Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Do you know the angry look of the zodiac?

Do you know the angry look of the zodiac?

Aries constellation

Keywords: throwing fireballs to blow you up

In astrology, Aries is regarded as the role of "BB", which means that when their temper breaks out, they don't think too much about the impact it will have on others. Aries disdains to use "sugar-coated cannonballs" and prefers to go straight. So if they are angry, you'd better be careful.

Of course, this kind of bad temper is easily ignited, but if you keep calm or ignore it, they will fade away. Aries returns to normal quickly, usually accompanied by "sorry" and so on. But this does not prevent them from recycling occasionally. . .

Taurus constellation

Keywords: I endure, I endure, I endure again, I can't endure any more.

If Taurus is angry with you, he will usually throw some subtle hints first and gradually cool down. If you still don't feel it, push the gold to the critical point of anger, and then it will erupt like lava.

Taurus usually doesn't get angry (except emotionally, he will take trivial temper as fun), but if he gets angry, you'd better take precautions first, otherwise those pots and pans thrown over ... you know.


Key words: Spitting can also kill you.

Gemini is willing to communicate, which means that when they are angry, they will choose to express it in words. All kinds of sarcasm, or scolding you from top to bottom for not swearing, are Gemini's strengths.

However, the above methods are not unique because of their two sides. Gemini may also take cold violence and quietly grind people to death. In short, don't interfere too much in their lives or decisions, otherwise Gemini's gun will definitely turn to you.

Cancer constellation

Keywords: Please silently experience the transformation form of anger.

Cancer's anger will be divided into several stages: stage 1, they will only sulk; In the second stage, if others are still indifferent, they will hide in their own shells. Friendly reminder, if Cancer has started the self-protection mode, don't ignore it (if you don't want to be dumped). I need you to use sweet at this time.

Greasy love pulls them out of their shells. In the third stage, if the cancer still can't get what it wants, it will turn into a burst of crying, and the depressed emotions in the past will fall on your head. .

Le Signe du Lion

Keywords: lion roar, three earthquakes in heaven and earth.

When Leo is angry, they really make a hullabaloo about (and the louder they shout, the more they feel released). Lions will say all kinds of offensive words. Once they get angry, other people's feelings are irrelevant or too late for them. (It really is. .

However, when the mood is calm, the lion will forgive others' interruption, but will not bow his head and apologize for what he did when he was angry. There is a simple reason. They are too proud.


Keywords: boiled frog in warm water

Expressing anger too directly does not conform to Virgo's always cold image. They will persist until a small matter becomes the last straw to crush the camel.

It should be pointed out that depression in Virgo may cause health problems. If they are willing to take the time to cry completely or kick the door hard, they will find that people around them are actually tolerant of them, and no one really opposes their opinions.


Keywords: surface calm, heart surging

As we all know, Libra hates conflict. They don't want to show that they don't like it, which will damage their attraction. In most cases, Libra wants to remain calm and objective, and let reason overwhelm emotion.

But if Libra is really angry, then no matter how they vent, it is the most appropriate way to deal with it from their point of view. Libra has excellent explanatory power. Even if something is finally proved to be a failure, they can still analyze the reasons for the failure.


Keywords: the whip is ready

Scorpio seldom gets angry, but once you get angry, please try to stay away from their line of fire. Their cold eyes will make people tremble, and cruel words will make people dumbfounded. After all, when you completely annoy a Scorpio, "Never forget, never forgive" is often regarded as a creed by Scorpio.

In short, when you encounter a furious Scorpio, it is the right way to avoid it for a while. If you want to explain or ease the contradiction, please avoid anger first, otherwise it will only be counterproductive.


Keywords: running fireball

Sagittarius belongs to the fire sign, which means that they get angry quite quickly (and of course put out the fire quickly). If you annoy them completely, you will probably find yourself hacked in social networks and real life within a few minutes.

Therefore, for the shooter, the best way to put out the fire is to change the subject. Sagittarius tends to deviate from the right track. If you chat with them in fog, they may forget what they were angry about after a while.

Capricorn. Compare CAPRICORN

Keywords: how many feet are broken?

Capricorn takes many things seriously, including whether something is worth their anger. If Capricorn is annoying, someone must have violated the bottom line. At this time, they are more inclined to tell you how disappointed he is than to express their indignation.

In addition, the angry Capricorn will also change its usual calm appearance and smash whatever it grabs. This will really surprise people around you.

Aquarius constellation

Keywords: escape from the battle, escape from the situation

It's actually quite difficult to make the water bottle angry. Their first line of defense is to stop talking to you at once, and then go out for a few laps by themselves until they calm down and see you again. They want to ignore their inner anger for as long as possible until this feeling fades or disappears.

However, if anger is out of control, it will go to the opposite extreme and get out of hand. Moreover, the aftershocks are very long, and even after a long dispute, Aquarius is still unwilling to take the initiative to talk to you.


Keywords: realistic version of the emotional roller coaster

Pisces can often feel their mood swings immediately, which is a good thing. It avoids the accumulation of anger. But the scene of Pisces getting angry is still terrible, because their vent object is not the outside world, but themselves.

In the whole process, Pisces will do all kinds of self-harm things, and its own drama queen attribute will infinitely amplify this damage. So when the negative emotions pass, they still need a long time to lick the wounds and restore their hearts.