Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Going to work is like going to the grave.

Going to work is like going to the grave.

It is often said that "the world is so big, I want to see it". Traveling around the world takes money and time, but what are we like in reality? Constrained by the punching system and the overtime duty system, we may only see a corner of such a big world, so we often feel that going to work is like going to the grave and feeling heavy. Among the twelve constellations, some are particularly depressed. Come and have a look. Are you one of them?


Sagittarius is an admirer of freedom. For the restless Sagittarius, going to work is only to meet temporary material needs, not the basis for settling down. In the current job, Sagittarius is always tired of coping, and it is more difficult to adapt to overtime and repeated busyness. Once you meet the right opportunity, Sagittarius can get rid of the state of walking dead and pursue his dreams in this world.


Gemini's personality is more detached. I hope life will always be full of freshness, eager for innovation and change. Therefore, a stable and dull job is not suitable for Gemini. Repeated work without innovation will soon kill Gemini's enthusiasm and patience. Over time, Gemini baby may be full of complaints, lose all passion for work and life, and change from a happy elf to a dull Xianglinsao.

Cancer constellation

Cancer is a pleasant constellation. They think that life should be beautiful, with quality, and work should be casual. They should wake up naturally every day and do things happily. In reality, the fixed working mode of nine to five seriously affects the quality of life. No time to play, no time to rest, no time to control working hours, how can an extremely depressed cancer have enough energy to work hard?