Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Scorpio's August fortune

Scorpio's August fortune

★ Text part ★ Translator: A

Just like all other constellations, you will feel rough under your boat, all because of the conflict between the stars this month. You are in an enviable position, because the galaxy in the basic house will have problems, and you are a fixed house and will not be at the center of the problem. However, your ruler Pluto will play an important role in all sports, so you may also feel a little nervous.

Remember, it is unwise to force your boss or subordinates this month. Even if you can keep calm and self-control, it doesn't mean that others can feel the same way. It's possible that the people you have to deal with are under great pressure and don't have time to give you an ultimatum.

Do you remember when you were a child, you went into the kitchen and asked your mother for more pocket money, just as the steak was on the stove and the potatoes were baking? When your mother fanned the flames, she kept saying to you, "Not now, don't talk about it now. Don't you see that I am at a loss now? " As a child, you may think this is a good opportunity to discuss pocket money. I don't know until I grow up that the right time is the secret of everything in life. Please remember this in August this year.

The most difficult days of this month will be the 6th and 7th, and the big cross of the Basic Palace will appear in the sky. In order to reach the cross of the basic house, four constellations will form a square at 90 degrees to each other, and at least two groups of planets will collide with each other at 180 degrees. We will have 10 squares and 7 hedges. Oh, my God! These planets include large areas: Pluto, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and Mars, plus the moon passing through Cancer.

These planets will go on an epic rampage, and they will all fall into the constellations of Capricorn, Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn with a small angle of less than 5 degrees. We have never seen such a sight.

Coincidentally, your second main star, Mars, will move to Libra at 5 degrees on August 6th, and begin the information brought by the eclipse on June 26th. Can you imagine? Mars will start action on the same day as the Great Cross of the Basic Palace, which will bring extra impetus.

If you don't find any new information on the day of the lunar eclipse on June 26th, you may hear some information four days before and after August 6th. That's the eclipse of Capricorn, which lights up your house of communication, agreement and short-term travel, so the eclipse will cause these things. For example, you may be designing a new website or blog, redecorating your facebook page, or designing a smartphone plug-in. Circle numbers 6 and 7, and you may play an extraordinary/abnormal role in text understanding (I understand that both positive and negative effects are possible).

Your house where you control attitudes, opinions and thoughts will be influenced by this basic house cross, as well as your work, health and confidentiality. These houses are considered weak in the astrolabe, so I don't think you will be strongly influenced by this big cross unless there are planets in your astrolabe or they rise and fall in the first few degrees of the basic constellation. They are Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn. I believe this month's events will clear your mind and give you a new view of an old problem or contradiction.

The great cross of the basic palace will produce great power. Some people will see tragedy, and some people will hear good news. At such times, things will be pushed to two extremes. Mistakes will be corrected, secrets will be revealed and everyone will be inspired.

When your subordinates resign, you may see this change, or you may find interesting behavior among your colleagues. I want to explain this very carefully, because it can only happen, but in fact some colleagues may get out of control. These planets will be in a discordant position in the first half of August, so it is easy for colleagues to act like people fleeing from a burning ship and rushing into lifeboats in despair. No matter what the cost, when people's safety is threatened, they will become very out of control. Colleagues will do something to distract you, so that they can be sure that they can push you off the road. .

As long as we realize this, we can protect ourselves. In fact, your reputation and future will not be affected. In retrospect, you can treat these problematic colleagues with pity. Please raise your head and open your eyes.

This month, a family member or friend will get sick and you need help. You need to stay healthy, because many things will happen and many people will rely on your help. Sometimes, life seems to be losing, but you are a strong constellation. As we said at the beginning, you actually have an advantage this month, so don't worry too much.

You may want to make some progress in your career, but you may not know what to do or in which direction to work this month. The new moon on August 9 will help you think about this problem and may bring you a surprise job opportunity for you to study. The position you will interview in August will be top-notch, with rights and responsibilities. Definitely not a lateral transfer.

Because this new moon will take place in Leo, your new position is likely to be in entertainment, media, or interactive teaching and education. The luxury market will also be an industry that brings you infinite luck. If you are engaged in art and you are in the orbit of Neptune, it is possible that you will be in the right place at the right time and be fully prepared to show your infinite creativity.

There are also some reasons why I hope you don't make a decision in a hurry. Before Mars enters Scorpio on September 14, you need to stay in a preparatory stage. Scorpio is very careful, so you will carefully arrange all your ducklings in a row. August will give you the time you need to prepare. Let September 14 be the day when things start.

There is another reason why you put off your decision. Mercury will retrograde from August 20th to September 12. Mercury's movement will coincide with Mars' entry into Scorpio on September 14. You are lucky that they are seamlessly connected.

When Mercury is retrograde, it is time to observe and wait. Don't sign an agreement, don't buy expensive things. A few days before Mercury goes retrograde, you always feel that things are slowing down. This time, you will feel it from August 1.

Mercury will retrograde in your friendship house, and you may enjoy this stage, because Mercury will let you contact many former friends, many of whom you haven't seen for a long time. You will have more time to look back on the past, which is the most important thing now.

Because you will be motivated to improve your career, you may want to arrange a dinner with your old colleagues, and they will also help you.

The only exception to "Never accept a new job when Mercury is retrograde" is that if you accept the job of an old colleague, you will continue a process that started a long time ago. For example, if your former boss starts a new company and wants you to work there, you can accept it, and don't worry about it becoming a disaster. Look, you are heading for the most critical stage of your career success in a year. Stay confident, dear Scorpio, your shining day is coming.

When all the stoves are burning important things, you will want to have a pleasant night, and you will have an unusually romantic night on the full moon on August 24.

