Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Tang Jing: I am smart in my career, but why am I stupid in love?

Tang Jing: I am smart in my career, but why am I stupid in love?

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I watched Tang Jing for the first half of my life, and I liked it. Smart and capable in business, from a small clerk to a corporate executive, is a model of both talent and appearance.

Such a woman is the representative of contemporary independent women. She is thoughtful, knowledgeable and admirable. Today, two years later, I look at Tang Jing again, but I feel very sad and sorry.

Have you found that under her powerful appearance, there is a fragile and lonely heart.

There is no doubt about her ability in career, but she is not so smooth emotionally. After ten years with He Han, we finally separated.

Many viewers are scolding He Han for being too scum and having an affair. In fact, even without Luo Zijun, He Han would not marry Tang Jing.

There are He Han's reasons and Tang Jing's indispensable responsibility as a person. You see, although Tang Jing looks invincible, she is not good at managing love. In other words, she is stupid in love.

Strictly speaking, she and He Han are in love between teachers and students. He Han taught Tang Jing the skills in the workplace step by step, so at first Tang Jing admired He Han and He Han also had the desire to protect him.

But with the passage of time, Tang Jing has become more and more powerful. Even He Han can stand side by side, but he can't be together.

We all say love needs to be evenly matched. Why can't two people who seem so well matched be together?

I remember He Han once said that Tang Jing was the best of all his works, and Tang Jing also said that He Han would never love He Han again. Indeed, later Tang Jing has become the second He Han.

A strong and shrewd man is tired of the struggle in this world. How can he want to live with a woman like himself?


Why do I say Tang Jing is stupid? She is not stupid enough to make herself strong, but stupid enough to think that she is what He Han wants.

I remember Lao Zhuo saying goodbye to her at the finale. She said, "I've been becoming what he wants, no, I thought he wanted."

Tang Jing has become an independent professional woman, but this is not her own wish. She has been chasing He Han, thinking that catching up with He Han can catch love.

But she was wrong. He Han wouldn't like her like this and lost herself.

From another point of view, Tang Jing's doing this is precisely the expression of inner insecurity. She wants to prove that she deserves to be loved through the power of her career.

But I'm sorry, whether you are good or not and whether you can be loved are two different things. Tang Jing's insecurity comes from her family background, so it is foreseeable that she was born in an unhappy family.

When she was in college, she often went to Luo Zijun's house for dinner. She also expressed her envy for Luo Zijun having such a mother.

For Tang Jing, she has no dependence in this world. He Han is his only life buoy. She is afraid of losing, and even more afraid of getting it, because it is more disappointing to get it but not keep it.

You will find that in the love between Tang Jing and He Han, He Han actually gave Tang Jing a lot of security, such as buying a ring to propose, buying a wedding room to propose. These are beautiful, but Tang Jing dare not accept them.

It is precisely because of my inner anxiety that I am afraid that others will give me too much, and I can't afford it.


Tang Jing had a chance to marry He Han, but when He Han proposed marriage, she hesitated, even broke up and went to work in Hong Kong.

Many people say that Tang Jing has done too much, so the good feelings have been lost.

Actually, it's not Tang Jingzuo, but her subconscious is protecting her. She hasn't got a full sense of security from He Han, let her put down all precautions and enjoy the marriage.

Of course, she tried. She tried to quit her job and be a grounded wife at home.

But she found that she didn't like herself. Tang Jing is different from Luo Zijun. Luo Zijun is willing to be a housewife because she has enough confidence and confidence in her heart.

But Tang Jing didn't. Putting down work means losing control of life. For Tang Jing, it is always easier to control career than love.

For a long time, I was in a dilemma, because marrying He Han meant that one party would give up his job, He Han could not give up, and she would not give up.

So such two people are doomed to be difficult to walk together. Compared with Tang Jing, Luo Zijun is more suitable for He Han.

Later, although Luo Zijun also became an independent strong woman, she longed for marriage and even made compromises and sacrifices for marriage. For He Han, such talents are suitable for talking about marriage.

Tang Jing will be a good working partner, but not necessarily a good partner. Both of them do their best in their careers, and there must always be some breathing space.

In love, two people who can really last long are like two gears. If they can bite each other, so can Luo Zijun and He Han, and Tang Jing and He Han have gears.

For Tang Jing, this is also a stupid place. She always wants to make changes for love, but she never knows what her lover wants.


Tang Jing's stupidity in love lies in that she chose the wrong direction when choosing the road of love, and what's more stupid is that she didn't set a good boundary.

Tang Jing and Luo Zijun are good girlfriends, but she forgot that Luo Zijun is a woman and has secular desires.

Tang Jing is very kind to Luo Zijun. During the divorce, she asked He Han to help her when she was busy at work.

She regards these two people as her family, but ignores that they have feelings. He Han and Luo Zijun will eventually fall in love. In fact, Tang Jing is the driving force behind the scenes. She pushed He Han to Luo Zijun again and again.

When a woman is in danger, how can she save herself without falling in love with such a man? And men have seen women's most vulnerable appearance, how can they not have the desire to protect them?

Looking back on Tang Jing in my first half, I saw the weakness behind her strength and the loneliness behind her shrewdness. She worked hard in her career, stepped onto the peak step by step and paid ten times the sweat of others.

But emotionally, she is a silly woman, always thinking that as long as she is good enough, she can walk into her lover's heart, but as everyone knows, her lover's heart has long gone.

As Shakespeare said: "To be happy with a man, you should know more about him, not love him too much;" To be happy with a woman, you should love her more, but you don't want to know her! "

For Tang Jing, no amount of career achievements can compare with He Han.

She really loved He Han, but He Han is only a responsibility to her, and there is not much affection between men and women. Maybe their relationship was a mistake from the beginning, and their relationship will last longer than that of lovers.

Tang Jing is strong, but her strength is too sharp. If she can add a little Luo Zijun's softness, she will gain more emotionally.