Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - The story of Scorpio man and Aries woman

The story of Scorpio man and Aries woman

Aries is an active constellation, relatively external; Scorpio is a negative sign, and it is more introverted.

Aries is the basic constellation, fire phase, and the guardian star is Mars; Scorpio is a fixed constellation, with water phase and Pluto as the ruler.

The basic constellation obeys the fixed constellation, the fixed constellation obeys the changing constellation, and the changing constellation obeys the basic constellation. In the same constellation group (fire, earth, wind and water), this rule is particularly clear.

Water can put out a fire, and it can also be sublimated by fire.

Aries, who is in charge of Mars, is active, enthusiastic, active and brave, but avoid the destructive power brought by reckless impulse;

Scorpio ruled by Pluto is deep, affectionate, mysterious and sensitive, but we should pay attention to get rid of the negative effects caused by emotional overreaction.

As the first constellation in the zodiac 12, it represents the 0-7 years old of human beings. Aries is as simple, brave, playful and aggressive as a newborn child. It doesn't worry about the future, and it has no past to miss. And from March to April, with the arrival of spring, the weather gets warmer, the grass turns green and everything recovers. People who belong to sheep have no worries and fears. They are extremely optimistic and full of confidence.

Scorpio is in the eighth house, from June 10 to June 1 10, from warm to cold, everything withers. Is it the fundamental question of survival or extinction? Scorpio represents the 50-56 years old of human beings and is a thoughtful middle-aged person. I can't help but make more and longer-term plans. Facing the test of winter, I began to think about the meaning of survival. Scorpio is pessimistic by nature. After suffering, Scorpio has more sympathy and empathy for others.

Aries sensibility. The true temperament of a child is revealed.

Scorpio is rational. Thinking brings rationality. Sometimes I can't help but look cold. However, people who understand will understand that if they have to give up one child to save the other two, this ruthlessness is actually a forced choice of love, not a simple ruthlessness. Of course, other constellations may not be able to do it, but Scorpio will.

Aries relies on intuition, childlike intuition, without thinking.

Scorpio also relies on intuition, which is a profound insight into the world.

Aries is the king of light, brave and aggressive. It is ignorant and fearless. But he will always be a child without suffering. This kind of courage is also fragile.

Scorpio is the ghost of the night, watching in secret, waiting for the opportunity, not sure, not easy to shoot. Even the best bait. But waiting too long will miss some good opportunities.

Aries and Scorpio have a strong sense of self.

Aries's ego is completely out of his own temporary preferences and impulses, but he thinks more about other people's feelings and doesn't know how to clean up the mess. He has no intention of failure at all. There is no plan and no long-term concept. Happy first, then sad.

Scorpio's ego is a contraction of self-protection. Sorrow first, then joy.

Scorpio is very insecure. It needs to gain trust in the establishment of intimate relationships, and then slowly open up.

Aries is born with a sense of security, but after encountering difficulties and setbacks, it will panic and become tense. Until you build up real self-confidence and security.

Aries doesn't know much about other people's feelings and thinks that everyone is as brave and independent as it is.

Scorpio is too subtle about other people's emotions and thinks that everyone is as sensitive and emotional as it is.

What makes Aries tempted is the shiny appearance. Scorpio is the charm star in the constellation 12, which makes Aries' eyes shine.

What makes Scorpio tempted is the feeling of a moment. Aries's simplicity and enthusiasm can easily break through Scorpio's first line of defense. Scorpio is a prophet. It is a scorpion in the sky.

Aries knows what to do and feels what to do. There is a sheep on the ground.

Scorpio, which seems to be the most complicated, actually likes the simplicity of Aries. But the expression of Scorpio's dissatisfaction can easily complicate Aries. Once in love, Scorpio is actually very simple.

Seemingly simple Aries, after falling in love, inner fears emerge, but it becomes self-protective and complicated.

Aries and Scorpio are considerate to their lovers.

Aries's love is embodied in action, doing everything visible and tangible for her lover. Aries is very practical. Similarly, what makes Aries happy is to get a novel and fun toy.

Scorpio's love is embodied in spirit, and it is faithful and never gives up. Scorpio is not practical. Scorpio is very moved and grateful for the good intentions behind other people's little moves.

Aries's contribution is protective, "you are mine" and possessive; "Riding the world of mortals and laughing only for concubine" can make lovers happy and satisfied with victory.

