Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - The glory of the king Super Long Name Code Direct Copy Daquan 2022 the glory of the king Special Symbol Daquan

The glory of the king Super Long Name Code Direct Copy Daquan 2022 the glory of the king Special Symbol Daquan

The glory of the king's name is set with role restrictions. If the player name is too long, it cannot be modified. Players can have a very personalized super-long name by directly copying the super-long name code, which can make your personal ID more personalized. Bian Xiao provides a variety of super-long names, which users can directly copy and use, so that you can have more entertainment experience when playing games. You can choose any name you like directly and provide it to users for free. It is necessary to change the name.

The glory of the king super-long name code directly copied Daquan 202 1

1, the glory of the king Crown logo: ★☆ㄨ♂♀

2. the glory of the king's symbol of love:

3. The glory of the king's name gesture symbol:

4. Special symbols of chess:

5. Special music notation:

6. Special weather symbol: _

7. Special religious symbols: _ _

8. Abstract special symbols: № _ ‰

9, box special symbol:

10, constellation special symbol:

1 1, tick: ? ∩.

12, symbols of hearts, spades, diamonds and clubs:

13, face, smiling face, male and female symbols: ♀♂ヅ 12484ü

14, asterisk symbol: ★☆.

15, the symbol of ice crystals, stars, sun and flowers.

16, arrow, wind direction, compass symbol: _ _ _ _ _ ↓↓→

17, symbols for squares, rectangles, diamonds and colored squares: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ◆ _ _ _

18, triangle symbol: _▲△ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

19, single frame and double frame: ` _-⌒┃┄┅┆┆┇┈┉┊┋┎.

20. Round symbol: ⊙▽● _

2 1, counting symbol _ ∮ ∵ _ _ _%+-/= ∧ ∣ ∪ PIDE; ≡≥∞∫≤≠∨‰⊥π √∑∴×

22. Unit symbol:℃ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

23. Subscript and superscript 123

24. Digital symbols Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ ⅶ ⅸ ⅹ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ① ② 3456 ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (7) (8).

25. Greek letters and mathematical symbols pi α β χ δ ε η γ ι μ ν ο φ π 968σ υ θ ξ ζ.

26, punctuation _ _ _ _,. 〃「」『』____﹁﹂﹃﹄_____! #$%*,.:; ? @~"' ′"'

27. Parentheses present122297

28. Currency symbol @