Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - A blind monk wrote a composition.

A blind monk wrote a composition.

1. The story of a blind monk 500-word composition Because his family was poor and he couldn't afford a man who only ate and didn't work, he was forced to become a monk because he was born blind.

After years of hard study, he has a deep understanding of Buddhist scriptures. At the age of 20, he was appointed as a monk by Master's old abbot, and since then he has been ordered to travel around the world to get rid of human suffering.

Then, the old abbot gave him a paper bag and a pathfinder: "This paper bag is a folk secret recipe I found. It can make your eyes see again.

However, before opening this paper bag, you must do one thing first-because Pathfinder has broken 10 Pathfinder. "He promised his master, and then he hit the road.

Year after year, he followed the teacher's orders to spread Buddhist scriptures and spent a lot of time on the suffering undead. I don't know how many storms he has experienced and how many miles he has walked. He always had a hope in his heart: break ten pathfinding sticks and let his eyes see again.

But unexpectedly, the scout stick, which doesn't look thick, is unusually strong to use. It was not until the sixth year that the stick given by Master finally broke. In this way, when the blind monk really broke the 10 pathfinding stick, he was already a white-haired old man in his eighties.

But when he was ecstatic and handed the paper bag to the owner of a drugstore, the boss told him that there was not a word on the paper. The blind monk suddenly froze, but after a few seconds, he folded his hands and thanked him, "Master, thank you for keeping me alive in hope in this way. I think this life has been worth it. "

The final destination of everyone's life is the grave. However, we should try our best to make life colorful. Always living in hope, you will be glad you came.

2. The story of the blind monk 500-word composition Because the family is poor, people who only eat and don't work can't afford it. He was forced to become a monk because he was born blind.

After years of hard study, he has a deep understanding of Buddhist scriptures. At the age of 20, he was appointed as a monk by Master's old abbot, and since then he has been ordered to travel around the world to get rid of human suffering. Then, the old abbot gave him a paper bag and a pathfinder: "This paper bag is a folk secret recipe I found. It can make your eyes see again. However, before opening this paper bag, you must do one thing first-because Pathfinder has broken 10 Pathfinder. " He promised his master and went on his way.

Year after year, he followed the teacher's orders to spread Buddhist scriptures and spent a lot of time on the suffering undead. I don't know how many storms he has experienced and how many miles he has walked. He always had a hope in his heart: break ten pathfinding sticks and let his eyes see again. But unexpectedly, the scout stick, which doesn't look thick, is unusually strong to use. It was not until the sixth year that the stick given by Master finally broke.

In this way, when the blind monk really broke the 10 pathfinding stick, he was already a white-haired old man in his eighties. But when he was ecstatic and handed the paper bag to the owner of a drugstore, the boss told him that there was not a word on the paper.

The blind monk suddenly froze, but after a few seconds, he folded his hands and thanked him, "Master, thank you for keeping me alive in hope in this way. I think this life has been worth it. "

The final destination of everyone's life is the grave. However, we should try our best to make life colorful. Always living in hope, you will be glad you came.

3. With regard to the description of the blind monk, Li Qing, a young boy, is determined to become a summoner, and his determination and persistence are unmatched by his peers. Li Qing's talent attracted the attention of Ray Guinard-Ashram, a senior member of the League at that time. While studying Arcane Constellation Magic, he accepted the same courses as other students in frustration. He used his spare time to study the nuances of summoning, hoping to master the essence as soon as possible. Li Qing has made rapid progress in arcane learning, far surpassing other students. Without that accident, Li Qing would undoubtedly become one of the greatest summoners in the League. Li Qing, who can't wait, wants to summon wild animals from the plague jungle to prove her ability. However, instead of successfully summoning the beast, he summoned a divided little boy. Before Li Qing could see the boy's face clearly, the boy fell dead. Later, the alliance investigation found that the whole village where the little boy was located was destroyed by this summoning ceremony.

Because Li Qing's talent is boundless, the alliance is willing to let bygones be bygones, but Li Qing can never forgive herself. So he left the college, went to the monastery to confess, and vowed never to touch magic again. A few years later, in order to atone, Li Qing protested Noxas' occupation of Ionia by self-immolation. When people poured water on Li Qing to put out the fire, his eyes were burned. Fortunately, he was not burned to death, although he endured the pain of burns for several weeks. But his actions paved the way for the league, and Ionia won the game. If you survive, you will be blessed. After this disaster, Li Qing can be described as phoenix nirvana. He joined the alliance, continued to atone with his own practical actions, and did what a real monk would do.

"One person's travel can destroy the world, and everyone's diligence can save the world!" -Li Qing.

