Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Who has the introduction of Halo Man and Star Alliance?

Who has the introduction of Halo Man and Star Alliance?

Chronicle: Halo Chronicle

2 160-2200: Early conflict

This is a period in human history. A series of bloody conflicts broke out between the earth government and major political factions for the control of the earth and the solar system colonies. With the overpopulation and social unrest, many new political organizations have been established, including the left-wing organization KOS LAUVIK on Earth and the neo-fascist right-wing organization Freeden on Jupiter.

O 2 160: Battle of Io

The separatist attack on Io, Freeden, led to a three-month battle between the United Nations Earth Army and Freeden. Although it was not the first armed conflict of mankind in the solar system, it was one of the bloodiest battles, which was widely regarded as the fuse leading to a series of conflicts escalation and the militarization of the United Nations.

Tropical rain forest war

Due to the intensification of different ideologies among the United Nations, Koth Lauwick and Frieden, the war swept through the rainforests of South America, which also stimulated more conflicts among space colonies.

O 2 163: argyle Planetary Motion on Mars

The United Nations Marine Corps launched a series of blitzkrieg on Mars, which won a decisive victory, and also made sending a large number of Marines a common means of ground warfare and boarding warfare in the future.

Star Wars Star Wars

After the success of the Battle of Mars, the large-scale recruitment and propaganda strategy greatly boosted the morale of the United Nations Army. The powerful and unified United Nations army then defeated the Koslavik Army and Freeden Army of the Earth, and then began to systematically expel and destroy the remnants of these two organizations in the solar system colony.

O 2 170: Earth Coalition Government

The ten-year war prompted mankind to establish a unified earth government. But they must face the same severe crisis: overpopulation and a huge army that surrendered without a fight. In the post-war peace period, the world economy was on the verge of collapse due to the rapid population expansion and the destruction of resources and famine caused by the rainforest war.

23 10-2490: expansion of distant colonial planets: human colonization of Orion's arm

O 229 1: Faster than light

UNSC successfully developed the first space transition technology in human history-Sean Fujikawa engine, which can make the spacecraft fly faster than light in the transition space and avoid the side effects of relativity, making it possible for human beings to establish colonies outside the solar system for the first time and quickly transfer between planets.

O 23 10: the first wave of near-earth colonization plan

The population and resources on the earth are deteriorating. In order to reduce the burden on the earth, it is necessary to help the space jump technology. The government of the earth announced the immigration plan of colonial ships, and all colonial ships were equipped with soldiers to make better use of the oversized army. The situation of the home planet makes the colonial plan attractive and the applicants are quite enthusiastic. However, because the technology is not fully mature, expensive and requires excellent physical and psychological quality, all the people allowed to colonize the planet outside the Ministry are the best citizens and soldiers.

O 2362: Odyssey, an expeditionary colonial ship

After a lapse of 52 years, on New Year's Day this year, mankind officially began to colonize the outer solar system, and the first alien colonial spaceship set sail.

O 2390: Prosperity of Near-Earth Colonies

After nearly 30 years of overseas colonization, human beings have more than 2 10 colonial planets with landforms, which greatly eased the population expansion of the earth and the solar system.

O 2490: the birth of foreign colonies

One hundred years later, the human interstellar empire continued to expand, occupying more than 800 planets in the Milky Way, reaching its peak in 2492. With the process of outward expansion, the near-earth colony has become the political and economic center of gravity, while the distant colony provides cheap raw materials for the near-earth colony and promotes its economy. The great difference in wealth distribution and political rights was the characteristic of human society in this period, which made many distant colonies begin to break away from the leadership of the Coalition government.

Reach Star, the fifth star system of Bojiang constellation, is the throat artery leading to the earth, and it has become one of the headquarters of UNSC in this period, the main manufacturing base of military warships and civil spacecraft, and also an important military training base.

249 1-2525: spartan ii program of spartan ii program.

O 249 1: Orion project of Sparta I program

Sparta I, which tests human genetic modification to strengthen soldiers, begins. In the same year, Aoxing was discovered and colonized.

