Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Naiozu's role experience

Naiozu's role experience

Naiozu was originally an old shaman of orcs; It is also the most powerful and evil shaman in Delano continent; At the same time, he is also Goolden's mentor.

Liar Kilgardan told all the orc shamans "the threat of Delaney" through visions. What appeared before Nero Zu was the soul of his wife. Nerazu, who loves his wife, called everyone to tell the story. Nerazu discovered that Kilgardan might have told all the lies and asked the soul before he realized that he had no intention of betraying the whole race and had been abandoned by the elements.

However, to Nai Aozu's horror, Kil 'jaeden found a new hostage: Nai Aozu's apprentice Gourdain, who has both genius and sinister heart, and is worse than him. Gourdain manipulated the puppet chief's black hand and shadow parliament, opened the dark door with Medivh and led the tribe to invade Azeroth.

After the defeat of the war, the escaped death knights Teron Gorefiend and Jaz Soul Crusher coerced Ner 'zu to find a way to other worlds. After learning that Gourdain's skull was acquired by King Hakan Skull, the leader of the Chewing Bone Clan, the Neo Clan slaughtered his clan, seized the skull, and then planned to return to Azeroth. He also called the clans of King Lei and chewed bones and broken hands to serve him.

He tried to steal more ancient artifacts in Azeroth to help him open a new dark door. He stole Sargeras' jewel scepter and traded it for the book of Medivh with Outlak. Then he stole the eye of Dalaran from the rebuilt Cross Island.

Naiozu got enough treasure and returned to Delano. He used evil magic to open several cracks in the sky, led his followers, abandoned the battle songs left in Azeroth, and left the burning Dalaran in Delano's broken hand and blood hole. However, the failure of the spell not only tore Delano's world, but also pushed Nerazu himself into the control of Kilgadan.

Nerazu remembered that the blood contract he signed a long time ago had not disappeared. Kilgardan told Naiozu that he would soon realize the demon's dream and pave the way for the return of the Burning Legion! After imprisoning Naiozu's soul in ice, Kilgardan revealed his plan to the shaman without body. Let his soul have amazing power and turn him into a sinister lich king. Kilgardan told Naiozu that he intended to send him back to Azeroth, where he would create disasters, spread plagues and destroy human civilization forever with death and fear.

Every soldier who died in this natural disaster will be resurrected and serve the natural disaster army as a member of the undead army. Kilgardan also told the Lich King that if he behaved well, he would be given a brand-new body. Nerazu couldn't wait to carry out this plan ... Kilgardan threw the ice coffin containing Nerazu into the snowy Northrend.

Naiozu called the ice troll and the snow monster Wendigo to help him build the base, and he began to assemble troops. Before long, he was confident enough to attack. So he killed the human colonists-none of them survived. But these colonists were quickly resurrected as undead and served Nero's ancestors. Ozinai gradually erased the traces of human civilization in the northern region. His army consists of various regiments that can destroy dragons, including Frost Dragon. It gathered 10 troops.

But a new threat appeared before him. Azjol-Nerub, an underground spider kingdom, has lived on this continent for many years, and the constant erosion of the Lich King has brought endless panic to this kingdom. Nerubians are immune to the mind domination of the Lich King, and they themselves are immune to the plague. However, the Lich King invaded the underground, defeated the Nei Lu cloth empire under the siege of natural disasters and ancient gods, and turned the residents into cave demons. Many residents of Nilub escaped the massacre. Kilgardan took control of Naiozu's tortured helpless soul and gave him one last chance to serve the Burning Legion-otherwise he would endure eternal torture. Nerazu accepted the devil's proposal again. Ner 'ozu's soul was placed in an elaborate ice cube, as hard as a diamond collected from a twisted and empty distance. After being put into this cold container, Nerazu felt that his mind had expanded tens of thousands of times. Neruzu was distorted by the chaotic power of the devil and became a ghostly creature. From that moment on, the orc shaman Nero Zu disappeared forever, and the Lich King was born.

