Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Constellation Go Network _ Go and Constellation Leo

Constellation Go Network _ Go and Constellation Leo

How to play Go? I don't understand, but I'm interested in it.

I started to learn Go recently. I think Tom's Go is very good. Let's introduce it to you here!

The website is:/

Tom's Go can only be played after downloading the software:/service/download.htm.

If you are a novice, you can also take a look at his tutorial, which is very detailed and good:/secondary/wskt/wskt _ index.htm.

There are many things on its website that you can learn about. I also have a feeling that if you are a novice, you'd better go to his website to watch the tutorial and play while watching it, so as to improve yourself. If you have reached a certain level, I suggest you look at what others have played, especially experts, and you can also watch them play in one of the chess rooms! Ok, I'll give you a guide and let's play by ourselves!

China's four ancient arts, Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, have a long history. Among them, chess is Go.

The ever-changing art of Go has an enduring charm, which is why it has been popular for thousands of years.

As a science, Weiqi can develop intelligence, enlighten thinking, exercise mind and cultivate sentiment to the maximum extent. In the game of Go, there are both creative thinking and logical thinking. Can enhance mechanical memory and understanding memory, can improve people's computing ability.

Weiqi is a traditional game in China, which was widely circulated as early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Many talented Go masters have emerged in every dynasty, and many touching and beautiful Go stories have been circulated. These are the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancient working people in China.

After the founding of People's Republic of China (PRC), Weiqi was listed as a sports event, and the National Weiqi Championship was held from 65438 to 0957, and a number of outstanding Weiqi players emerged. They have achieved excellent results in international and domestic competitions, among which Chen Zude and Nie Weiping are two typical players.

Chen Zude Jiu Duan, a master of Go in China in 1960s, dominated the chess world in China for more than ten years. He was the first player to beat Japan's Jiu Duan in a pair. He is the main creator of the famous "China Stream" layout at home and abroad, and has written many valuable academic works on Weiqi. Although he retired from the first line of Weiqi due to illness in recent years, his contribution to the cause of Weiqi in China is enormous. Comrade Chen Zude is currently the main person in charge of the Chinese Weiqi Association.

Nie Weiping Jiuduan is a famous sports star in China. He has defeated Japan Jiu Duan many times. In the Sino-Japanese Weiqi competition, he turned the tide and defeated a series of Japanese Weiqi masters, such as Kobayashi Kuanyijiu Duan, Fujizawa Hedeyuki Jiu Duan, Masaki Takemiya Jiu Duan and Masao Kato Jiu Duan, and won honor for the motherland. 1983 was awarded the "Medal of Sports Honor" by the State Sports Commission, and now it is awarded the title of "Chess Saint". He is currently the head coach of the national Go team. Nie Weiping's success pushed China's Go level to a new stage.

The population of Go in China is tens of millions, and there is an obvious upward trend. But there are only about 200 professional players. What is a professional player? Professional players are also called "professional players". All chess players who play chess as their profession, serve various Weiqi institutions or sports teams, have received formal Weiqi technical training, have a solid foundation in Weiqi, and often participate in major competitions at home and abroad are called professional chess players.

In addition to professional players, players or players who engage in Go activities in their spare time are called "amateur players". Their main characteristics are: generally, they don't take Go as their main occupation, have no formal training (or have only received it for a short time), and usually don't participate in professional chess games.

Whether professional or amateur, how can we measure their chess skills? In the world of Go in China and Japan, and in the world of Go in Europe and America, "rank system" and "rank system" are now implemented. The level of the stage is an important symbol of a player's technical level. In China, the stage is divided into nine grades, arranged from nine to one according to the level of strength, with nine being the highest. A paragraph is also called the first paragraph. Obtaining the title of the first stage shows that the chess skill has reached a certain level, so the chess power of the ninth stage should be about two or three times that of the first stage. The above refers to the professional stage.

In addition to professional positions, there are amateur positions, which are graded according to the chess skills of amateur players. At present, the highest amateur position in China is level 6, which is far from the professional position and the level of amateurs at the same level. According to statistics, the strength of a professional athlete is equal to that of an amateur athlete. The amateur stage is called "grade" below, and the grade is divided into nine grades. Different from the segment position, the greater the series, the lower the chess power, with the first level as the highest.

