Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - What is the personality of Capricorn boys?

What is the personality of Capricorn boys?

Capricorn boy character (hehe, it is said that it is quite accurate) Capricorn boy character (hehe, it is said that it is quite accurate) Career: Everyone knows that Capricorn is a workaholic, and Capricorn man's enthusiasm for work is by no means comparable to any other constellation. As long as he faces the work, even if he doesn't sleep well for a few days and nights, he can still work hard to solve the mountain of work documents. Being so ambitious about your job seems to lay the foundation for realizing your future ambitions-so Capricorn is often described as an "ambitious person". But is this really the case? Under Capricorn, both men and women love work more than anything else, not because of the so-called ambition, but because they must affirm themselves in this way. If someone knows Capricorn well, he will find that Capricorn's childhood is mostly unhappy. Even if he has no food and clothing, he still lacks memories worth recalling as an adult. This probably stems from Capricorn's natural sense of alienation. Because he has been free from other people's happiness since he was a child, he mostly doesn't interfere with other people's emotions. However, from the perspective of a bystander, he has a strong sensitivity to observe and think about why others are sad and unhappy, and often he can draw the most accurate conclusion. This also strengthened his constant introspection and formed his very practical values. Therefore, excellent work, promotion of status and praise of reputation are all the ways he used to affirm his value. But because he has been immersed in doing his own thing and won't change his decision because of other people's eyes and opinions, he is so stubborn that he won't listen to anything in the eyes of outsiders. It is precisely because of this that he is urged to work harder towards the goal in his heart. The subtext in his mind will be: "I'll show it to you, and then you won't say that what I did is not worth it." Although Capricorn is so determined to realize its own value, things are changeable and not always satisfactory. Therefore, if there is a big change in career, Capricorn men generally can't stand the blow. Even if I am still working hard, my mentality has long been devastated. Especially when I was young, I suffered major setbacks, which is a great disadvantage for Capricorn men. Because he will doubt his previous decision is wrong, and then doubt his ability. Therefore, it seems that Capricorn needs to be recognized and praised very much, otherwise it will be difficult for him to get out of the haze of himself. So Capricorn needs success very much. As long as he has made up his mind, he will succeed and cannot fail. However, people and things in the world cannot be changed by personal will and efforts, so Capricorn men should learn to relax themselves, take their goals lightly, look at the surrounding scenery more when moving towards their goals, and learn to enjoy the process instead of blindly pursuing the only result afterwards. You know, if you don't know how to enjoy the process, even if you get the result you want, it's only a moment of joy. And after that? Friendship: (I joined this because I found that there are really many girls who like Capricorn GG on the horizon. Write more things I have observed to help them get the happiness they want. Capricorn believes that being a friend should first talk about feelings, but if the other person can be used by him, or will be used by him one day, it is of potential use value, so much the better! So he will take good care of these friendships. Capricorn man's generosity, patience and introversion make his friends diverse and all-encompassing, but there must be no idiots among them. Capricorn appreciates smart and capable people. He hates stupid people and finds it difficult to talk to them. Moreover, he will not waste his time on people who are meaningless to him, nor will he play the role of charity savior. He will only spend his time on things and people he thinks are worth it. Therefore, if there is an idiot among his friends, it must be that the other person has extremely high use value, or let him find that he has extraordinary intelligence. Otherwise, it is hard to imagine that he would make such a friend. However, if you take Capricorn as a friend, then he can definitely do anything for each other. At this time, he is kind to people from the heart and doesn't care about the return. "Use" just gave him an excuse to make friends. If he takes you as his confidant, you take his life and he takes it. It's not that Capricorn is chivalrous, but that Capricorn, who is used to being alone, will be grateful for "committing to each other" when he finds out that the other party has taken him as a confidant. It is possible that the other party made him complain before, but if the other party regards him as a close friend, then if this close friend wants him to achieve his goal with his life, as long as he feels that there is nothing to miss around him, he must stand up-just "willing". What should he actually do? Love: Many people think that a man who marries a woman he doesn't love but can help his career must be a Capricorn man! Actually, it is not. Capricorn is an idealist syndrome patient. Both men and women have countless ideal, perfect and romantic fantasies about love. However, due to his natural caution, caution and self-protection, even if he meets his favorite object, he dare not rashly go out and report to the other party ~ The woman who will make Capricorn crazy may not be beautiful, but she must be smart enough and exquisite all over. Women who are too realistic are often not Capricorn's favorite. In his eyes, reality is the homework he needs to do. There is no need for a woman to be so snobbish, but this woman can't. He can tolerate her being so confused that she forgot to lock the door and ran out. He can tolerate her casually appearing in a bun in front of him. He can tolerate her putting her shopping at the checkout counter in the supermarket ... but this woman must not be a person who is not serious about her work, unfilial to her elders and disloyal to her friends! And it is best for this woman to be resolute in major events. Women who often have these qualities are all elites in the workplace who are smart about big things and confused about small things, and idiots in life. Girls who are happy in the workplace and confused in life attract Capricorn men because they generally distinguish between business and private affairs, so that they can be happy and carefree in life after being nervous in the workplace-this is also the usual lifestyle of Capricorn