Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Teaching design of "I can do it" in senior two Chinese.

Teaching design of "I can do it" in senior two Chinese.

Teaching objectives

Knowledge target

1, understand the meaning and performance of self-confidence.

2. Understand the difference between self-confidence and conceit and inferiority, and their relationship with success.

capability goal

1, learn to know yourself correctly and evaluate yourself objectively.

2, get out of the misunderstanding of self-confidence, not conceited, not inferior.

Emotional attitudes, values and goals

1. Establish a confident attitude towards life on the basis of a correct understanding of yourself.

2. Cultivate students' correct outlook on life and values in the process of helping students establish and enhance their self-confidence.

Teaching emphasis: the meaning of self-confidence

Teaching difficulties: the difference between self-confidence and conceit and inferiority.

Teaching methods: intuitive demonstration, creating situations, and combining questions and discussions.

Process and method:

1, you will know yourself correctly and make an objective evaluation of yourself.

2, can get out of the misunderstanding of self-confidence, not conceited, not inferior.

Teaching aid preparation: multimedia

Class schedule: one class.

teaching process

First, the introduction of new courses.

Play the song "Believe in yourself" and introduce a new lesson:

Teacher: Do you know who sang this song? What's the name of this song? What's your experience after listening to it?

Health: In Jackie Chan's Believe in Yourself, you should believe in yourself and believe that you are the best.

Teacher: What everyone said is good. Today, let's feel confident together. I believe I can do it!

"I can do it!" (blackboard writing)

Second, teach new lessons.

(1) A confident person

Activity 1: Why can Seiji Ozawa stick to his artistic ideas?

Multimedia broadcasting: 1. Japanese conductor Seiji Ozawa once went to Europe to participate in the conducting competition. In the top three competitions, he was ranked last. The judges handed him a sheet of music. He began to direct the performance, and suddenly Seiji Ozawa found some disharmony in the music. At first, he thought that the player had made a mistake, so he directed the band to stop and play again, but he still felt that it was not smooth. At this time, the authorities present solemnly declared that there was nothing wrong with the score, but his illusion.

Teacher: Facing hundreds of international music authorities, what would you do if you were Seiji Ozawa?

Student: I will stick to my point of view and direct music.

Teacher: Before the authority, did Seiji Ozawa really do what you said?

Multimedia playback: 2. Seiji Ozawa can't help but shake his judgment. However, he thought twice and insisted that his judgment was correct, so he shouted, "No, the score must be wrong!" " As soon as his shouts fell, the judges immediately gave him warm applause and congratulated him on winning the game. It turns out that this is a "trap" carefully designed by the judges to test whether the commanders can stick to their own judgments when they find mistakes and the authorities refuse to admit them.

Teacher: Please answer what made Seiji Ozawa get good grades in the end?

Health: Seiji Ozawa is a confident person, who dares to stick to his own point of view and is not influenced by others.

Teacher: Through the story of Seiji Ozawa, we can see how a confident person treats the evaluation of others: persistence. And the persistence of self contains the affirmation and trust of self. Then, we should learn from Seiji Ozawa and believe in ourselves.

Let the students see how confident people treat other people's comments and prepare for the meaning of self-confidence later. )

Activity 2: Praise yourself.

Teacher: Everyone has two doors in his heart, one is called "I can do it" and the other is called "I can't". We should fully discover our own advantages, walk into the door of "I can do it" and smile confidently in the storm.

Multimedia: Continued: I can do it.

(1) Learn Chinese well, I can do it!

(2) Write a good English composition, I can do it!

(3) Help classmates, I can do it!

(4) Listen carefully and finish your homework carefully. I can do it!

Help my mother do housework, I will do it!


Teacher: I'm really glad to hear so many "I can do it" and see that you are so excellent. Everyone has so many "I can do it". To sum up these "I can do it" is to believe in "I can do it" ideologically, to behave as "I can do it" and to experience "I can do it" emotionally. The word "I can do it" has a magical power, which leads us to small success step by step and grow up gradually. Let's recite the feeling that I can do it on page 19 in unison, and experience the magical power that "I can do it" brings us.

Teacher: Can everyone do it?

Health: I can do it!

Teacher: This inspiring "I can do it" is self-confidence. Students, can you talk about "confidence" now? Read page 20 of the textbook and think:

Health: The attitude of "I can do it" is self-confidence. Self-confidence is a person's confidence in his own strength, and he firmly believes that he will achieve something and achieve his goal.

Writing on the blackboard: the meaning of self-confidence

Writing on the blackboard: a sign of confidence

Health: Self-confidence: I believe in thinking-I can do it, and I can show it in action-I can do it, and I can experience it emotionally-I can do it.

This is the first subtitle we are going to learn today-confident people.

Words on the blackboard: confident people

Activity 3: The Style of Confident People

Teacher: Do you want to be a confident person? Can you list confident people? Let us feel the elegance of a confident person. 1. Li Ning should be the world's Li Ning, not China's Nike.

2. The stage is as big as Liu Xiang's heart.

3. Qian Xuesen

Yang Liwei sent me into space with the wisdom of the motherland and people.

