Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Xixi Wetland Science Popularization Competition for Primary and Secondary School Students in Xihu District in 2009

Xixi Wetland Science Popularization Competition for Primary and Secondary School Students in Xihu District in 2009

The four ancient civilizations are the birthplace of human culture and the cradle of numbers. Which four countries are these four ancient civilizations?

Answer: Babylon, ancient Egypt, India, China.

2. Who is the scientist known as the "father of hybrid rice"? Answer: Yuan Longping.

3. In what year did the former Soviet Union successfully launch the world's first artificial earth satellite? Answer: 1957

Who was the first Soviet astronaut to fly into space? Answer: Gagarin

5. What is the tallest skyscraper in the world? Answer: Sears Tower in Chicago

6. What is a talking movie?

A: A movie with sound refers to a movie in which the audience can hear the actors' voices and sound effects.

7. Who invented the first airplane? Brother Wright.

8. Who invented the car? Answer: Mercedes.

9. Is the compass a compass? A is B, not the answer: (a)

Who invented explosives? (Nobel)

1 1. Who invented papermaking? (Cai Lun)

12. Who is the "mother of radium"? (Madame Curie)

13. Who was the first person to sail around the world? (Magellan, a famous Portuguese navigator)

14. Who invented the electric light? (Edison)

15, who is China's "father of missiles"? (Qian Xuesen)

16, the world's first instrument for measuring earthquakes. Who invented it? (Rolling) All rights are reserved for civil servants.

17. Who was the earliest aircraft designer in China? (Feng Ru)

18, what is "marine light cavalry"? (speedboat)

19, what is the "transport king" in the air? (military transport aircraft)

20. Do you know what an "air command post" is? (early warning aircraft)

2 1, what gun is called "gun king"? (rifle)

22. What is a "torpedo"? Torpedo is an underwater weapon that can automatically propel and control the direction underwater. It is named "torpedo" because it looks like a fish.

23. Do you know what a library without books means? An electronic library consists of a computer, a CD storage system and a book retrieval system.

24. What are the three forms of CD? (Optical discs are generally divided into three forms: optical discs, laser discs and optical disc storage)

25. Why is the bottom of the pot wavy? This is because the contact area between the wavy bottom and the flame is much larger than that of the flat bottom of the same size. The larger the contact area with fire, the more heat is transferred and the faster the water runs. )

26. Is the gas made of coal?

Answer: No, the gas we are talking about is a mixture of hydrogen, carbon monoxide and methane, extracted from oil and natural gas.

27. Do you know who invented jeans? (German businessman Li Hui? The names of two Austrian composers

28. Who invented printing? (Bi Sheng)

29. Will the bacteria in the refrigerator freeze to death? (no)

30. Who was the first mathematician to make pi accurate to 3. 14 15926 to 3. 14 15927? (3)

Ahua Luogeng B Yuan Longping C Zu Chongzhi

3 1. Who is the first female academician of China Academy of Sciences (Lin)?

"Knowledge is power" is a famous saying of a famous British scientist and philosopher. (bacon)

33. Who is the founder of the theory of biological evolution? (Darwin)

34. Who is the mathematician known as the "father of geometry"? (Euclid)

35. Who discovered the law of universal gravitation? (Newton)

36. Excuse me, are the left and right functions of the human body the same? (different)

37. Why do men and women have different voices?

Answer: the main reason lies in the vocal cords in the throat, and the male voice is wider and longer.

38. Why do some people drool when they sleep?

Answer: People are constantly salivating to moisten their throats. Saliva secreted by salivary glands will not flow out when swallowed by the throat. Ordinary people don't drool when they sleep. Only when people are particularly tired during the day, sleep too well at night, and their mouths are not closed tightly will saliva flow out of their mouths.

39, the difference between aviation and aerospace is (a)

A aviation is in the atmosphere, and aerospace is outside the atmosphere.

B Aviation is outside the atmosphere and space is inside the atmosphere.

It took China (b) years to develop Shenzhou I into Shenzhou IV.