The above is a brief introduction to the history of Go, famous players and the level of Go. For those who don't know Weiqi, it seems unfathomable, but it is not. Go is easy to learn. As long as the reader carefully understands the content of this tutorial and completes the exercises and the exercises, he will gradually master the basic essentials of Go and become a very good chess player step by step.

Next, the chess tools of Go are introduced: chessboard, chess pieces and clock. In a regular game, these three things are indispensable, but the general game only needs chessboards and pieces.

Weiqi board: a square or slightly rectangular plan. Now the chessboard draws 19 parallel lines vertically and horizontally on the plane, forming 36 1 intersections.

In order to determine the position of each point on the chessboard conveniently, coordinate method is used for numbering. Horizontal lines are numbered in Chinese characters from top to bottom, and vertical lines are numbered in Arabic numerals from left to right, that is, the number 1 … 19. When recording, explaining or teaching, the order of first vertical and then horizontal shall prevail.

For example, point A in figure 1: 5. Shitong intersection; Point b: 10. Eleventh road ... and so on.

Figure 1

It should be noted that there are no numerical marks on the general chessboard and the chessboard in the official competition, and the numbers in figure 1 are only marked in the chess manual for the convenience of point-by-point explanation or easy search.

The chessboard can be divided into nine parts, namely: upper left corner, lower left corner, upper right corner, lower right corner, upper side, lower side, left side, right side and middle belly (see Figure 2).

Figure ii

There are nine black spots on the chessboard called "stars", and the black spot in the center of the chess is called "Tianyuan", which has no other special significance.

The nine parts on the chessboard are only roughly divided, and there are no strict boundaries, so here is only a general explanation. The content and rules of chess are not directly related to the status of chess in the stars or Tianyuan. Constellation and Tianyuan are just the coordinates of the chessboard.

Each side of the chessboard is called the first line (or the first line), the line next to the first line is called the second line, and then moved to the middle is called the third line (the third line), the fourth line (the fourth line) and so on.

Generally, simple chessboards can be made of cardboard or plastic, but the regular chessboards used in competitions are all made of wood products.

Chess pieces in Weiqi: The chess pieces in Weiqi are divided into black and white and round in shape. There are 18 1 black chess and 180 white chess in the official competition. At the crossing point of the board in Go, the sum of two colored pieces should be equal to this number. The relationship between chessboard and chess pieces is the closest, and this problem is more complicated. Let's define the concept first and then explain it later.

The number of commonly used chess pieces is not specified by very precise figures. One hundred and sixty to one hundred and seventy dollars for all colors is enough, and it doesn't matter if you have more or less.

Thinking about the problem:

1. Why do you say that Go can develop intelligence and enlighten thinking?

2. Why is Go both an art and a science?

3. Who are the two most representative players after the founding of New China? What is their main contribution to Go?

4. What is used to measure the level of a chess player?

5. What's the difference between a professional player and an amateur player? How to compare the chess skills of amateur and professional positions?

6. What is the main part of the chessboard?

Staggered into two potentials, with Su Xuan leading by two lines.

Running water is the first.

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How to find a high-paying position?

[Nanjing Qingyuan Go Learning ..] Prepare children for the levels and stages of participation. ..

[Bridge Paradise] Playing bridge can enhance immunity.

[Triple Go Training ..] 12-year-old Qi Yuting won the 25th prize. ..

[Black and white tattoo] 2008 "Traffic Cup" National Weiqi Competition ..

I once fell in love with a woman 17 years older than me. ..

[Civic Cheyou Forum] The most detailed report on new car running-in and high speed. ..

Hongyu was released on the second floor of: 2007-10-119: 45: 20.

Lesson 2 Rules of Chess and Calculation of Winning and Losing

According to the basic rules of Weiqi, one side holds the black hand first (except chess), and the other side holds Bai Zi. The two sides alternately move their hands to the intersection of the board (the intersection of the existing pieces cannot be put, and the forbidden points cannot be put), and the pieces are not allowed to move again after they are decided. This is essentially different from China chess and chess.

In the process of playing chess, both sides use skills such as eating, grabbing, doing and fiefdoms until the end. The so-called end is that the ownership of each intersection on the chessboard has been completely determined.