Death knights loyal to Nero's ancestors and followers of Nero's ancestors were also changed by the power of the devil, and the evil mage was torn to pieces and turned into a skeleton-like lich. Demons believe that even after death, Nerazu's followers will serve him wholeheartedly. When the time was right, Kiel Jia Dan patiently explained his plan to the Lich King: Ner 'ozu would lead an army of undead, let death and fear cover Azeroth, and finally destroy human civilization. All creatures that die at the foot of the terrible undead army will become immortal, and their souls will always be controlled by the will of Nero Zu. Kilgardan assured the Lich King that if he could complete the task of destroying the human world, he would be freed from his curse and get a new healthy body.

Although Naiozu was eager to finish his task, Kilgardan still doubted his loyalty. The demon trapped the soul of the Lich King in an ice shell to ensure that he could obey the orders of the Burning Legion, but he knew that he must always be on his guard against the Lich King. In order to solve this problem, Kil 'jaeden summoned his elite demon guards-the fear demon similar to vampires-to monitor Nai 'ozu and ensure that he could complete the task.

Ti Tuo Dios, the most powerful of the dread lords, accepted this challenge and was deeply impressed by the strict management of the undead legion and the infinite potential of the Lich King. Kiel Jia Dan, the ice cap and frost throne, sent Nerazu's frozen container back to the world of Azeroth. Hard crystals crossed the night sky and landed in the desolate and cold Northrend continent, buried in the bottomless ice cap glacier. The ice shell that trapped Naiozu's soul was distorted by the huge energy it hit the ground, forming a throne, and Naiozu's vengeful soul attached to this throne.

Nerazu began to release his thoughts in the field of Frost Throne, and contacted the thoughts of Northrend's native creatures. He easily controlled the minds of many local creatures, such as the ice troll, and shrouded them in his expanding shadow. Nai Aozu found that his spiritual strength was almost infinite, so he used it to form a small army and stationed them in the maze of ice caps. Under the watchful eye of the Fear Lord, the Lich King controls his increasingly powerful army and discovers a human settlement on the edge of the keel wasteland. Nerazu decided to test his strength with these unsuspecting humans. Ner 'ozu sent his troops to the cold wasteland, and alone controlled the army to attack the human village. In less than three days, everyone in the village died, and then in a short time, these dead villagers became zombies. Ozinai can feel the soul and thoughts of each of them, just like his own. The wail that echoed in his mind made him stronger-as if their souls were the nourishment he badly needed.

He found it easy to control the actions of these zombies and assign them to do anything. In the next few months, Naiozu continued to direct his natural disasters to sweep every human settlement in Northrend. When his army of the dead became stronger and stronger, he knew that the real test was coming.

Spider Wars During the long ten years, Nerazu established his base in Northrend. He built a huge castle on the ice cap to control the huge undead army. But when the Lich King expanded his territory, a lonely and secret kingdom began to oppose his power. This ancient underground kingdom, called Ezra Nyirabu, was founded by a cruel humanoid spider race. They sent elite troops to attack the ice cap, which made Neruzu give up his crazy idea of conquering them. Nerazu was dismayed to find that these spiders were completely immune to his mind control and powerful enough to compete with his undead army.

The king of cobwebs controls a huge army and has a network of underground tunnels covering half the territory of Northrend. Their guerrilla tactics kept the Lich King busy, but found nothing. In the end, Neruzu struggled to win the war with Spider-Web Monster. Under the attack of the furious fear Lord and countless undead warriors, the spider kingdom Ezra-Nyirabu became a ruin.

Although the Spider-Web Monster is immune to Nero-Zu's spiritual power, his powerful spiritual ability enables him to manipulate the bodies of spider fighters, make them fight for him, and build castles and buildings suitable for them. After unifying Northrend, the Lich King is ready to begin his real mission. The Lich King extended his thoughts to human territory and summoned all the dark souls who were willing to listen to his voice. ...

