Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Scorpio women eat Pisces men.

Scorpio women eat Pisces men.

Scorpio woman likes Pisces man very much. What should I do? I am also a Scorpio woman, and my boyfriend is a Pisces man, who also confessed us.

As a Scorpio woman, I can understand your feelings. These two constellations have a lot of connections, and the tenderness of Pisces is definitely the fatal key to Scorpio. We used to be friends, and Pisces is a very popular sign, so we seldom take the initiative to confess. They summed it up in six words: no initiative, no refusal. If he likes you, at least he doesn't hate you and generally won't refuse you.

Moreover, they are very gentle and kind to everyone, whether friends or lovers, even if they fail to express their love, they can still be friends, as long as you don't mind.

I wish you happiness and success!

Pisces man and Scorpio woman are mysterious women. She is quiet and provocative, and has unfathomable magic power over the opposite sex. Seemingly unpredictable, there are strong and complex emotions in the heart. Once someone is identified, she will be fanatically loyal and persistent. When it comes to love, her attitude is often either success or death. She's a hero. There's no turning back. Her romantic ideal for love is to find a soul mate as deep as her. Because her heart has been bitter, so don't call the troubled man, You Ran, who knows the secret lonely world in her heart. She will completely close her heart when she is cheated. Aggressive and insensitive men invade her field, and she will not pretend to use words. She has a strong sense of territory and has her own views on timing. A self-righteous man meets her and only encounters Waterloo. She likes attractive and deep men. For her, personality and the ability to get close to each other are far more important than a handsome face or a tall figure. The man who touched her most often touched the depths of her soul with an inexplicable fatalism, which made this past love. Fear of being abandoned and worrying about her lover's change of heart is a great disaster in her heart. Because she is good at imagining possible crises, she is often worried that she will lose her loved ones. This kind of psychology makes her feel jealous and wants to compete with other women who may threaten her sexual charm. Scorpio women must look at the positive reactions of others and recognize their charm. Because she is often immersed in difficulties, she often can't jump out of unhappy feelings, fearing that she may never find such a good object again. She should not bow to fear, but should concentrate on her romantic ideal. Let it lead her to someone who is worth being with, and find someone who can cherish her feelings far beyond her actual age. Of all the constellations, Scorpio and Pisces have the most charming eyes. Scorpio's eyes are so charming (like Brigitte Lin and Aaron Kwok) that people can't help falling for them. The eyes of Pisces are affectionate and touching (Zhang Qiongzi's misty eyes are representative), which makes people want to get close to them and cherish them. Therefore, when you want to show your love in Pisces, you really don't need any gifts, special places or occasions, or even words. As long as you stare at him affectionately in front of him, it is enough to convey your deep love. When you look at your right eye, once you look at him, Pisces has a high probability of developing into a love relationship. I think you must have this experience, or you feel this way. Pisces is too sensitive to love, as sharp as a fast-paced movie. When you look directly into his eyes, a whole beautiful dream immediately appears in front of you. Your mood will soon be burned by the raging fire of love. Are you sure you are in love? Although, no one believes that everything will be so fast, maybe even he didn't expect it. This kind of love will make you lose your mind. It's easy for you to believe what he says, take his advice and believe that everything is love. It is almost impossible for you not to fall in love with him, unless he makes it clear that there is no further possibility, or the real environment does not allow it. Moreover, this blind love is almost impossible without problems. Pisces sometimes lack a sense of crisis, and their views on love are too naive and romantic. It will be of great help to your love success if someone who cares about you reminds you in time before the love begins. First love is the most beautiful adventure in life. Run to the unknown world with full vision. Pisces, in this first love, you will be the lover that the other party will always miss. Of course, first love always has some minor imperfections, and Pisces is no exception. First of all, because I have no experience, all my knowledge and understanding of love comes from movies, novels or the boasting of my predecessors. This information is to satisfy the curiosity and fantasy of the audience and deliberately beautify the plot. At the time of first love, if you measure it by this standard, you will be dissatisfied with his performance and make a mess of your life. In order to make your first love brilliant, you devote yourself wholeheartedly. Take love as the focus of life and the compass of life, and your love has reached the point where you forget to eat and sleep. Your "desperate performance" really moved the audience to tears, but it also made your relatives and friends sweat for you, for fear that you would lose everything if you had love. If you haven't talked about first love, are you willing to give up those preconceived fantasies ... >>