4 1. Who is the Minister of Science and Technology of China? xu guanhua

42. What do you mean by the bytes we often hear in the computer? (bytes)

43. What is the theme of Science and Technology Week in 2003? (Relying on Science to Overcome SARS)

44. Can a helicopter take off directly without a runway? A. Yes, B. No.

45. Can I cook egg soup in a paper pot? Answer: Yes.

46. Geocentric theory was put forward by which philosopher in ancient Greece? Aristotle.

47. Who was the inventor of the first practical helicopter in the world? (Sikorsky)

48, known as the "king of the planet"? (4)

A Venus B Mars C Earth D Jupiter

49. What do the nine planets in the solar system mean?

Answer: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

50. When is World Meteorological Day? (March 23)

5 1. A layer of oil floating on the vegetable soup will make the vegetable soup cool: (a)

A, slower; B, faster

Popular Science Competition Counseling (2)

The earth and the universe

1. The sun is far away from our earth, about 1000 km.

A 65438+B 35 billion B 350 million

2. The sun is very big, and its diameter is (b) kilometers, which is 109 times the diameter of the earth.

3.2 billion B65438+500,000 C500 million

The sun is made of gas from the surface to the center. Among them, the most is light gas such as (a).

A hydrogen and nitrogen b hydrogen and oxygen c oxygen and helium

The surface temperature of the sun is 6000 degrees Celsius, and the central temperature is higher, reaching about (C) degrees Celsius.

A20,000b50 million c150,000

The sun is a gas ball, why doesn't it escape into space in all directions?

This is because the mass of the sun is too great, and it has a strong gravitational force, which holds the escaping gas. It's like the gravity of the earth, pulling the surrounding atmosphere tightly without losing it.

6. What do people usually mean by "sunspot"?

People call the spherical part of the sun that emits strong light a "photosphere". Usually what people can see is only the surface of this light ball. On the surface of the photosphere, there are often some black spots, which are eddies rolled up by the billowing hot air on the surface of the photosphere. People call them "sunspots".

7. What four layers can the interior and surface of the moon be roughly divided into?

Namely: the moon surface, the moon shell, the moon mantle and the moon nucleus.

On a clear night, we look up at the starry sky. Those stars that can glow by themselves are called (A).

Planet a and planet b

9. Why do stars "collapse" when they die?

As we know, in the prosperous period of a star, there is a fierce nuclear fusion reaction inside, and there is great pressure to expand outward. The outward expansion force counteracts the gravity inside the star, keeping the young and middle-aged stars "in shape" and a certain volume. When the star is old, it will "die", the nuclear fuel will be exhausted and the nuclear reaction will be terminated. As a result, the outward expansion force disappears, and the strong gravity makes the star material contract, causing sudden collapse. In the process of collapse, there is also a rebound shock wave, which forms an explosion and throws a lot of substances. It can be said that a supernova is a kind of "calm death" and a kind of "heroic sacrifice", while a nova is only an explosive stage in the evolution of a star, and then it returns to its original state after the explosion.

10. Mount Olympus, the largest volcano in the solar system, is not on the earth, but on (B).

A Venus B Mars C Mercury

11.1996 April 10, China astronomer Dr. Li Weidong observed the first galaxy (A) discovered in China.

Supernova b star c planet

12 storm is a unique weather phenomenon on Mars. Why is there such a "big storm" only on Mars?

Scientists believe that all these sandstorms occur in the southern hemisphere of Mars. When it is in the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere, it happens to be the perihelion of Mars, and the gas is extremely hot, which makes the air there unstable. The airflow makes the dust particles that are already floating be carried into the air by the wind, thus flying sand and stones all over the sky.

When the dust particles in the air continuously receive heat from the sun, the dust particles rise faster and the sandstorm escalates, forming a huge sandstorm. If the strong ground wind and the heat absorption of dust particles, sandstorms will blow more violently and spread to the northern hemisphere. It turned into a big storm all over Mars.

About 13 years ago, the ancient mountains on the surface of the moon were formed.

A1.500 million B 15 to1.200 million C46 to 4.2 billion.

14 (B) is that planet clos to the sun,

A Mars B Mercury C Earth

15 the volume and mass of mercury is only 5.6% of that of the earth, and its distance from the sun is only (b) that of the earth to the sun.