Kel 'Thuzad and the Curse Sect have some powerful human beings all over the world, who are willing to listen to the spiritual call of the Lich King. One of the most powerful is Kel 'Thuzad, the exorcist of Dalaran. Kel 'Thuzad, a member of Kirin Tor, the mage council that ruled Dalaran, was regarded as an alien because he insisted on studying forbidden witchcraft. The exorcist, who longed for dark knowledge, tried his best to communicate with this mysterious voice after hearing the call of Nero Zu, and finally vowed to learn everything he could from the powerful Lich King.

Kel 'Thuzad gave up all his property and status, and left Kirin Tor and Dalaran forever. Under the direction of the Lich King, he sold all his property and hid all the money he got in a secret place. After a long and arduous journey, Kel 'Thuzad finally reached the frozen coast of Northrend. The exorcist passed through the ruins of the war-torn kingdom of ezra-Nyirabu, where he saw the terrible power of Nerazu, and he began to believe that it was a wise and profitable decision to take refuge in the mysterious Lich King.

Kel 'Thuzad trudged in the cold wilderness for several months, and finally reached the ice cap. He came to The Dark Castle, Nai Aozu. When the silent undead guards let him through, the exorcist felt a strong shock. He walked along the road. At the bottom of the glacier, he saw the Frost Throne and dedicated his soul to the Lich King. The Lich King is very satisfied with his new followers. He promised Kel 'Thuzad eternal life and great power in exchange for his loyalty and obedience. Kel 'Thuzad, eager for dark knowledge and power, immediately accepted his first task-to go deep into the human world and establish a new Sect that regards Ner 'Ozu as a god. In order to help the exorcist complete his task, Nerazu asked him to keep the human body. The exorcist accomplished his task brilliantly. He used magic and religious power to attract a large number of exiled Lordaeron people, and described a beautiful new society to them-and gave each of them a doll that could contact the Lich King at any time. ...

Kel 'Thuzad secretly returned to Lordaeron and lived there for three years. He used his wealth and IQ to gather some people who were willing to follow him and formed a Sect called "Death Religion". He promised his followers equal social status and eternal life in exchange for their obedience to Nero Zu. A few months later, a large number of people who were disheartened about life joined his Sect. Kel 'Thuzad's goal-to make people give up their faith in light and worship the dark forces of Ner 'Zu-was easily achieved.

While the worship of death continued to develop, Kel 'Thuzad also wanted to ensure that the rulers of Lordaeron would not discover their secret activities. When Kel 'Thuzad achieved great success in Lordaeron, the Lich King was also making final preparations for attacking the human world. Ner 'Ozu poured his plague energy into many artifacts called "the source of plague" and ordered Kel 'Thuzad to take these artifacts to Lordaeron and hide them in a village controlled by sects. These sources of plague, protected by faithful believers, will be used as the source of plague, releasing plagues continuously and sweeping the cities and villages in northern Lordaeron. The Lich King's plan was very successful. Many villagers in northern Lordaeron were infected almost instantly. Just like in Northrend, humans exposed to the plague died and became slaves of the Lich King. Believers led by Kel 'Thuzad are eager to die and serve their masters, and they hope to become immortal in this way.

With the gradual spread of the plague, there are more and more zombies in northern Lordaeron. Kel 'Thuzad manages this growing army and calls it a "natural disaster"-before long, it will step into the door of Lordaeron and wipe mankind from this world forever. ...

Under Ner 'ozu's orders, Kel 'Thuzad came to the north, where he regarded himself as the Lich King. Kel 'Thuzad was sent back to Lordaeron to spread the seeds of the plague. Slowly and quietly, the Lich King carried out his plan outside the influence of the Ice Throne.