Scorpio woman meets Pisces man. From the constellation point of view, how is Scorpio and Pisces a perfect match? Once Pisces starts to avoid a question, you should be careful. If you find that his attitude towards you has obviously changed, for example, he doesn't care what you do every day and doesn't tell you what you ask him. This is a sign of his infidelity. Pisces, like water, always wants their relationship to last forever. Being away from romantic, delicate and fragile Pisces is actually very insecure, so many Pisces are afraid of the feeling of failure, and they will find a "spare tire" for everything. Two girlfriends have two jobs ... and it turns out that many Pisces are not allowed to have windows after separating from their original lovers, and there will be new contacts soon. Pisces is still afraid of loneliness. This does not mean that Pisces are so playboy or not committed to their feelings. That's all. Afraid that life will suddenly lose its original appearance, in fact, when he has two partners, he also feels guilty and deeply blames himself, but they just can't stop themselves from doing so. When he wants to solve this problem, he will start "watching from the other side" to see who is better for him, so that his balance can easily shift to that side. If you really love him and don't want to give up, the only way is to be nice to him. Your heart needs to be loved, and they are willful and naive, so you should take care of them more. Even if one day you find him really wandering between two people, don't blame him. Although it's his fault, sometimes people get out of control when they do something. Just pretend you don't know how to continue to be nice to him. I think his balance will definitely be on your side. How could he let you go?

Why are Scorpio women and Pisces men not suitable and harmonious? The first point: Scorpio's indifference and Pisces' insecurity.

Don't underestimate the "cold" of Scorpio's cold outside and hot inside, and don't underestimate Pisces' extremely insecure personality.

Rather than saying that Scorpio is cold outside and hot inside, I think the word "cold and hot" is more suitable for them, and this happens to be stuck in the fatal point of Pisces.

Pisces is a person who pays attention to details. Maybe if you don't look at her, or don't care about her feelings, she will feel uneasy.

Pisces is indeed an overly melancholy and paranoid constellation, but it is also an extremely contradictory constellation, because you can see how optimistic she is. So under normal circumstances, Pisces' depression is really annoying, but as long as it is properly channeled, she will soon come out.

Scorpio is a sign that doesn't like nonsense. Pisces often cramps will only make him feel bored, so he won't care too much about Pisces' feelings. Because they are boring, Pisces is boring. Pisces are most likely to betray when they are depressed and lonely, because they always think that people who know themselves are people who care about themselves. Scorpio's face will naturally make the fragile Pisces sad. People who don't want to read themselves at all can't be people who love themselves. There are also some Scorpio who like to be silent and refuse to communicate. They feel that giving each other space to calm down, in fact, they simply don't understand. The worst thing about Pisces is that you have to solve your own problems. Their other skill is to make things infinitely serious in their own minds.

The second point is disharmony: Scorpio's selfishness and Pisces' fraternity.

I don't think anyone will object to saying Scorpio is selfish. But in fact, their selfishness comes more from their protective psychology. The most defensive constellation is Scorpio. Unfortunately, the most defenseless constellation is Pisces. Therefore, although more than N Scorpio and Pisces are clamoring for complementarity, it is extremely difficult to complement each other. Scorpio thinks that the carelessness of Pisces is not only simple, but stupid! Pisces, on the other hand, doesn't like Scorpio's vigilance and darkness all the time. As if the world had no light, carefree and unfiltered Pisces felt depressed. Scorpio is used to analyzing all the possibilities of things (mostly bad), while fish is a typical constellation that will cross the bridge whenever something happens, and will never think about things that can't be figured out. A vicious prediction result, a vicious escape result. In fact, to put it bluntly, both of them are too extreme, plus Scorpio's deputy: Don't ask why, or believe me, or your own attitude will make the gentle Pisces very angry. Although Pisces often says it doesn't matter in some trivial matters, it hates people's indifference to her. Because fish is very kind and always takes other people's affairs as their own, others take everything seriously. At the same time, because fish lacks logical thinking, they always ask a reason for doing things, and Scorpio is too lazy to say the reason. Believe it or not. This not only makes the fish at a loss, but also makes the fish feel that there is no one to rely on.