men. Therefore, it is easy for him to call such a girl, and it is also easy to feel safe and dependent on such a girl. And a woman who makes him feel "fake" is "hopeless" in his love-Capricorn doesn't like women who are coquettish in front of him, and he feels insincere enough. Even if the other person is worth tens of millions, he will think, "It doesn't matter, I will struggle for another ten years-then I will have more wealth and glory than with her!" In this way, the woman who is loved by Capricorn is very happy. But in fact, a woman with an "elite title and an idiot's life" will have a hard time meeting a Capricorn man and really being with him. Because Capricorn will not consider your work pressure for you, and you have to take care of both work and housework at the same time, and do it well. Otherwise, the polite and gentlemanly Capricorn man outside will lose his temper and scare you to death! Think about it, how can such a smart and capable woman in the workplace stand the treatment of Capricorn? As I mentioned before, a friend of mine is like this. She quarreled with her boyfriend, mostly about the distribution of housework. Both of them are Capricorn. Capricorn men want careers and Capricorn women want careers. Both of them are hard-working people. They struggle in the workplace, but when they get home, who will do the housework? I don't want to move. So the conflict escalated, and after a big fight, I might even start work-I started breaking pots and pans at home and so on. On and off for n times, I still can't bear to part. So entangled, we are all upset. In the end, Capricorn made concessions, and the two finally achieved good results. However, when I saw the woman who once dominated the business world, now she was holding their children and acting like a little woman, I was a little sad. I always think that's what other women do Capricorn can only say that she loves her man very much and can tolerate it without a career. This is also the love trait of Capricorn women. As long as you are still in love, the bottom line is unimaginable ~ but Capricorn will not compromise. This is the difference between men and women. Capricorn insists on holding all the decision-making power in his hand. He wants to dominate everything. But if he falls in love with a woman, a Capricorn man who can work and make friends quickly, and is really thinking about the development of marriage emotionally, he is really slow ~ he will observe, weigh and even know from the side whether this woman is worthy of his love. Only when he is sure will he act slowly. And his actions are never revealed, just because he is too deliberately concealed. Even if he reveals his half-hearted intentions in words and actions, he is too vague to be discovered. Even if he lets the other party know, he is ambiguous. That woman can't stand his temptation unless she has a very firm love for him. So many women ran away before they confessed to Capricorn. This is also the place that makes Capricorn man very depressed. Why did all the women he loved abandon him? Is his condition not good enough? Or does he have a problem? In fact, there is only one problem, that is, he did not confess to the woman-but why did he have such a temptation and hesitation? Because he is not sure whether he can love this woman for so long, and whether this woman is worth loving for a lifetime through marriage. Therefore, girls with Capricorn men must be fully prepared. You should have substance in words, be natural and graceful, be neither humble nor supercilious, have your own ideas and opinions, be good at work and be diligent in housework, and it is best to give him a hand when he is very busy. In the heart of Capricorn, there is his softest feeling. You just need to go deeper step by step and show your superiority, your kindness, your sincerity and your love for him through words or actions. He will be moved by you-provided that he treats you as a friend or shows a good impression on you. Otherwise, even if Capricorn falls in love with you at first sight, he will give you up because your connotation can't reach the standard he wants. Here is a special talk about the weakness of girls and Capricorn men when they have conflicts-quarreling. If it is a serious problem, it is best for girls to show weakness no matter what constellation men they face, otherwise the contradiction will easily escalate. Capricorn's anger is terrible. He doesn't really get angry at ordinary times, but if he does get angry, he will growl and act-as I said just now, he may not hit you, but his tone and tone, even his posture, will make you feel shrouded in a terrible shadow, that is, the sense of power that pushes you into a corner. So don't irritate him easily, even if he comforts you unconsciously, don't be deceived by him. You should know that Capricorn has a good memory, and he will remember every bit. Even if he doesn't say it, he knows exactly what everyone and everything mean to him. Because he cares about you, he can immediately calm his emotions, but you'd better not challenge his bottom line, especially to avoid unreasonable troubles. When they accumulate to a certain extent, you have an argument and he won't bow his head first, he should leave. And you may not know where your "failure" is. Also, remember, never use another man to test his love for you. As I said just now, Capricorn will think twice before you leap. Unless you two get married, even if there is any competitor on the way to be pursued, especially when he is more uncertain about you, it will only make him disheartened and he will get out faster than anyone else. It's hard to imagine that the top students at work are so timid and inferior in love. But no one is perfect, perhaps because of this, it can better reflect his caution and tradition of love. But believe that Capricorn is the best marriage partner. His sureness, diligence and sense of responsibility will make you do housework without worrying about mortgage, car money and children's milk powder money; Let you work hard in the workplace, although tired, but you are really not the main force to support your family. He wants you to persist in the workplace, just to keep you from being out of touch with society and having the same language as him. Even if he is tired to death, if he can see that you are weak, sad or crazy, he will try his best to solve the problem for you-of course, this problem had better not be related to him, because the authorities are fascinated, and he can't solve his own and your problems. When you are in love with Capricorn, you must have patience, perseverance and appropriate sacrifice and dedication. As long as he opens his heart to you, you will feel his endless warmth and love for you.

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