Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - How to Learn Astrology _ How to Learn Astrology

How to Learn Astrology _ How to Learn Astrology

How to become an astrologer?

How to become an astrologer? First of all, it should be clear that according to the difference between academics and schools, astrology has about four famous branches, and their access and management methods are different. These four famous schools are: analytical school that emphasizes theoretical analysis and general analysis, predictive school that emphasizes denying astrology and its unchangeable consequences, substantive school that emphasizes astrology as a tool to change the horoscope, and spiritual school that emphasizes the unity of man and nature and the greatest possibility. Since it belongs to psychology, I will only talk about the content of psychology.

First of all, psychics have no requirements for the admission of astrologers. As long as you are interested in astrology and have confidence in the astrological theory of psychology, you can take the constellation orientation matching test. Those who pass the test are qualified to become trainee astrologers. Constellation orientation test does not contain any astrological content, does not evaluate any academic problems, and does not evaluate any differences that may be caused by everyone's experience and knowledge. The test consists entirely of choice and open-ended questions, and the answer is not unique. It is mainly to evaluate whether the individual's potential consciousness and constellation frequency meet the conditions of becoming an astrologer. Anyone can apply to take the exam. There are no unified questions and unified questions in the exam. The tutor you choose will give questions and evaluate them. It is worth noting that although anyone can apply for the exam, whether he or she can become an astrologer is determined by his or her constellation orientation. Theoretically, the evaluation given by each tutor should be consistent. There are three kinds of evaluation results: excellent, qualified and unqualified. Those who get excellent evaluation can basically conduct astrological research independently; A qualified person is determined by his tutor whether he can become an astrologer or not. If the tutor thinks it is ok, he should study under the guidance of the tutor until he becomes a formal astrologer. People who get unqualified evaluation cannot become astrologers.

After becoming a trainee astrologer, the tutor will specify the basic content for guidance. The content of guidance consists of these parts: the concept of astrology, the basic calculation method, the professional ethics of astrologers, and psychology. Tutors only play a guiding role, and the content explained by different tutors is of course different, but the absence of tutors does not affect astrology learning.

Trainee astrologers can apply for formal astrologer examination after they have passed the prescribed examination and have independent computing ability. Astrologers at this stage can calculate and evaluate macro issues, such as a person's love, career, health and so on, but their analysis is limited to objective analysis and cannot provide any opinions and suggestions for scryer. If the trainee astrologer passes the test and the astrological accuracy rate is above 95%, he is qualified to become a formal astrologer. At this time, learn to appoint a mentor to guide.

Under the guidance of the designated tutor, the official astrologer can apply for the first-level astrologer qualification examination after accumulating more than 3000 astrology times and the accuracy rate is over 97%. Astrologers at this stage can answer the specific questions raised by scryer and put forward their own suggestions, have the ability to practice blessing, and can persuade scryer to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. If the official astrologer passes the test of the Society, he will obtain the first-class astrologer qualification recognized by the Society. Can independently engage in astrology research.

A first-class astrologer who has accumulated more than 10000 astrology times and an accuracy rate of over 99% can apply for the Royal Astrologer Examination. Astrologers at this stage can solve any astrological problems, but they are temporarily unable to conduct in-depth theoretical research, and their views do not represent the views of the Astrology Society. They cannot put forward their own astrological opinions on major issues.

Royal astrologers, after accumulating some experience, can become the research elite of the society after being recommended by the society.

The above is the growth process of mind astrologers.