The third point is disharmony: Scorpio's refusal and Pisces' compromise.

I can only say that Pisces is really a troublemaker. Because it doesn't know how to refuse, it often feels great to stop the big and small events of friends around it, especially emotional events. For Pisces, what can be more important than helping important friends out of the sea of love? Pisces girls are usually good listeners and comforters. Therefore, it is natural to stop these things, and most Pisces women can solve these problems perfectly. But before you solve the problem, you usually get yourself into trouble, and then Scorpio will quit. Scorpio, pursuing other people's affairs has nothing to do with me, and I hate to meddle. Secondly, this problem is aggravated when it is found that his girlfriend ignores himself for some inexplicable or even boring people or things. One thinks that solving problems for friends is very serious and sacred, and the other thinks that you should not interfere in other people's affairs at all. What is the result? You can imagine for yourself.

The fourth point is disharmony: Scorpio is single and Pisces is ambiguous.

In fact, I have always been curious about how Scorpio, who is famous for being single, can be worthy of the ambiguous king of Pisces! Scorpio's singleness seems hypocritical to me. Their singles are casting nets. I hook up with everyone I like, and I will be single-minded to whoever takes the bait. Scorpio's singleness lies in what the other person does. The ambiguity of Pisces lies in that I have the exclusive right, and I will monopolize whoever I choose. Two completely opposite places. In the emotional confession ... >>

Why does Pisces love Scorpio? Moreover, this fish is a bit utopian, and I agree with it. There is no perfectionist like Pisces. So when the reality is not what you want to see, you will be cynical and furious, and your emotions will be easily provoked, so you are also the easiest person to follow your feelings. Pisces often muddle along. But in the face of difficulties or contradictions, you don't like giving in. You are always eager for a miraculous solution, and when you need to make a choice, you are often helpless. This may be the most vulnerable reason for Pisces. When it comes to love, Pisces will never think about taking action if the other person doesn't take the initiative to tell you his feelings. He needs a smart life partner who can guide his words and deeds. Due to the lack of initiative on the issue of love, it is easy to promote the combination of non-will. And I may be just the opposite. In love, I am often the one who takes the initiative to attack. I don't care if I completely put down my self-esteem in front of each other. But if you are a clown fish, it is not your fault that you are chosen and pursued by others. Pisces can't stand loneliness and is instinctively attracted and influenced by the group. Everything around you will be branded in your mind, sometimes deep. His thoughts sometimes fly into the illusory world, and sometimes he is intoxicated in the beautiful artistic conception of music, painting, poetry and fantasy. Therefore, Pisces is easily influenced by its surroundings, but it will never change its nature like a chameleon. Pisces men generally lack a sense of reality, have strong sympathy for friends in trouble, and will give help generously and sincerely without hesitation. This is my strength, or it may be my weakness as others say. Some people say that Pisces men know romance. Watching the sunrise in the morning and boating under the stars may all be his behavior. His tenderness and unparalleled imagination will bring you unprecedented sweetness and happiness. Pisces man's love is like a soft bed, and it is easy for you to form the bad habit of staying in bed. Just like many characters in love novels, they do nothing every day and can live as long as they fall in love. There is no denying that I am a romantic, Pisces nature, but I never have romantic impulses with everyone. Pisces is an excellent romantic poet only when he is with his beloved girl. Pisces man is a single-minded best lover. Always dreaming is one of the charms of Pisces. If you don't have a dream, you will really become a salted fish, but unrealistic dreams are not what I want. If there is, I will abandon it in reality, because it is just a beautiful dream, and I will not pursue it at all costs, because it may be just an illusion. The heart of a person who always has a dream is always young, life will never be exhausted, and life will never fade. Pisces men are inevitably prone to decadence and often need others' affirmation and praise. Your encouragement is very important to him. Breaking his dream with cold and practical words will be the fastest way to lose him. I admit that I am no exception. After all, I am just an ordinary fish. A warm and considerate Pisces man will be a good object for friends to talk about their worries: of course, there are also many friends of the opposite sex. Therefore, Pisces man must be very popular, and he often has many friends of the same sex or the opposite sex around him. Pisces man is a gentle man, and his sensitive and alert mind can instinctively see through other people's hearts. It is not easy to cheat him. Pisces man is very kind and seldom deceives others maliciously. Pisces man is really one of the masterpieces of the perfect man created by God, but I don't feel how proud I am. I am just a kind, fragile, gentle, romantic, sensitive and sentimental fish. Astrology masters also define the best partner for Pisces men. One of them is a Virgo woman. She is a rigorous and capable housewife, who can help your career, care for your property and take the initiative to assume family responsibilities. And enthusiastic cancer women or happy Scorpio women can get along well with you. It turns out that I can't get rid of fate, but I also want to be * * * by fate. Because I love Scorpio. It is said that Scorpio is a mysterious woman. Some single, quiet and lonely women. They live out of the rules of the world and keep calm when things go wrong. Don't agree with anyone's worldview, just trust your own judgment. They like to be alone, don't talk much, don't compare with anyone, don't express their opinions, want to be conspicuous, don't participate in debates, don't envy and envy, just do what they like, fear trouble, love freedom and don't compromise ... >>