A4 1 B3 1 C5 1.

16 mercury (b) water

Does a have a B?

17 Pluto's orbit is very special (A)

A is flat and oblique, and B is square and straight.

18 China (a) has the earliest solar eclipse record in the world (2 137 BC).

A classic b Analects of Confucius c book of songs

In 19 BC, China recorded the earliest comet, which was later named Halley's Comet.

a 9 1 1 b 1 16 c 6 1 1

In the 4th century BC, the book Tian Lun was published and put forward (1).

A the center of the earth said b the center of the sun said.

2/kloc-During the Southern Qi Dynasty in the 5th century, the author compiled (c), which included precession for the first time and accurately measured the day of the week between the lunar festival and Jupiter, which was the second great reform of the China calendar method (Zu Chongzhi, China).

A lunar calendar b solar calendar c Daming calendar

In 22 1542, the sun-centered theory was put forward, which holds that the stratosphere of stars is stationary, and the earth revolves around its axis once a day, as a planet revolves around the sun once a year (a).

A 1 week B510.

In 231609-1610, for the first time, human beings observed the celestial phenomena with a telescope and discovered the mountains and valleys on the moon: the four satellites of Jupiter, the profit and loss of Venus, sunspots and the rotation of the sun. Recognizing that the Milky Way is composed of countless stars provides a series of powerful proofs for theory (b).

A Galileo b Copernicus c Aristotle

In 24 176 1 year, the infinite universe structure was put forward to explain (a) of the universe in space.

A infinite b finite c irregular

In 25 18 15, a spectroscope consisting of a straight tube, a prism and a telescope was manufactured, which produced "astronomical optics" and discovered (b) in the solar spectrum.

A purple absorption line b black absorption line c red absorption line

In AD 26 1904, Dutch scientist (C) discovered the motion law of stars and put forward the theory of "binary star flow", which denied the hypothesis that stars were irregular.

Eddington Shain Kaptyn

27. The first discovery of stars in 1927 (A).

A rotates, and B revolves around C orbit.

28 ad 1952 proved that (c) is a spiral galaxy.

29 A solar system b extragalactic system c galaxy

Why is there no life on the moon?

The gravity of the moon is one-sixth of that of the earth, so it is impossible to maintain the atmosphere. Without the atmosphere, there would be no water. The temperature difference on the surface of the moon is relatively large, reaching 127 degrees Celsius during the day and dropping to-123 degrees at night. Conditions for life: There is no suitable temperature except sunshine, air and water.

3 1. Which planets are the nine planets?

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

32. Have the nine planets changed day and night?

Yes However, the duration of their diurnal changes is different.

33. How did the earthquake happen?

Earthquakes are crustal movements, which are subjected to different degrees of squeezing, pressing, pulling, stretching and twisting. When this effect exceeds the bearing capacity of the rock, the rock will suddenly break and slide, and then a new earthquake will occur.

34. The location of an underground earthquake is called the source.

35. The place on the ground opposite to the earthquake source is called the epicenter.

36. Why is the Earth's orbit close to ellipse?

The earth moves in a circular motion under the gravity of the sun, and is also attracted by other planets such as Mars and Venus.

human body

1. What is green food?

Green food refers to pollution-free, safe and high-quality nutritious food.

2. If people use their brains too much, will many brain cells die?

The human brain, like all parts of the human body, becomes healthier and healthier with the increase of use. There are about 654.38+0.4 billion nerve cells in the human brain. It has been calculated that if a person lives to the age of 100, there are only a billion brain cells that are often used, and a large number of brain cells are not used.

3. Will blood donation harm your health?

A healthy person's blood accounts for about 8% of the human body, and a person donates 200 ml of blood at a time, accounting for only about 5% of the total blood. It only takes a few weeks to recover.

4. Is disinfection equal to sterilization?

Disinfection refers to measures to eliminate and kill pathogens. Disinfected things do not mean that there are no bacteria at all, but the quantity is limited to a certain range. Sterilization means that the sterilized things are completely free of any microorganisms. So disinfection is not equal to sterilization.

