Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Myths and legends about constellations

Myths and legends about constellations

1, Scorpio

Helius's son Phaeton was born sexy and handsome, so he felt conceited. His attitude is always arrogant and rude, and his strong personality often makes him unintentionally offend many people.

One day, a man said Phaeton was not the son of the sun god. Phaeton asked his mother, "Am I Helius's son?" But no matter how his mother assured him that he was born in Helius, Phaeton still didn't believe him, so his mother asked him to ask Helius, the sun god.

Helius listened to his son's question and said with a smile, "Don't listen to their nonsense, of course you are my son!" " " ? Phaeton still insists on not believing. In fact, of course he knew that Sun God never lied, but he asked to drive his father's solar car to prove that he was Helius's son.

Helius didn't agree at first that the sun is the master of all things, and carelessness will lead to great disaster. However, Helius was explaining how to drive a solar car on a certain track, but Phaeton was very proud. He immediately jumped on the car and galloped away.

As a result, people, animals and plants on the ground either died of heat or froze to death, which also delayed the time and made it dark and full of complaints. In order to stop Phaeton, Hera released a scorpion and bit Phaeton's ankle. Zeus struck Phaeton with lightning, and Phaeton fell to the ground and died.

Peace has been restored to the world. In memory of scorpions killed by lightning, this constellation was named "Scorpio".

2. Leo

Heracles is the illegitimate child of Zeus and mortals. He was born with unparalleled divine power, and Hera was jealous. When Hercules was a baby, he put two giant snakes in the cradle, hoping to kill Hercules. I didn't expect Hercules to hold them with a smile, so Hercules was regarded as "the greatest hero of mankind" from an early age.

Later, Hera deliberately drove Heracles crazy and beat his wife. Heracles was very sad and sad when she woke up. He decided to wash away his sins by abstinence. He came to Mycenae and asked the king to send him a task. Who knows that the king got Hera's instructions and asked him to finish the task in 12 days. One of the tasks is to kill a man-eating lion.

This lion usually lives in the forest. Hercules went to the forest to look for him. Hercules was tired of looking for it and began to doze off. Just then, the man-eating lion emerged from a double-hole cave. A man-eating lion is five times as big as a lion, covered in animal blood, which adds a bit of horror.

Hercules shot him with an arrow first, and then hit him with a stick. It's no use. Cannibal lions are invulnerable. In the end, Hercules and the lion fought hand-to-hand, and the process was very tragic. Finally, he strangled the lion with brute force. Although the man-eating lion died, Hera threw the man-eating lion into the air and became a Leo.

3. Leo

Legend has it that Zeus coveted the beauty of Europa, the daughter of Phoenician emperor Gunnord. Europa often played with friends on the beach in Tyre, so Zeus asked his son Hermes to herd cattle on a nearby hill. Zeus became a cow, mixed with the cattle and approached Europa who was playing.

Because this cow is unusually white, its horns are shining, and Europa is deeply attracted by this cow. The white cow kissed Europa's hand and motioned for Europa to ride on it. Europa is young and ignorant, and the white cow has been carrying Europa across the ocean, craftily swimming to deeper water, forcing Europa to hug him tightly. Finally, the white bull landed in Crete, revealing its true colors.

Zeus won the favor of Europa, and Europa also gave birth to many sons for Zeus, including Minos, the emperor of Crete. To commemorate this event, Zeus used Taurus in the sky to represent his avatar, White Bull.

4. Cancer constellation

Hercules is a hero in Greek legend. He was ordered to get rid of Xu Dela, the hydra that harms people and animals. In the fierce battle, there was a crab in Xu Dela. Hercules smashed the crab shell with a big stick and died. Afterwards, Hera hated the hero very much and took Cancer in the sky as a constellation.

5. Sagittarius

On the remote ancient Greek prairie, there was a group of people who were half-man, half-beast and fierce by nature. Chilon is the only exception in Sagittarius. He is respected in the tribe because he is friendly and frank with his friends.

One day, Hercules, the greatest hero of Greece, came to visit his friend, the super Hercules who strangled the giant snake with his hands in his childhood. He learned that Zeus gave Sagittarius fragrant tea, but asked them to keep it safe, and they were not allowed to open it unless Zeus' son came.

As soon as he heard it, no matter whether the wine was Sagittarius or not, he forced his friend to steal it for him to enjoy, or he would kill him. Everyone knows that Qiu Li is the strongest man in the world, and even Apollo, the sun god, wants him to score three points. In desperation, this Sagittarius had to do what he said.

Just as He Qiuli was intoxicated with the fragrance and sweetness of wine, the aroma of wine had permeated the whole tribe, and all the people and horses severely reprimanded He Qiuli. He Qiuli was furious, picked up a bow and killed the troops, who fled to the home of Chilon, the most respected nation.

At this time, Chilon heard the cry for help outside at home. He didn't even think about it. He opened the door and went straight out. Passing 18-wheeler, He Qiuli pulled a full bow and immediately shot it out, right in the heart of Chilon. The kind and innocent Chilon sacrificed his life for his friend.

Zeus heard the screams of Sagittarius, so he lifted Chilon's body with both hands and threw it into the sky. Chilon instantly turned into several shining stars, just like Sagittarius. Since then, in memory of Chilon, this constellation has been called Sagittarius, also known as Sagittarius.