The correct way to move chess in Go is to hold the chess pieces with the fingertips of the index finger and the middle finger, and accurately place the chess pieces at the intersection of the chessboard. Among amateur chess players, some people are used to holding chess pieces with their thumb and forefinger, which is very incorrect and impossible to be elegant. Please see the picture below;

According to the rules of playing chess: black moves first, black 1 occupies the upper right corner, white 2 occupies the lower left corner, black 3 occupies the upper left corner, white 4 occupies the lower right corner, and black 5 attacks white 4. Both sides should unite with each other to play white chess 18, which is called playing Go. Please see the figure 1.

Figure 1

How to calculate the outcome after the final? How to judge who wins and who loses? To put it simply, the victory or defeat in Go can be summarized as follows: whoever surrounds a large area is the winner; On the contrary, it is a loser.

There are 36 1 intersections on the chess board, and the outcome of a game is determined by the number of intersections occupied by both sides. More precisely, it is determined by the size of the area occupied by both parties. An intersection is a child, and each side takes 180 semichildren as the reduced number. Those who exceed this number win, and those who are less than this number are negative.

Figure ii

As shown in Figure 2, the black side occupies the left area on the chessboard and the white side occupies the right area on the chessboard (in fact, the real game will not be like this), because both sides occupy all the intersections on the chessboard and there is no remaining area to compete for, so this chess game can be calculated.

First, divide first

Refers to the level of chess skills of both sides, and both sides take turns to go first. According to the current rules of Go in China, because black moves first, it has a certain first-hand strength, and the player holding black has to play 2 (3/4) pieces. Therefore, the territory occupied by Black must exceed183 (1/4) (180 (1/2)+2 (3/4)) to win. For example, Black has 185 children, which means Black has 1 (3/4) children. But as long as White's territory exceeds177 (3/4) (180 (12)-2 (3/4)), it can win. In all kinds of routine competitions at home and abroad, the rule of scoring first is adopted.

Second, let go.

Refers to the party with a slightly lower level going first, which is not included in the final calculation. That is to say, 180 (1/2) is a draw, and whoever exceeds 180 (1/2) will win. This rule is also used in informal competitions or folk games. The rule of giving way applies to the game between players who have a certain gap in chess skills.

Third, make way.

Letting go is one of the chess forms adopted by the two sides with great differences in chess skills. In order to achieve the mutual balance of chess force, the low-level side holds the black, and a number of sunspots are continuously placed on the designated position of the chessboard (the number of children with large horizontal gap increases and the number of children with small gap decreases relatively). There are different rules for how many players to release. For beginners, there are professional players who can let 25 players go, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3

In the case of Figure 3, after the last game, the black side must return 12 (1/2) to the white side, and after the return, it will still be a draw of each 180 (1/2).

After the beginner's level is improved to a certain extent, the number of children can be relatively reduced. Fig. 4 is a picture of Sixteen Sons. After the final, the black side must put the White Sons back. After posting, it is still a draw of 180 (1/2), and the winner is king. Figure 5 shows the figure of Jean Shisanzi. After the end of the last game, the black side must return to the white side 6 (1/2). After returning, it will still be a draw of 180 (1/2) pieces. The winner will be counted as the winner, and the loser will be counted as the negative. Figure 5 shows the figure of Jean Shisanzi.

Figure 4

Figure 5

After the last game, the black side must return 6 (1/2) pieces to the white side. After returning, we still take 180 (1/2) pieces as a draw, winning the most and losing the least.

The example given in the above figure is for the convenience of readers to teach children according to the rules, because there are many pieces, many of which are not in the star position, and the given pieces should strive to be symmetrical on the chessboard.

It is not difficult to see from the above picture that the number of children who paste the black side back to the white side is equal to 1/2, which is the way to calculate the outcome in chess.

The following is a detailed introduction to the method of calculating chess at the last time with specific examples, as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6

This is a game of chess played by the famous Japanese chess player Hashimoto Changjuji against Sakata for a long time. Figure 6 is the final figure of this chess game. All the intersections on the chessboard are occupied by both sides. How to calculate the result?