5. The harm of noise to people.

People usually call all unnecessary sounds noise. Working in severe noise for a long time will cause deafness, tachycardia, neurasthenia, coronary heart disease, hypertension and other diseases.

6. What is cloning?

Animals are developed by transplanting the nucleus of animal somatic cells into egg cells without nuclei.

7. Can you drink more water when you are thirsty?

Drinking a lot of water at a time will make the stomach suddenly swell and increase the burden on the heart and kidneys.

8. What harm does smoking do to people's health?

Carbon monoxide in smoke harms blood circulation organs, and nicotine in smoke harms heart and respiratory organs.

9. What is the main function of the heart?

The heart is an organ that promotes blood circulation in the human body and is the power source for blood to flow in the body.

Physical phenomenon

1. What is nanotechnology?

One nanometer is equal to one billionth of a meter. Nanotechnology is a brand-new technology to study the motion laws and characteristics of electrons, atoms and molecules in 0. 10~ 100 nanometer space.

2. Why do rainbows appear in the sky after rain?

There are many small water droplets in the air after rain, and sunlight will be refracted through them. Sunlight is a mixture of seven colors of light (red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple). They refract in different directions, so seven colors of light are separated.

3. Why do car rearview mirrors use convex mirrors?

The convex mirror has a divergent effect on light, and has a wide observation range, and it is also easy to reflect things behind the car to the driver's eyes.

4. When the electric fan rotates, why do we see a round piece?

This is caused by the persistence of the human eye. After an object suddenly moves away, the nerve's impression of it will remain 0. 1 second.

5. Why do artificial satellites go around the earth?

The satellite itself has a certain speed of motion, and the earth has gravity on it.

6. What are the types of earthquakes?

Tectonic earthquake, volcanic earthquake, subsidence earthquake.

7. What are the types of weathering?

Physical weathering, biological weathering and chemical weathering

8. Can a propeller plane fly to the planet?

Propeller plane relies on the rotation of propeller to give air a backward force, and air gives propeller a forward force, which makes the plane fly forward. Without air, no matter how fast the propeller turns, the plane can't move forward.

9. What's the difference between a spring scale and a balance?

The spring scale refers to the gravity of the object, and the balance refers to the inherent quantity of the object itself, that is, the mass of the object.

10. Hang a brick with a rope. If you yank the rope, it will break easily. Why?

Because of the large mass and inertia of bricks, try to keep the original static state when pulling hard.

1 1. Don't pull the wires too tightly outdoors in summer. Why?

In summer, the wires are too tight. In winter, the wires will shrink, resulting in great tension, and in severe cases, the wires will be pulled off.

12. Why do cement pavements leave gaps at a certain distance?

Cement pavement expands when heated in summer and contracts when cooled in winter, leaving a gap at a certain distance, which is not easy to damage the cement pavement.

13. Why do people shout "white gas" in winter?

When people breathe, they exhale gas and form white gas when they are cold.

14. Can water conduct electricity?

Pure water without impurities is not conductive, and ordinary water contains impurities, so ordinary water is conductive.

15. Why does the back bandwidth of the schoolbag feel relaxed?

A schoolbag with a wide back can reduce the shoulder pressure per unit area.

Why do trees have rings?

The weather is different in one year, so is the precipitation in different seasons. Trees grow fast in spring and slow in winter.

17. Why do the stars in the sky change?

This is caused by the rotation and revolution of the earth.

18. Why can't I see the stars during the day?

During the day, part of the sun's light is scattered by the earth's atmosphere, which makes the sky very bright and makes us unable to see the stars. ..

19. Why do the stoppers of thermos bottles often jump up?

When the cork of the thermos bottle plugs the thermos bottle, there will be some cold air in the thermos bottle, which will expand when heated, thus pushing it upward.

20. The leaves of pine trees are needle-shaped, which is good for pine trees.

Needles can reduce the evaporation of water and adapt to a relatively dry environment.

2 1. Put the thermometer in front of the electric fan and blow it. Will the reading of the thermometer change?

No, the electric fan has no effect on regulating the air temperature.

22. Why is the light bulb bright and the filament thick?

The filament length is the same, the thicker the filament, the greater the current and the brighter the lamp.