Are Pisces men and Scorpio women a perfect match? Why Scorpio (female)-Pisces (male)

Although the two constellations are so different in personality, they can understand each other and have induction. Without the help of language, they can estimate what happened to each other and why without even meeting. Therefore, no matter the same sex or the opposite sex, there will always be a feeling of home. But in most cases, Scorpio always takes the initiative to be nice to each other, and they often have the idea that they must control each other. It's just that the development of things always proves that Scorpio is in control.

Although they disagree on many issues, they can always understand each other, so if they are of the opposite sex, it is easy to have love. Only different views on money will cause controversy. Pisces people are generous, while Scorpio people think that people will not be stingy with their relatives or very close friends. Because in the love and marriage combination of Scorpio and Pisces, the former often likes to control the latter, we have to remind the former that no matter what personality Pisces is, once it is tied too much economically, it will feel depressed and cause physical and mental problems.

Pisces people are easy to indulge in fantasy and even deceive themselves to whitewash reality to comfort themselves, so they are often not pragmatic. Scorpio people are suspicious by nature. When they meet many people, they think the worst first, and they are cautious, but they look very practical. When there is some water in the yard, Scorpio will hurry to clean the water outlet or sweep the water away, while Pisces will be lucky and look forward to the solar energy coming out to dry the water the next day.

In the combination discussed in this section, both men and women have a feeling of love at first sight with Lin Daiyu and Jia Baoyu in A Dream of Red Mansions-deja vu, but they can't say the specific time and place.

The woman can feel that the man dreamed of a good woman when he was young. Since then, he has been looking for it in the vast sea of people. I don't know how many women pass by, but none can compare with the one in the dream. It was not until he met the woman that the man's eyes lit up. This woman knows that she is the person of her dreams.

Clear sky Wan Li occasionally has a few dark clouds, * * * and life needs both sides to learn to adjust themselves. Their main problem is their different attitudes towards reality. Men often adopt ostrich policy to escape from reality; This woman has a keen insight into reality and is never vague. The woman is very strong, and after her goal is clear, she keeps working hard, so that her inner pressure is too great and she suffers from an ulcer that women are unlikely to suffer from. The woman's pressure will seriously affect the man and make him nervous. In addition, the woman's career is suspicious and she is more likely to get angry under high pressure, which can't help but make the man even more powerful. However, the man understands why the woman is so easily angered, and he will try his best to help her relax and try not to irritate her. It's just that his painstaking efforts have little effect, so he is impatient (to be fair, that man is patient, but his patience is limited). Once the man loses confidence and thinks that he can't help the woman but will only cause trouble, he will leave her without saying a word.

Men sometimes keep secrets, but only to surprise the woman at that time (men often do a lot of things to please her). However, he doesn't know if what he wants to do will have a good result, such as quitting his job to start his own company, changing his job, or becoming a vegetarian. A man tries his best to please women, but he is always unlucky ―― if he gets a job collecting tickets for an open-air performance, he usually only works for one day, and it rains heavily the next day, so the performance has to be stopped, and the heavy rain will last for two weeks.

