Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Folklores and historical stories about the Yellow River, the fewer words, the better ~ ~

Folklores and historical stories about the Yellow River, the fewer words, the better ~ ~

When Yao was in office, there was a big flood in the Yellow River basin, crops were flooded, houses were destroyed, and people had to move to higher ground. Yao convened a tribal alliance meeting to discuss water control. He asked the leaders of four tribes for advice: Who should be sent to control the flood? The leaders all recommend guns (sound gǔn).

Yao doesn't believe in guns. The leader said: "There is no better talent than a gun now. Please try! " Yao reluctantly agreed.

It took Gun nine years to control the water, but he didn't subdue the flood. Because he only knew how to cover up with water and build dams, the flood collapsed and became more fierce.

After replacing Yao as the leader of the tribal alliance, Shun personally went to the place where the water was controlled. He found that Gun was ineffective, so he killed Gun and asked Gun's son Yu to control the water.

Yu changed his father's practice and introduced the flood into the sea by opening canals to drain water and dredge rivers. He worked with the people, wearing a hat and holding a shovel, taking the lead in digging holes and collecting soil, so tired that he polished the hair on his calf.

After 13 years of efforts, the flood was finally led to the sea, and the land can be used to grow human crops again.

Shortly after the wedding, in order to control water, I ran around and passed his house three times, but I didn't go in. The first time, my wife was ill and didn't go home to visit. The second time, my wife was pregnant and didn't come home to visit. The third time, his wife Tu Shanshi gave birth to his son Qi, and the baby cried. I passed by the door and heard crying, but I didn't go in to visit.

At that time, there was a mountain in the middle reaches of the Yellow River called Longmen Mountain (in the northwest of Hejin County, Shanxi Province). It blocked the river and made it very narrow. The river running eastward is blocked by Longmen Mountain, which often overflows the river and causes floods. When Yu got there, he observed the terrain, led people to dig the Longmen, and made a big hole in the mountain. In this way, the river is unimpeded.

Once upon a time, there was a young man named Yellow River, who was very handsome. He rode a fierce horse and pulled a hard bow, pointing and shooting within a hundred paces. Every morning when the sun rises, the Yellow River rides out to hunt. Every time he passes the garden outside. When he came back from hunting that day, he passed the garden again and saw an 18-year-old girl on the wall looking at him with a smile. The girl hid behind the wall as soon as she dropped her bracelet.

The Yellow River jumped off the horse, picked up the bracelet and thought it was a fairy just now. From then on, whenever he passed the garden, he always looked up. However, the girl was never seen on the wall except the swaying branches. One day after half a month, the Yellow River came back late from hunting and the moon had risen. As we approached the garden, suddenly a man came out from the roadside. The Yellow River was overjoyed to see it was a girl. The girl said that she came to see her father behind his back. The two chatted for a long time before they reluctantly said goodbye.

The next day, it was time for a date, and the girl didn't come. After more than ten days, the Yellow River never saw the girl again. When asked, it turned out that the foreign domestic helper knew about it and locked up her daughter. When the Yellow River heard about it, it vowed: "Even if it is turned upside down, it will save the girl." Afraid of offending the Yellow River, the foreign official had a problem, and asked someone to set up a shelf in front of the door with a copper coin hanging on it, and posted notices everywhere: whoever can shoot an arrow into the copper coin's eye from a hundred paces away will marry his daughter. As soon as the news came out, people wearing silks and satins came one after another. But no one can shoot money in the eye.

The Yellow River came out, holding the bow and arrow in the tower, only to hear a "whoosh", and the arrow flew out like fashion, facing the eyes of the copper coin. Committee members also demanded that the second arrow of the Yellow River must launch the previous arrow, and the Yellow River did the same. There is also a problem outside the members, asking the Yellow River not only to shoot down the copper coins, but also to catch the money, so as not to let the copper coins fall to the ground. At this time, even onlookers knew that W was cheating on purpose. The Yellow River was heartbroken with anger, and when it twisted, an arrow "sou" flew outward. I was young and practiced martial arts, but I tilted my head to avoid the arrow and repeatedly told my men to catch the Yellow River. Everyone was wronged by the Yellow River and shouted angrily.

The Yellow River pushed through the crowd and came to the mountain. He is not afraid of being arrested by foreign troops. He never missed an arrow, and this time he missed it, and he felt very embarrassed. He is determined to practice martial arts hard in the mountains and forests, and then save the girl after practice. After a year, the Yellow River practiced martial arts better and set out to save the girl. I felt hungry at noon and killed a big bird with an arrow. The big bird said, "hero, don't hurt me." I can tell you about that girl. " Hearing this, the Yellow River quickly pulled the arrow off the big bird.

