Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - How to make mini cupcakes? How to make them delicious?

How to make mini cupcakes? How to make them delicious?

Step diagram of mini cupcakes, how to make them delicious.


Three eggs.

Milk 30 grams

55 grams of low-gluten flour

45 grams of fine sugar

30 grams of corn oil

A few drops of vanilla extract or lemon juice (no need to add)

How to make mini cupcakes?

Separate the egg white from the yolk (the basin for putting the egg white must be water-free and oil-free! ! )

Add corn oil and milk to the egg yolk and stir well.

Add the sieved low-gluten flour into the mixture of egg yolk and milk corn oil and stir well. Set aside (don't stir for too long to avoid gluten).

Add13 fine sugar to the egg white to make it coarse, then add half fine sugar to make it fine, and finally add the remaining fine sugar to make it dry and foam (preheat the oven in advance 180 degrees).

Add 1/3 egg white into the egg yolk basin, and stir evenly by cutting.

Pour the egg yolk into the egg white bowl and stir well by cutting.

And then the mixing is complete? Prepare paper bags, paper cup molds and paper molds.

Put the batter in a framed bag. Make a small cut.

Squeeze it into the mold and it will be OK when it is almost eight minutes full.

Bake in a preheated oven 180 degrees for 30 minutes (the temperature of each oven is different, so adjust the temperature according to your own oven).

After baking, put it on the baking net to cool ~ you can squeeze some fresh cream and add some fruit! Hey, hey, are you satisfied?

You can add whipped cream and seasonal fruit according to your own preferences ~ I added my favorite strawberry! ! A bite of cream is a great satisfaction.