First of all, remove the dead children of both sides, that is, the dead children are inactive pieces surrounded by both sides. If you play black chess, take out the white dead children marked with delta points in the black forces, because these children are worthless.

Secondly, fill one side's territory with chess pieces (in fact, you can choose one side). Count and you'll know the result.

Figure 7

For the sake of simplicity, the small pieces are usually filled and the big pieces are made into integers, so that it is not necessary to fill all the pieces on the chessboard. This method of making the whole chess piece is more practical. This method is used in folk games and competitions, as shown in Figure 7. According to the rules of Weiqi, whoever occupies more points than 180 (1/2) in the 36 1 intersection will win, while there are rules of black posting in modern games, so the black area must exceed 183 (1/4). Less than this number is a failure. The so-called Heisheng and Bai Sheng are all decided according to this law.

The shape in Figure 7 is to arrange the scattered figures for the convenience of "playing chess". Forty pieces were made on the right side, twenty pieces on the top and twenty pieces on the bottom left, making a total of eighty pieces. Then, except for the black dead pieces in the white chess enclosure, the remaining points on the disk plus eighty "blanks" are the total number of points. This method is used to calculate the outcome after actual combat or after the game. General folk games also use this method to calculate the outcome.

Of course, it is impossible for beginners to master the methods of calculating the outcome of various competition rules, because in the competition (first branch), the efficiency of various methods must first be returned to the black side, and the form of this return is different. For example, the rules of Chinese Weiqi Association are different from those of Japanese and Taiwan Province Shi Ying. The big difference is that the specific figures of the black side are different and complicated, so it is not convenient to explain here. Readers just need to get a general understanding. But there is a basic concept that must be clear, that is, if you want to win the game, you must occupy more than half of the intersection of the whole, and novices must master this problem.

Think about a problem

1. What is final?

2. Under what circumstances does the game start to calculate the outcome?

3. Under what circumstances will the black and white sides win?

4. How many methods are introduced in this lesson to teach chess to players of different levels? And briefly explain it.

5. Calculate the result of this chess game. See the figure below:

Lesson 8 robbery

Beginners can play chess after learning this lesson, regardless of their level, but they can play chess independently after all. I don't know how to grab it, so the game is interrupted. According to statistics, seven out of every ten chess games are inseparable from grabbing, and most beginners like fierce offensive and defensive battles, almost all of which are grabbing.

So, what is robbery?

Figure 1

Figure 1: The fighting between the two sides is very fierce, forming a jagged situation. Black and white sides surround each other's pieces. If this situation turns white, you can eat a sunspot in position A; If it's black, you can eat Bai Zi in position B, and now it's white's turn.

Figure ii

Figure 2: The white side ate the sunspot in the position A above, thus removing the black side's means. However, it seems that you can eat black in position B in this picture, and then you can eat black in white when you return to Bai Zi. If both sides take turns in this way, the game will not be played. What should we do?

Go rules stipulate that robbery is like this. When one side of the game just mentioned the other side's son, and the other side can bring it back, the other side can't bring it back immediately, and must play elsewhere, so that the other side can follow suit elsewhere and bring it back.

Figure 3

Figure 3: This is the simplest "robbery", also called "monolithic robbery", and its value is relatively small. However, the content of "robbery" is varied, and the forms of expression are varied, some of which are quite complicated, which is also a headache for today's high-level chess players. Although this lesson only introduces the simple part, you must pay attention to it.

Figure 4

Figure 4 and Figure 3 are the same in the form of robbery, and both sides are fighting for point A, but the contents of the two figures are different. Point a in figure 4 has too much to do with it. If the black "robbery" wins. You can eat a white penny at point B like Bai Sheng, but you can eat a black penny at point B. It's amazing to go back and forth.

Figure 5

Figure 5: The expression of "robbery" is diversified, and the A position in this figure can also produce "robbery".

Figure 6

In Figure 6, the fight for position A is related to life and death, and position A is of great significance to white chess.

Figure 7

Figure 7: Both of White's children are dead. If white runs in position A, there is no doubt that black will be in position B, so white will lose more, but it will be borrowed during robbery. According to the rules and regulations, after a son is "lifted", the other party can't immediately lift it back. You should make a move somewhere else first, and then "lift" after the other party should make a move first. Then "C" and "D" in Figure 7 are excellent "robbery materials", and "robbery materials" are "robbery materials" as the name suggests.