The woman is persistent and does not let go of herself. Once she has made a plan, she will devote herself to it. The workaholic's drive surprised the man, and he even privately doubted whether it was worth the effort. Women also tend to have high expectations for men. The man can perceive the woman's idea of "expecting her husband to succeed" and understand it. Indeed, he also wants to be a dragon, but his luck is really bad.

Both sides have a sense of humor, but avoid making fun of each other, especially the man. Even if there is no third person present, they should not make fun of this woman.

There will be cracks in their love, but they can be repaired. The man's tolerance is exactly what the woman should learn; This is where women should learn; The woman has confidence and perseverance, which the man lacks. As long as the woman has patience and confidence in the man, maybe the man will win the Nobel Prize one day. As long as both sides can learn from each other's strengths, they will get the greatest reward in the world-a happy life.

How does Scorpio get along with Pisces?

Pairing score: 100 is a perfect match.

Constellation specific gravity: 48:52


You and fish belong to the water sign, and the proportion of blind date is very high. Both of them are very sensitive and intuitive. Scorpions usually have extraordinary mysterious powers, while fish are unambiguous. So the magnetic field is almost the same, and the current will be connected as soon as it is connected. It will be a combination that can communicate in a blink of an eye.

Fish's gentle and honest personality, natural rich fantasy, and selfless spirit are all wanted by exclusive and exclusive scorpions, which can satisfy your principle of taking love as the highest goal. As long as you can give him a sense of security and support, let the fish eliminate suspicion, as long as you are willing, it is not difficult to hold hands all your life.


When the fish first saw you, they admired your calm attitude towards life. In particular, you can refuse all meaningless things without anger and prestige! Because he can't refuse anything annoying at room temperature, despite all kinds of reluctance in his heart.

You should remember to use this talent to help fish sort out his interpersonal relationship and love. Fish is not a person who is not good at feelings, but is not good at refusing, so it is difficult to resist the temptation.

In this case, as long as the scorpion finds out early and is willing to warm his love with tenderness, the two should be able to love each other better. The only problem is that forgiveness and forgetting are the most difficult things for scorpions.

One thing is very important: sometimes a failed relationship is not because two people don't love each other, but because of "negligence" Fish are most afraid of loneliness, remember not to let your fish fall into such a situation!

Is it fate for Pisces men to meet Scorpio women, or is it entangled in the world of Pisces constellation pairing? Pisces boys and Scorpio girls are the best pairing combination. Although Scorpio people are smart and strong, Scorpio girls still need someone to break her heart, someone to suffer, someone to love and irrigate her heart, and a tired and sleepy boy who is eager to stay with her quietly to care for her and take care of her. At this time, they can put everything down and only think about themselves. However, Scorpio women on weekdays are still very strong and stubborn, and they are not willing to bow their heads and show weakness under any circumstances. Unless she is exhausted, she still tries to be brave like a big man. When it was very painful, she said nothing, I was fine, so she had to compete with Pisces boys on whether or not. Even if she and Pisces boys were both hurt, she couldn't stop. But Pisces boys are smart and considerate. With his tender and delicate heart, you can see at a glance what Scorpio girls are thinking, her suffering and her tough disguise, while Pisces boys silently accompany Scorpio girls and take care of her, making them feel as warm and sweet as home. Pisces boys are like those people on TV. If you slap him in the face, Pisces boys will say, if you hit me in the face, you will feel better, then you can hit as many as you want. I was born to be your man, and I would like to call you. You hit me very comfortably. Come on, hit three. As a result, Scorpio girls will not hit him, but will only obey the report of Pisces boys. The legendary Pisces boy is promiscuous, but when he is with Scorpio girls, he has changed. Scorpio girls are not ordinary girls. She knows every move of Pisces boys. Pisces boys dare not let go even if they are promiscuous. They only wait for Scorpio girls, so Pisces boys and Scorpio girls are a very suitable couple. Take advantage of this relationship.

How does Scorpio chase Pisces? Pisces men like girls with connotation and etiquette. As long as you have connotation and are good enough, he will definitely notice you, and then he will be modest, not indifferent. When he needs help, he will help. The more distant he is, the more he will think you hate him.