Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - What do you think of the report that Yu 'ebao saved money after 90?

What do you think of the report that Yu 'ebao saved money after 90?

Judging from the current pace of life, it is not surprising to save money after 90. After all, with the passage of time, the post-90 s generation needs to bear increasing pressure, and saving money is also a preparation for life. We can clearly look at the report that Yu 'ebao saved money after 90.

First of all, saving money is becoming one of the lifestyles of the post-90s generation. According to the relevant data of Yu 'ebao, the number of people who saved money after Yu 'ebao 90 exceeded the sum of those after 60, 70 and 80. And three out of every four post-90s are saving money with Yu 'ebao, which means that Yu 'ebao has become the main way to save money after 1990s.

However, this is normal. After all, Yu 'ebao is really careful in helping the post-90s generation to save money. At present, the ways for users to save money for Yu 'ebao are pen deposit, ant star wish, salary financing and so on. Users can choose their own financial management methods according to their actual habits. It can be said that there are indeed many ways to choose after 90.

Secondly, saving money after 90 presents four major user categories. With the help of Ant Star, users who are willing to save money according to their goals, users who don't save money at ordinary times, users who save a little money at a time, users who save a lot of money at a time, and users who automatically transfer their wages by opening the monthly balance treasure.

If you look closely, it is not difficult to find that the number of users who save money with Yu 'ebao is relatively large, and almost all the ways of saving money involved in Yu 'ebao are involved. In fact, this also reflects from the side that there are many post-90 s user categories covered by Yu' ebao. No matter how much money, you can always find a suitable way to save money in Yu 'ebao.

In addition, in order to better help the post-90s Yu 'ebao users realize their dream of saving money. Yu 'ebao is also preparing to upgrade. It is understood that this upgrade will transform Yu 'ebao from a "payment tool" to a "comprehensive tool for paying and saving money". Starting from perfecting yourself, it will bring users a better money-saving experience.

As a post-90s generation who saved a lot of money, he answered a wave!

It is said that our post-90 s view of money is not good, there are no old people, no moonlight clan and no losers. ...

In fact, I really want to cry

It's just that those individuals who cut their kidneys to buy mobile phones can't represent all the post-90 s at all.

The "Report on Saving Money after 90s" released by Yu 'ebao really helped us make a fortune after 90s.

Obviously, it is so hard to save money, but you have to wear a hat with an incorrect view of consumption.

In fact, this report is very detailed.

Personally, I have the following ways to save money (suitable friends can also learn):

First, the pen is the strongest way to save money!

Every time you spend a sum of money, you will deposit a fixed amount in Yu 'ebao. There are options for this amount, such as 1.88 yuan, 3.88 yuan, 5.88 yuan and user-defined amount. A month has passed, believe me, looking at the balance in the balance treasure, you will be so happy that you will cry.

The important thing is that you don't need extra operations, unlike when you save money yourself, you have to bother to choose which card to store in, enter your password, and always pay attention to when it will arrive.

Saving pen means saving money when you are not looking. This is a natural feeling.

Second, the desire of ants.

The operation is that after you enter a deposit amount, you define the deposit period, and then the user's balance treasure will automatically deposit a sum of money in the ant star wish within this period, which will be automatically locked, that is, you can't use the money, but the corresponding income still exists.

I set a goal of 10 million ... which shows that it will take 100 years to complete ... so I gave up this star wish and made 10 thousand new wishes. So when setting the star's wish amount, you must pay attention!

3. Automatic payroll transfer

Set how much money is automatically transferred to Yu 'ebao every month. After the salary is paid, it will directly exist in the balance treasure, and the money will be locked. It can't be used, but it can still generate income. Instead of putting it in the piggy bank, it is better to put it in the balance treasure, which can save money and eat some interest.

This is how I save money.

Actually, to put it bluntly, you just need something else to supervise you. Every time you save money, there will be "save it?" Or the idea of "good trouble, don't save this month" appears. So, personally, I think we still need something. I don't even want you to think about it. Just bully the president and save the money for you.

That's it, above!

First of all, for this report, we should make it clear that this is the result of big data analysis, that is, the result of counting the amount of money saved by all users after Yu 'ebao 90, that is, taking the average value. We all know that the average is greatly influenced by the head and tail, so in this sense, the data must be correct. After 90, you did save so much money on Yu 'ebao, but it's not up to you whether the money is yours or not.

Second, the post-90 s scores are divided into two categories, one is those who are still studying after the 90 s, and the other is those who have already worked after the 90 s. The economic gap between these two groups is self-evident. People born in 1990 are now 30 years old and have some savings to a certain extent, while those born in 1999 may not have finished college, and they may make ends meet all day, or even lead a "negative life". Therefore, the flower garden bill is indeed yours, and the 4.5 times deposit in Yu 'ebao has nothing to do with you.

To sum up, Yu 'ebao's Post-90s Saving Report (2020 edition) is the overall data, so it is meaningless to dig every data carefully. This report mainly presents the living conditions and savings habits of the post-90s generation, so that the society can have a more objective macro understanding of the post-90s generation. Some data in it, the concept of saving money after 90, is worth thinking about. At the same time, you can also compare your savings habits and learn to make your savings more meaningful.

Will someone really use Yu 'ebao's Ant Star to save money?

Yes, you can set a lofty goal for Rainbow Jianlin, and first save him 1 100 million yuan; Or, like me, save money to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

All of the above are jokes. Be serious.