The official description of the blind monk, please accept it, dear.

4. Look at the pictures and write a composition. Who is really blind? Who is the real "blind man" in 400 words

In the afternoon, I was reading at home, and a cartoon named "Who is the Real Blind Man" attracted me.

What is drawn in the cartoon is: on a piece of green grass, a board stands upright, which reads "Love Grass". A blind man with a cane came over. The sound of crutches hitting the lawn fence let him know that it was grass. He couldn't bear to step on it and walk around. The two young men carrying briefcases, who should be educated, turned a blind eye to this warning sign and stepped on the grass for convenience. Pointing at the blind people walking on the road, he said in a sarcastic tone, "It is true that the blind people go wrong ..."

After reading this cartoon, I feel ashamed of these two boys and pay tribute to the blind! The blind are blind in their eyes, but they are not blind in their hearts. He doesn't think he is blind, so he can have special care and destroy the environment at will. In fact, if he stepped on the lawn, people might understand that he stepped on the lawn because he couldn't see it. However, he didn't do this, because he has a kind heart, abides by social morality and understands the importance of environmental protection. These people who are not blind, however, regard themselves as blind and turn a blind eye to warning signals, which has made people hate it. They also laughed at the blind people for taking more wrong paths, which was really hateful.

In some public places, warning signs such as "flush after defecation", "Please close the door behind you" and "Don't spit everywhere" can be seen everywhere, but some people "turn a blind eye", don't obey public order, throw things at will, regard themselves as blind, pretend not to see the warning signs, violate the regulations, do whatever they want, feel at ease, and where are their public morals?

Through this cartoon, I hope to inspire the "blind" to be a person with social morality.

Today, my mother took me to the store. There is a lot of wind and sand on the road, and there are sandstorms everywhere. I covered my eyes and asked my mother to tell me the way ahead so that I could avoid obstacles.

Our route is as follows: first go to the bakery to buy bread, and then go to the store to help.

My mother and I walked step by step like this. Suddenly, my mother said, "be careful, there is a speed bump ahead." Stop and take your legs. " In this way, my mother successfully crossed the first obstacle.

My mother and I passed two speed bumps, which I thought would be gone (there are only two speed bumps from my home to school, and the school is close to the bakery). Unexpectedly, my mother stopped me again and told me to take my legs carefully. Because we are going uphill, I have to go up very carefully. Alas, I can't help it. I don't want those damned sands to enter my pure pupil.

However, it backfired. When we pushed the door, we found that the bakery door was closed-the bakery hasn't opened yet! I am very angry, which means that my mother and I have to go through my house from here to the store again.

In this way, I passed those two speed bumps, stepped on two other pits and bypassed a lot of pine trees before I got to the store. This is really not easy!

This incident really made me realize that blindness is not easy. By the way, I want to thank my mother. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be sitting here writing my composition today, but in the emergency room of the hospital! (Iman

6. In the fourth grade, Ganluo wrote a composition, the clever Ganluo.

In ancient times, there was a very clever child named Ganluo. Ganluo's grandfather was a minister of Qin.

One day in the court, the king of Qin said to Ganluo's grandfather, "Bring the eggs laid by the rooster tomorrow, or I will kill you." Grandpa Ganluo went home sighing, and grandma asked him why he sighed! Grandpa told grandma what the king of Qin said to him, and grandma said, "Isn't this difficult for us?" Mom and dad asked grandma why grandpa just sat there worrying! Grandma told them about it. Dad said, "Does the king of Qin have to embarrass us?" When the family was upset, 7-year-old Ganluo ran in. Ganluo saw someone worried and asked his father why you were worried! Dad said, "Let's play outside, we are bored." Gan Luo listened and said, "Oh dear! Tell me! Maybe I can help you find a way! " Grandma told Ganluo that Ganluo laughed. Say, "I have an idea!" " Mother said, "You are the child's family, even we adults can't think of it. How did you think of that? " Ganluo proudly talked about his own way, and grandpa listened and said, "Hey! That's it! "

The next day, when all the ministers were in court, the king of Qin looked out and said, "Where is the old man Gan?" Ministers said they didn't know, but suddenly there was a child's voice outside the door. The king of Qin asked, "Whose child are you?" How did you get here? "Gan Luo said," My name is Gan Luo, and I am the grandson of Lord Gan! The king of Qin asked, "Ganluo, why didn't your grandfather come?" "My grandfather has a stomachache and is going to have a baby!" Ganluo said. The king of Qin said, "Nonsense, how can a man have children!" Gan Luo said, "How can a rooster lay eggs?" Ministers say the child is very clever.

In this way, 7-year-old Ganluo saved grandpa.