Big bird told the Yellow River that the foreign servant forced her daughter to marry a rich man, and the girl jumped off the building with anger. When she was about to jump, she shouted, "Yellow River! Yellow River! The Yellow River ... "Hearing this, the Yellow River felt like a mountain crack. He sat on the ground with a "poof", tears gushed out like spring water.

The big bird flew into the sky in fear. Looking down, the tears of the Yellow River turned into river water, and Wang Yang rolled eastward. The Yellow River has become the "Yellow River"! The water of the Yellow River is always tumbling in the sky. People say that the Yellow River has a grudge and always wants to go to the village to save the girl.

Legend has it that a long time ago, the ancient Yellow River was a wild horse that was difficult to tame. It runs as it pleases, like a grinning monster, roaring day and night, devouring fertile land. Bite Chung Shan Man, the Hui people on both sides of the Yellow River can only live a slash-and-burn life at the top of the mountain and at the bottom of the ditch. At that time, Ningxia was not a plain bordered by Ma Pingchuan, but green mountains and valleys. There is no flat field, and no field can be irrigated with Yellow River water. Legend has it that there are several families living in Niushou Mountain who return to the Han family. They carry water at the foot of the mountain and farm at the top of the mountain for generations. All ages are busy, but they don't have enough to eat and don't wear warm clothes. For a long time, no one could stand this torture. One year, a 70-year-old Hui Hui man named Del opened a melon garden on the mountain and planted some cucumbers. He gets up early every day and goes to the Yellow River to fetch water and water cucumbers. His shoulders are swollen and his feet are skinned. He carefully cultivated cucumbers, and the yellow ones looked tender and sweet. On this day, the old man was tired and fell asleep at the gate of the vegetable garden. As soon as he fell asleep, he dreamed that there was a white cloud floating in the sky. Gradually, Baiyun became an imam with a white beard, shook his silver beard and said to the old man, "There are two strong winds today, so you should pay attention. There is a yellow wind at noon, which can make cucumbers wither; There is a black wind in the afternoon, which can make cucumber stems fall off. No matter how windy it is, don't pick cucumbers. When the old man woke up, he saw that the white-bearded imam had disappeared, but he saw that the yellow wind in the north was overwhelming and suddenly blew to Niushou Mountain. The old man looked at the cucumbers carefully, and sure enough, they faded one by one. He was very sad. A year's efforts were in vain, but the thought of the white-bearded imam stopped him. In the afternoon, a black wind blew, shaking the earth and shaking the leaves layer by layer. When the old man saw that the cucumber was about to fall to the ground, he was very angry. He picked a cucumber and threw it into the Yellow River. The Yellow River immediately broke a line. As if he had been cut by a fairy with a knife, he clearly saw the bottom of the river. When the old man Gerd swooped down, the river suddenly joined again. The old man was tired and hungry, sitting on the river bank, blinking, and the golden flower danced wildly, knowing nothing. At this time, the old man in Del heard the white-bearded imam say, "This cucumber is the key to conquering the Yellow River. You can cut off the Yellow River and make it listen to people. But now the Yellow River is called Yellow Wind and Black Wind, and these two Iberians are suffering. Don't be impatient, be patient and work harder. Next year, you plant another cucumber garden. When the cucumber is ripe, you pick the biggest one and throw it into the Yellow River. At that time, you walked into the cave at the bottom of the river, took off your jewels, took away the seeds of grains, and had a sword to cut dragons and demons and tame the Yellow River. Where you point, the Yellow River water will flow. The next year, the hardworking old man Gerd planted another cucumber garden. He is not afraid of the long journey, and he does not hesitate to sweat like rain, carrying water from the Yellow River to water melons. Everything comes to him who waits. Finally, a three-foot cucumber grows in the garden, which looks like a key. The old man happily slept in the melon garden for a day and a night until the melon was ripe. On this day, the weather was fine, without a cloud. Old man Wilder picked a three-foot cucumber, read "Taismi" and threw it into the Yellow River. At this time, I only heard the roar of the Yellow River, and I opened a long crack. All the stones at the bottom of the river are clearly visible. When the old man went down to the bottom of the river, he saw a hole near the river bank, where pearls and agates were everywhere. The old man took some and just left, he heard the storm whistling. Once, the waves rolled on the river, and each wave was higher than the other. The old man Gerd picked up his sword and cut dozens of swords on the left and right sides of the black whirlwind and the yellow whirlwind. After a while, black wind and yellow wind blew in the sky. At this time, the faults of the Yellow River gradually tightened. Del's old man remembered the command of the white-bearded imam, and this sword could conquer the Yellow River. He knew very well, and he thought, I want the Yellow River to fill ditches and level mountains. Holding two swords, the old man plunged into the Yellow River, and the water in the Yellow River stopped flowing at once, as if a Great Wall had been blocked in front, but it was still rising steadily, which was really scary from a distance. Three days later, from Liupanshan in the south to Helan Mountain in the west, there was water everywhere, leaving only a few mountain tips. Only then, the old man, Gerd, drew his sword and told the Yellow River to flow forward. Since then, Ningxia, a deep mountain valley, has become Ma Pingchuan, and the Hui people living on both sides of the Yellow River have dug ditches for farmland with hard-working hands and lived a happy life. Myth and legend: Dayu had three treasures when he governed the Yellow River. One is the river map; The second is a mountain axe; The third is to avoid water swords. Legend has it that the river map was given to Dayu by Hebo, the water god of the Yellow River. In ancient times, there was a man named Feng Yi in Huayin General Township. He feels uncomfortable farming, but he is bent on becoming an immortal. He heard that people can become immortals after drinking the juice of daffodils for one hundred days. So I looked everywhere for daffodils. Before Dayu