O 2492: Distant Island Rebellion in Distant Colonial Planet Rebellion

Many rebellions took place on Far Isle, a distant colonial planet beyond UNSC's control. Finally, carry out the urgent order of Bandersnatch and bomb the colonial planet with nuclear bombs.

O 2494: Bojiang Rebellion in Bojiang Rebellion

The distant colonial planet Bojiang revolted for the first time, and UNSC sent troops to fight.

O 2496: Pacify the Bojiang Rebellion. Bojiang Rebellion was defeated.

UNSC suppressed the rebellion of Bojiang constellation, but lost four destroyers.

O 25 10: autumn pier service.

The UNSC Kingfisher class cruiser Qiufengdun was built and began its 43-year service.

O 25 1 1: Little John was born, the secret of Aoxing, and John was born.

John Jr., the protagonist of Halo Story, the future master sergeant, was born on the second planet of Bojiang constellation, and many future Spartans were born in the same year. In the same year, the Pioneer Building was discovered in the routine archaeology of Aoxing District 67. UNSC became interested in this planet and cut off all contact with the outside world.

O 25 13: the second rebellion of Bojiangzuo, the second rebellion of Bojiangzuo

The trebuchet action of UNSC army suppressed the rebellion of Bojiang constellation led by Colonel Robert Watts and expelled it to the planetary belt of the constellation.

O 25 17: Little John was selected as Dr. halsey to meet John-1 17 Sparta II Plan.

The difference between wealth and power led to the rebellion of distant colonial planets. UNSC is worried that the spread of rebellion will collapse the human interstellar empire and see the benefits of controlling all colonial planets. They predicted that if the military strength was not strengthened, the rebellion in distant colonies would become more and more fierce around 2525. Therefore, UNSC began to reconsider the Spartan strengthening plan that was terminated a few years ago.

8. 17- halsey and Captain Case went to various places to select suitable children for the Spartan II project. The doctor met little John, who was only six years old, on the playground of a primary school in Blissful City, the second planet of Bojiang constellation. After a simple test, little John achieved excellent results and became the first candidate of Sparta II selected by doctors, which was later a sergeant.

9.23- Seventy-five children, including little John, were stolen by UNSC with fast clones and taken to Zhiyuan's training base to implement the top secret Spartan II project. They will be strengthened and genetically modified to become Spartan intensified fighters of UNSC, pacify the rebellion of colonial planet and stabilize UNSC regime.

O 25 19: Little John is promoted to captain and monitor of Sparta.

7. 12. Spartan instructor Mendes led these Spartans aged six to eight to conduct field training in Zhiyuan Snow Mountain. Under the leadership of little John, the Spartans successfully merged to reach the evacuation point, overturned the guards of the pelican transport plane in the landing area, and then contacted Degas, the artificial intelligence, to carry them all back to the base smoothly. Little John was promoted to captain.

2525: Star Alliance War begins.

O 2525.2.3: Fengxing lost its connection with the bumper harvest.

The distant colonial planet Abundance Star lost contact with UNSC shortly after it detected an unknown object. After the reconnection failed, UNSC sent an Argo reconnaissance ship to investigate.

O 2525.3.9: Physical Enhancement of Fatal Gene Enhancement

After a series of cruel physical, neurological and genetic transformations, among the 75 teenagers who participated in the Spartan II program, 30 died, 12 were permanently disabled, and 33 were successfully transformed into Spartan II soldiers. Three weeks later, their soldiers boarded the UNSC warship and held a funeral for 30 companions who died unfortunately.

O 2525.4.20: golden fleece lost contact with Argo.

The probe ship golden fleece arrived in the fertility constellation and sent back a confirmation signal. And then I lost contact.

O 2525.9. 1 1: spartan thor's hammer armor.

Spartan instructors and Dr. halsey tried on Raytheon Hammer Armor for a group of Spartans, and they successfully finished it. After transformation, they are stronger than expected. The doctor decided to let them take part in actual combat missions.

O 2525.9. 12: The first mission of Sparta, the first mission of Sparta.

