Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - The composition "Be a Better Self" is 300 words.

The composition "Be a Better Self" is 300 words.

A person's life is always short, just like time, it passes unconsciously.

As the saying goes, "Man struggles upwards, but water flows downwards." People are always struggling and improving themselves all their lives, which is like climbing a mountain, always one step at a time, always looking up and climbing layer by layer, instead of always patronizing their feet. When climbing to the top of the mountain, it always looks so beautiful to look into the distance! Seeing a mountain higher than this one is bound to boost morale. I really want to enjoy the feeling that "once I climb to the top of the mountain, I will see that all other mountains are dwarfed under the sky".

Lang Ping once said, "Don't seek the best, just seek better." I quite agree with her, in real life. No one is perfect. We should constantly break through ourselves in our struggle, do better and show our unique charm in life. If a person is bent on doing his best, and sometimes his will to move forward is frustrated, he will become depressed and stagnant, just like drawing water with a sieve-nothing.

It is a rather difficult process for a caterpillar to become a butterfly. If the caterpillar always stays in infancy, it won't eat and doesn't want to grow up. When I was in the cocoon, I didn't have enough strength to break out of it, so I had to wait for death in the cocoon. On the contrary, it can constantly improve itself and eventually become a beautiful butterfly, a new member of nature and strive for its future. Isn't this a very pleasant thing?

A lazy youth, a lousy age. To be a better self, we must cultivate this spirit from an early age. To gain a certain honor or reputation, don't stop trying because of it, but reach the realm of life of "never too old to work hard". Only by surpassing yourself and being a better self in the face of repeated opportunities can we reflect better value. Only in this way will there be no regrets or sighs in old age. Life is the same, it depends on whether you are willing to do better!

Be a better self and release a more touching life charm!

Be a better self composition 2: Be a better self.

President Zhai once said: Be a better self and make the world a better place because of me! So what should we do?

At home, we should honor our parents and help them do what they can. Before and after meals, I will help my mother clean the table, take chopsticks and move the chair. Study hard and don't make mom and dad angry; Mind your own business. . . . . Although it is a trivial matter, it reflects the inheritance of our traditional virtues through our own actions!

Outside, we should respect the old and love the young. Taking the bus will take the initiative to give seats to the elderly and children; After arriving at the station, I will let them get off first, not crowded; Don't talk loudly in public places, don't litter, and be a civilized ordinary citizen. . . . . . Start with me and let my behavior affect everyone!

At school, we should respect our teachers and love our classmates. Listen carefully in class and answer questions actively; Don't fight with classmates after class, and don't make noise in the teaching building. Students help each other and learn from each other; Maintain campus hygiene and care for flowers and trees. . . . . Fully reflect their own sense of small master!

I must lead by example, starting with me. Be a better self and make the world a better place because of me!

Be a better self composition 3: Be a better self.

With the passage of time, weeds grow in people's hearts, which makes their hearts overwhelmed. If you want to revive your mind, you must unplug it mercilessly.

Selfish weeds will blind your eyes, let you only see your own interests, and do things that harm the public, enrich the private interests and benefit others. After a long time, your relatives and friends will leave you, leaving you alone. Do you want to be "alone"? If you don't want to, then quickly pull out this weed and let the mind reproduce the selfless and spacious scene of the past!

The weeds of jealousy will drive you to compare with others. As long as others surpass you in any way, it will grow wildly. If you really can't compare with others, it will disgust you, make you hate to the extreme, and drive you to do something for others. Dear friends, please pull up this weed quickly and let your mind restore the peaceful and tolerant scene of the past!

Arrogant weeds will make you supercilious, and no one will look at you except yourself. Who likes to make friends with domineering people? Dear friends, pull out this weed quickly and find yourself smiling and treating others equally!

Dear friends, when you pull up these weeds, you will feel relaxed and the world will become better.

Be a better self composition 4: Be a better self.

Stepping on the fertile soil of Yuncheng College with passion is somewhat expected, somewhat satisfied and somewhat happy. We have ushered in the first colorful lesson in college life-military training. Just a few days of military training inspires us to be better ourselves with discipline and rules! We are young, young and energetic. We are carving a bright future with enthusiasm and sweat. We have the courage and confidence to make a little progress every day and be better ourselves!

Military training has given us iron will and strength, and made us feel the burden on our shoulders and the call of the times. We have no reason to refuse, only strive for perfection and further improve ourselves!

Be a better self! Because innovation is the soul of progress, creatively publicize and release yourself on the basis of the past, and show your style and charm to the fullest; At the same time, accompanied by a wisp of breeze and a little drizzle, in sunny days, accompanied by breeze and drizzle, you can relax moderately, let the rational and calm wind blow your mind, know how to exercise restraint and learn to relax moderately. Only in this way can we be a contemporary college student who is full of personality, practical and steady. I believe that being a better self will make us more energetic and contemporary!

Be a better self! Because struggle is the main color of life, inspired by the new era, I will do every detail with hard sweat and good quality and write my own wonderful and brilliant life. Carry out the style of hard work and plain living in every aspect of life, shape every rise of us after 1990 with the character of self-reliance and self-improvement, and sing the main theme of struggle in every note. Only in this way can we step by step in the struggle, win one victory after another and always be confident! Be a better self and fill the gaps in life with unremitting struggle!

Be grateful, be ambitious, arm your mind with scientific knowledge, and be an eagle soaring in the sun and rain with rigorous and realistic armed style! I believe there is a crane in the clear sky, so let's strengthen our faith, base ourselves on reality, be brave in competition and be better ourselves! Let progress sing the journey of life, paint the blueprint of life with brilliance, guide the navigation mark of life with military training, and paint the university with the most colorful colors!

Be a better self composition 5: Be a better self.

The world is colorful, so is life. Everyone's life is different. Only by being a better self can life shine.

Because of flowers, the world becomes fragrant; It is because of the birds that the sky learned to sing; Willow branches learn to dance because of the wind; It is because of trees that there is shade in summer. Everything in the world has a different position, and so do people.

Maybe, you don't have an outstanding appearance, maybe, you don't have an agile mind, maybe, you don't have amazing wisdom, but please remember that you are you and you are unique in this world. I believe that since God has given talents, let them be used! Believe that your existence is a miracle!

I remember reading such a story. The story says: 1972, the Singapore Tourism Board made a report to Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew to the effect that: "Singapore has no Wan Li Great Wall and Terracotta Warriors like China, no pyramids like Egypt, and no Mount Fuji like Japan. There are no places of interest except direct sunlight all year round. To develop tourism, a clever woman can't cook without rice. After reading it, Lee Kuan Yew only approved one sentence in the report: How much do you want God to give us? Sunshine, we have enough sunshine. After reading the approval of the Prime Minister in the report, the Tourism Bureau finally understood that the Prime Minister's meaning was clear enough, that is, let us make good use of our own advantages-sunshine. Later, Singapore took advantage of the direct sunshine all year round to plant flowers and plants, and developed into a world-famous "garden country" in a short time, and its tourism revenue ranked third in Asia for many years. Yes, God gave us the same thing. God gives you sunshine, so you should let it illuminate the distance. God gives you rain, so you should let it spread rainbows. Only when each of us does our best can the world become better.

Just a small stone, don't envy the towering mountains. A small rain flower stone can also pave the Avenue of Stars. It is a weak grass, so don't envy the countless green leaves of trees and grass, and you can also witness the spring of the earth. You have to believe that you are a great member of this world, and you will make this world more wonderful because there is one more you.

Cherish what you have! Turn everything God has given you into wealth and be a better person. What are you waiting for? It is a star, let it shine.