harnessed water, the Yellow River flowed to the Central Plains. There is no fixed channel, it flows everywhere and is often flooded. There are seven strands and eight roads on the ground, and the branches in the ditch are all yellow river water. Feng Yi ran around looking for daffodils, often crossing, crossing and dealing with the Yellow River. Ninety-nine days passed in the blink of an eye, and then I found a daffodil and sucked the juice of the daffodil for a day, so I could become an immortal. Feng Yi was so proud that he crossed the Yellow River and went to a small village to look for daffodils. The water here is not deep. Feng Yi waded across the river and reached the middle of it. Suddenly, the river rose. He panicked, slipped, fell into the Yellow River and was drowned alive. After Feng Yi's death, she was full of grievances and resentments and hated the Yellow River, so she went to the Jade Emperor to sue the Yellow River. The Jade Emperor was also annoyed when he heard that the Yellow River was undisciplined and wandering around, endangering the people. Seeing that Feng Yi had been sucking the juice of daffodils for ninety-nine days, it was time to become an immortal. He asked Feng Yi if he would be the water god of the Yellow River and govern it. Feng Yi was overjoyed. Full of promises. Now I can realize my dream of becoming an immortal, and secondly I can avenge my drowning. Feng Yi became the water god of the Yellow River and was called Hebo. He has never been involved in water control, and suddenly assumed the responsibility of managing the Yellow River, helpless and worried. What should we do? I have no magic weapon, so I have to ask the Jade Emperor for advice. The Jade Emperor told him that to manage the Yellow River well, we must first find out the water conditions of the Yellow River and draw a river map. Based on the river map of the Yellow River, it will be much easier to control the Yellow River. Hebo, according to the instructions of the Jade Emperor, was bent on drawing a river map. He went to his hometown first and wanted to ask the villagers for help. Everyone in the village hated his idleness and his work, and no one answered him. He found the old man in the village and expressed his great ambition to govern the Yellow River. When the old man saw that he was now a fairy and wanted to do something good for the people, he promised to help him. From then on, Hebo and later old people came and went in the rain, wading through mountains and rivers to see the Yellow River water regime. After running for several years, the old man was tired. After the old man only went back, the rest of Hebo continued to check the water situation along the Yellow River. When we parted, the old man repeatedly told Hebo that the director should go all the way and not give up halfway. After drawing the map, he began to manage the Yellow River, and there was not enough manpower. He persuaded the villagers to help. It is a hard job to check the water regime and draw a river map. By the time Hebo finished drawing the river map, he was old and weak. Hebo looked at the river map, where the Yellow River is deep and shallow; Where it is easy to explode, it is easy to explode; Where to dig and where to block; Where the water can be cut off and where the flood can be discharged are clearly drawn. I can only sigh that I have no strength to manage the Yellow River according to the map, which is very sad. Hebo thought that one day someone would come to harness the Yellow River. It will be worthwhile to give him the river map then. Hebo spent his old age under the Yellow River and never appeared again. Unexpectedly, the Yellow River overflowed again and again. People know that the Jade Emperor sent Hebo to control water, but they didn't see him. They all scold Hebo for not doing his duty, regardless of whether people live or die. The old man hasn't seen Hebo for several years after waiting for him every day in his hospital bed. He is uneasy about managing the Yellow River and wants to find Hebo. His son's name is Yi, and he shot every shot. No matter what the old man says, Yi won't let him go to Hebo. Later, the old man did not listen to his son's dissuasion. As a result, he met a breach in the Yellow River, was washed away and drowned, and even the body was not found. Hou Yi hated Hebo's guts and gnashed his teeth, saying that Hebo would be shot sooner or later. Later, Dayu came out to control water, and Hebo decided to give him the map of the Yellow River. On this day, Hebo heard that Dayu came to the Yellow River with an axe and a sword to avoid water, so he came out from the bottom with a river map to look for Dayu. Hebo and Dayu have never met before, and neither of them knows each other. Hebo walked for a long time and was so tired that he wanted to have a rest. He saw a young man crossing the river. This young man is a hero. He must be Dayu. Hebo shouted and asked, "Hello, who are you? "The young man over there is not Dayu, but Hou Yi. He looked up, and on the other side of the river, a saint-like old man was asking loudly, "Who are you?" Herb said loudly, "I'm Herb. Are you Dayu? " When Hou Yi heard that it was Hebo, he immediately rushed to his heart and sneered, "I am Dayu." With a bow and arrow, regardless of indiscriminate, an arrow "sou" hit Herb's left eye. Hebo pulled an arrow on his eye, and he was sweating with pain. He cursed in his heart: "damn prison, how unreasonable!" "The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he tore up the water map. Just then, there was a loud shout: "Hebo! Don't tear the picture. " Hebo barely looked at it with his right eye. On the other side, a man in a hat stopped Hou Yi. This man is Dayu. He knew that Hebo had painted a picture of the Yellow River and was going to ask Hebo for advice. Hou Yi pushed Dayu away and tried to draw a bow and arrow. Dayu grabbed him desperately and told Hebo about the hardships of painting. Hou Yi regretted his recklessness and shot Hebo in the left eye. Hou Yi and Dayu crossed the river together. Hou Yi admitted his mistake to Hebo. Hebo knew that Hou Yi was the old man's son and didn't blame him. Dayu said to Hebo, "I'm Dayu, and I've come to ask you for advice on how to manage the Yellow River. "Hebo said," My heart and blood and river management methods are all on this picture, so I'll give them to you now. "You see the exhibition of Dayu, which is so dense that the water situation of the Yellow River is clearly drawn up and down. Dayu was extremely happy. He wants to thank Hebo. Looking up, Hebo jumped into the Yellow River and disappeared. Dayu got the hydrological map of the Yellow River and kept it around the clock. According to the instructions on the map, he finally managed to control the Yellow River.