This full moon will fall in Pisces 1 degree, which will be soft and poetic beyond your imagination. This is a perfect night. Pluto will also greet this full moon, which means that your heart will change. You may even take a short trip to a beautiful place with your loved ones, perhaps by the sea or in the mountains. Go ahead!

If you were born in 654381October 24th, you will have a double happy experience.

Just a few days ago, on August 20th, your ruler Mars will meet Venus in the most secluded corner of the sky. On that day, the first date may be successful, but be careful, your new partner may be unreliable. You may have noticed this, so please note that if your new partner has another relationship, your relationship will be miserable.

You will enter a very romantic stage, please stay optimistic. In September, when Mars enters Scorpio on September 14, Jupiter, the lucky star, enters your fifth house of true love until 10/28, 10, and you will be in a perfect position to find new love. In fact, you need to use a fly swatter to drive away your admirers! Whether you are a man or a woman, all Scorpio will benefit. You are so lucky! Therefore, if things go off track slightly in August, they won't do it again for the rest of this year. Start updating your clothes, and you will start again soon.

Your best romantic period will be: August 14 to 15 (wild, it may be two extremes, but if your partner is reliable and there is no other partner, you will develop well), as well as the full moon on August 24, and four days before and after.

★ summary ★ translator: a

When the basic palace cross is about to happen on August 6 and 7, you need to pay attention to your work project, health and behind-the-scenes workers.

These planets will be in a very discordant angle in the first three weeks of August, and colleagues will behave like people who have escaped from a burning ship and rush to the lifeboat crazily, no matter what the cost. When people's safety is threatened, people will become hysterical. Colleagues will do anything at all costs to distract you, so that they can squeeze you out of the lifeboat, especially when you are going straight to the lifeboat. As long as you pay attention to and get used to this "killing or being killed" environment, you can protect yourself.

You have worked hard for a long time to achieve something, but you may have thought for a long time why things didn't work out. The answer is that you need a new moon in your tenth house of honor to help you make a breakthrough. This is the new moon on August 9th.

Please note that there will be an interesting conversation about your career in the next few days. You may get a dream job opportunity. This may be in the entertainment circle or in the field of culture and art, and this new moon will happen in Leo. Leo's areas of control include life and industries related to children, including education, children's TV programs, toys, books, magazines, clothing and other industries related to children.

Neptune's prominent position will help you leave a positive and powerful impression on the artistic proposal. Among other possibilities, Neptune sometimes brings confusion, so when one recalls after discussion, don't lightly beautify or dramatize this proposal. If you are not completely sure about something, you must ask, and never imagine it out of thin air. You may be induced to do so.

The full moon on August 24th will light up your love life, which is very soft and full of love. Including all Scorpio, single, in love, or in a strong relationship. This full moon will bring an unforgettable chapter. Neptune will also stick to the moon, making this full moon particularly dreamy, which is also a very good opportunity to let you know how your date feels.

If you don't have a date, you may have a first date with someone special around August 20th. However, since Mars and Venus will gather behind the scenes of your chart, remember to make sure that your date is reliable. Find out the truth, and if he is unreliable, get out of here. Although you may think that this relationship may be an exception, he is not. When Neptune plays an important role, someone will confuse your eyes

If you get married, this full moon will help you rekindle your love, and you even want to have a child soon. If you are working on a creative project, you will finish it within four days after the full moon, because the full moon encourages creativity.

When Pluto is in a friendly position, you may decide to travel abroad (this is implied by the full moon in Pisces in the water), which will be an excellent decision for the week from August 2 1 to August 28. The sun will be in Virgo from August 23rd, and in the next four weeks, he will increase his efforts in your social activities. From August 20th to September12nd, Mercury will retrograde in your friendship house, and you will reconnect with many old friends. It will be very relaxing and interesting. Go find friends you haven't seen for a long time.

★ Important date ★ Translator: orange fruit

In Scorpio's career this month, the new moon on August 9 will bring new opportunities. Especially for those creative jobs, Neptune, the star of inspiration, will make you shine on the professional stage.

If scorpions have grass-roots work on art, they must be careful not to violate the legal provisions on commodity sales. You know, Neptune has another side: covering up the truth. Treat the work of this period with suspicion.

From August 20th to September 12, Mercury will retrograde again. The biggest problem caused by Mercury retrograde is information transmission error. Scorpions must keep good communication with others, otherwise this bad influence will last for a whole month. Spend more time and evaluate your career patiently.

However, if your old boss offers you help (job opportunities), Scorpio can accept it with confidence, even though Mercury will go retrograde in late August. You know, the influence of mercury shows that old relationships will give a good impetus to Scorpio's new career.

One of your colleagues will take care of you in the meantime and try to gain your trust, but this may not be the case. Stay alert, especially in the first three weeks of this month, because desperate people are dangerous.

With the launch of Mercury in your friendship house, you will have frequent interactions with old friends, and one of them will be inextricably linked with your future.

If you are a single scorpion, you may meet an interesting new person on August 20th. To be sure, this guy is still very useful to you. Scorpio, find out the behind-the-scenes story about this.

The full moon on August 24, plus four days, will have romantic dating and social life. No matter how busy your career is, you should set aside some time for love.

August 26th will be a dazzling day for you. Pluto, your ruler, will give you dazzling golden light like the sun (Oh, my God, is it going to take off? ~). Big people will favor you.

August 2 1-28 is suitable for a holiday, if you like. You need some time to rest yourself-and this time is especially suitable.

The most romantic day: August 24 and four days before and after, romance is within reach ~

In addition: August 14 to August 15 and 20 are the best days (wild card (a card game, representing unpredictability), and there may be two trends in the development of the situation. If everything goes well, it will really go well), and there will be four days before and after the full moon on August 24.