First, let's see what the ant's star wish is. This is explained in Yu 'ebao. Ant Xingyuan is a product that saves money for Xingyuan. Users can make their own star wish in the ant star wish. After making and fulfilling the wish for the stars, they can name the stars as a souvenir. Moreover, the data of these stars are provided by the National Astronomical Observatory, with coordinates and constellations, so it is equivalent to carving their own names in space. Isn't it interesting?

Second, worry that the money in the ant's wish is gone? Don't worry? I said it was unnecessary. If you are afraid of losing your blood, then terminate your wish in advance and take out your money. Of course, no one will save money in the ant star wish for decades, right? Really? If there is, forget it. With this perseverance, you don't have to worry about having no money. Moreover, the desire goal of ant star's wish is also short-term, and the amount will not be too large. Taking it out at maturity can also reduce the risk you worry about.

So generally speaking, ants' wishes are interactive and have many attributes of game components, which are more suitable for people who spend money lavishly, have weak self-control and want to save money. Setting a short-term goal properly can help you save money better, and at the same time, it can also make you feel self-disciplined in the process of saving money and be a person who doesn't spend money indiscriminately.

It feels really great to work hard for the goal! Do you believe me?

I think Ali's behavior is a little disgusting.

There is nothing wrong with saving money after 90, because 90 has been labeled as a moonlight clan. With the social and economic development slowing down, the post-90s generation, who gradually gained a foothold in the society, began to save money in succession because they had to consider further plans, which is definitely worth encouraging and appreciating.

You Ali encourages young people to save money with Yu 'ebao, identify these target customers with little money and little financial knowledge, and cultivate their consumption habits. After all, as a commercial organization, it is understandable for you to exercise some commercial activities. However, it is disgusting that young people use Yu 'ebao to save money while speculating on the concept of saving money.

You Ali want these young people to work for you, so you don't have to leave the previous generation behind. "Post-70s and post-80s are not used to online financial management, but post-90s are more likely to accept new things"? Are you kidding? Didn't the previous generation know about online financial management without your balance treasure? The annual interest rate of your Yu 'ebao exceeds 1%. How dare you talk about financial management? Don't use your balance treasure. It just doesn't work, and the interest rate is too low. Do you dare to use young people's rebellious mentality to step on the previous generation in order to deceive them?

So I think it is more appropriate to change this question to "How to treat consumerism to fool young people by forging culture". Although Yu 'ebao's products are not good, in order to fool young people who have just graduated for a few years to use their own products, the merchants labeled the products "Buy our products, which shows that you are a more innovative and receptive person", and then let young people give up other ways of saving money with higher annual interest rate, so that Yu 'ebao can get more potential users. Are you shameless?

Leave these young people alone, they are already in trouble.

Does Ma Yun's Post-90s Saving Report launched by Yu 'ebao mean "standing at the age of 30"?

We found that people born in 1990 can already use 3 to describe their age. It turns out that we have grown up and unconsciously. Therefore, we can actually understand why everyone is so angry after Ma Yun's Yu 'ebao launched the report of saving money after 90.

Actually, it's because the post-90s generation really saves money. On July 20th, China New Economic Research Institute and Alipay released the Report on Saving Money after the 90s of Yu 'ebao (2020 Edition). We really found that the post-90s generation prefer to save money.

In the first half of 2020, the post-90s per capita savings ratio increased by nearly 40% from 20 19, and the average deposit in Yu 'ebao was less than four days.

Indeed, we can clearly see that the money saved by the generation after 1990 is actually based on milk tea. What does this mean? About 60% of the post-90s generation will aim at "saving another cup of milk tea money".

In fact, we also know that although the income of Yu 'ebao has been declining for seven days, Alipay has indeed introduced many new ways to save money, such as saving money with pens and saving money with pens. Through these methods, we can save a sum of money.

In fact, the post-90s generation is really stressed. Save money for employment, work, family, etc. It's really a habit. Therefore, many post-90s really feel this kind of money-saving report, which may be the unique anxiety of post-90s.

Do you have enough money in your Yu 'ebao to spend for yourself? In today's Internet society, many young people are using Yu 'ebao, and flower beds have become a very high-frequency payment method. On July 20th, Alipay released the report on saving money after Yu 'ebao 90. Through the report, let's look at some interesting phenomena.

Report on saving money after Yu 'ebao 90

After four 90s, three will use Yu 'ebao to save money, which shows the universality of young people using Yu 'ebao to save money. The number of people has exceeded the sum of 60, 70 and 80, and the number of users can be seen; The average balance of Yu 'ebao is 4.5 times of the amount to be repaid, and saving money has become the nature of the post-90 s; After 90, he is an activist of saving money, saving once every four days on average; After the epidemic, post-90s prefer to save money. In the first half of 2020, the per capita savings amount increased by nearly 40% compared with 20 19.

Report on saving money after Yu 'ebao 90

Milk tea is becoming a measure of saving money after 90' s, and 60% of the average saving money after 90' s is below 20 yuan; After 90, girls will save more than boys, and girls will save 20% more than boys on average; Libra is the most economical constellation, defeating Taurus and becoming the king of saving money after 90 s; The post-90s generation in the South has a stronger awareness of saving money. Among the top ten people who save money, southern cities account for more than 80%.

The post-90s generation is under increasing pressure, so it is natural for them to start saving money, but the way they save money is really awesome.

With the growth of age, the post-90s generation became more and more responsible, so they also changed their previous lifestyle and began to learn to save money.

It turns out that so many people, like me, use the balance treasure and the pen-and-pencil saving function to save money. I have to admit that the pen-saving function is really popular.