Respondents: 32psh- ranking13-1419: 45.

1. The Legend of Carp yue longmen

Longmen is located about 65 kilometers south of Hukou Waterfall, the southernmost tip of Shanxi-Shaanxi Canyon. To the south of Longmen is the open and flat Guanzhong Plain. The water of the Yellow River suddenly enters the wide river bed from the narrow Longmenkou, and the nature of the river course has changed greatly. The formation of Longmen is that Longmen Mountain in the east and Liangshan Mountain in the west extend out of the ridge, close to each other, forming a narrow mouth only 100 meters wide, like a huge clip, which binds the river and forms a swift current. Every flood season, due to the high water level in the gorge, the valley suddenly widens and the water level suddenly drops after leaving the gorge, so there is an obvious water level difference in Longmen, so there is a saying that "Longmen fell into the water three times". The story of "Carp yue longmen" handed down from generation to generation refers to the drowning here. The story tells the story of the little carp's trip one after another on the way to Jackie Chan, regardless of difficulties and obstacles. If they can jump over, they will become Jackie Chan. Only those indomitable little carp can eventually become Jackie Chan. For thousands of years, this story has also inspired the descendants of the Chinese people to strive for self-improvement and struggle. The ancient people felt incredible about the formation of Longmen Gorge, a natural wonder, and imagined it as a canyon dug by Dayu, so Longmen was also called "Yumenkou".

2. The legend of Dayu's water control. Legend has it that during the reign of Emperor Yao, floods often occurred in the Yellow River basin. In order to prevent floods and protect agricultural production, Emperor Yao once called a meeting of tribal leaders to solicit water control experts to calm the floods. Gun is recommended to be in charge of this work. After accepting the task, Gun used dikes to block water and made a three-block city, that is, surrounded residential areas with simple dikes to block floods. After 9 years of failure, he was finally exiled to Yushan and died. After Shun Di ascended the throne, Gun's son was appointed to manage the water source. Summing up his father's experience in water control, Yu changed the "blocking obstacles" of Gun to "dredging stagnation", that is, using the natural trend of water flowing from high to low, dredging blocked streams in the right direction. The flood was introduced into dredged rivers, depressions or lakes, and then connected with the four seas, thus calming the flood and enabling people to move back from the highlands to Pingchuan to live and engage in agricultural production. Later, Yu became the first king of the Xia Dynasty, and was called "Shen Yu", which was passed down from generation to generation.

In the process of Dayu's water control, he left many touching deeds. According to legend, with the help of the original measuring tools he invented-norms and rules, he traveled all over the country, split the Longmen and Izui with a magic axe, and cut through Jishi Mountain and Qingtongxia to make the river unimpeded. He has lived away from home for 13 years, but he hasn't entered the house three times. Even his newborn child didn't have time to caress him. He took the lead in suffering, and the hair on his legs was polished in labor. He is the first hero in the history of China who successfully managed the Yellow River flood.