In the cage, he forged a magic sword to record the dark runes-Frostmourne (more convincingly speaking, the foundry of Frostmourne was Kilgardan, not the Lich King). Nerazu took it to the south of Northrend, where Frostmourne waited, and Kel 'Thuzad was killed by the vengeful Prince Arthas. Then Arthas destroyed the dread Lord Melganis Margannis. However, he dedicated his soul to the rune sword, the will of Frostmourne, and manipulated Arthas. After the Lich King spread the plague to the whole of Lordaeron, he extended his talons to Quel 'Salas in Quel 'Salas, and regained Kel 'Thuzad's ally after dealing a heavy blow to the elves. Finally, Archimonde Archimonde was summoned to this world in Dalaran. However, he immediately handed over the control of the Scourge Corps to tichondrius. But the Lich King's plan is not over yet. Kel 'Thuzad and Arthas have disappeared.

However, after regaining his freedom, Arthas reappeared in front of illidan stormrage, the hearthstone legend of illidan stormrage. He tricked the demon hunter into killing Ticonderis with Goolden's skull. This indirectly led to the partial disintegration of the Burning Legion-as Nerazu planned. But Ner 'Ozu openly opposed the will of the Burning Legion, knowing that it would anger Kiel Jia Dan and his servants and make them very uncomfortable.

So Kilgardan sent his new servant Illidan to destroy the Lich King and betray him. Illidan tore the ice cap glacier with the help of the magic of the eye of Sargeras. At the end of the ceremony, he opened a crack in the ice coffin that was stopped by Sendo storm, Maiev Shadowsong and others but imprisoned the Lich King. Energy began to leak, just like blood slipping from a wound. Similarly, Arthas gradually lost his power and his ability to control the undead gradually dissipated.

Sensing the decline of Nerazu's power, Lord Fear took this opportunity to launch a coup, recapture the throne of Lordaeron and expel Arthas to the wilderness. Nerazu mentally told Arthas to return to the north. Arthas returned to the Northern Territory, where he was helped by Anna Arak Anubulak, the chief general of the King of Nero Zubing. Nerazu contacted Arthas on his way to the glacier. He told Arthas that misfortune had befallen them, and Arthas had to return to Frostmourne to complete his final mission. However, Illidan, Kilgardan's new servant in Kilgardan, led his troops to the ice cap in the Northern Territory with the intention of destroying the frozen throne. Nerazu looked on coldly with Illidan and Arthas. Although Arthas was weak, he reached the frozen throne before Illidan. In the end, Arthas won. He entered the glacier and began to climb the frozen throne.

When he climbed, Nai Aozu's gushing spirit told everyone of his arrival. The voices of Arthas and his men were drowned out. There is only one voice * * *, and this voice tells him to end all this and complete the final mission. Alsace shouted in despair. He raised his sword and split the ice throne into pieces. Crushed ice and armor fragments fell at the knight's feet. Arthas leaned down and gracefully picked up the trembling helmet and put it on his head.

Now Nero Zu cheers for victory. "Now, we are one!"

Because of that sound, the outer wall of the ice cap collapsed, leaving only a small steeple that extended to the frozen throne ... On the throne, Arthas' body sat quietly, ruling everything he got. Although the Fear Lord was glad that Ner 'Zu finally began to carry out his mission, the Lich King became increasingly dissatisfied with being bound to the Frost Throne. Although he has strong spiritual strength and absolute control over the undead forces, he still longs to be freed from the cage where he was imprisoned. Nerazu knew that Kiel Jia Dan would never save him from the curse, and because of his great power, the demons would completely destroy him after he finished his task. But he still has a chance to be free-a chance to get rid of his terrible curse.

If he can find a suitable host-a victim wandering between light and darkness-he can occupy his body and escape from the bondage of the Frost Throne forever. Therefore, the Lich King once again used his powerful ideas to find the perfect host. ...

