Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Which constellation female divorce is like a fatal blow, completely losing a good life?

Which constellation female divorce is like a fatal blow, completely losing a good life?

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I believe that most women understand the importance of love and marriage to a woman's life. That's why there is a saying that "marriage is a woman's second reincarnation". Although this statement is a bit exaggerated, women who are happily married do live more confident, more beautiful and more enviable. And those women who are unhappy in marriage are really embarrassed. The impact of divorce on women is likely to be fatal. He Jie, who was particularly lively and cheerful before marriage, became haggard because of the divorce. Recently, her image in the divorce judgment is a little bad, which shows that divorce has changed and dealt a great blow to a woman. It is true that some women can quickly get out of the shadow of divorce and start a better life again, but some women may completely lose a better life because of divorce.

Libra: Marriage breaks down and the beautiful balance is completely overturned.

Libra women's struggle for life is the foundation and motivation, and it is the balance of their expectations for a better life. There are many weights to keep this balance, but only two or three play a decisive role. When they were young, it was the harmony and happiness of their families. When they grow up, it is whether the family they form is beautiful and sweet. If you meet the right person at the right time, you can safely hold each other's hands and watch the flowing water together, then the beautiful balance in Libra's heart will always be maintained. However, if you meet the wrong person at the wrong time, even if you have tried your best, you can't recover the important weight of your beautiful balance and have to go to the point of divorce. This is absolutely unbearable pain for Libra women. The beautiful balance of life has been completely subverted and they have no confidence in the pursuit of beauty.

Cancer: The warm harbor has disappeared, and so has the sense of security.

Home, for cancer women, is a place where everything is placed. For this warm harbor, they can really pay what others are unwilling to pay, and they can also change what is hard to change. No matter whether others think it's worth it or not, no matter whether it's hard or not, as long as the other person still loves himself, as long as this warm harbor with all the hopes is still there, the cancer girl will not feel hard, and she won't care what others think or say, because the harbor is still there, and everything has hope. Divorce, for cancer women, means the disappearance of warm harbor, all their inner defense lines collapse instantly, and their sense of security disappears completely. Cancer women really can't find any reason to convince themselves that they will be better in the future, because for the insecure cancer women, they have already denied beauty in their hearts.

Capricorn: The stronger you are, the more fragile you are.

Capricorn women should always give people the impression of maturity and stability. No matter what kind of situation they encounter, they can be calm and think of the best and most comprehensive response. Such a rational attitude towards things must be Capricorn women in the workplace and their attitude towards some ordinary things in life. However, no matter how mature a woman is, she can't keep calm in the face of such a big family contradiction as the breakdown of marriage. Moreover, the more Capricorn women pretend to be strong, the more they actually suppress their feelings of collapse. The more they pretend to be okay, the more vulnerable they are. They may completely collapse at the slightest touch. After all, we have been working hard, not only for ourselves, but also for the harmony and stability of our family. Divorce means that your efforts will not only be rewarded, but also become a joke. I really can't accept it, and I urgently need a chance to vent my hysteria.

Pisces: When you wake up, the next dream has no courage.

I like dreaming, and I prefer to dream beautiful dreams with love. Pisces women have a fairy tale complex and imagine love beautifully. Even if the plot in the love pantomime does not happen, I believe there will always be a plot for them to meet. Love is beautiful, marriage is the continuation of this beautiful dream, and they just want to do it once, once is forever. I never thought that my marriage would go to the point of breaking up. After all, even breaking up in love will be sad for a long time. Divorce will definitely be a fatal blow to Pisces women. They will deceive themselves at first and are unwilling to wake up from this dream that should have a happy ending. When they are forced to wake up, they will lose their last beauty. When she woke up, Pisces couldn't find the courage to start her next dream.

Gemini: I was wrong once, as if I had been wrong all my life.

In life, twin children in the eyes of friends are very independent women, even if they are not particularly confident and optimistic. They can behave and do things according to their own ideas. They look forward to love, but they never insist on it. They will be sad for a lost love, but they are not 100% sure that they will end their life, so their sadness is limited, and they still have the courage to find love again and start it. However, marriage is different. From the bottom of my heart, it is determined that the other person is the person who wants to walk hand in hand for a lifetime, and the degree of treatment varies greatly. In addition, the two children believed in their vision from the beginning of their marriage. If you can only end up in divorce, it will be wrong once, which seems to be wrong for them all their lives. The two children not only lost confidence and interest in love and marriage, but also lost confidence and interest in their own lives, and beauty has even become a memory since then.


Some people say that a lifetime is too long, and meeting the wrong person is more terrible than not getting married. In fact, it doesn't matter whether a person is married or not, nor does it matter whether he is divorced or not. What matters is the mentality of being a man. Life is a play without a script. Love and marriage are just a chapter in the script of life, not the whole story. There is no need to be disappointed in your life because of the failure of a love and a marriage. There are still many beautiful things in life to look forward to. Maintain self-confidence, optimism, hard work, happiness and beauty will always belong to you.