Teacher: What other confidence models do you know?

Students: Zhou Enlai, Yang Lan, Deng Yaping and Li Yong. ...

In order to make students' understanding of self-confidence rise to a new height, their understanding of self-confidence is more specific. Show the elegance of many confident people and let students feel the success and excitement brought by self-confidence. At the same time, let students realize that a successful person is also a person with personality charm, and all this is given to them by self-confidence. )

(B) beyond conceit, bid farewell to inferiority complex

Activity 4 Are they confident?

Multimedia Play: (1) Frog Story

A group of animals held a "big game". The old cow stepped into the ring and the audience shouted "Big!" The elephant performed on the stage, and the audience cheered again: "Big!" Seeing this, the frog was unconvinced, jumped on a boulder, bulging his stomach and shouting, "Am I big?" "Not big!" There was a mocking voice. The frog kept bulging, with a bang, and its stomach broke. Frogs don't know how old they are until they die.

Teacher: What do you think of the frog's behavior?

Health: Frogs don't have a correct understanding of themselves, overestimate themselves and get divorced from reality, which leads to tragedy.

(2) The story of female scientists

195 1 year, British female scientist Franklin discovered the spiral structure of DNA from her X-ray diffraction photos. Then she gave a wonderful speech on this topic. Later, she publicly denied her discovery because she was worried that it was true. Later, American scientist Watson and British scientist Crick also found this structure from the photos, and put forward the famous theory of DNA double helix structure, which marked the arrival of the biological era, and Crick won the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

Teacher: Please analyze the reason why Franklin gave up scientific research.

Health: I have no confidence in myself and underestimate my ability.

Teacher: Through the analysis of the above examples, let's sum up the differences between inferiority, conceit and self-confidence.

Blackboard write: that difference between conceit, inferiority and self-confidence

Multimedia playback: The following is a summary list of teachers and students:

How great do you think you are?

Based on facts

Views on pros and cons


Overestimate yourself.


See only your own advantages, but not your own shortcomings.


Underestimate yourself.


See only your own shortcomings, but not your own advantages.

be sure of oneself

Comprehensive, correct and objective evaluation


We should see both advantages and disadvantages.

(This part is both the focus and the difficulty of this lesson. The key to grasp is that conceit and inferiority both stem from incorrect understanding of oneself. Due to the limitations and immaturity of sixth-grade students' physical and mental development, it is easy to misunderstand self-confidence, confuse conceit with self-confidence, and compare inferiority with modesty. In this link, they can help students better understand and distinguish them. )

Through induction, we know that conceit and inferiority are misunderstandings of self-confidence, so we should get out of the misunderstanding of self-confidence, transcend conceit and bid farewell to inferiority.

Writing on the blackboard: getting out of the misunderstanding of self-confidence

Writing on the blackboard: beyond conceit and bid farewell to inferiority complex

Activity 5: Super Performance Show: Inferiority, Confidence and Conceit.

Guess the role of the students according to the performance.

Before the start of school, the head teacher who teaches mathematics came to the class with the results of the math exam, introduced the exam and praised the students who did well in the exam. After class, three good friends looked at their papers and stood together to chat. ...

Performed by three students and judged the winning group.

Think about it. What have we learned and gained today?

Teacher: Self-confidence is the conviction of one's own ability. Inferiority and conceit both come from the wrong estimation of one's own ability. Nowadays, students are in a youth stage that pays attention to individuality, and they are eager to have a platform to show themselves. It is necessary to be full of self-confidence, but all kinds of inappropriate psychological States will become a stumbling block to our progress. Let's bid farewell to inferiority complex, transcend conceit, move towards self-confidence, study hard, live happily, be strong in future life and be the master of our own destiny. I hope everyone can be a confident person. Well, now is the chance. Who wants to show their confidence and recite a poem for everyone?

Activity 6: Appreciation of Poetry "Appreciate yourself"

Maybe you want to be the sun, but you are just a star;

Maybe you want to be a big tree, but you are just a grass;

Maybe you want to be a big river, but you are just a mountain stream;

So, you feel inferior.

Because of inferiority, you always feel that fate is playing tricks on yourself. In fact, it doesn't have to be like this: when you appreciate others, everything is fine; When you look at yourself, it is always bad. Like others, you are also a landscape, with sunshine, air, cold, summer, even a grass that others have never seen, or even a bug that others have never heard of. ...

If you can't be the sun, be a star and shine in your own constellation;

If you can't be a big tree, be a grass and decorate the earth with your own green;

If you can't be great, be yourself. Ordinary is not sad. The key is to be the best of yourself.

Don't always appreciate others, but also appreciate yourself! You will find that your sky is as high and your land is as vast, so you can live in another way.

Cultivate students' beauty, experience their greatness and learn to appreciate themselves. )

Finally, let's enjoy the song "Believe in yourself" and end this lesson.

Homework requires students to collect famous sayings and aphorisms about self-confidence.

blackboard-writing design

Confident people, the meaning of self-confidence

I can show confidence.

Surpass conceit and bid farewell to the differences between inferiority, conceit, inferiority and self-confidence.

Get out of the misunderstanding of self-confidence