In the first mission of Sparta, the master sergeant led his team to infiltrate the planetary belt of Bojiang constellation and successfully captured Colonel Robert Watts, the rebel leader who had fled for 12 years. The master sergeant was wounded in the battle.

O 2525. 10.7: The Covenant War begins.

The UNSC battle group composed of the destroyer Hercules and the light frigates Arabia and Dongfang entered the Fugui galaxy for investigation, and found that Fugui star had been completely destroyed and the surface of the planet had been melted into glass. Later, an alien warship was encountered nearby and two frigates were destroyed. After the destroyer suffered heavy losses, it successfully made a space jump and returned to Zhiyuan base a few weeks later. At the same time, we listened to the communication broadcast in UNSC language. The alien said, "It is God's will to destroy you, and we are the executors". They think that human beings have desecrated their religions and beliefs, and they must perish.

2525-253 1: The Battle of Harvest

O2525.11.1:counterattack Fuxing to regain a bumper harvest.

The Earth Army rose to the highest alert level, and Cole vice admiral assembled the largest fleet in human history in a very short time, heading for the fertility constellation, vowing to regain control.

O 2525. 1 1.2: MJOLNIR of Raytheon Hammer Armor Project

Sparta knew that the alliance had destroyed the rich star. UNSC started Raytheon Hammer Armor Project, and instructor Mendes was transferred to participate in Sparta III Project.

O 2525. 1 1.27: Samuel KIA, the first Spartan killed.

At the Damascus Experimental Factory on Planet X of Cetacea, Spartan troops led by the sergeant first came into contact with Raytheon Hammer Armor. After returning to the frigate Federation, it was suddenly attacked by the Star Alliance frigate. When the Federation was about to be destroyed, Sparta flew to the Star Alliance battleship on the pelican transport plane. The sergeant and two friends Kelly and Samuel successfully boarded the ship and entered the ship from the punctured hull. While searching for the energy core, Samuel was pierced by the jackal power plasma on the armor of Thor's Hammer without energy shield. They successfully placed several missiles and retreated. The only way to leave the warship in time is to jump into space, but Samuel's armor is damaged. The sergeant couldn't let him die in space, so he had to delay the Star Alliance as much as possible and let the missiles destroy the whole warship. The sergeant lost his best friend Sparta, and the first one was killed at the age of fourteen.

O 253 1: The Battle of the Star of Abundance and the Battle of Harvest

Lieutenant General Cole led an UNSC fleet three times the size of the enemy. After six years of war, he won at the cost of losing two-thirds of his warships with a last-minute tactical flash. After returning to Earth, Cole was promoted to Admiral. At this time, he learned that many distant colonies had fallen and were uninhabited.

Cole once again led his fleet to attack against the Star Alliance. Whether it is ground warfare or ship warfare, the situation is quite tragic, and the war has spread to all distant colonies. In a ground battle, human forces captured an alien. Before he died of serious injuries, humans learned that these aliens called themselves the Star Alliance.

253 1-2552: the gradual fall of colonial planets and the massacre of foreign colonies

O 253 1-2535: The Fall of the Holocaust in Foreign Colonies

In just four years after the Battle of Fengrong Star, although Admiral Cole had excellent leadership and strategic ability, his fleet suffered heavy losses again and again. This is a contest of great disparity in strength. With the advantage of science and technology, Meng Xing's winning percentage in warship battle is three to one.

In 2535, almost all the distant colonies were occupied by the Star Alliance. In order to protect the earth, the home planet of mankind, Admiral Cole established the famous Cole Agreement based on military principles: all human ships must ensure that the interstellar alliance forces will not discover the earth. When a human spaceship is forced to jump or retreat in space, it must stay away from the earth, even if it is a blind jump without calculation. When the blind jump cannot be performed, if there is a danger of being captured, the captain must order the self-destruction of the ship. In addition, the agreement also orders to ensure that the core data of artificial intelligence on board cannot fall into the hands of the Star Alliance and must be removed or destroyed in an emergency.