Scorpio's persistence is due to the close connection and mutual possession in life; The absolute love of "life and death depend on each other" and "the vine is tight and the tree is big, and the tree has roots"

What Aries wants to win is the scenery of the world. I want love now. Be gorgeous.

Scorpio should be able to cross the love between life and death. Forever. Be heroic.

Aries and Scorpio are sexy and charming.

Mars, the ruler of Aries, also represents desire and energy. Aries is sexy and charming in appearance, full of vigor and vitality.

The core monument of Scorpio life, the eighth house, representativeness and desire. Scorpio's sexiness and charm emanate from the inside out.

Scorpio loves sex because it is a way to connect each other's lives closely.

Aries love is full of energy.

Scorpio disorder is despair, which requires external connection of the body, leading to internal connection.

Aries promiscuity is impulsive, so try your best.

Scorpio and Aries will taste. Just do it. That kind of game is by no means what they really want.

It is too complicated for Aries.

Too superficial for Scorpio.

Aries and Scorpio are actually single-minded constellations.

Aries should be simple and happy.

Scorpio should be deep and lasting.

The desires of Aries and Scorpio do not conflict.

Scorpio, absolutely. Success or death. Saying no love must be no love, no doubt. It may be impossible to say love at once, but it is common to love you silently. Once you fall in love, you won't leave until you fail again and again. But once you decide to evacuate, it's farewell.

Aries is ambiguous. The original "I love you" blurted out. But whether it loves or not, it can't tell for sure, and the more it asks, the more confused it becomes. If you want to talk to him about the responsibility and future of love, he will hide in the sheepfold.

Scorpio is ambiguous. I dare not say yes easily because I am not sure.

Aries is very direct. It lives in the present, and it determines the feeling of every moment. Like is like, don't like is not like.

Aries and Scorpio are honest.

Aries still doesn't like complexity

Scorpio is because of disdain. What kind of opponent is worth sacrificing honesty?

Aries forgets what happened. No resentment. Don't worry. Others generally don't remember it well. Of course, Aries will remember true love, regardless of the outcome.

Scorpio is unforgettable. Hatred will always be remembered and pursued from generation to generation. Of course, what is worth remembering is true love. Hate and love are the same thing. Similarly, the grace of dripping water will be rewarded in a spring. Scorpio thinks that the most cruel way to retaliate against the enemy is: Oh, I'm sorry, I don't even remember.

Aries thinks Scorpio is too heavy and worried. It asks Scorpio, "Aren't you tired of thinking so much every day?"

Scorpio thinks Aries is too frivolous and thinks too little. It asks Aries, "Is it interesting to have fun every day?"

What Aries wants to correct is ignorance and reckless behavior, which unintentionally hurts others.

Scorpio needs to correct the overreaction caused by insecurity, as well as the heavy feeling and control desire caused by excessive responsibility (on a certain level, it may be said that it is control desire).

I've said it several times. Scorpio is a very insecure constellation, which is the key word to understand all Scorpio behaviors. Its desire for control, its calmness and rationality, its firmness and its emotionalization.

Behind Aries' self-confidence and arrogance is actually deep fear and inferiority. Both sides of everything exist at the same time. It's just that Aries is buried deeper and harder to find and show.

In contrast, Scorpio is more likely to reach an open state to face and deal with inner fears. Scorpio's strong reaction is also strong, Scorpio loves to think. Once Scorpio crosses the black valley of despair, light and rebirth will come.

Aries, on the other hand, is very, very difficult to open, covered up and escaped by superficial happiness.

Relatively speaking, Scorpio bears more karma than Aries. The world is a bit bitter, with much struggle, but much learning.

Scorpio has the insight of "one flower, one world and one sand day".

Aries has the fundamental grasp that "seeing mountains is mountains and water is water".

Scorpio needs to change itself easily and restore everything to its original state.

Aries needs to see deep emotions and emotions through appearances and have a deeper understanding of the world.

It stands to reason that Scorpio and Aries are predestined friends. Two completely incompatible constellations, one inside and one outside, one cold and one hot, one yin and one yang, one big and one small, one deep and one shallow. Both are very extreme and intense. They are this shore and the other shore. If you meet it, cherish it, which is an excellent learning opportunity for both sides. Let yourself go, let yourself go, so that you can get there. This is our homework. Everyone we meet comes to visit us.

Trust, hope and love = = =