Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Mysterious story, original zoo rules

Mysterious story, original zoo rules

The original text of the mysterious story of Zoo Rules is as follows:

1. There is absolutely no problem with the security measures in this park. Animals have no possibility of escaping, especially small herbivores, and most of them are kept in an untouchable closed environment. Therefore, if you see an escaped rabbit on the roadside, please leave with your child and report to the staff immediately. Don't go near it, don't touch it, especially when the rabbit finds it and starts to approach you at high speed.

There is only one street in the ape-man park, but only apes are on display. If you find two streets, and the animals on display include rabbits, please choose the one on the left and end your trip to the park as soon as possible.

The elephant is a huge creature, with fan-shaped ears, long legs as thick as pillars, and it is not white. Please make sure that you only see elephants in the elephant park.

The drink shop in the zoo doesn't provide "rabbit blood". Please don't buy it if you see it on the shelf.

Don't stay alone in the shade of rabbit park.

6. There is no aquarium in this park. If the staff sells you tickets to the aquarium, refuse them.

7. If you have seen the aquarium, leave immediately and call you at the number marked on the map.

8. Don't feed rabbits. All other animals can do it.

9. Rabbits can't laugh. If you hear laughter that is obviously not from tourists when you visit the rabbit garden, please tear off the dotted line on the map and hold it before you leave the garden, and don't leave your hand when you leave the garden completely.

10. If you violate any of the above and find yourself lost and separated from other acquaintances, please immediately find the nearest drink shop within one hour and inform the salesgirl in blue overalls there (note that if you see the salesgirl in black overalls, please pretend not to hear anything the other person said to you), and he will immediately take you to the working channel of Lion Park.

1 1. There are only four white lions in this park. If you see more than four white lions roaring under the circumstances described in Article 10, don't leave the park and tell the staff to wait until the number of white lions returns to four.

12, you can buy toys around any animal, including rabbits, suitable for 12 years old and under; 13- 17-year-old children buy rabbit dolls, please discard them within one month; /kloc-people aged 0/8 and above are not allowed to buy rabbit toys.

13. If you see people wearing rabbit earrings following people into the elephant park, you must give up visiting the park. If you violate this rule, the park is not responsible for your safety, nor can it provide you with a solution.

Lion Park is safe. If you encounter any dangerous events that you can't solve and you can't ask for help, please go to the lion park immediately and by all means.

15, beware of friends who have been separated from you more than once, especially when they repeatedly advise you to go to the aquarium or elephant park.

The mysterious story of the origin of zoo rules

The mysterious story of zoo rules can be traced back to a short horror story published by an anonymous author on the Internet on 202112. The author claims that he once worked in a zoo, where there is a mysterious area called "Rabbit Garden". There is a creature in the rabbit garden that can become other animals. The color of this creature is white. Because employees can't identify the authenticity of this creature, it is easy to get into a dangerous situation.

This short story quickly aroused the hot discussion and speculation of netizens, and people began to speculate on the hidden secrets in the rabbit garden according to the clues in the story. Some people think that this is an alien creature, while others think that this is a supernatural phenomenon. At the same time, many people think that this story is based on real events.

With the passage of time, this story gradually evolved into a complete mysterious story system of zoo rules. In this system, visitors are forbidden to touch any animals in the rabbit park, because the animals in the rabbit park are extremely dangerous and heterogeneous. At the same time, tourists are advised not to feed animals in non-designated areas, so as not to cause fights between animals and spread diseases.