Figure VIII

In the process of "robbery", white chess occupies the position of C in Figure 7, and it becomes the shape of Figure 8. In Figure 8, if the black side removes the white son at B, the white side can "rob" the robbery site; if the black side removes the robbery, the white side can remove the black son at A as compensation.

Figure 9

A in Figure 9 is also "robbery". This is the whole process of robbery. With the emergence of robbery, "seeking robbery", "robbery" and "removing robbery" can complete a game of chess to avoid interruption.

Figure X

Figure 10: The robbery was fierce. Bai Zi was removed from the black party on 1, and Bai Sanzi was in danger. Walking in two places for nothing, "looking for robbery", what should Black do? If you "grab" in position A, eight people in the white side will grab food, and the right side of the black side will lose a lot. So black takes three steps, white takes four steps to bring back "robbery", and black takes five steps to "break" and wants to play the chess on the right. Bai 6 disagreed with this exchange, Black 7 brought back "robbery", White 8 played second, Black 9 "turned down", White 10 "robbery" and Black 65438+.

This is a practical example of a novice robbery. Of course, in robbery, as a "robbery" party, we should calculate the robbed materials, and as a "robbery" party, we should also "rob" by making some tangible profits. In the process of "robbery", it is very important to avoid using robbed materials.

Figure Xi

Figure 1 1: Around the struggle of "grabbing", both sides racked their brains.

Black side 1 "robbery", trying to eat the white side's five sons. Bai 2 tried to contact the rescue from above, and Black 3 was very determined, cutting off Bai's retreat. White 4 "grabbed" again, black 5 rushed, the law was strict, white 6 blocked, black 7 "grabbed", white 8 rushed, black 9 blocked, white chess really broke here, and there was no proper "grab". The black side finally defeated the "robbery" and 1 1 "eliminated the robbery". Bai 12 plays black here. Let's not comment on the fighting here for the time being, but from the perspective of "robbery", we can see that the black side's determination to eat the white side's abital is successful.

Novices generally stay away from robbery, but they can't learn robbery, or their robbery skills are not high, so they can't learn Go well. If they master all kinds of robbery skills skillfully, they will find robbery very interesting. The reason why Weiqi attracts many fans is that "robbery" is one of the attractive reasons!


First, black first.

Can this picture still threaten the eye position of white chess

One-question map

Second, black first.

Readers who have studied life and death can see clearly that there are no two real eyes on the black corner. Do something, will there be a chance to live?

Black must use the loot in the picture to grab it, so that black can escape from the tiger's mouth. Please give an answer within 20 minutes.

Two-question map

The answer to the exercise question

An answer to a question

Reference diagram

The reference picture is wrong. If black moves in 1, there is no threat to white, because even if white doesn't move here, black can't be placed in position A. As follows, white will eat all black in position B rudely. Black 1 is a bad chess game without thinking.

Positive solution diagram

The trick of black 1 in the positive solution diagram is to give white a fatal blow with "robbery". If white gives in to position A, the chess will die, otherwise it will only be robbed.

Answers to two questions

Reference diagram

It can't be as black as 1. White played in the second place, black was caught in the third place, white was stuck in the fourth place, and black failed.

Positive solution diagram 1

Figure 1: It is the best way for the black side to "rob" for a living. Black 1 "rob" the white edge, "rob" the white edge. At this time, it is up to robbery to decide this score.

Positive solution figure 2

Figure 2: Black 3 is the best "magic hand" after about ten minutes of calculation.

No matter whether you play from position A or position B for nothing, the black side will "grab" (there is a grab here)

Positive solution figure 3

Figure 3: At this time, if it is robbed by the black side, the white side must also "rob". White has a "robbery" at 1, and black can only stick to it at 2. A place like this can only win. If it sticks, white takes a penny at position 2, and the black chess surrounded by it is still dead.

Positive solution figure 4

Figure 4: When Bai "grabs" again, Black 1 stays calm. White can only be grabbed by two players. Black doesn't grab, and Black doesn't grab, so he eats his two sons beautifully.