A.D. 2536-2552: Fall of Near-Earth Colonial Planet: Siege of Inner Colonies

The interstellar alliance began to panic on the near-earth colonial planet. Over the past decade or so, the war situation has gradually formed a pattern: the human army has won sporadic ground battles at a very high price, but none of the ships have won the battle, and the near-earth colonial planets have fallen one by one. By 2552, there were only 540 left.

2552: the decline of Reach

O 2552.7. 17: Battle of Swordfish, Battle of Sigmoctonus IV

Archimedes early warning station found traces of spatial transition in swordfish constellation. Keith, the captain of the destroyer Iroquois, realized that the Star Alliance fleet was attacking. Twenty minutes later, the Star Alliance fleet consisting of 1 mothership, 1 destroyer and two frigates appeared in the constellation Swordfish. Captain Keith's destroyer responded and called for reinforcements, and three human frigates came to help.

10 minutes later, Captain Case used the "Case Vortex" emergency braking and steering tactics to destroy the Star Alliance destroyer with the tracking energy bomb of the Star Alliance frigate, and then destroyed two frigates with MAC guns, nuclear bombs and hundreds of missiles. The surviving mother ship released the transport plane and fled to Planet 4 of Swordfish Constellation, and the mother ship made a space jump evacuation.

15 minutes later, the ground forces of the Star Alliance transport aircraft invaded C? Blue city. An hour later, 47 human warships entered the swordfish constellation, and 400 marines were in C? The blue coast has landed. An hour later, the Star Alliance ambushed the marines in the city, and only 14 soldiers survived.

Twenty-five minutes later, the Star Alliance fleet began to sail into the swordfish constellation. Twenty-five minutes later, Sparta landed in the city to rescue the surviving marines. 1 1 hour later, Sparta and the Marine Corps fought back. Two hours later, Sparta destroyed all the ground forces of the alliance with underground nuclear bombs. 1 hour later, 48 human warships and 20 interstellar alliance warships above the sky launched a fierce battle in the swordfish constellation. Keith's destroyer destroyed a stealth battleship of the Star Alliance.

In this battle, 25 UNSC ships were destroyed, 65,438+02 ships were seriously damaged, 65,438+0,600 marines were killed, and 65,438+0,586 and 300,000 citizens were killed. Meng Xing was destroyed by 18 warships. 1076 soldiers were killed and 359 were injured.

O 2552.7. 18: Star Alliance Tracker spy detector of Iroquois on the destroyer.

Keith's destroyer sailed to Zhiyuan for maintenance, but he never imagined that the tracker had been quietly attached to the destroyer by the Star Alliance, which eventually led to the devastating disaster of Zhiyuan. After returning to the base, Keith's excellent command promoted him to captain of the navy.

O 2552.8.25: Keith is the captain of the Autumn Wharf.

8. 12 Sergeant Major meets Dr. halsey and Captain Case again in Zhiyuan. The doctor and artificial intelligence Cortana chose Keith as the captain of the autumn wind wharf and will go on a secret mission.

O 2552.8.27: Secret task of kidnapping the Prophet.

Thirty Spartans took on a new task in Zhiyuan's naval intelligence office: set out on September 1, captured a Star Alliance warship, and then went to the Star Alliance's home planet to kidnap a Star Alliance prophet.

O 2552.8.29: Thor's Hammer V Armor; Thor's Hammer Mark V Armor

In order to better complete the task of kidnapping the Prophet, the master sergeant formally equipped a brand-new Raytheon Hammer V armor, which was manufactured by the shield technology of the Star Alliance, updated the nerve center system, and can be embedded with artificial intelligence Cortana.

O 2552.8.30: the drop of the river section.

Following the tracker signal sent by Keith's destroyer, the interstellar alliance fleet consisting of 750 warships raided Zhiyuan, the colonial planet fell, and most of Sparta was killed. Qiufeng Wharf, under the pursuit of more than a dozen Star Alliance warships, carried the sergeant and Cortana to perform a blind jump to lead the Star Alliance away from the earth and came to Pioneer 04 base-Alpha Aura. The story of Halo 1 begins.
