Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - What constellation does Libra best match?

What constellation does Libra best match?

Libra: Aries

Pairing index

Friendship: 3

Love: 4

Marriage: 4

Feelings: 3

Love must read:

Astrology, Aries and Libra are completely opposite at 180 degrees, and everything is almost the opposite. But it is precisely because of this that we can create a perfect relationship, find what each other doesn't have, and make up for our shortcomings with each other's strengths. Aries, who has a strong sense of self, can learn how to get along with others from Libra, who pays attention to cooperation and harmony, and Libra can also save her personality. Moreover, Aries will feel that the family arranged by Libra is very comfortable and there will be no pressure. Libra people will be happy that Aries can appreciate their taste.

Libra: Taurus

Pairing index

Friendship: 4

Love: 4

Marriage: 3

Feelings: 3

Love must read:

Taurus and Libra are both guarded by Venus. The combination of Venus and Venus, needless to say, "beauty" is your first requirement, and everyone will be attracted by each other's beauty. The question is whether it can be developed. ! If it's a date, it should be a couple. Interests and thoughts will get along well, and God will take care of you. You can all enjoy the real pleasure of love when dating, but once you get married, the reality and stubbornness of Taurus will make Libra people a little unbearable, but Libra is also a stubborn guy, but they just don't show it. On the surface, it is resigned, but in fact it is hidden in the heart, so the contradictions accumulate over time. In terms of sexual life, Taurus is naturally eager for sexual satisfaction, and Libra must cooperate to meet their sexual requirements, so that the two will have a better understanding.

Libra: Gemini

Pairing index

Friendship: 5

Love: 5

Marriage: 4

Goodwill: 4

Love must read:

Several prefects! ! ! We are all air signs, who love variety and novelty. When I first met, I felt at home. The love mentality of instant noodles often hit it off, and I soon fell in love. This similar but different attitude towards life keeps you fresh forever, not too intense, but not very dull. You are really a good partner, and no one leads anyone, but an interactive relationship.

In terms of sexual life, they are also a pair full of fun. Libra's sexy romance makes the changeable Gemini have a new climax from time to time, not only in sexual behavior, but also in words.

Libra: Cancer

Pairing index

Friendship: 3

Love: 2

Marriage: 2

Feelings: 3

Love must read:

At first, you may be attracted by each other's eyes, as if he is the kind of tenderness you are looking for, but after getting along, you will find that you must work harder if you want to be together for a long time! The reason lies in Libra's personality, which makes Cancer, who has been pursuing a sense of security, confused and constantly doubts how much she likes me. Libra will always hesitate whether she is the partner I want. Worst of all, everyone is soft-hearted and weak-hearted, and they don't like being "ugly people". When problems arise, they do not face them. One hides his words in his heart, and the other deludes himself, often making him tepid all day long and unable to extricate himself.

In the long run, Libra should put away her changeable heart, and Cancer should add two more dollars to be gentle and give full play to her powerful motherhood. She will be good to you after solving insurmountable obstacles, and her optimistic and beautiful nature will make you happy. It's best not to be moody all day and don't make any noise. After comforting you once or twice, she will turn around and leave the third time.

In terms of sex, cancer should also try to give him more satisfaction, and he requires great attention to atmosphere and emotional appeal.

Libra: Leo

Pairing index

Friendship: 3

Love: 4

Marriage: 2

Feelings: 3

Love must read:

The combination of two passions is really a good pair in the eyes of outsiders, but you all know what it is!

When you first met, it was easy for you to fall in love at first sight and attract each other, especially at a gathering of a large group of people. Leo's flamboyant and hospitable style and Libra's charming and eloquent communication means really suit you. However, the real test is a problem that you have to face when you want to go further, because when there is an opinion dispute, Leo's domineering makes Libra very uncomfortable. When you want to be reasonable, you often turn your back and leave. Leo's behavior towards this "soft-skinned snake" is even more inappropriate, and his feelings will get worse over time. The most common problem in organizing a family is to pass the buck to each other. You think I'm wrong, and I think you're wrong, too. Although Libra can endure for a while, it is constantly dissatisfied, and one day it will turn its face.

Everyone needs sex, but in different directions. Libra likes the caressing method of light burning and slow sweeping, and Leo takes the initiative directly, which makes Libra very lost.

Libra: Virgo

Pairing index

Friendship: 4

Love: 3

Marriage: 4

Goodwill: 4

Love must read:

Virgo is not so easy to have a good result on the road of love, but Libra is a good choice. Of course, the success of Virgo is a big factor. Because you are bitter and bitter people, you like to judge the things around you. When you first met, you got along easily and were very excited about gossiping with your friends and colleagues. Everyone thinks that there are too many unsatisfactory things in this world, but you all just stay in the dialogue and don't really take action. In the process of emotional development, everyone is ambiguous, and will not say which one is active and which one is not, just let nature take its course. Friendship is more important than love. On the one hand, when we want to make further breakthroughs, problems arise. Virgo will be angry because of Libra's shyness, and Libra will be annoyed because of Virgo's delay.

In terms of sex, both perfectionists attach great importance to feelings. But they may not be very active.