Nerazu's body has been destroyed by the Burning Legion. His soul was imprisoned in the ice. Illidan used the power of the eye of Sargeras to cast spells, which affected the power of Nerazu. There was a gap in his ice, his power was lost, and Arthas' ability was also reduced. Arthas finally defeated Illidan, the demon hunter, and was the first to reach the frozen throne. So Nerazu urgently recalled Arthas and merged with him to become the Lich King.

Arthas used his magic sword Frostmourne to break the ice dungeon where the Lich King was imprisoned, and got Ner 'ozu's soul-possessed helmet and breastplate. Arthas wears a helmet with endless power on his head and becomes the new Lich King! From the propaganda animation of World of Warcraft, we can know that Arthas stabbed the sword into Nero Zu's soul after waking up. He is still independent, Nero Zu is a thing of the past, and a new Lich King is born. Kilgardan promised to give him and his orcs more power as long as he and his orcs worked for the Burning Legion. However, Kilgardan soon discovered that Naiozu was unwilling to carry out his plan at all, and Naiozu soon realized that he was cursing himself and his followers. He didn't want to follow Kilgardan's will and let the warlock go to the endless abyss. Nerazu immersed himself in his own strength and quickly became the most powerful camp in Drino. In several battles, he hit other clans hard.

However, when the Blood Cave team retreated, Ozu did not pursue it-he had a new plan. The beast appeased by the war will soon be massacred! Ozinai made a new plan. He is sure that they can conquer a new world. But in fact, Nerazu is afraid of Kiir Jia Dan's revenge for his arrogance and Kiir Jia Dan's punishment for his attempt to escape to the twisted void.

He wants to avoid the burning legion in the twisted void. With the passage of time, Nerazu accelerated the pace of opening several dark doors to the new world. Knowing that Gourdain's skull was obtained by Treg's chewing bone and cracking ridge, Naiozu sent grom hellscream to slaughter his clan, seize the skull, and then planned to return to Azeroth. He tried to steal more ancient artifacts in Azeroth to help him open a new dark door. Artifact one

Why did Neruzu need those three artifacts? The staff of Sargeras, the book of Medivh, the eye of Dalaran? Although sticks can weaken the boundary, books can provide knowledge and eyes can provide energy, there is a deeper meaning, otherwise he can use Gourdain's skull to provide energy.

Artifact 2

In Delano's astronomical phenomena, there are three constellations, namely, Longstaff, Baoshu and Prophet. Every 547 years, three astronomical phenomena related to these three constellations will appear at the same time. There will be a red spot in the center of the treasure book, a comet will pass through the Longstaff, and one day the moon will cross the sky, and the prophet's eyes will coincide. This is the 547th year.

Artifact 3

So Nero Zu chose the three treasures related to this astrology. With the echo of the constellation, the energy will become stronger, and Khadga also calculated the action time of Nai Aozu. Why does Khadga know this? Because Medivh left a book about the astronomical geography of Delano. Three artifacts and global power

It is not enough to have three artifacts. In order to further ensure the success of the ceremony, Nerazu also destroyed the land vein of Delano and led the whole Delano magic network to accumulate strength together. It was all this that led to the ultimate destruction of Delano.

And the place where he guides all energy is the Temple of Darkness, which is the Temple of Carrapo. After all, Delaney people were built here because it is the intersection of the earth's pulsation.

When he came into contact with all these energy collections, he could sense what was happening on the planet, so when he finished the ceremony, he was also the first person to know that the planet was about to explode, so he abandoned everyone and said, "I am the tribe, as long as I am alive, the tribe is alive, and I will conquer these new worlds with the tribe" and then ran into the portal.

In fact, Nero Zu only needed to open one door at that time ~ ~ The other doors were cracks when the world collapsed, and they were not so stable. Nero Zu's one (that is, the one that led him to Kilgadan) went in and disappeared.

Of course, he couldn't absorb those energy collections, so he stayed there. Because of this, Khadga learned that the world was going to explode and ran to close the door.