilson to discover CMB in 1965.

5.47 years ago, man set foot on the moon for the first time-that footprint may still exist one million years later. This is because the moon has no atmosphere, and there are no traces of wind and water washing away the surface of the moon.

6. When a supermassive star explodes, it will eventually sink into the core and become a neutron star. The density of neutron stars is very high, and a teaspoon of neutron stars is heavier than Mount Everest. Explosion can affect the rotation speed of neutron stars, up to 600 revolutions per second.

7. If you untie all the DNA in your body, the length can reach 34 billion miles, and you can go back and forth from the earth to Pluto (2.66 billion kilometers away from the earth) ... six times.

8. The sun itself is 99.86% of the weight of the whole solar system. The sun is so big that it can put 6.5438+0.3 million earths in it.

9. Outer space is very quiet, very, very quiet. Because the spread of sound needs media, and space is a vacuum, a dark and silent vacuum.

10. Pulsars can attract neutron stars to rotate rapidly, releasing a ray that looks a bit like a lighthouse. The fastest pulsar is PSR J 1748-2446ad, which is located in Sagittarius, about 1800 light years away. Although it is only a medium-sized neutron star, its rotation speed has exceeded 7 16 times per second, almost a quarter of the speed of light, which is beyond the estimation of general possibility theory.

Cold knowledge of the earth

1, dancing aurora in the night sky

The charged particles of the sun collide with the upper atmosphere near the polar regions in the process of rushing to this planet under the action of the earth's magnetic field, which will form aurora. Aurora is more active when solar activity is at the peak of 1 1 annual solar activity cycle. The southern lights are even rarer than the northern lights, because no one dares to go there in the dark and cold winter in Antarctica.

2. Other Earths

Eventually people will find more planets like the earth. Astronauts have found evidence of terrestrial planets orbiting distant stars, including Kepler 22-b, which, like our earth, is located in the habitable zone of the main star. Will some of these planets provide habitats for life? This is a controversial issue.

3. The first person to reach the South Pole

Speaking of desert, the first person who successfully crossed the Antarctic desert to reach the South Pole was Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen. He and four other people successfully reached the South Pole by pulling a sled with dogs. Amundsen later attributed his success to careful planning.

In fact, there are many small satellites on the earth, most of which are about 9 months old in period of revolution, and a few are 10 years old. When the moon is close to the earth, the tides in the ocean are even worse.

The highest peak on the surface of the moon is similar to the highest peak on the earth, that is, Mount Everest. The gravity on the surface of the earth is six times that of the moon, which means that if you jump on the moon, you are likely to fly into the sky.